
































内容简介:第一次遇见他是在一排转动的经筒旁,他背对日光,双手合十,对她颔首。他是她见过最有佛性的男人,后来才知道,他一路从地狱走来,行过刀山火海,方才能站在那里。这世间事,怎会是非黑即白,又何曾 非此即彼。既算不清谁欠了谁,既怀中还有烈酒,倒不妨就此,如蚕作茧,奔波流离,一醉到白头。——虽万丈深渊吾往矣。本文一周2到3更。喵,锵锵锵锵下章入V1w0-62292 >>


内容简介:在盘龙中摸索法则真谛,在型月里探求魔法极限。在飘邈中领略修真风情,在九鼎中学习武道精髓。在天龙中打造高武玄幻,在仙葫中传播修真阳神,在蜀山中丰富修行体系。在诛仙中探索成仙前路,在西游中 缔造五仙妙道。在太浩中验证混元道路,在遮天中建立不同体系。……穿越在漫漫诸天,寻求不同体系碰撞所产生的变化。各位书友要是觉得《诸天大道图》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w12758-30626 >>


内容简介:【全网爆款】【戏精本精+医毒双绝+男强女强+打脸+霸宠】前世最牛的解毒师一朝穿越成了弃妃,没事,她除了医术,催眠术,演技好之外,她还可以抱她家王爷的大腿。小妾欺负,不怕,我抱大腿太妃霸 凌,无畏,我抱大腿皇帝用强,王爷,臣妾好怕怕啊,快来救救你的亲亲小王妃!某王爷瞄了眼挂在自己废腿上的戏精:“喂,戏过了啊!”一个花家弃子,一个废物战神,看起来是废物配废物,实则却是强强联合。看逗逼戏精和毒舌王爷,如何牵手从人生低谷,走向世界巅峰!1w0-3962 >>


内容简介:【《被偏执小狼狗告白后》在线求预收!专栏收藏!】安陌自幼被病痛折磨,二十岁便英年早逝。死后的他因长相绝美,千年一遇,被穿越局收揽,成为了一名维护各个位面世界的——病弱美人。安陌:累了, 毁灭吧。【星际】喜怒无常控制不住精神力的元帅x声音极具安抚力的病弱人鱼安陌:“既然我说什么都能安抚你的话,那么接下来请欣赏《报菜名》。”高冷元帅:“……”【末世】偏执重生丧尸王x坐轮椅的残疾幼师安陌:“乖乖躺好,今天我们来讲《农夫与蛇》、《东郭先生与狼》、《我与丧尸王》的故事。”丧尸王:“……”【直播】人狠话不多野王X厌食症主美食副游戏主播安陌:“今天打游戏被对面野王打废了。关了游戏让我们心平气和地做一道油炸野王,裹上面粉和面包糠,放进油锅里,炸至金黄酥脆捞出,隔壁小孩儿都馋哭了。”偷偷来看老婆直播的野王:…………【阅读指南必读】1白月光专业户受X反派专业户攻。2快穿,世界很多,私设很多,请勿较真,不喜点x。3病弱点到为止,不会太惨,人设需要。不是无脑万人迷,不是毒舌。4本文跟随剧情循序渐进,点进文中默认接受剧情逻辑和文中设定。封面是找画师约的图。5以前排过很多雷,只希望大家看文开心,结果直接上升作者人身攻击,说我分裂……那我不排了,能看下去就欢迎,坑品有保证。——————预收——————《被偏执小狼狗告白后》祁青暮家庭背景复杂,上了大学后所有的开销都由自己赚取,落魄可怜。偏偏是这样简单好拿捏的背景,加上那张俊美的长相,令他被众多目光窥觊。几方不好惹的人凑到一起,齐齐逼迫他做出选择的时候,一个如狼般阴鸷狂妄的高大男生冲破黑暗,闯入他的生活中。祁青暮:索性都疯了,那就挑一个最疯的!传闻顾屿是个疯子,二十出头的年纪却像一个在社会上浴血厮杀的老油条,他仗着年轻有势,狂傲不羁为所欲为,对看上的人不折手段。听说他看脸抢了个‘男朋友’回来,过程蛮横无理,圈内众人都忍不住去看热闹。却没想到——祁青暮:把手给我。疯子顾少:呵。一边嗤笑一边双手并拢递了过去。多年后,白手起家年轻有为的祁设计师回忆最艰难的那段时光,忍不住对着采访镜头露出和煦温柔的笑容。“我和我的爱人相濡以沫,相互救赎。”晚上回家,‘小狼狗’咬着他的后颈,耳鬓厮磨。“哥哥,我需要‘救赎’……”1w0-48482 >>


内容简介:民风淳朴花江市,人才辈出杰尔兰。助人为乐圣血教,第一圣母乐正堂。当乐正堂睁开眼睛的时候,重生了的他就知道,还有一个小时,末世就要来了。只不过这个男人一点都不着急,在椅子上翘着二郎腿,在 本子上写着自己的目标:1认认真真的当一个“圣母”,要把前世的仇人全都救起来。2找到小姐,再当一世的管家。3……事先声明:本书绝不圣母哦,如果舍身救人了,请继续往后看看再说,说不定就有反转了呢!1w0-79198 >>




内容简介:娇宠小娘子(重生)娇宠小娘子(重生)小说阅读穿越重生小说娇宠小娘子(重生)由作家微桁创作沈青洵是侯府的小公子,从小冷漠,不好相处。沈青洵有个小表妹,又怂又胆小,却很喜欢亲近他。每次看见 他,就总像尾巴一样粘在身后。被粘烦的沈青洵,一日冷着脸凶巴巴问“你不怕我?”软软娇娇的小粉团,眨着无辜小兵提供娇宠小娘子(重生)最新章节娇宠小娘子(重生)最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-80318 >>


内容简介:方仲先在订婚宴后,喝得酩酊大醉,醉醒之后,环顾四周,他惊见自己身陷在一种诡奇的氛围中…他俏丽纯洁的未婚妻竟在一个怪婆婆的命令下,一丝不挂,全身赤裸的向他求欢,三观端正的他严然拒绝了她! 然而,不一会儿以后,他却上了另一个美丽的陌生女子…首发:「po1⒏υip」1w0-121736 >>


内容简介:  新书《我交朋友有奖励》已发,敬请支持!***我的人生都靠抢!抢到一个世界,成为最大赢家!让人感到遗憾的是:我的实力还是太低,只能初步认主大世界,想要从凶兽遍地的大世界中得到什么,还 得靠抢。于是——抢到九级镭射枪一把抢到灵泉一眼抢到星内飞车一辆抢到能量块制造工厂一座抢到长寿草一丛抢到五级机甲一套抢到基因进化液一箱抢到蟠桃林一片抢到三级星际战舰一艘抢到灵宝一件......在这个灵气复苏的时代,你想进化吗?来求我吧!1w0-4464 >>


内容简介:全民穿越斗罗大陆世界,所有开局回到了6岁绑定本土世界身份。每隔一段时间都会开启一次全民考核,面临死亡生存的挑战!没有人可以幸免,强者生存弱者淘汰,活下去,变强,成为一名强大的魂师是所有 人共用的目标。【荣之云:哈哈哈,卧槽好激动啊我,我是不是可以见到三哥了!】【元小珍:哼!无脑舔三狗赶紧去舔你的三哥去吧你,可别舔到一无所有!】【向天华:当我看到比比东和千仞雪的那一刻我就知道,武魂殿必胜!武魂殿万岁!】【白玉京:打倒反派唐三,武魂殿必胜!】【陆龙:只要你讨厌玉某人,那我们就是好朋友。】当所有人还在聊天频道口嗨笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《全民斗罗:我开局直接海神九考》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97636 >>


内容简介:穿越后的楚辞,激活师徒系统,达成任务就能获得奖励。本以为从此一步登天,谁曾想,所有奖励都跟他的修为没有太大的关系…………多年后,楚辞淡看风云,感慨道:“作为修仙界各路仙尊、妖帝、魔皇的 师尊,我很惭愧,毕竟,自己只是个炼气期小修士……”本书关键词:武侠仙侠《炼气境宗主》小说推荐:异界之步步生莲、神之禁忌目录、玄幻:我!天命大反派、醉卧红尘梦未醒之载酒行、刺青、冷宫签到八十年,我举世无敌、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、夫君是我一手带大的、星际之亡灵帝国、综漫良善一念为恶人间、精灵史前一万年、最高赦免、居山海、海贼:垂钓就变强、领主时代:百倍增幅、阎王妻、秋以为期、温木成林、三国:开局收服太后、跨物种相亲、dota传奇教父、霸爱(GL)、我、我是你的、港片:我是幕后大BOSS、翠花修仙记、一枝、诸天里的美食家、此刻,全球进入恐怖时代!、Omega男友饲养指南[女A男O]、钧天图1w0-70874 >>


内容简介:一指定乾坤,翻手摘星辰!来源于神秘之地的一枚晶石,改变了一位落魄少年的命运。从洛山宗出发,一步步声名鹊起,拳破九霄,脚碎星辰,最终挑战那无人可开启的帝境之门。1w24979-10751 3 >>

Dear Tear

Kiritani is a grade one girl. Narita is a boy who doesn’t know how to deal with girls. Kiritani’s admired senpai, good friend and classmate sitting next to her are all rejected by Narita when they express their love to him. To get a reasonable explanation from him, Kiritani decides to go home together with him after school everyday. What will happen between Kiritani and Narita? This is a story about love and tears. Don’t miss it!

Hanamachi Monogatari - Hatsuzakura Mau, Yoru No Shitone

Shuri is bought by Toujou Tatsumi, owner of the brothel 'Hanabishi'. Thinking he's saved from the mistreatment at his previous workplace, Shuri gladly follows Toujou only to find out that he might have fallen into the clutches of an even worse employer. Based on the same-titled BL game.


A couple of high school pupils, Masaru Kato and Kei Kurono, are hit with a subway train in a effort to save the life span of a drunk homeless guy who'd fallen onto the tracks. Following their deaths, Kato and Kurono find themselves transported to the inside of an unfurnished Tokyo flat, where they meet with a Gantz expert Joichiro Nishi, as well as other clueless players. The pair soon understands that they're prohibited to depart the flat. At one end of the room there's a sizable black sphere called 'Gantz'. Characters in Gantz Manga After some time in the area, the Gantz world opens up, showing wires attached to his head and a hairless nude guy using a breathing mask, and different weapons to allow them to use. Included in these are the custom fitting black suits which give them superhuman speed, strength, stamina and damage resistance, a control which functions as a stealth and radar unit, Xgun, X Shotgun, Y-Firearm. Later on the show the Gantz sword, Gantz Bike are manufactured much more powerful at the same time as accessible weapons are given in the 100 point menu.   Brief info and a picture is revealed of a few of the Gantz' objectives; Gantz orders them to go and kill them. Except for one assignment, every one of the goals are aliens living on Earth, which take on a wide selection of types. During the mission, individuals that are ordinary cannot view the extraterrestrial beings or the players. Them transport to the part of the assignment, and they can't return or leave until all of the enemies are killed, or the time limit has run out. Each person is given points for the aliens they've killed, when they survive an effective mission. The menu offers three choices:   Alternative 1: The participant can go back to their regular life, never having to be summoned by Gantz again. As a cost, their memories of the assignments as well as Gantz will be erased. Alternative 2: The participant gets a unique and incredibly-powerful weapon. Alternative 3: The participant can restore a person that has died during a mission from Gantz' recollection. Points are tallied up following an assignment was finished, do and the players are permitted to leave as they see fit until their next mission, together with the exception of talking about Gantz which would lead with their heads bursting. During the third mission of Kato and Kurono, every one of the participants including Kato are killed, however the last leader giving a chance to live to Kurono is killed by Kato. Kurono survives the third mission bleeding on the ground along with his limbs cut. Following the next assignment inside embracing a hero, leader complex similar to Kato Kurono begins to transform. Kurono participates together with the goal of restoring his dead friends using the 100 point compensation choice as the show continues. A fresh team of Gantz players is gathered, which Kurono leads, as among the greatest combatants plus the most seasoned veteran. Through his interactions with all the other members of his life or death conflicts and the team, Kurono slowly develops into a leader that is responsible. Following the Oni assignment Kurono revives Kato, and shortly after Kurono meets his death from the vampires. As the show continues, the rules of the assignments change; regular folks can now see them, the aliens they face are increasingly more strong and dangerous, plus they participate in a mission with another Gantz team from Osaka. Kato becomes the center of his search to restore Kurono and attention in the manga. By the end of the assignment, Kato that is just like the initial time expired, he gets the better of arguably the most powerful alien in the show and is set bleeding on the ground going to expire.   After several assignments, an old player named Nishi, who understands more in relation to the others about how Gantz works, reveals them a 'catastrophe countdown' on the Gantz world that the other players were unaware of. By the end of the week, the Earth is invaded by a huge alien force and starts exterminating the human race, while their utmost tries to use Gantz' innovative technology and weapons in defense. It's suggested that Nishi expired, but his departure seems to not be clear. In his area Eeva totally controls all Gantz teams prior to the statement by killing most of the hunters, giving an expression of the mortality to the human race. Kurono that will be air to the whole world is called on by the world, and having the help of a revived Kato, Kurono gambles all his potential for winning and saving the human race on himself. Kurono manages to overcome the alien mothership stops from destroying Earth. The collection finishes with Kato and Kurono being greeted as heroes and returning safely to Earth. Other manga: + Monster Soul manga + Inuyasha manga

Divine Melody: The Untold Story

Sequel to Divine Melody. Caisheng, the half demon fox god who can change gender at will, wanders the Earth looking for her lost lover's reincarnation, Wei Tzequi. Wei Tzequi, a former divine being, was banished from the heavens for breaking the rules, but Caisheng refuses to give up hope she will meet him again. But finding Wei Tzequi is only the start of Caisheng's troubles. Other beings, both demons and gods alike, want her for their own reasons. Some see Caisheng as the salvation for their own race, while others want to kill her for their own nefarious purposes. Even a fox-god from the heavens, Yuer, finds himself intensely curious with Caisheng, and decides he will take her back to the heavens in order to marry her. In order to survive, Caisheng must muster what allies she can so she can continue to wander - and find the one person she has spent so many years seaching for.

Privy Seal

Privy Seal summary: Privy Seal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Privy Seal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kings Of The Midnight Congregations: 8 Kings Arc Volume 2

Kings Of The Midnight Congregations: 8 Kings Arc Volume 2 summary: In a city that has lost its means to dream, 8 kingdoms rise to create an ideal and peaceful community. But, what will happen if these very kingdoms begins to wage war against the others, risking the Philippine government to get involve. Will they risk the peace they long and wage in a full scale war to flourish their ideals... or, will they cling to their status quo in order to keep their...

Perchance To Dream

Perchance To Dream summary: Perchance To Dream summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Perchance To Dream. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ephemera - Sebastian

Ephemera - Sebastian summary: Ephemera - Sebastian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ephemera - Sebastian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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