
































内容简介:“书读百遍,其义自见,古人诚不欺我!”阅读《倚天屠龙记》,获得:九阳神功。阅读十遍《倚天屠龙记》,获得:九阳神功10,获得:倚天剑!“好烦!”“这修仙的功法也太难获得了吧,西游记我都看 了十八遍了,一个七十二变刷不出来?”(PS:本书又名《前方大夏,神灵禁行》、《原来小说中的功法都是真的》。)1w0-98215 >>


内容简介:是蝼蚁,是埃尘还是强者,不是你说了算!倾九从来不是弱者!穿越三千世界,只为寻得一线仙缘,成那九天强者,复归齐域兴荣。本文女主无CP本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之倾九》还不错的话请不 要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80533 >>


内容简介:假正经版:我们是游侠,我们是阴影中潜伏的猎手。精准的箭术,优雅的剑技。精灵帝国的荣耀需要我们光复。某倒霉蛋重生为一名精灵,却意外开启了游戏模板。但是他最想要做的,是保护自己所爱的人。即 使与全世界为敌。声明:我不是姐控,不是姐控,不是姐控。真的不是……我控的不只是这些。1w0-102615 >>


内容简介:我的师妹正在向我求婚,她是个大明星,也是个女拳霸,我想拒绝,请问各位网友,我该怎么做?在线等!急!如果您喜欢我的明星师妹,别忘记分享给朋友作者:生了个馒头所写的《我的明星师妹》无弹窗免 费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82672 >>


内容简介:  (不喜欢前文传统仙侠的读者,可以从第四卷美好新时代开始看,第四卷开始,我转型沙雕搞笑风)  穿越神州大地的甄河图,看什么都带游戏说明栏。  什么都不看先看自己属性——机缘99!   妥了,河图觉得自己定然是天命之子,地上捡个桃子都是天上掉下来的蟠桃!不用修炼,吃米饭十几年也能吃成个大罗金仙,人间老怪什么的。  直到二十年后,看到自己的境界数据【练气期(8585520/????)】,还有头顶酝酿的第999次紫雷天劫,他不禁陷入深深的沉思——  能不能让我先突破?1w0-832 >>


内容简介:穿成宋仁宗和曹皇后的儿子赵旸,他懵了,因为历史上根本就没有他这个人。最让他懵的是他刚出生没多久就被封为皇太子,从小集万千宠爱于一身,同时也集万千期望于一身。大臣们对他非常看重,所以他从 六岁起就被语文书上的诗词家教导。每次看到这些害他背书的诗词家们,赵旸的心情就非常复杂。看文注意事项:【1:男主言情文,苏爽到爆炸。【2:平行时空的宋朝,与历史有些不同。【3:小白文,日更到完结。1w0-88599 >>


内容简介:《麻衣神婿》是一举成神精心创作的玄幻小说,长风文学网实时更新麻衣神婿最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的麻衣神婿评论,并不代表长风文学网赞同或者支持麻衣神婿读者的观点。1w2465 -75629 >>


内容简介:接档文《窃喜》《冬日晚安》求各位富婆预收一下~【今天她又在勾引我】心狠手辣大少爷×娇弱小可爱深城首富江家有小女,身娇体弱,貌美如花。圈子里适龄的公子哥都准备等她十八岁成年后,就上江家提 出联姻,将这朵娇花摘下。不曾想,她早已名花有主。江樱从十六岁开始,就知道自己有个远在北城的未婚夫,长相和家世俱佳,最重要的是性格温润儒雅,长辈们都对他赞不绝口。于是,从青春期开始,极少见人的江樱就对这个未婚夫充满憧憬,不知不觉,早已悄然心动。十八岁,林彻低调回深城。她按耐不住少女心思,偷偷溜到他的画展里想见他一面,不曾想,第一面竟是——他背对着她,坐在黑色沙发上,黑色衬衫冷漠禁欲,手指把玩着雪茄,手背上的纹身嚣张又刺眼,漠然地望着手下人动手收拾着盗画者。他毫无波动,只在停顿时,语气冰冷地提醒“继续。”江樱回来后,做了一晚上的噩梦,醒来以后决议要与这个冷面阎王解出婚约。晚宴上,江樱放弃了一直以来他喜欢的小白花装扮,将裙子改到大腿以上,穿着露背的小黑裙赴约,想惹他厌恶。林彻幽幽地望着她,目光有些玩世不恭,她表面风俗的笑,心里却忐忑至极。终于,他出声,看向侍者“我要一份樱桃肉。”樱桃肉色泽艳丽,香甜多汁。是林彻最喜欢的一道菜。不管是在床上还是床下。预收:《窃喜》斯文败类腹黑名导×单纯可爱美人【1】江柚凭借《金枝》一炮而红,成功斩下影后大奖的当晚,正准备向男神表白。还未到家门口,网上却疯传了一组她和名导沈冽在车内拥吻的照片,一时间“潜规则上位”五个字把她从云端打回谷底。江柚站在雨中,看着林冽的车从身边经过,车窗后的男人慢条斯理地擦着镜片,面无表情地抬起头,一语不发。那一瞬间,她就明白了一件事。被他看上的人,要捧还是要杀,全都在他的一念之间。她根本无从抵抗。江柚一直以为林冽是因为傅远才连带着厌恶自己。直到某天夜里,她打开他的房门,看到发着高烧的男人紧闭着眼,额前的短发被冷汗打湿,放弃了抵抗般的在呓语着她的小名。她惊住,眸光迟缓地落向他的手。已经快被她遗忘的一条红色发圈正静静地躺在他的手心上,伴随着声声妥协:“阿咛,不要离开我。”小剧场绯闻风波的一周后,江柚心理重建完毕再度露面,被各大娱记围堵,有胆大的直接问道:“听说江小姐你是靠潜规则才拿到角色上位的,此事是否属实?”向来柔弱示人的江柚摘下墨镜,语气随意道:“没错。”众人哗然,没想到她竟丝毫不收敛!她娇媚一笑,补充:“不过,是我潜的他。”世人皆以为是她高攀,却根本不知他才是这段关系中卑劣的窃取者。千方百计,悄然窃喜。微博:是废柴糕糕酱1w0-33592 >>


内容简介:  老徐家祖坟冒青烟了!当了祖母的徐老太太又怀上了!老当益壮的徐老爷子走路都带风!老徐家的儿媳妇们却开始瑟瑟发抖,不管她们婆婆生儿生女,家里都要多个小祖宗,这日子,可咋熬啊?十月怀抱, 老太太生了个水灵灵的闺女,取名福宝。老徐家的日子,顿时变得玄幻了起来。福宝:“娘,我捡了一只兔子!”福宝:“爹,这是金子吗?”徐老大:“妹子,你帮大哥瞅瞅,今儿进山有收成么?”徐老二:“福宝啊,二哥对你好不好?”徐老三:“宝啊,你得保佑你三哥这回考中了啊,回来给你带大花布!”徐大嫂、徐二嫂、徐三嫂:“她小姑,你别动,放着,让我们来!”1w0-1824 >>







Meikyuu Yaburi No Hananusubito

Arisawa Kei’s life seems rather bleak until she notices a strange man staring at her on the way to school. Hakamada Ryuuhei, an En specialist who can see and tie or cut threads of fate, tells her that she has “death-bringer” threads on her hands. But what does that mean to Kei, who doesn’t believe in En or luck?


From Storm in Heaven: A collection of short stories. Chapter 1: For a long while now, I've been prone to losing things. It's the things most important to me that I lose, and it's always after I lose them that I realize it. And then, they're suddenly returned to me. Story 2: Love Letter A woman has just been discharged from hospital due to her successful eye surgery. As she steps out into the world, she sees her blind self... Story 3: All of Sully/Lily A man believes that people he loves should have spare bodies. His daughter happens to have one... Story 4: Airport A man drops off a pregnant woman to the airport... Stroy 5: Fetish An injured girl has met a man that thought her appearance were 'cool'...

Binetsu Onsen

1-2) Onsen's Love Moment of Blis Kouichirou Fuji, a part time worker of lunch shop is so surprised to hear his colleague's experience of sexual molestation. Then Kouichirou feels too nervous for Takashi. All staffs are going to a hot spring as company outing but shop owner suddenly disappears with his lover leaving Kouichirou and Takashi alone. But Takashi turns out to be seme just like Kouichirou... 3) Couple's Time Takashi's senior student, Miura works at travel agency and give tickets of 'hot spring tour' to Takashi and Kouichirou. But Miura stays same hotel as his work and interferes the date of Takashi and Kouichirou... 4) A Passionate Onsen Retreat Kouichirou and Takashi go to Atami. They are obsessed with the ghosts of tragic couple of literature, Kan-ichi and Omiya at 'Omiya no Matsu' and quarrel about trifles... 5) The Deep Sweet Affection Between The Two of Us Kouichirou asks Takashi to live together but Takashi does not accept it. Then a new and cute part-time joins. He presses himself against Takashi because he should resign the work and part with Kouichirou. Takashi happens to see it... 6) Heart's Distance They go to Nikkou. There are theme parks of Ninja and Western. Kouichirou shows his good performance on the horse in front of TV crews. They are scouted for travel video. But Takashi nearly becomes the model of Adult pornographic video... 7) Your Radiance In My Heart They stay the cottage but quarrel about shopping. Under a stadium of stars, they are naturally reconciled...


The story features four divine Dragon Kings, each with their own kingdoms: one to the north, one to the east, one to the south, and one to the west. The brothers are reborn in the modern world, complete with supernatural powers and the ability to become the Dragons they descended from. They are content to live ordinary lives until evil creatures come to attack them. It becomes the mission of the four brothers to defeat the 'Four Sisters', four girls from America and the descendants of the 'Bulls', before they use their control over technology and the economy to take over the world. However, as this battle begins, the four brothers must also find their place in the world as they flee from the destructive will of the 'Bulls'.

The Feng Shui Detective's Casebook

The Feng Shui Detective's Casebook summary: The Feng Shui Detective's Casebook summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Feng Shui Detective's Casebook. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Blood Money

Blood Money summary: Blood Money summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blood Money. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Return Of The Soldier King

Return Of The Soldier King summary: After returning from a special mission abroad, he is forced to accept a job as a bodyguard. He is then tasked with the mission of protecting the powerful (and beautiful) CEO of a multinational company based in Shanghai.

The Witch CEO Is NOT A Demoness

The Witch CEO Is NOT A Demoness summary: High bun, eyegla.s.ses, long sleeve shirt and plaited skirt. Dressed so strictly, FengJiu reached 28 without having any intimate interaction with men.
At an early age, being an orphan, FengJiu dedicated herself on taking good care of her grandfather and their business, choosing to live a life different from a normal teenager.
Now, as the CEO of Feng International, people view her as a stoic woman without emotions. Deep inside, FengJiu is like any other women, want to experience the beauty of life and romance.
Due to the pressure of her grandfather in her marriage, FengJiu decided to let herself experience the life of a single woman without worries before tying the knot (marriage). For the first time in her life, she got drunk and party all night.
Huh? Why is she naked? Eh? Ehh?!
'Woman, after eating me dry, you have to take responsibility.' a shameless man said.
In an instant, she became his 'sugar mommy'.
What?! This shameless NEET whom she 'adopted' is the owner of Lu Corporation, her enemy?!
Before she could escape, she got tied on the bed.
'Woman, you better chose wisely. You will marry me or I will marry you?'
She strictly rejects him after knowing everything but every inch of her body craves for him otherwise.
(N.E.E.T.- Not in Education, Employment or Training aka Unemployed)

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