内容简介:正文完结,番外会持续掉落下本开《为她做不二臣》或《他被撩了》【文案】:狗男人X假温柔传闻傅氏集团总裁傅亦铭冰冷无情,对下属极其严苛,封莞却做了他五年的秘书。直到某天封莞情急之下,把他丢 在高速公路的服务区,独自驾车离开。再回公司,他递给她一个信封。封莞愣了愣,以为她被辞退了。“好,走之前有些话我必须说。”她咬咬牙,扬声道:“傅亦铭你知道自己多讨人厌吗?洁癖,强迫症,没生活自理能力,毒舌事多没人情。要不是投胎投得好,我保证你活不到这么大。说实话这五年,我从不觉得自己是个秘书,而是你亲妈!”傅亦铭不耐烦地抬起眸:“说完了吗?”封莞点点头。“那就去把这份合同寄出去,”封莞:“?”后来,封莞相亲回家,在家门口看见一身西装的男人倚在车边吸烟。看见她,傅亦铭掐灭烟头走过来,朝她步步紧逼:“洁癖,强迫症,没生活自理能力,毒舌事多没人情。”封莞被逼退到角落,正准备求饶。却听见他说:“你做我女朋友,我都改。”封莞:“?”下本《为她做不二臣》:【性冷淡总裁X骄纵摄影师】商业联姻先婚后爱追妻火葬场(并不1简谣十六岁那年遇见洛知南,一眼倾心。四年后,洛家父亲病逝,洛知南仓促接手家族企业,面临资金链断裂危机。简谣为帮他渡过难关,主动提出联姻。领证当天,他向她父母发誓,他这辈子会敬她,重她。唯独不肯说爱她。简谣心死。2世人皆知洛知南生性冷戾,在商场上手段狠绝,令人闻风丧胆。却传闻他英年早婚,娶了位富家千金。不过从未有人见他带妻子出现过公众场合,有人称他对妻子并无感情,全靠女方死缠烂打。不久之后,有传言流出——洛知南将要离婚。不少富家千金纷纷拍手叫好,蠢蠢欲动。后来,他接受某财经杂志邀请,拍摄封面。有人在化妆间看见摄影师简谣丢给他一份离婚协议书:“上次寄给你,你说丢了。那麻烦你现在签一下。”而一贯冷厉自傲的他眼圈微红,满脸慌张地抓住她的手不肯松。“谣谣,我任你罚,不离婚好不好?”下本也可能先开这个《他被撩了》,求收藏呀!文案:1研二开学,沈棠和谈了两周的男友分手,被吐槽古板守旧。当天晚上,她借着酒劲在ktv强吻了个男人,临走时塞给他一张理发店的打折卡,媚眼如丝道:“小费。”2几天后开学,沈棠替大一学妹代课,看见讲台上的年轻副教授,想死。代课被抓,沈棠好说歹说还是被年轻教授揪回办公室,通知导师来领人。办公室里,导师冷脸问她:“为什么代课?”1w0-107787 >>
内容简介:海军航母舰员退伍军人叶兵,救人被杀后穿越斗罗大陆瀚海城,觉醒前所未见的航母武魂!在人人都以为是废武魂时,他苦熬11年,添加的第一魂环超过千年!拯救失恋、被姐姐暗杀的朱竹清,两人率先来到 落日森林冰火两仪眼,服用仙品蜕变!魂灵六翼蛛皇,高空隐身侦查机,精神探查、攻击、控制,杀人于无形;魂灵翠魔鸟,歼击轰炸多用途战机,天下地下战力无敌;魂灵……当全大陆精英魂师大赛开始时,1w0-88688 >>
内容简介:穆橙铃在学校图书馆里被一本七世书缠上,从此她便走上了穿越书中努力完成任务,以防被七世书抹杀的苦逼日子。只是这些任务都好奇怪啊。您将成为武林白道圣女,请您想办法让魔教教主爱上您,并且于爱 上您之后的…1w0-96792 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《团宠师尊千千岁》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读林厌离一朝穿书,成为大魔头江晚离的转世身,她的七位徒弟已经是修行界大佬,没有江晚离那一身逆天的修为,她该如何管教这群心思不纯的孽徒?大 徒弟散道巨擘,号令天下散修。二徒弟天选剑仙,剑道无敌。三徒弟芙蓉宫主,天下男修无不倾心。四徒弟西方圣僧,渡尽九幽冤魂。五徒弟仙度帝王,统领木界无边疆土。六徒弟善财童子,只想花钱。七徒弟:我想将师父举高高。二徒弟:小师弟此话有理。三徒弟:师父该来我芙蓉山暖床。大徒弟:师父是我的,各位师弟莫抢……【展开】【收起】1w0-134798 >>
内容简介: 纤纤素手,将经纬拨动于手掌之间。 出生于苏绣世家,以双面绣和仿真绣渐长的她。 意外穿越,得窥千年宋锦的织造秘密。 原来宋锦织造,没有她想象中的那么简单。 拜师学艺,先从织机 开始! 败家娘亲坑货爸,外加祖母要养生,一切都需要一个字,钱! 小剧场:纨绔纨绔,我是一颗涉世未深的小白菜。 白菜白菜,我是一个城府极深的老油条。你不会的,我教你! 纨绔纨绔,收到了,收到了。 白菜白菜,想你想你…… 滴……你的对象已挂断,请稍后再拨。(建了个群:237408156 有什么话欢迎进群畅聊)1w0-4354 >>
内容简介:大梦一场千年过,再醒为人作狂名。我自逍遥我自横,轻咳一声索性命。病重少年,梦中获得惊天传承,醒来天地惊变,通晓天下,自此掀起了一场属于他的风雨。我不是不想动,我只是觉的躺着比站那更舒服 。而且,我要是动了,那就是要命了,要你的命!1w0-4173 >>
内容简介:重生成一棵柳树!原始黑暗的森林,到处都是危机四伏的猛兽和奇物,无尽的机缘和危险在其中显化。苏白获得吞噬进化系统。“叮!吸收雷霆获得进化点”“叮!吞噬焰兽获得进化点”“叮!吞噬兽神获得进 化点”苏白由一棵半米高的柳树逐渐进化成长,明悟这世界的隐藏的黑暗,相上争命,逆转乾坤。1w58803-74882 >>
内容简介: 一个在飞雪天被送到武王府的婴儿,他是谁? 一个巨大的阴谋背后,隐藏着多少无耻的面孔。 婴儿终于长大,十年断魂磨一剑。 少年狂歌,胭脂香味。 雪我之恨,爱我所爱。 当江湖变 成血狱,佛亦握屠刀。 经历最黑暗的岁月,涅槃重生。 快意恩仇血染刀兵一腔热血酬天地。 铁骨峥嵘英雄无悔善恶轮回终有报。 ------------------- 点燃武侠死灰,再现热血江湖!重拾英雄梦想,再写恩怨情仇! --------- 新书《楚门狼》开始连载。寒氏武侠,品质保证。武侠盛宴,不容错过! ------- VIP群:46264678---普通群:46264395 1w0-565 >>
内容简介: 苏晓穿越成了职业战队替补上单,意外激活奇葩系统,在比赛中死亡竟然有金钱奖励,苏晓:“不好意思系统,我能送到你破产。” 比赛前,苏晓:“教练,我上单亚索贼溜!” 教练:“卧槽,亚 索上单都能拿五杀,这就是传说中的天才吗?” 比赛中,苏晓:“对面要来四包一了,这波我必死!” 解说:“我去,这波越塔怎么失误了,苏晓在塔下换了四个。” 比赛后,苏晓:“我摊牌了,真不是什么天才上单,是对面太菜。” 粉丝们:“苏晓人帅技术好,关键还谦虚,爱了爱了!” 若干年后,已经成为人生赢家的苏晓还念念不忘道:“当年只有黑铁水平的我,一开始只想当个演员捞一笔就跑。”1w0-1661 >>
The metropolitan police have a special squad of negotiators for talking down violent criminals in hostage situations and so forth. The two top negotiators have great knowledge of human psychology and experience in dealing with criminals, but they are missing something important. They are searching for someone who is capable of agape love-- unconditional and selfless love for all people. Such a person would be able to develop rapport easily with criminals, and therefore be a natural negotiator. Instead of finding a person like this on the police force, they find her in the form of the teenage girl Haruka. Will they be able to persuade her to become a negotiator for the police?
Matsumoto Hinako is a girl who's not good at expressing her feelings. After being dumped for that exact reason, she accidentally sees Uchida, a classmate, breaking up with his girlfriend. 'What a noisy guy...' she thinks and then he saves her with a bicycle...
In the year 2039 Ageha Shiraishi is sentenced to death after strong evidence found her guilty of killing her four roomates. She claims she is innocent but no one will listen to the words of an well versed actress. Ageha is sent to Talsis Prison where she meets the prison guard, Kenzaki Kyousuke, who gets the feeling she may actually be innocent. Before the day is done Ageha escapes prison and Kenzaki gets fired for incompetence. Ten years later Kenzaki is on the hunt for the mysterious Ageha. From Baka-Updates: Ageha Shiraishi has been sentenced to death as she was suspected of murdering her four roommates. In her prison cell as she awaits her execution, she tells her warden, Kyousuke, that she is innocent and that she did not commit murder. Kyousuke does some research, but finds that she is still guilty. Upon his return, he finds his superior tied up and stripped. After setting her free, he finds out that he has been tricked, and it was Ageha in disguise. He is surprised to find Ageha can impersonate anyone to the finest detail, whether it be hair color, habits, or even voice. Ageha becomes the first fugitive of the Talsis Prison and she declares that she will find the real culprit. Kyousuke now only has one clue, which is 'the Ageha' (swallowtail butterfly) tattoo on Ageha's back. The chase between the characters involved begins as they move to grasp the truth!
For a few years, the city of Kyoto has been the theater of a secret war opposing extreme Japanese teenagers lauding the exclusion of the gaijin (foreign people) outside of Japan, and others who defend their integration. In order to avoid an escalation of violence between rival gangs, both sides have agreed to sort out the gaijins’ fate for good in an underground tournament where the best fighters from each side will have to fight against each other. The 'Black Boat Project,' abbreviated as the 'B.B. Project,' directly links to commandant Perry’s “Black Boats”: the symbol of the arrival of the gaijin on Japanese soil… Reading direction: Left to Right Franck is a young Parisian who loves to fight. He arrives in Kyoto, supposedly to study… but mostly to charm Japanese girls and spend his money in video-game rooms, his vision of the “Japanese dream.” However, his real nature comes back very fast when Franck finds himself stuck in a fight opposing hooligans against the mysterious Megumi. Without knowing it, our hero is going to become a part of the B.B. Project…
Rachel Ray summary: Rachel Ray summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rachel Ray. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Book of Were-Wolves summary: The Book of Were-Wolves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Were-Wolves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Old Vampire And A Holy Girl summary: A legendary vampire, a true monster that has even made an enemy of G.o.d, a mythical figure from the old stories. He is now an old man who lives as a shut-in in some corner of the Kingdom, in a castle that is closer to a haunted house. He lives a mellow and lazy life – but that peace of his was eventually shattered. This is a quiet era where “Vampires” only exist in old fables. It is a story of the peaceful every day between a saint who is trying to rehabilitate a shut-in and an old vampire who will not even entertain the thought of going outside.
Secret Band of Brothers summary: Secret Band of Brothers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Secret Band of Brothers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.