
































内容简介:他,是一个二流郊区医院的普通医生,而且还是妇产科的医生。他,医术精湛,为人低调,但是天下谁人不识君!他,群芳环绕,众香国度,奈何家有千年悍妖妻!对着强势热情表姐的逼婚,妖精美艳妻子的诱 惑,小白医生不得不得黯然的面对一场契约式的婚姻。白文静也由此拉开了他辉煌华丽的人生……1w0-78883 >>


内容简介:穿梭常磐森林之中,在华蓝洞窟留下脚印立于白银山之巅,在美乐美乐海冲浪探寻古代陵墓,深入无数遗迹他为无数位面展现宝可梦世界卡塔库栗:想收服萌虻,妈妈喜欢花粉团。利姆鲁:想骑土狼犬!蝙蝠侠 :超音蝠和嗡蝠,选哪个?宇智波斑:美洛耶塔,你也想起舞吗!卡普:艾比郎的拳头硬还是我的硬?萧焱:小火龙、火稚鸡、火斑喵真夜:想要宝可梦?拿肉来换,拒绝食用宝可梦,从我做起。另外,在开挂之前我就已经是冠军了!于是,忍者兼职养牛,哥谭镇牧场一夜更名,蛋糕岛开办养鸡场,乌坦城成为最大畜牧城市《精灵宝可梦》《口袋妖怪》《神奇宝贝》《宠物小精灵》同人万界元素漫威、DC、火影、海贼、斗破、秦时老书《最强泷影》130W从未断更本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《关东冠军的精灵直播间》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83544 >>


内容简介:在1973年3月初,蓝星人类向神秘的宇宙深空发射了强电磁波信号。时隔五十年后,于2023年4月,蓝星神眼天文台观测中心突然收到外太空的神秘回复。根据黑暗森林法则的宇宙观来看,蓝星的确切 坐标已经暴露。在不久的将来,蓝星文明将会成为宇宙靶心!……世界的未来和文明的走向,在一瞬间,有一百万种可能。楚天歌获得时空推演系统,基于本世界文明进行推演,创造出无数平行时空,疯狂收割一茬茬韭菜,最终1w0-88796 >>


内容简介:重生:人生优化面板无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《重生:人生优化面板》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情小说,小兵免费提供重生:人生优化面板最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-104882 >>




内容简介:  这是一个由召唤师们主导的世界,在这个世界,召唤师是中央舞台上最耀目的主角。 当那神秘莫测的更高的世界变得触手可及之时,当中华文明的荣耀与记忆照进现实之时,降临大炎帝国的召唤师的精彩 故事,就此开始……1w0-1943 >>


内容简介:【2019年火爆正能量种田文,带你秒回田园,领略山水牧歌生活】养养鸡鸭,逗逗黄狗,没事撵撵野猪,掏掏鸟窝,崖间的蜜蜂味道美啊,山溪中捉鱼虾欢乐多,上山打猎配弹弓,虐的野熊笑呵呵,头顶青 鹰守护田,穿山甲帮我寻药咯……明媚的春光里,逍遥少年行,一方小山水,其乐亦无穷!1w0-2280 >>


内容简介:下一本《怎敌她娇软动人心》求预收!林芷出身将门,曾在战场上出生入死立下赫赫战功。上一世,从战场巾帼到深宫弃后,林芷本以为自己的隐忍能换来一世明君与天下安定,然而最后当她横尸宫中无人问津 之时,唯有素未谋面的诚王魏濯替她裹革收尸,叹一声可怜林家一代忠良,林芷这才知道自己错得有多离谱。重活一世,林芷决定既然皇帝昏庸那她便另扶明主,她主动与权倾朝野的诚王示好,这才惊讶地发现这位殿下不仅不似传言中那般不近人情,还挺好撩……世人眼中的诚王:冷酷!无情!权势滔天!虽然长相俊雅但我们还是好害怕……林芷眼中的诚王:悲悯良善可爱好撩长得还特别好看,好喜欢……魏濯:本王权倾朝野对皇位并无执念。林芷:可是我想当皇后。魏濯:夺位登基,立刻安排。女主两世都只与男主一人相爱且成为真正的夫妻,放心食用!架空勿考据,1V1,HE欢迎戳安眠的专栏点击收藏:下一本古言,求预收!《怎敌她娇软动人心》高沉星第一次见到孟陆离时,她看见他提着滴血的利刃斩下了一颗头颅,那颗至死都未曾合眼的脑袋滚到了高沉星的脚边,她因此受到惊吓整整高烧了三日,差点儿烧成痴傻。从此,孟陆离便成了高沉星最害怕的人。父皇病逝,皇后为保幼子皇位将她送至了摄政王孟陆离的床上,此后高沉星的公主殿便成了孟陆离最常夜宿的处所,情至深处他总是喜欢抱着她轻轻地唤她“软软”。他在外有多狠厉对她便有多温柔,可是高沉星还是怕他。再后来,高沉星红着眼看着这个欲还她自由的男人,做出了这辈子最勇敢的一件事,她颤抖着踮起脚尖亲吻上男人的唇——“王爷,你不要软软了吗?”孟陆离本以为高沉星是诱人沉溺的蜜糖,可谁曾知晓她是令他难以自持的美酒,也是他的救赎与良药。娇软纯善小公主x偏执狠厉摄政王高亮:女主柔弱纯善,特别善良的那种,男主性格偏执并非完美之人,1v1,HE如果您喜欢王妃她总想篡位(重生),别忘记分享给朋友作者:喝咖啡安眠所写的《王妃她总想篡位(重生)》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-29149 >>


内容简介:我叫黄素,《黄帝内经》的黄,《素问篇》的素,一名重回二十三前的中医。在世纪之交,追随黄素的名家之路,一同了解中医是如何治病,中医到底能不能治病。小说所有医案都为真是医案,仅供参考,请勿 私下用药。1w0-89646 >>


内容简介:秦云,在神界被一个小人暗害,转生凡人界,却得天地造化,发誓重回神界,定要他们千万倍的偿还可是,当修为的不断提高,一支巨大的无形之手悄然的伸向了他世界之大,谁主沉浮,本少秦云,横跨寰宇, 成就一世之王,有谁不服,定让尔等化星辰!1w0-71285 >>


内容简介:  上辈子,明微疲于奔命,终究没能改变命运,失去了最重要的亲人。  睁开眼,她发现自己回到了七十年前。1w0-572


内容简介:朕真没把敌国皇帝当替身简介:狗血沙雕风无火葬场无真替身文学疯p小野狼暴君攻×咸鱼美人大佬受钟阑从无限流中退休,选了一个古代世界养老,穿成男主的敌国国君。男主被送来当质子,钟阑正好趁此机 会好好宠着男主,就等着男主攻占各国、统一天下,他必会因为长幼情分,当个清闲富贵的快乐废物。一切尽在掌握,钟阑一天天数着退休倒计时,直到发现——自己认错人了!真男主当了三年没人疼爱的小可怜,早就黑化了。钟阑赶紧弥补,但发觉不对劲。他对真男主越好,对方的笑容越冷。几年后,男主成为一代枭雄。传言他是玉面阎罗,1w0-67563 >>

Gensou Suikoden 5 Anthology

From Ramsus-kun: A collection of short manga stories by various artists based on the PS2 video game, Suikoden 5. Volume 1 1) Out of Contron Prince by Yuu Satsuki 2) The Prince's Counseling Room by Sakuraguni 3) Please Heal My Heart by Morozumi Sumika 4) Indecision by Michi Kiri 5) The Melancholy of a Great Tactician by Kawancha 6) Oath of the Setting Sun by Ayumi Takawatari - Miakis' Princess Observation Diary 7) Beavers & Me. by Papiko Nanjyo 8) Genetics by Kaori Akatsuki 9) Flowers by Kuroi M 10) Supersonic Rider by Nao Mitaka 11) A Sure Smile by Tomomi Mizuna 12) The Truth about 16 Years Ago by Satoko Akimi 13) Today, Yesterday-Nothin Has Changed by Ren Koizumi 14) The Secret by Mizuki Fujuu 15) Idol Prince by Harukiyo - Other Omakes 16) On My Mind by Ayumu Hanmichi Volume 2 1) A Father's Depression by Shinki Kisutsuki

Shuukyuu Shoujo

Yuuki kun was one of the star players on his junior high school team; along with his childhood friend Shinichi. Due to a promise that he made with his female childhood friend Miyuki, Yuuki kun has decided to take the long road to the J League by joining a normal school club and winning tournaments, instead of taking recommendations like Shinichi did.... When he checks the club of his selected school, the best club in the country; he quickly notices that the club is completely devoid of any members except for a weird girl that goes by the name of the Fujisaki Rin. She along with her friend Ayane seem to have driven everyone out of the team.... But is it really that Rin and Ayane want to dissolve the soccer club? or could they possible want something else??.... And just what is exactly the promise that Yuuki did with his childhood friends? Well, regardless of the answers it seems that Yuuki isn't in for a smooth sailing, as he completely seems to have fallen into Fujisaki's hands...

Tales Of Hearts

Based on the Nintendo DS game of the same title. Inside every living thing is 'Spiria', the core of each soul. Recently, there is a disease that contaminates people's Spiria, known as 'Despir Disease'. Despir Disease turns out to be due to the presence of Zeroms, the dream eating demons that are believed to only exist in fairy tale, inside a person's Spiria. The way to cure this disease is to link into their Spiria, called Spir Link, get pass the Spir Maze, the labyrinth created by the Spiria and defeat the Zerom before it consume all of that person's Spiria. This can only be accomplished by using Soma, the weapon which allow the person with strong Spiria to link into other people's Spiria and defeat Zeroms. The story focuses on a young man, Shing Meteoryte. After his grandfather leave the quiet village where they lived in, Shing went down to the nearby beach, only to find two people lying unconscious ashore. Those two people turn out to be Kohak Hearts and her brother, Hisui Hearts. The meeting of Shing and Kohak sparks the start of his first adventure out of quiet village to the world . . .

Kohitsuji To Ookami

1) A Lamb and a Wolf: After his apartment was burnt down to ash, Koide Yuu got to stay in a high class mansion because of his wealthy friend’s help. However, the situation changed drastically when his friend’s brother, Oosawa Masakuni suddenly appeared at the mansion. And then the days Yuu became Masakuni’s guinea pig for his sex experiments (which he had no choice but to agree in order to pay for the rent and compensation for an antique vase he broke) began! 2) The Focus of your Glance: On a rooftop, a young gloomy designer meets a guy that was in the same art class as him, while they were at college. 3) Please Do Not Break my Arm: A banker is blackmailing his young boss to have a physical relationship after he discovered that his boss spent the night with a angry client in order to appease him. 4) I want to marry You: When Kaoru's Boyfriend Shougo proposed to him, he thought that it was a bit weird, but then he met Shougo's family... 5) Let's Enjoy Tonght Too: Inaba likes to watch the cute boys in their waiters uniform in his local pub but one of them especially draws his attention. 6) Fall in Love so Deeply with You: Cute high school Story about first love. Asaso fell in love with Shinya from the other class, but does he stand a chance?

Bintang Tertelan

Bintang Tertelan summary: Tahun 2056, di sebuah kota di area Yuan Jiang Su Jin. Di atas reruntuhan, Di atas apartemen perumahan enam lantai yang hancur berantakan, duduk seorang remaja dengan rompi tempur, celana militer, dan sepatu tempur campuran. Di punggungnya terdapat perisai heksagonal dan dilengkapi dengan pisau pertempuran darah-bayangan. Dia duduk diam di tepi atap. Pada saat itu, langit bersinar dan ada udara menyegarkan...

Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life

Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life summary: Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East

Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East summary: Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Settling Accounts_ Drive To The East. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kitchener's Mob

Kitchener's Mob summary: Kitchener's Mob summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kitchener's Mob. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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