简介大先森与木小姐de工作室联合网易漫画青鹿社推出 亚瑟从明星通灵师一朝沦为落魄的神棍,声名狼藉能忍,身无分文怎么能忍?!恰巧遇到灵力非凡的呆萌巫女,当然是…把她收为手下一起赚钱打拼啊!
内容简介: 神州烽火,诸侯纷起! 武将争锋,谋士扬名! 苍茫乱世,谁可为皇! 北魏东吴,牧明为尊! 锦绣河山,舍我其谁! ——牧氏龙图。 ———————————————————— 本书群(514260688)拾字营,喜欢的书友,可以来转悠一下!1w0-1962 >>
内容简介:苏瑶不想抱人生赢家的金大腿,为完成任务,她跑去套路男炮灰。世界一:和离宗室女×硬茬子年羹尧,为保住儿子不被斩首,为享受锦衣玉食,年羹尧你收敛点。世界二:落难皇贵妃×偏心眼弘昼,外来者毁 了她的生活,那就打断穿越女的金大腿,掀翻四阿哥弘历。世界三:殉葬贞妃董鄂氏×绿云盖顶博果尔,那段轰轰烈烈的帝妃之恋今生be,这可不关她的事,她只是拐了个纯情小王爷做夫君。世界四:孤老七福晋×残疾胤佑,让奔赴四各位书友要是觉得《清穿夫君都是炮灰臣子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-94447 >>
内容简介:上一世,末世十年,人类在经历了地震、干旱、瘟疫、冰雹、严寒等天灾后,世界人口十不存一。生死存亡之际,穆清有幸得到了一个空间,但是最后也死于这空间且看这一世,她怎么在这末世不断的天灾中带 着家人活下去,低调发财,在家中享受土豪般的生活;穆清:前一世,穆清不明白为什么有人能够天天吃肉,这一世,啃着鸡腿儿,她就是看喜欢仇人看着自己吃美食恨得牙痒,但是又干不掉自己的样子呢……本文属于爽文,苦谁不能苦女主1w0-117944 >>
内容简介: (非原著党勿入)玉天恒:“陆天羽......我的武魂是蓝电霸王龙,拥有操控雷电的能力你会什么。”陆天羽:“我会体术......。”戴维斯:“陆天羽......我的武魂是白虎,可以和 幽冥灵猫武魂施展武魂融合技你会什么。”陆天羽:“我会体术......。”“陆天羽......我的武魂是......你会什么。”陆天羽仰天大吼道:“都说了,我会体术......。”1w0-2086 >>
内容简介:别人穿书,田秀也穿书别人:倾国倾城,富可敌国,文能治国安邦,武能开疆扩土,后宫三千,万人敬仰,妥妥的主角命田秀:她睁开的第一眼,就看见一个容貌俊朗,气质出众,一看就知道绝对英俊多金的男 人,温柔的双手执起她的手,泪眼婆娑,感情真挚的轻唤道各位书友要是觉得《快穿我是虐文男主他妈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72843 >>
内容简介:他有绝世功夫,大少公子统统踩在脚下!他有逆天医术,死人都能救活!他还有一双超级神眼,战斗,催眠,样样行!书友群:四六七五六八六六三vip正版订阅群:六四七九四九六六九1w11903-2 9621 >>
内容简介:大明太子朱慈踉,南下登基,先平左良玉,再灭东林党,稳固南明江山。建立强军,剿灭流寇李自成和张献忠,发动北伐,击败满清,收复江山。铁骨铮铮,四方拓土!明末的世界很精彩,奥斯曼,荷兰从鼎盛 走向没落,英国崛起,沙俄崛起,莫卧儿帝国华夏也一定不会再如历史上那般沉寂!作者自定义标签热血争霸流本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《逆明1644》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70339 >>
内容简介:为了活下去,季灵绑定了一个执念系统,完成委托人的任务就能继续活着。然而季灵怎么也没有想到,任务里永远有一个变态大佬在等着她!宠妹狂魔:“小乖乖,你到底什么时候才能长大?”灭世教授:“你 不在,这世界要来有何意义?全部毁掉!”星球司令:“这三千星系,你若想要,我全部打下来给你。”魔道至尊:“佛?你若为佛,我渡你入魔!”季灵表示,打不过骗不过,还不能逃吗?!然而,变态大佬摸着她的头,笑眯眯道:“小可爱,你要乖,不要逃哦,不然整个世界都会为你陪葬。”季灵闻言只想倒地不起,“大佬!求放过!!”1w0-95371 >>
内容简介:【下一本写:】《替身皇后她不想争宠》,专栏可收藏【文案一:】酸汤粉儿,酱牛肉。客官,可要再来一碗新品紫米圆子?今早上岸的鳜鱼,片好了肉,滚了粥。烤鸡配香茅;鲜蚝配蒜蓉;番茄配肥牛;洋芋 儿配紫葱。还有我家特制的椒碟儿,别处吃不着的,管够!【文案二:】明家长子明煜,年仅十五便军功加身,任禁军大都督数载,杀伐果断,与帝王《蜜儿》小说推荐:太岁、我在名著世界优雅老去、我给前夫当婶婶、望春山、宫女上位记、今天也想和师尊灵修、宫阙有贪欢、继房嫡女、剑名不奈何、咸鱼飞升、郅玄、女配修仙之逆袭路、本王在此、师兄皆大佬唯我小废柴、我为表叔画新妆、掌中美人、作精洗白手册(快穿)、江湖遍地是奇葩、炮灰原配的人生快穿、袖里春1w0-95455 >>
内容简介:一双可以看穿基本法则的魔瞳,再加上一座收集了地球到瑞泽尔穿越数据的灵魂数据库,就等于一个规则中的漏洞,俗称bugPS:重拾节操,竖立正确三观,传播正能量已完本《星际传承》《唯一进化者》 《机甲战神》,节操满满放心食用本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《破法之眼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67475 >>
内容简介:隐婚四年,她尽职尽责,听话乖巧,最终得到一句:“你很好,但我要和别人结婚了。”于是一纸协议,她净身出户。她不怨,因为从结婚开始,她就知道,他们只是一场交易。如今,不过是交易结束了而已。 她本想藏起心中旖念,从此以后分道扬镳,各自安好。“你怀孕了。”医生一句话,打断了她想要得平静的生活。而他也忽然出现,满目冰冷的说:“你违约了,你要付出代价。”1w0-4947 >>
Before the outbreak of the colony war, forces were at work shaping the future and preparing its players for the final game. As children, Heero, Relena, Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei have endured more pain and difficulties than most people experience in a lifetime and would have broken the will of any normal person. Learn their stories and motivations for becoming prominent characters in shaping the future of the world. Each chapter is named after a character and features that character's past/origins. According to Sumisawa (author), the events of Episode Zero were supposed to appear in the TV series, just after episode 27. But due to complications in the production schedule, things didn't go as planned and it was eventually omitted. Episode Zero was created per Ikeda Masashi's (director) request. Reading direction: Right to left
The time is 972 A.D. in Kyoto, the capital of ancient Japan. Kyoto is becoming a corrupt and run-down city; selfish samurai and onmyoji, who care only about gaining political power are everywhere. To make matters worse the city is suffering from famine and widespread disease. Unable to ignore the condition of the city any longer, the Imperial Court decides to send Minamoto no Raiko, a famous samurai well-known for his archery skills, to recover a legendary gem, the Magatama, said to hold mysterious power to save the world. However Raiko also falls ill to disease. Instead his youngest sister, Hikaru, decides secretely to make the journey in his place. Hikaru meets many people, and has many adventures while on her trip for the legendary gem. Serves as a prequel to the anime. -- Tokyopop
Revery Earth presents you with three meanings, one per each volume. Eric is on a journey to revenge his brother's death, Jurd. He saves a prince who identified himself as Sion. Giving Eric an awkward reason, Sion helps Eric on his journey.Eric and Sion come across a town where reports of a strange light in a forest nearby. Eric and Sion seek out the light and ended up finding out the lights were fairies. One of the fairies, Rem, joins Eric and Sion. [Taken from JanimeS]
Shinjou Shouryuu is a healthy 17 year old high school boy. Many of his kouhais wonder why such a great guy doesn't have a girlfriend. Ask him and he'll tell you that between school, work, and saving his kouhais from bullies doesn't leave him much time to go on dates. So he instead goes online to 'F.I.L. GATES'. There in the chat room his alter-ego, Kakeru, is infatuated with the girl called Hal. Hal sends a message reminding him that Sunday will be the 6 month anniversary of when they first met (online) and that she wants to meet him in person! And let's just say it's not your typical first date. This manga is about the romance and complexities of an internet relationship.
Courting Disaster summary: Courting Disaster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Courting Disaster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Little Girl Who Was Taught By Experience summary: The Little Girl Who Was Taught By Experience summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Little Girl Who Was Taught By Experience. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
At Aboukir and Acre summary: At Aboukir and Acre summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At Aboukir and Acre. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Badlands_ Book One summary: The Badlands_ Book One summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Badlands_ Book One. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.