内容简介:【金三角之歌】系列第二部庄安妮篇隐形人间富贵花·庄安妮v疯批豪门太子爷·林啸堂◆1v1、HE、甜而宠◆双向奔赴、情有独钟、破镜重圆|庄安妮心中不禁唏嘘,他竟一点没变,表面看似温文尔雅, 实则是个内心阴鸷的斯文败类。举手投足风度翩翩的贵公子,也不过是华服加身的西装暴徒。|这段让她大彻大悟的感情,她曾被他逼到绝境,从她逃离他那一刻,她开始重生、经历痛苦的蜕变。如今,即便他就站在她面前,她1w0-97305 >>
内容简介:事实证明,是金子不管在哪里,都可以发光,把连锁餐饮业,从现代开到了古代的唐姌,现在可谓是小有资产,然而事业如意了,但是这爱情就比较坎坷了,为了根治她体内的情毒,唐姌不得不暂时和陆璟御分 开,希望两人再次相见之时,就是相守永远之际1w10022-60893 >>
内容简介:苟这个字言简意赅,处处透露着种花家博大精深的文化。“医生奶我!”马红俊大呼。胡医生微笑“来来来,把头伸过来我给你上个buff。”手里掏出了偌大的锤子。“呵呵呵,我开玩笑的。三哥你说喃。 ”唐三无奈的叹气“医生锤子收回去吧,你可是辅助魂师。”胡医生开心的收起了锤子“对对对,三哥说的对,我可是一个辅助。来马红俊我给你上个荣誉。”“噢噢噢噢,我感到力量涌现了出来,现在的我能大十个!”突然想写斗罗,毕竟是我追的第一个网文,挺怀念的。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《圣骑斗罗》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79871 >>
内容简介: 新书《宠夫令》上线,求小可爱们宠爱!一纸赐婚,朝野震惊。平阳侯府武功高强祸害一方的大小姐出阁啦!可怜新郎温润如玉俊美无疆,好好一朵鲜花被牛粪糊住。男主:喂,你有点狂啊!女主:什么是 狂,这叫王!1w0-298 >>
内容简介:——纵你成仙,也逃不出我这一剑。她持剑,纵横捭阖,无数仙人在她剑下丧命。于是,好事者多名之曰:仙见愁。仙见愁仙见愁,仙人见了也发愁。后来,他们叫她“见愁仙子”。传闻,她有过一位夫君,曾 杀妻证道。“仙见愁”是个女人,是这浩浩三千界唯一一个不想成仙的修仙人。备注:1、日更;2、女主最帅;3、读者群:383408056;作者专栏作者微博1w0-4963 >>
内容简介:唐不知胆子很小。因为额头上的丑陋胎记让她吃了太多苦,她不爱讲话、不爱抬头,只想把自己锁在自己的牢笼里,她不出来,别人也看不见她。但从小自卑怯弱的她,在遇到他之后才知道,原来小丑也是可以 做公主的。路知之是个禽兽。他第一眼见到怯生生的小姑娘时,瞅见她包了两汪泪水儿的眼,他脑子里的第一个想法就是:想肏,肏得她哭,哭着求他。后来,路知之不止想肏她,还想宠她疼她,想把她宠得不知胆小懦弱、疼得不知难过为何。泪失禁小哭包×雅痞心理医生1V1,SC首发:po【海棠搜书】「po1⒏υip」1w0-75900 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我,真的可以吓死人】【2019火热新书】千万不要惹我,我真的可以吓死人!!!你受到了饿死鬼的攻击,惊吓值1,您有惊无险……你受到了红衣女鬼的攻击,惊吓值66, 您有惊无险……你受到了百鬼夜行的攻击,惊吓值999,您有惊无险……【叮咚】:感受到了宿主的愤怒,目标锁定,惊吓值十倍威力转化为攻击!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-76446 >>
内容简介:?《队友都是深井冰》小说精校版,无删减?由狐生有梦所著,点击全文免费在线阅读。游戏主播荆宇一时失足,跌入了一个画风成迷的职业战队:上单:我就是闭着眼睛,睡着,做梦,都能把你们全杀了!中 单:退缩?不存在的。我哪怕只剩一滴血,也要把你们全杀了!射手:远程优势是什么?我就爱近身缠斗!有种别跑,让我把你们全杀了!辅助:辅助?辅助个鬼!1w0-75989 >>
内容简介:原名《渣攻的替身弃夫穿书》微博—后简,1200更新谢宁穿进了一本狗血·替身·生子·渣贱·be文里,成了那个被虐死的替身贱受。渣攻还有白月光,白月光比谢宁美,比谢宁性格好,还比谢宁有事业 。怎么看,谢宁这个贱受都没法逆袭。于是谢宁穿越之后第一件事就是跟渣攻摊牌离婚,却遭到了渣攻的一票否决。渣攻:你引起我注意的方式还真够特别的。谢宁:卒。为了自己不死的那么惨,谢宁只能决定当一只渣攻的捧哏。谢宁:阿湛你不是喜欢阿陵吗?我可以教你的,追男十八式了解一下?渣攻:?你神经病啊!谢宁:您说的都对。渣攻:……不遗余力地给渣攻和白月光创造机会,时刻关爱渣攻身心健康,亲切慰问白月光并拼命给白月光在娱乐圈铺路。谢宁谦卑道:起码让我活到he结局。若干月之后,终于忍辱负重离婚成功的谢宁发现……渣攻:阿宁……我好像喜欢上你了。白月光:原湛有什么好的,阿宁,跟我在一起吧!谢宁:???谢宁:wtm只是想当个安静的舔狗啊……然后,他发现自己怀孕了!推荐一下基友们的文灵异现耽《鬼屋创业指南》by燕行仙侠古耽《我和道尊化敌为gay剑三》by明韫狗血现耽《被告白后我重生了娱乐圈》by为喵作伥年代幻言《凝脂美人在八零穿书》by清春是金色锁链穿书幻言《穿成反派带球跑的小娇妻》by一碗麻辣烫甜文现耽《易燃关系》by夏汭生然后自己开了个狗血穿书预收哈哈哈,大家闲得无聊动个手指收藏一下呀《穿成反派的寡妇小妈》唐珏穿进了一本生子甜文。然而,他穿成了那个导致反派黑化的——反派的寡妇小妈。这个小妈年轻貌美,肤浅拜金,为了贪图丰厚的遗产嫁给了反派病在旦夕的爹,并打算在反派爹死后就跟自己的小白脸私奔。可惜,最终还是被反派给抓回来给虐疯了。唐珏:瑟瑟发抖jpg好在唐珏穿来的时候,反派爹刚死,原主还没来得及行动。于是——分遗产的时候唐珏:我是真心喜欢你爸爸,遗产我是不会要的,给我钱就是侮辱我的人格!小白脸找上门的时候唐珏:你不要再纠缠我了!我这辈子只会喜欢一个人!就这样,唐珏成功离开了反派的住处,只拿了一笔小钱,自己出去打工。若干天之后在暗中默默观察的反派:他好像真的很爱我爸,世界上竟然有比xx(男主)还真诚不做作的人。很好,他成功引起了我的注意!若干月之后成功让小妈怀上自己崽的反派:反正我是反派,娶自己小妈这种事,根本就不算事。唐珏:滚!1w0-29044 >>
内容简介: 重生之初,周某人最初的愿望只是能做一个一年365天每天收一次年租的包租公。 可惜,不知什么时候,他的生活没有了悠闲。 隐形的财富,从百万富翁、亿万富豪,一步步超越福布斯富豪榜上 的名字。 曾几何时,随手一弹,便是盛夏。 《书友群234389391,全订可入全订群》1w0-2570 >>
From In the Water: The continuation from Deep Love - Host. This story is about Reina, a cheerful 19-year-old single mother. During Ayu's Story, Reina was raped in a Karoke bar and eventually gave birth to a baby girl she named Ayu. Now, Reina has fallen in love, but when she told him she had a child, he dumps her! And what's worse is that her daughter, Ayu, accidentally falls down the stairs and during the surgery she becomes blind! What will happen to this once very cheerful mother?
What a strange world of monsters! I was hit on the head by an incense burner, and a mysterious power woke me up inside of me! I Woke up to find my boyfriend and stepmother who have been with me all the time have started been visible to me as monsters, and when I checked with others I found out that my boyfriends monster Arura was the strongest, so now let me take you into the world of monsters for a journey!mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
The people of Earth live in a society where vampires aren’t just real but dangerous. Although humanity has been able to keep them under control and even take the night away as the vampire’s natural habitat, some of them have adapted. Hesperides, a relatively new breed of vampires, have adapted over hundreds of years in order to be able to go outside during dusk when the sunlight is at its weakest and feast on humans. Aburaya Shiro, a high school kid, lives in a town where there has not been a vampire attack in years, but adults keep warning them of going outside at dusk. Shiro and his classmates take this warning lightly and head out at dusk only to find out one of their classmates who they thought they knew well turnz out to be a Hesperides. With all his classmates violently murdered, the only way Shiro was able to survive was with the help of a different classmate, Ichijoji Eruka, who doesn’t seem to be human herself.
In a world where the Demon King had taken over a fifth of the land. Souma Kazuya (Soma) was summoned to that world as a hero, but the king took a liking to his rich country strong army proposal and somehow handed him the throne. Soma, who had the throne forced upon him, forewent adventure, and together with the talented companions he gathered, went about his nation-building with his realism.
Vanity, Vengeance And A Weekend In Vegas summary: Vanity, Vengeance And A Weekend In Vegas summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vanity, Vengeance And A Weekend In Vegas. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Randy's Summer summary: Randy's Summer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Randy's Summer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Critical: Ages Below Critical summary:
The Odin Mainland is separated into four counties, in each lives a group of soul masters protecting their county with their soul powers. The most powerful seven of them are known as n.o.ble Lords. The story begins in the water origin, the Aslan Empire.
Qi Ling has been a bus boy in an inn since young and subconsciously tamed a legendary soul beast Cang Xue Zhi Ya in a battle between soul masters. Yin Chen came on orders of the Silver Priests to take him in as his disciple. With his help, Qi Ling heads to the Grave of the Souls to seek his soul weapon, yet as he couldn’t sit still like how his lord instructed him, he enters the Grave of the Souls with Tianshu Youhua and Guishen Lianquan.
After his risky adventure in the Grave of the Souls, he was scolded by his lord. At the very same time, another conspiracy that has long been in the works within the Aslan Empire is gradually revealing itself.
Claudia and the Sad Goodbye summary: Claudia and the Sad Goodbye summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Claudia and the Sad Goodbye. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.