简介在拥有超越人类,超自然能力的贵族中,依然属于特别存在的莱,从漫长的睡梦中醒来之后,在自己曾经的侍从佛兰肯斯坦的帮助下,开始了平凡的校园生活。但是,学校里认识的朋友们却因为不明身份的存在而受到威胁,为了守护住人类,莱愤然决定与那些不明的恶势力开始战斗。 吸血鬼中的王者,暗黑系动漫迷强推!《大贵族》同名动画每周三晚上11点 LINE TV华丽更新。
内容简介:盛世医香之嫡女不下嫁范清遥全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《盛世医香之嫡女不下嫁范清遥》范清遥凤鸣著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读盛世医香之嫡女不 下嫁范清遥全文内容。1w21962-29386 >>
内容简介:《非正常关系》小说简介:时晴是圈子里出了名的美人,生得又娇又媚,纵然眼光高如莫止,见到她的第一眼也照样被深深惊艳。一向冷静自持的男人,突然去哪都带着个明艳女郎,所有人都说他是一见钟情, 是动了真心,他却只是淡淡笑笑。……时晴再好,不过就是别人的替身。可他偶尔午夜梦回,也会莫名觉得彷徨,时晴跟他在一起,又是为了什么?楼海的其他作品:当时明月在、当然选择原谅她1w0-98421 >>
内容简介:有那么一种魔法以卡牌魔法为基底,参考了星灵魔法的召唤,模仿了具现之弧的想象创造,再以附加魔法赋予各种属性,创造出各种各样拥有魔法力量的怪兽。此魔法,被称之为‘召唤之卡’作为此魔法唯一的 拥有者,卡尔文·马卡罗在伊修迦尔上书写着自己的传奇。这是名为卡尔文·马卡罗的的故事。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《妖尾之召唤魔导士》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80797 >>
内容简介: 重生孙策,雄霸三国。 一梦醒来,成了小霸王孙策,亲爹孙坚正在襄阳作战,命悬一线。 爹要救,江山要打,乱世和美人都要拯救,但事情却不是想象的那么简单。 袁绍四世三公很强大,江东 缺马难争霸。天子年少很聪明,读书人自负又天真。黄巾余波尚未平,门阀已经现雏形。名臣猛将只是舞台上的影子,背后还有无形的手。 有痛快,有遗憾,更有无奈,但初心不变。 用一点先见之明,集结良臣猛将的智慧和坚强,铸就一个强大文明的脊梁。 这是我的三国,我是小霸王孙策。 —— 老庄书友群:23470572,欢迎入裙!1w0-3730 >>
内容简介: 重生醒来,她成了被亲哥们送进疯人院的小可怜。亲哥们只疼当年被抱错的假千金‘妹妹’,对她百般厌恶。于是裴允歌作天作地,收拾假千金,等着他们叫她滚。可哥哥们态度诡异。秦总冷笑,“我妹砸 店?来,给我把商场买下来,让我妹砸!”秦影帝挑眉,“她送上门潜规则?那我这个哥哥是死了吗?”秦神脸黑,“你三番两次耍心机欺负歌儿,当我眼瞎?”裴允歌:“?”#渣哥也有抽风的一天#……重返8年前,秦家还没破产,哥哥们只惦记为他们惨死的亲妹。无能傻笨又怎样,那也是他们誓死爱护的心尖宠!正当哥哥们步伐坚定,找到裴允歌时。“我家允允又拿了世赛第一,这么乖啊。”斯文矜贵的男人笑得勾人。被连扒七八个马甲后,她气得牙痒,抱着男人咬了一口,“以后你别想哄我回家。”三个亲哥:“?”#这个迷之走向和野男人是怎么回事#【团宠+掉马】【超A妖精大佬+斯文败类大总裁】1w0-1871 >>
内容简介:别人穿越、他也穿越可是说到穿越、百分之九十九点九九的人都是在非自愿的情况下穿了的。可是他高任却不是、他是自愿穿的、还是那种被人逼的走投无路的情况下火急火燎的穿了。高任很低调、更喜欢很颓 废的活着、安逸于毫无上进心碌碌无为的过日子。只要一日三餐粗茶淡饭他就很满足了。然而事与愿违、物极必反。就在那个被高任很自愿穿过去的酷亚大陆却因为他的到来而发生了惊天震地的巨变高任看着从天空中掉下来刚好落在他那二亩三分地菜田里的庞大白色物体,顿时欲哭无泪;“鸟人大哥、你降落就降落、干嘛非落在我田里来啊”就差那么半米远就跑别人田里了、也就和自己无关了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1w7485-77220 >>
内容简介:【消耗1000灵石,开始修仙模拟。】20岁,你对美女表白,被拒绝。21岁,你被情敌追杀,饮恨西北。【模拟结束:不该有的心,不要有。】……若干年后。“兄弟,听说悦心楼开业,一起去看看吧。 ”“等会,我先打个坐。(模拟一下)”【消耗1000灵石,开始修仙模拟。】……《我的修仙模拟器》《我可以无限修仙模拟》1w0-88568 >>
内容简介:古老的暗黑大陆,人类苦苦挣扎在三魔神的邪恶野心之下,与天堂死守住世间的最后一片光明带着系统穿越到类似于暗黑破坏神游戏的异世里,方逸风会经历些什么?有着魔兽技能和英雄联盟装备的方逸风,又 将会在异世大陆上,掀起怎样的浪潮怀念一下最初的感动,爆出各种想要的装备时的感觉,这本书,你值得拥有郑重提示,本书属于慢热型,请耐心观看!)暗黑之我有系统书友交流群:(571553150)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《暗黑之我有系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78313 >>
内容简介:简介:【暴力美学】【不圣母】【角色扮演】【群号:752974385】书又名:《开局扮演神父的我,在惊悚世界杀疯了!》《什么惊悚游戏?这明明是神父的屠宰场!》扮演暴力神父安德森:死人也敢 在我的面前行走!偏离世间唯一的理法,我将送你们回到地狱!扮演大慈大悲肖自在:我并不好杀,只是有点残忍。生我者不可,因为双亲都以故去;我生者未知,因此不敢有后;余者,无不可!…………观众:“卧槽!疯了吧!整个副本的鬼都快被他杀完了!”“林北,被黑暗所畏惧的神父!”“他在狂笑,那些鬼又要遭殃乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《我在惊悚世界扮演杀生神父》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75006 >>
内容简介:被人栽赃陷害贪污受贿的胡飞在心灰意冷之际,他继承了一个活了九万年的人的一切,一个活了九万年的人有多少财产?房子不是几套,要看是多少栋。汽车?不你得问有几个汽车公司。游艇?飞机?妹子?这 些都不是问题。他只想说,从这一刻起,他就是神豪!各位书友要是觉得《都市之我就是神豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-54862 >>
内容简介:这是一个穿越成为了火影中的第一美女纲手姬的故事,体内还有了一朵具造化之力的青莲。树界降临镇山河,改天换地。由生命力构成的翅膀和铠甲,生生不息,造化无穷。生命领域内,无所不侵,先天不败。 掌进化之力,生命女神之名传遍忍界。千手一族的再兴,五影的惊骇。忍战的平息,宇智波斑的愤怒。各路原著人物的命运是否改变。好吧,就到这里,各路看1w0-97568 >>
From Which Scanlations: 1. Kyoukasho wa Oshietekurenai 2. Toumen na Jikan Normally, people who have died haunt their lovers or their enemies... So why is Yuuri, the ghost of a high school girl, following her boyfriend's little brother around? 3. Kanojo no Tabako 4. Okubyou na Kimi no Te - The Untouchable Venus Shino thought she could drive away the persistent Takeomi by telling him that she didn’t want to do anything physical–even hold hands–until she was married. But he agreed, and the two of them had a good relationship until Shino’s first boyfriend showed up and revealed the real reason why she was “waiting”. 5. Kyoukasho ni wa Notte Inai 'In high school, our responsibility is studying... But isn't it also important to learn about love?' Hinokawa wants to know the things that can't be found in a textbook--but the teacher she's chosen to focus her affections on isn't exactly responding the way she wants him to.
Kikuchi and Akitsu have an unusual yet comfortable friendship all through high school. But after high school, they've lost contact with each other until their path crossed again on their first day of work! On the surface, Akitsu seems to always verbally abuse the levelheaded Kikuchi. Until one day, Akitsu realizes that he has fallen for Kikuchi! Would Akitsu cross the line between friendship and love? An angsty story of office workers Haiji style! Also included, the story of Shu and Shindo. After two years of absence, the gun-shy Shu runs into his previous lawyer lover and protector, Shindo. Will Shu overcome his fear of love this time and come together with Shindo bodily and wholeheartedly? (From FantasyShrine)
From MangaHelpers: In the 1950s, an old woman was brutally murdered on the face of a clock tower by her adopted daughter. Two years later, the clock tower is known as the 'ghost tower' and it is supposedly haunted. Through an unusual series of events, a young NEET man named Amano Taichi is attacked by someone or something in the same clock tower, and finds himself bound to the clock face to be killed in the same way as the old woman. Luckily for Amano, he doesn't meet the same fate. He's rescued by a mysterious person who claims his name is Tetsuo. Tetsuo is searching for a treasure that is connected with the ghost tower, and he wants Taichi to be his partner. Taichi, whose life has mostly consisted of poverty, loneliness, and pornography, is enticed by the idea of gaining extreme wealth. He's further convinced when a house fire leaves him without a home and depends on Tetsuo's charity. The adventure is going to be very dangerous, since the same 'enemies' who attacked Taichi before seem certain to try something again! Not to mention, Taichi really knows very little about his new partner.
Collection of Blame-related short stories: • Zeb-Noid A bloody war that spans millenniums. Two soldiers set out to kill each other. An encounter that could change their two species’ fate forever. • Blame Academy! • Blame Academy! - Tokyo and Nara Under One Umbrella • Blame Academy! - Under the Tower of Blooming Sakura • Parcel • Blame! NSE (NSE: Netsphere Engineer) The much-awaited sequel to BLAME! follows a man, called a Dismantler, who is in charge of sub-dividing the nexus towers that incurr Safeguard interference upon its detection of humans without the net terminal genes. Although humans are once again able to reside in the Net sphere, the Safeguard are still a threat. The Dismantler or NSE, or Net sphere engineer, goes on a journey to aid mankind in their survival. • Pump • Blame!² The protagonist is a descendant of Pcell. This story happens a long time after the events of Blame!. This young silicon creature knows well the havoc that Killy brought and decides to move towards the end of the megastructure, to look for him. • Numa no Kami • Winged Armor Suzumega While it’s not explicitly mentioned in the story, it’s believed that Suzumega is at least somewhat related to Abara since it features the Gaunas. - Kotonoha
Quick Transmigration - Counter Attack Of Various Characters summary: Su Li dies of a chronic illness and is bound to a system. Now this could be considered a blessing in disguise. Though skeptically and wary she still decides to put her best foot forward. She completes her a.s.signed tasks earnestly keeping in mind not to let anyone catch on to the fact that the genuine goods have been overtaken be her. how ever she soon realises that someone keeps following her from...
Vestigia summary: Vestigia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vestigia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Slips Of Speech summary: Slips Of Speech summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Slips Of Speech. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Henrietta's Wish; Or, Domineering summary: Henrietta's Wish; Or, Domineering summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Henrietta's Wish; Or, Domineering. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.