简介【每周六更新】 你被骗了吗?骗财?骗色?还是……路式老中医有100种办法帮你把失去的骗回来~但你要给点儿“不一样”的报酬。 每周六,和我一起来一场“以骗还骗”的欺诈盛宴吧~ 【粉丝群:517682281】
简介从前有个秀才很有妖缘,总遇到各种萌萌的小妖怪,后来秀才飞升天界,奉仙君之命出任飞升司主事,掌管各路妖怪飞升渡劫之事。于是,秀才见证着各路妖王的爱恨情愁,生离死别…… 一样的呆呆小秀才,不一样的可爱小妖怪,萌化版“聊斋志异”,一起来寻找最有爱的妖怪cp吧!作者其他作品《门徒》《教主是柔道队队员》《我的烛龙养父》《我的纯阴师尊》《应龙兄弟的日常》【完结,责编:凡】
内容简介: 吴兴,穿越超神学院帮助女天使推翻天宫秩序,迎娶凯莎为妻,更是生了一个女儿,已然成为人生赢家。这时,迟到了三万年的金手指激活,叮:诸天聊天群邀请你加入群聊……本书q群45801978 1w0-1752 >>
内容简介: 上一秒在和小姐姐压马路,下一秒澪却穿越到了海贼王世界,带着一个能抽取基因、录取基因、融合基因且培养生物的系统,开始了在海贼王世界里的惬意小日子。没事儿的时候抢一抢献给天龙人的天上金 ,或是抓几只小猫咪小兔子养成。感到无聊了,就在新世界各大强者地盘走一圈,逛一逛。生活如此美好,何必动手动脚呢~【新书:从火影开始交易诸天】【讨论群:978153722】1w0-3716 >>
内容简介:重生回上戏一年级的沈栗,绑定到一款“无限福利神豪”游戏。从此走到哪,都有意想不到的福利惊喜!叮!获得“金钱福利光环”1,本月工资收入暴击3倍!叮!获得“返利福利光环”1,本次花费返利暴 击2倍!叮!获得“好运福利光环”1,本次抽奖幸运暴击5倍!……福利群:229757439本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无限福利神豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79321 >>
内容简介: 穿越而来突然得知自己家有一片小区的陆垚,在前去投奔自己叔叔的路上,遇到了一块发光的石头……从此,作为合成素材地虎铠甲开始惩恶扬善?不,还远不止如此!但愿,每个心向光明的人,都能被光 芒照耀!1w0-3536 >>
内容简介:抗拒总裁不许欺负我小说最新章节由网友提供,《抗拒总裁不许欺负我》故事扣人心弦、情节跌宕起伏,是一本文笔与情节俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供抗拒总裁不许欺负我最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读 !1w0-130939 >>
内容简介:【这是真正的狼人杀小说】【逻辑和推理的挑战,谎言和伪装的盛宴】【高质量对局,教科书式的发言】一觉醒来,顾风穿越到了一个只属于狼人杀的世界。在这里,唯有逻辑大神才能生存。光明和黑暗的较量 ,正义与邪恶的对决。人狼之战,一触即发。错综复杂的局势,千奇百怪的套路,五花八门的板子。冲锋、倒钩、垫飞……狼人无所不用其极。抽丝剥茧,好人是否能拨开迷雾,堪破一切。天黑请闭眼!天亮了。接下来,请开始你的表演。【非狼人杀玩家慎入,已完本数本狼人杀小说,质量有保证】作者:辣椒炒果米所写的《狼人杀:请开始你的表演》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-96448 >>
内容简介: 凌晨,天灾降临。天道生变,万灵欲念执念充斥天地,天道不能承受,恶念横行,众生意念演变幻想世界,恶念,善念,执念,欲望纠缠不休,天道无法承受,已到极限,极则变,幻想降临,万界相融,万 物霜天竞自由。此为新纪元开启,是毁灭,亦为新生。这一纪元为永恒纪元。1w0-390 >>
内容简介:公元前249年,秦国丞相、文信侯吕不韦率兵攻打东周,尽入其国。至此,周朝正式灭亡。……别人的穿越,成功成为秦始皇的重要属下挚友爱人,姬明夷的穿越,成功让秦始皇发誓活埋了她。小剧场。某一 年在赵国邯郸。明夷“呵呵,打的就是你,让你敢给秦人辩解。”明夷“报复我?还活埋?少做梦呢,就凭你。”明夷“万人之上是不可能的,你这辈子都不可能有这么一天的,小乞丐!”看着少年咬牙切齿远去的背影,明夷拍桌大笑,笑完后问师傅道“那少年还长得挺好看,师傅可知他是谁,叫什么?”“赵氏嬴政,秦国留在赵国的一个小质子。”盖聂淡淡的说道。明夷“……他刚刚说要怎么报复我?”“活埋。”一句话简介:战国末年吃喝游历的日子并非专业历史学家,如有BUG欢迎指出,但请温柔。各位书友要是觉得《论如何刷负秦始皇的好感度》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28593 >>
内容简介:《末世炮灰白月光重生了》简介:转载请注明出处:a第二天中午,众人刚吃过饭,果然便来了个年轻小伙子,他是孟秉诚的秘书,姓曹(末世最强女大佬重生了)。他来了之后,先和众人寒暄了几句,话里话 外都在试探晏青青对其他人的态度和团队之间的关系(末世最强女大佬重生了)。好在,除了裴宏宇偶尔开口说些尖酸刻薄的话,其他人全都表现出了对她的喜爱,于是曹秘书随后就提出,孟统领在A区给他们安排了另一座房子,更大,房间也更多,希望他们能赏脸搬过去(末世最强女大佬重生了)。大伙现在都知道昨天晚上晏青青和陆西河特地去找孟秉诚商量的事了。他们本来就不想住王伟这儿,自然当即就同意了曹秘书的提议,各自回房收拾行李(末世最强女大佬重生了)。大家四散走后,曹秘书偷摸给了晏青青一个信封,说是孟统领给的,让她没人的时候再打开看。晏青青不用看都知道里面写的是什么,无非就是劝她留在安市基地,开出的条件罢了(末世最强女大佬重生了)。。1w0-69455 >>
内容简介:轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的玄幻奇幻,小兵免费提供轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)最新清爽干净的文字章节在线 阅读。1w6971-82837 >>
内容简介:温歆,一个甩在人群里不那么闪眼的女n号吃瓜群众,因家庭等不可抗拒的原因,居然毫不费力地与当年高中所嗑的cp男神翟季初结婚了,我嗑的男神成了我的人,天下有这么好的事?该怎么克制自己暗恋的 心?温歆,我从来不知道,三年时光,一个人可以改变这么多。翟季初,没有人会守在原地一尘不变,爱情本来就是我敢喜欢你,也能勇敢离开你。【展开】【收起】1w0-98456 >>
When high school pupil Tohru Honda's mom dies in an automobile crash on her way to perform in the parking-lot, she determines to live together with her grandpa. Restoration on unkind and un-supportive relatives and your house induce her to move from her grandpa's house briefly and, Tohru starts living in a tent and supporting herself because she's no where else to go. In other words, till she finds a house in the least likely of places, inhabited his cousin Shigure and by her well-liked classmate Yuki Sohma. The very first day Tohru goes into the Sohma residence, an orange-haired teen crashes throughout the roofing of her bedroom that is new and begins assaulting Yuki. This starter is Shigure's sharply mad cousin, Yuki and Kyo. He attempts to battle him again once Kyo loses rapidly to Yuki. When he is around to assault, Tohru attempts to prevent him, but slips on a clothes, making her fall onto the again of Kyo. At these times, something huge is discovered by Tohru about the Sohmas. The Sohmas reside using a hex. Twelve family members (excluding Kyo, who's the cat) are possessed by spirits of the Chinese zodiac and turn into their zodiac creature when they're poor, under pressure, obstructed, or when embraced by someone of the other gender. When Tohru finds the Sohmas' secret, is permitted to keep dwelling together and she promises to not tell. Even though the Sohmas' curse is darker and deeper than Tohru understood, her endorsement of them and her existence shortly becomes a big, positive influence on those possessed by the zodiac. She sets out to break the hex and, on the way, meets and finds the Sohma spirits that are zodiac. Each has a style that is different, the same as the creatures in the Chinese zodiac. One by one, the lives of the Sohma family alters eternally.
After her father's death, Faith's guardian, Stone, has been paying for her school fees and living costs without her knowledge. He was always the go-to person to when she had problems... But he is only her guardian. Faith couldn't let him pay for her any longer! So she quits school and begins to work to repay her debt to Stone. Unable to persuade her to change her mind, Stone offers her a proposition... he says, 'In return for writing off your debt, will you marry me?' Stone tells Faith that his mother will not hand over her company to him until he is married. A proposal from a man she loves... or is this all just a business deal?
From Yaoi-Blcd: The erotic love story of a man with a weird virgin fetish. ------ From Must Be Endless: A subordinate who’s crazy about virgins takes his boss’s first time.
Like the earlier Battle Royales, a class of middle school students are picked to compete in fights to the death on an island until there is only one left. The manga follows the point of view of Girl #10 Makoto Hashimoto, an unlucky girl who fears that her class will be chosen to participate in 'the program,' a mysterious event that forces students to kill each other. Makoto attends Shikanotoride Junior High School. After the encouragement of her best friend Itou Yamamoto and her mother she decides to face the chances. Her fears are supposedly put to rest when word spreads that all 50 Programs had already been executed in the year making them 100% unlikely to participate... Taken from MangaUpdates This manga was released straight to tankobon (graphic novel) format, therefore there was no serialization. However, a thirty page preview ran in Akita Shoten's Young Champion Magazine. The problem with straight to tankobon manga is that there is no indication whatsoever of when the next volume might be released. Though the author is the same, the artist has changed from the original manga. The realistic grit of Masayuki Taguchi has been replaced by the lighthearted cartooniness of Hitoshi Tomizawa. Also, though it is still written by Koushun Takami, the original story is based on the universe of the films rather than that of the original novel. Taken from AnimeNewsNetwork.
The Red Notebook summary: The Red Notebook summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Red Notebook. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Marjorie Westriding - Grass. summary: Marjorie Westriding - Grass. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Marjorie Westriding - Grass.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Lady Connie summary: Lady Connie summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Connie. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Bad Day For Voodoo summary: A Bad Day For Voodoo summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Bad Day For Voodoo. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.