简介“求总裁放过!”—— 他怀中妖媚风情的酒吧歌手,就是那个暗恋他多年未果的眼镜男孩。本想不再相见,但第二天却偏偏成为了他的贴身助手!?受尽屈辱……双面娇男隐藏身份,是为躲避旧爱,还是另有隐情?
内容简介:推一下俺的预收,文案在最底下w《绑定猫猫系统后我被攻了穿书》《小人鱼饲养手册》是小锦鲤!【本文文案】全订只要两块八校园文,吸血鬼攻X无痛症受,自割腿肉顾家小少爷顾纵从小含着金汤匙出生, 娇生惯养的,削个笔都由司机代劳,身上破个小口子全家上下守在医院门口。突然有一天,小少爷被人咬了,还不止咬了一口。罪魁祸首龇着牙:“你真甜。”顾纵面无表情地摸了摸脖子,血液沾着些许唾液染红了指尖。某罪魁祸首本着不能浪费的原则凑近舔了舔,下一秒脸上结结实实挨了一拳。第二天小少爷的脖子上出现了一块粉色的创可贴。一时间班上传得沸沸扬扬,司机闻讯连夜开着迈巴赫来到学校接人,却被满脸阴郁的小少爷给无情打发。许曜舔了舔嘴唇,捧着热乎乎的红枣枸杞粥哄道:“乖,补点血。”许曜身上背负着血族最优秀的血统和使命,他尝过许多人的血都是苦的,唯独顾纵是甜的。①受是真的“娇生惯养”,娇气小少爷,但是不弱②无痛症感知不到疼痛,不影响其他感官。小说有私设有舍取,不要代入现实③有五感互通的私设,攻能感受到受的疼痛,后面会解释030———————————————————【预收文案1】《绑定猫猫系统后我被攻了》叶清辞,帝国最强alpha上将。在为帝国收复最后一颗星球途中不幸穿越,穿成一本渣攻书里除了长得好看一无是处的炮灰o。原书里,炮灰o为了渣攻不惜背叛家人,又坏又蠢。失去利用价值后被渣攻抛弃,被得知真相的家人断绝关系,最终颠沛流离、惨死车祸。穿书后,叶清辞才知道自己最后收复的那颗星球叫喵星,而他因为不小心摧毁喵星最后一株猫薄荷引起了喵喵们的公愤。【叮喵喵系统绑定中】【请宿主认真完成任务保护这个世界最后一株“猫薄荷”】——书中,被渣攻们虐身虐心的小甜o主角受的信息素就是猫薄荷味的。【任务成功奖励妙鲜包X1,任务失败按照完成度惩罚变猫程度】因为拒绝任务,头上蹦出一对猫耳朵的叶清辞:“……”再也不捅猫窝了。此后——白天,他是小甜o最好的集美,晚上,他是小甜o最贴心的喵牌暖手宝,作六休一,堪称劳动界的楷模。后来——主角受将他抵在房间角落,亲吻他头顶的猫咪耳朵,散发出的alpha信息素压制得他站都站不稳。“崽崽,你买的那些猫薄荷有我的味道好?”说好的小甜o呢???————————————————【预收文案2】《小人鱼饲养手册》棠鲤是一条人造人鱼,除了长得好看一无是处。其他人鱼唱歌宛若天籁,棠鲤唱歌从不在调上。其他人鱼拥有漂亮的金色卷发,棠鲤只有人类基因带来的柔软黑发。其他人鱼尾巴都是闪闪的金色,棠鲤却带点橘。其他人鱼治愈天赋满级,棠鲤只会舔舔伤口,痛痛飞。因此,人鱼湾的小人鱼们都瞧不起棠鲤,联合起来孤立他。某天 >>
内容简介:萧白为寻成神契机,登上去了天涯海角的界舟,不想却被神境高手袭杀,重生少年时,萧白誓必报仇,他日必定要噬神,屠神!在不断的危难中,萧白不断变强,独步天下,解前世辛秘,快意今生恩仇!本站提 示:各位书友要是觉得《万道帝尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65655 >>
内容简介:穿越到了异界的郑鸣,随身戴着一副英雄牌,只要有足够的声望值,就可以召唤出这些英雄牌中的英雄:借助这些英雄的力量,你可以横刀立马,你可以飞檐走壁,你可以打出天外飞仙,同样也可以让你魔临天 地!当然,御剑九天上,斩魔天地间也不是梦想,就是化身太古金乌,焚天煮海,也不是没有可能……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《随身英雄杀》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61817 >>
内容简介:结婚三年,他从不碰她。离婚以后,他却买下了她的初夜。洛南初冷笑:“滚,卖谁也不卖你!”男人眯起狭长的眸子,笑得腹黑温柔:“初初,那你想卖给谁?”他是桐城权势滔天的帝国总裁,翻手为云覆手 为雨,矜贵高雅,绝世无双,却偏偏对自己的前妻念念不忘。昏暗的总统套房,洛南初被面前高大的男人逼入墙角,忍无可忍:“傅庭渊,当初免费你不要,现在还要各位书友要是觉得《隐婚请低调》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w6628-108584 >>
内容简介:潮热夏日观察记录是由Sansaga所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供潮热夏日观察记录最新章节阅读潮热夏日观察记录全文阅读潮热夏日观察记录免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现潮热夏日观察记录更新慢 了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-74547 >>
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Year XXXX, The Age of Chaos, a dictator meets a vampire who has awaken from 300 years of slumber and is hungry for some tasty blood.
From ShoujoMagic & Nekohana: A collection of short stories revolving around a girl's first time! Story 1: A Boy's Suggestion, by SHINJO Mayu Kana is on a mission of love. How pathetic would it be if a senior like her completed high school without ever having had a boyfriend? That's when Takuya, a freshman with a reputation as someone you don't want to mess with, confidently asks Kana to go out with him. She has misgivings about him being younger than herself, but can she be adult enough to overlook it? Story 2: Virgin Beast, by MINAMI Kanan See Ren-ai Shijou Shugi, volume 2 side story. Story 3: Let's Go Be Daring!!!, by AYUKAWA Mio Yoshino has a crush on Kanou and is too shy to tell him, but if she doesn't act quickly some other girl might. Yoshino's friend tells her how to becoming daring: Don't wear any underwear! This secret technique certainly catches Kanou's attention when a brisk breeze blows Yoshino's skirt up, and... Yoshino needs to come up with a good lie, fast! Story 4: When I'm with You, I Won't Be Home 'til Morning!, by KOUSAKA Yuuka After two months and three days of dating, high schoolers Eimi and Hiroto are finally ready to have sex. Eimi is nervous, but Hiroto seems okay. She heard that he's a real lady killer and his ex-girlfriend was his college-age tutor. Can Eimi -- a virgin -- possibly measure up to the kind of experience Hiroto has had? What will it mean for their relationship if she can't...? Story 5: The Awakening of Love, by SAKURAI Miya High school girl Asuka has a boyfriend who's 23 years old, Hiroyuki. When people comment that older guys must be better in the sack, Asuka confirms it -- but she doesn't honestly know... because Asuka is still a virgin. Unable to stand it any more, she gives it up to Hiroyuki (who didn't know she was a virgin), but instead of bringing them closer together, it drives them further apart...? Story 6: Smooch Smooch Smooch, by MASUZAKI Yoshino Tomo, age 16, has a crush on the university student Yuuji. They even live together. Problem: Yuuji is her cousin! He's never had a girlfriend, but that's because Tomo harrasses him in a series of various 'attack' styles. As her latest attack, designed to make Yuuji jealous, Tomo and her friend Samata pretend to have a relationship when they're in front of him. But when Samata becomes serious about Tomo, Yuuji knows he has to make a decision -- fast. Story 7: Sweet Desires, by SHIGANO Iori Maya caught her boyfriend cheating... Since then she has lost faith in men. But will this change with a sudden kiss, outside a bar... from a kouhai??!!
1st official fanbook of the Touhou series, is written by ZUN and drawn by Kususaga Rin and some others. It features Aya Shameimaru writing a newspaper about the Touhou world, with some comics and newspaper articles. It also comes with a music CD featuring tracks from POFV. Circle/Artist list01 Haniwa's Store & ZUN02 Makoto Kurasawa03 Iron Temple/Yuki Narumi04 Shunichi Fujiwara05 Misuzu Fujimiya06 Yamai07 Harao08 Kiriu09 Clash house/Hirasaka MakotoZUN only involved in the 1st chapter.Hirasaka Makoto is the mangaka who writes several Touhou official mangas
1-3) Sweet Warmth. After a difficult time of being dumped by his lover and getting hurt by falling down the stairs, Shinshu meets Fushimi at work, where he is assigned to help him due to his injury. Fushimi is tender and thoughtful towards him, which is a different experience for Shinshu. 4) Kiss at Midnight. When childish and spoiled Harumi gets rejected by his housemate whom he loves, he moves in with Hisaya who has always been there to pick up the pieces for him. 5) If Love is Secondary. Natsuhiko gets drunk one night and is taken home by Jin. Natsuhiko seduces Jin, only to realize later that Jin is his college crush who turned him down! Jin was such a playboy back then, has he changed at all? 6) The Love that Follows You. Takashi is ready to propose to his girlfriend, but she never shows up for their date. At her apartment he finds a note and her younger brother Yukinari. With his girlfriend gone, Takashi starts spending time with the lonely Yukinari, but is he only a father figure to the younger man?
Can’t Stop Craving Potions summary: Can’t Stop Craving Potions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Can’t Stop Craving Potions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Where I'm Calling From summary: Where I'm Calling From summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Where I'm Calling From. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ten Thousand a-Year summary: Ten Thousand a-Year summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ten Thousand a-Year. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Personal Recollections of a Cavalryman summary: Personal Recollections of a Cavalryman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Personal Recollections of a Cavalryman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.