内容简介:萧云的系统只会一个功能——顿悟!体质平凡?顿悟混沌体!功法难修?顿悟圆满境界!神通难修?顿悟圆满境界!没有什么是顿悟不能解决的,如果有,那就顿悟十次,百次……玄幻,我顿悟了混沌体1w1 7209-76321 >>
内容简介:三中转校来了个“哑巴”似的小女孩儿,永远穿着大一号的连帽卫衣和牛仔裤,一张小脸藏得严严实实。大家都以为她丑得吓人,哪成想一朝露了脸,却是个惊为天人的美人胚子。很快小美人就全校闻名,盛传 颜值能横扫大半娱乐圈。正值骚动期的男生们忍不住各种议论——“嚯,那就是新来的苏邈邈吧?”“跟个瓷娃娃似的,皮肤白得能掐出水!”男生们聊得热火朝天,不知道谁注意到了墙角懒散站着的少年。“彦哥,你见那小美人没?”有人发笑,“彦哥哪能看上那种没发育的小姑娘,他的前女友们可都是36D的水蛇腰,一个比一个骚。” 商彦没说话,漫不经心地瞥一眼,轻嗤了声。几个月后。当着全班学生的面,商彦把惊住的小美人困在了课桌和身体之间。他低下头,嗅着女孩儿颈间的香,勾起一个痞气的笑——“你亲我一下,我放你出去。”“……”“两下,我今后归你。”——年少轻狂,不知天高地厚,只知你。1w0-4284 >>
内容简介:微博小磨唧传闻国内顶尖战队的鬼才队长freedom对奶茶上瘾。他眉目寡淡,沉默少语,轻狂孤傲。后来才发现她比奶茶更甜。呵尝过她,便发现奶茶什么也不是。小剧场:freedom散漫的歪在电 竞椅里打游戏,淡道:“经理给我叫杯奶茶。”林苑眯眼,点着手表:“明天有比赛,你该睡觉了。”freedom薄唇紧抿,键盘按的啪啪作响。队员1:喂喂,队长生气了。队员2:生气又怎么,还不是乖乖听经理话。ti夺冠那天。西雅图钥匙球馆,上万中外观众面前,冠军队长消失了。解说席一脸懵逼,喂喂,你的冠军盾不要了?镜头一转。解说惊讶“找到了,freedom在他们战队经理这!”freedom意识到镜头,嘴角微扯,瞥了眼摄像机,一把捞过身边的林苑,低头吻了上去。林苑停顿了片刻,怔了怔,双眸闪过一丝柔意,纤细白嫩的手臂勾了上去。周围全是尖叫欢呼声。赛后采访林苑笑了笑:我只是想陪他一起拿到ti冠军。freedom面无表情:我拿到ti冠军不只是为了国家荣誉,也是为了她。阅读指南轻狂孤高dota大神x美貌战队女经理dota2电竞小甜文。没有过多的游戏内容,人物无原型。游戏赛事或许会与现实不同,勿细揪。各位书友要是觉得《她比奶茶甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27243 >>
内容简介:那一年,沈慕顶着沈三斧的名称唱出了自己来到蓝星的第一首歌曲。从此娱乐圈内升起了一颗耀眼的新星。而多年以后的领奖台上,当主持人宣布沈慕多重艺人身份时。台下的观众一脸麻木的看着沈慕,不知道 这次沈慕又会给他们带来了一个什么样的惊喜。1w0-72206 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特工:开局救下郑耀先】周深穿越危机四伏的战乱年代,成为港大的一名老师,一次偶然的机会救下正在执行任务的郑耀先。两人结下不懈之缘,结拜成兄弟……之后,又在飞机上 救了王天风,被王天风相中,顺利进入特工学校……一个月后,周深学有所成。郑耀先:“你是我六哥的兄弟,咱俩合作,珠联璧合,现在有个任务派你去,以影子的身份回到特高课!”周深:“好的!”从此,一个谈之色变的特工出现了,代号‘判官’。(简介无力,请看正文,本书融合胭脂、麻雀、秋蝉、伪装者、风筝、和平饭店等等!)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特工:开局救下郑耀先,别忘记分享给朋友特工:开局救下郑耀先TXT下载1w0-61914 >>
内容简介: /快穿/救赎/1v1只活了十八年的白桑死于心脏病,绑定了系统,任务是勾引反派。反派们身世悲惨,往往心理扭曲、残暴无情、偏执成性。-白桑穿成病弱内向大小姐身上,反派刚刚成为她的小跟班 。【勾引任务一:跟反派皮肤接触十秒钟。】白纸.脸皮薄.白桑脸色泛红,不敢与他直视,声音温吞发软:“我...牵一下你好不好?”阴鸷反派:“好。”_白桑穿成海洋学家,反派是一条刚被她抓上岸的血尾鲛人。【勾引任务一:摸反派鱼尾十秒钟。】鲛人生性残暴、特别是血尾鲛人,是天生的杀戮恶魔。白桑面色苍白,乌黑眼眸染上一抹恐惧,半跪在鲛人面前,可怜巴巴地道:“我...可以摸你的尾巴么“鲛人唇角勾起恶意的笑:“可以。”1w0-3160 >>
内容简介:在山滴那边月光下面有一只小精灵她可爱又聪明,她腹黑又暴力她被魔鱼吃掉来到都市钢铁大森林她善良勇敢努力抢曼尼啊,倒霉的小精灵啊,悲催的小精灵她穿成人类幼崽摆平屌丝调教高富帅她当兵威武卖敌 人多欢喜我们的口号是:专业卖敌人一百年不动摇,业界良心!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《黑萌进化史》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77657 >>
内容简介:幼时,她被母亲推下悬崖,九死一生;长大后,她对辰王交付身心,武功尽废……她抱着爱情的憧憬,时刻准备着,迎接即将得到的幸福……谁知,她魔宫宫主的神秘身份偶然暴露,一纸休书痛斩情缘——一个 不愿放开心魔的男人,和一个不屑解释真相的女人,就此擦肩而过。为情所伤的她,从此封心断情……她坚韧,却不固执;她冷漠,却不无情;她绝色,却不妖媚;她重爱,却不矫情……她于深宫中从不争宠,却宠冠六宫;她屡遭后妃暗算,被卷入政权争斗之中……她被亲人伤害,被爱人误解;她的左右二婢惨死,她的腹中胎儿流逝……在经历一系列苦难后,身中蛊毒,命不久矣的她,内心却始终保留着一丝柔软。1w0-72142 >>
内容简介:开新书了,开新书了,《诸天万界》,兄弟们投花的投花,收藏的收藏哇!传送门:http://www.17k.com/book/840179.html ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… 乱古时代,凶神恶斗,大道破灭,天地崩坏,无数生灵湮灭,然,天心仁慈,馀万族残存于世,于天灾中挣扎嘶吼,于凶神爪牙下忍辱负重,于岁月变迁中韬光养晦,终有各族神帝神王崛起,镇压凶神,划地而居,中央世界化为四海九州,万族兴盛,又开始了一轮新的征伐,苍穹破碎,凶神又将复出,而人族兴起,鸿蒙天帝率领百圣镇压九天十地,万族共存,开创了太古盛世,如今经过历史轮转,人族走向衰败,在末法年代,人族气运将尽之时,轩辕于苍茫天地之中,能否再兴人道?再创盛世?请看《吞噬苍穹》1w0-1175 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:人在综漫:开局帝骑,救下英梨梨】身为资深死宅的李牧因为熬夜剪片子的原因穿越了!来到了以日常番为主的综漫世界!《路人女主的养成方法》《辉夜大小姐想让我告白》《龙 王的狱友》《干物妹小埋》……当李牧正准备一展拳脚的时候,系统却是给李牧浇了一盆冷水!系统居然告诉李牧……我是假面骑士!?喂!这玩笑开大了好不好!本书又名《说好的日常,我却是假面骑士?》…………飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢人在综漫:开局帝骑,救下英梨梨,别忘记分享给朋友人在综漫:开局帝骑,救下英梨梨TXT下载1w0-99250 >>
From MangaHelpers: Few people are born to rule, while most others are born to be ruled. Kakoin Seichiro is from the latter group of people, yet he's able to attend Keiho College, a prestigious school where only the wealthy can attend and the students are those who will eventually run the country. Seichiro does this by putting up a façade that gives off the impression that he belongs in this circle and using his great intellect to manipulate people through the use of human psychology. He despises those around him for being born into a gifted situation unlike himself and will use anybody as a stepping stone to make his way up the social ladder. One day, Seichiro is introduced to Shinmei Tamami, a teenage girl from an incredibly wealthy and powerful family, through being her tutor and discovers that, somehow, she possesses the power to materialize objects. Realizing that this will be his ticket to his dream, he tries to understand and manipulate Tamami’s incredible power.
Ririko lost her parents and siblings in a mysterious incident where details remain in the shadows. Before Ririko moves to her new home in Kaminoshiro, a detective gives her a letter that her father wrote before his death, which contained a card with a black and white checkered pattern on it. At her new school, Ririko becomes friends with Maya and has some interest in a male student named Shirou. She questions about the black clock tower that stands in the center of the town, but no one bothers to answer the question. Her new life in her new home seemed all as well until one day Maya calls Ririko out and takes out the same checkered card that Ririko was given to her and she summons some unknown creature! As Ririko is in confusion as to what's going on, Shirou appears and says 'Not another one.....' What's going on around here?
[Taken from ShoujoMagic] : 1) Let's Make Love!! (Make Love Shiyo!!). (v01 ch1 to 6) Mari Nishimiya is a high school junior who's tired of playing it safe. Less concerned with her summer session and more with achieving the love of a lifetime, she ventures to a foreigners' pub with her childhood friend, Yuuta. There, she meets Leon Gardner, an American dancer with a talented tongue (...meaning, he's bilingual)! While Yuuta disapproves, having an unrequited love for Mari himself, he and other enemies of this international relationship may be powerless to stop it when Leon joins Mari's class as... (!!!) Let's Make Love!! - Farside Story (Make Love Shiyo!! Chou - Bangaihen). (v01 omake). Shinjo Mayu parodies her own work by inserting new dialogue into some of her pages from v01. It's the tale of the Gardner family, where Leon is Papa, Chris is Mama, and Mari is their daughter! Additional curiosities included. Let's Make More Love!! (Motto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch7). Mari wants to have an adult Christmas with Leon. Why is Leon so set against it? Let's Always Make Love!! (Zutto Make Love Shiyo!!). (v02 ch8). Attending the international wedding of Leon's friend, Randy, has Mari thinking in a new way about her future. But when Mari begins to feel strangely sick and misses her period, the circumstance forces her to make an early decision! But Leon suddenly has to leave for America!? Why?? Mari isn't going to like the reason Randy gives her... 2) I Don't Need Any Scenario! (Shinario Nante Iranai!). (v02 ch9). This ground-breaking short story was Shinjo Mayu's first work to contain a provocative sex scene and to mark her as a pornographer! Read the freetalk to learn more! Yuuya is the manager of the drama club, and he's very strict and exacting about how the student thespians handle their roles. Chiharu is supposed to be playing a woman in love, but there's no emotion in her performance! So it's handsome Yuuya's job to teach her how to long for a man... Was this scenario in the script!? 3) I Want to Be Painted with Your Color (Anata no Iro ni Somaritai). (v02 ch10). This short story is Shinjo Mayu's debut work. Kazumi Inoue wants to be transformed by the magic of a white wedding dress, and then painted in a man's color. The biggest delinquent in school, Kazuya Sakurai, wasn't who she had in mind, though! He's intent on painting her a different color -- why? Kazumi will have her wish - a transformation through the magic of a wedding dress - but not in a way that anyone expects! (v02 omake). A whopping nine pages covering a variety of topics. Get a sneak peek into Shinjo Mayu's office, find out her favorite stories and characters, see Leon with a top knot, see Leon touch Yuuta in inappropriate ways, and at long last the burning question is answered: How are chihuahuas significant to this serialization!?
Another old yuri manga, from the 70s. The character designs are quite similar to those of Shiroi Heya no Futari. It's a horror story, in which the main character and her family go to their summer house for vacation and people start dying one by one. The twist is that the main character, Reina, is falling in love with her mysterious neighbor, Maya. But who is Maya really, and how does she know so much about Reina's family?
Waiting For The Barbarians summary: Waiting For The Barbarians summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Waiting For The Barbarians. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Blue Screen Blues summary: Blue Screen Blues summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blue Screen Blues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Country Neighbors summary: Country Neighbors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Country Neighbors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Thanksgiving By GODOPEDIAOLOGY summary: Thanksgiving By GODOPEDIAOLOGY summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Thanksgiving By GODOPEDIAOLOGY. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.