
























小小少年决心剑指王位。 “他的内心曾经如一片寂寥的雪原,如今我看见,厚厚的积雪下,透出炙热的火光。”






简介云天空同名小说改编。王子流落民间十年,受尽凄苦。随着一重重慧眼天赋觉醒,希罗招募了诸多的强力伙伴,凭借着强大的圣灵兽,一路励志、搞笑的与敌人展开了战斗。一战之下,希罗才知道,当年的事情并没有那么简单。更大的黑幕,才刚刚露出一丝端倪!每周四更新。邮箱[email protected]


内容简介:小兵提供狂气科学家大神最新作品《猛男并不想要日常》最新章节全文免费阅读,猛男并不想要日常TXT下载,猛男并不想要日常全文字更新,猛男并不想要日常无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网猛男并不想要日常 吧,本站最新最快更新猛男并不想要日常的最新章节。1w0-71652 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《洪荒:我把诸天玩坏了》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读李玄辰身穿洪荒,开局获得佛门气运系统?要创立佛门?好办啊,那咱就搞一个不一样的佛门!叮诸天万界聊天群邀请你加入!好家伙,咱这是要 从洪荒发展诸天嘛?我喜欢!呼呜,祖龙靓仔,加入佛门不啦?给你大日坦克佛果位,一炮轰烂世界的那种!元凤小姐姐,加入佛门不啦?给你加特林菩萨果位噢,冒蓝光一息三千六百转!始麒麟小老弟,来我佛门吧,给你98K天佛果位,一秒洞穿亿万万虚无都那种噢罗睺啊,搞什么自爆吖?加入佛门给你火箭筒魔佛果位,一炮轰死鸿钧那种!鸿钧:???亿万万年后,无数人提起佛门,都会想到那提着加特林,开着坦克,举起火箭筒乱杀的狠人道统……1w0-126065 >>


内容简介:我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻是公子寻欢创作的经典的小说作品我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻小兵提供我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻最新章节全文免费阅读,我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻下载,我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇 妻全文字更新,我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻无弹窗!请关注我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻吧,本站最新最快更新我爸是大佬带球跑的小娇妻的最新章节。1w0-75737 >>


内容简介:替死转生:卧槽!我怎么又死了?林小树刚穿越就被人随手弄死了!幸好觉醒系统,获得灵魂技能替死转生。直接变成了害自己死亡的仇人。从此,霸占仇人的一切,睡仇人××,打仇人的娃,做系统任务走向 1w0-69669 >>


内容简介:善与恶真的有对与错之分吗?顾晨曦一直游走于分界线中,由最开始调查父亲失踪的谜团,到后来戴上黑暗的面具打击犯罪;从汉宁市最初出现的“屠夫”,到艾翁集团背后的惊天秘密,拂晓前的天际最为黑暗 。英雄从来不是好当的,就像他经常告诫自己的那样“我不想当什么英雄,我只是震怒,对黑暗难以抑制的震怒”【展开】【收起】1w0-81885 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者天空无云的经典小说:《转生:开局和蜘蛛子签订契约》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说转生到迷宫之中的林凡,与蜘蛛子签订了主从契约。而且,林凡发 现到了,自己还能够召唤龙族生物。当异世界被无尽龙族所占据的时候。剑之勇者和盾之勇者想要来屠龙?行,古龙种里面你们挑一个吧!打不过想跑?那可不行,乖乖给我打工一百年再说!魔王军团全面来袭?蜘蛛子你带一万头灭尽龙出战!1w0-73611 >>


内容简介:前世她被最亲近的人谋财害命,重生一世,她要让狗男女血债血偿。只是,某条发着金光的大腿伸了过来,是抱还是不抱呢?“七少,抱大腿呀。”某人瞄了一眼她的腿,嗯,腿型不错。第二天,她哈欠连天的 哀叹,抱大腿是要付代价的。1w22098-27889 >>


内容简介:  酒后醒来回到刚改革开放的八十年代,睁开眼就面临母亲高额的手术费用。上一世为了给母亲凑手术费,大哥以身犯险丢了性命,父母遭受打击相继而去,留下苏峥如无根浮萍飘零于世。现在,苏峥要改变 这一切。不但如此,他还要活的肆意妄为!苏峥玩味问道:“小马,你对钱感兴趣吗?”1w0-2011 >>




内容简介:同背景儿子的故事指路:cp231026少汪几句》实体书已出,无删减简体,会有独家新番外2w字,指路BY冰块儿,微博置顶有网络版txt新文《专属深爱》已完结欢迎观看~CP26806梗概: 江湖人称“琰哥”的校霸omega蒋少琰发期将近,本以为只能找个比他强点的alpha凑合过了,却突然冒出个学弟说喜欢他?等等,信息素那么弱也敢来泡哥?这只汪怕不是傻的吧。汪哲X蒋少琰酸酸甜甜甜甜甜甜甜甜,除了ABO大框架之外其余细节都是自行设定,开坑,完结!谢谢大家支持!微博有txt欢迎自取少汪几句ABO最新章节地址:1w7704-75965 >>


内容简介:【清冷学霸小仙女VS中二暴躁学渣一个关于初恋猛于虎的故事。】初见。一贯浪荡不思进取的江延对学霸小仙女一见钟情,送奶茶,送趴趴枕,送回家制造一切相处机会,谁知被小仙女无情地拒绝,一盆冷水 浇下来:“我不和学渣交朋友。”后来。新婚之夜,江延慢条斯理地单手解开衬衣纽扣,目光灼灼地逼近床上只穿了一袭吊带红裙明艳似火的宁桑,低着嗓子问:“会叫老公吗?”排雷提示:本文1V1双纯双处。江霸总不是完美男士,有路怒症,爱唠叨,纯种学渣,非伪装。前校园,后期都市。那些说星星漂亮的人,一定没有见过你的眼睛。如果您喜欢再撩我就心动了,别忘记分享给朋友作者:林漫笙所写的《再撩我就心动了》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83710 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者今夜来采菊的经典小说:《千万岁傻白甜》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说接档文《重生后我成了这条街最渣的崽》万千宠爱于一身天真无邪重生受X斯文败类攻 冬长青从盘古开天辟地,一直活到了天庭倒闭,新中国成立。他已经几千万岁了,是个大人了。“修总!我想吃蛋糕!”“好。”“修总!我想买衣服!”“好。”“修总!我想做你的继承人!”“好啊。”冬长青笑眼弯弯的看着他,“你对我这么好,是因为我长的像他吗?”修总脸色阴沉,手掌紧握,“……是。”冬长青举着镜子美滋滋的笑。有男神同款真开心1w0-74215 >>

Yuri Tengoku

• Shining Mars Aya loves her childhood friend Yuna but Yuna is good at everything and Aya worries that she's not good enough for her. The metaphor of Earth and Mars is used to describe their relationship/situation. • Omoi no Kisetsu What happens when two nuns-in-training are discovered to be having a relationship with each other? • Rooftop A girl confesses her love to her crush many, many times, but her crush thinks that she's just saying it out of pity. • Bound by a Red String A romance blooms between two roomates in an all-girls' boarding school. • The Glade in the Forest Behind the School Two girls share a secret place, and become close because of it. • I'm Here Agirl returns to a place she lived in as a child and sees a childhood friend again. • She, I, and the Red Book • You're Lovelier than a Rose Aparody about an all-girls school with an underground student council that's a bit... unusual. It makes a few funny references, to things like Marimite and Takarazuka. • Autumn Sleepiness Two girls are stuck coming into school on a Sunday to do work for the Student Council. But why is one of them so sleepy? • Beyond This Sky A girl consoles a new student who has just come to the school. • Friends Two particular girls, one of whom just happens to be the board chairman of their school, become friends with each other. • My Partner • Princess Academy

Super Darling!

From Turtle Paradise: It's not that she tries to keep to herself, exactly: It's just that everyone seems to look right through her! Naturally, Sakuya Tohno has a complex about it. She says she's just like air: ever present, but never seen. All she wants is a friend, but building relationships isn't exactly easy for someone who is, for all intents and purposes, invisible. But then she hears a legend about the 'Thousand-Year Sakura' and how, if one makes a wish beneath its perpetually-blossoming boughs, it's sure to come true. So in a moment of desperation, she races to the tree, only to find four very attractive boys waiting for her... And at that moment, beneath the cherry blossoms of the ever-blooming Thousand-Year Sakura, something incredible happens!

Ai No Joou

From ShoujoMagic: Story 1: The Indigo-Blue Queen ~The Stage Actress Murder Case~ Riko adores the talented stage actress Katzuki Ichie, who is best known for her performance as 'The Indigo-blue Queen,' a noble woman who is poisoned. However, Ichie is worth more to some people dead than alive, and she's been receiving anonymous death threats. When the curtain falls on the final show of 'The Indigo-blue Queen,' Ichie dies as the cryptic threats foretold, and everyone -- including Riko -- is suspect...!? Story 2: Private Room Shouko and Aiko Kuramochi are sisters who live alone with their father. Their father gets hospitalized and falls in love with a beautiful doctor... Afterwards the doctor moves in with her beautiful son... Inspite of his beauty Yuki is cold and without emotion...

Ramen Ikaga!?

On Earth, pouring boiling water over a bowl of instant Ramen means you're hungry. On Planet Cup-Ramen, the women are human sized and the men are three-inch tall. Instant sized men need to be brought up to human size by, you guessed it, pouring hot water on them! It's also a proposal of marriage. Sumire - a lively 16 year old boy, was only hungry when he bought this peculiar looking cup Ramen from the shop. Little did he know that it was actually the space ship of the pint size Prince Kanmen of the Planet Cup-Ramen! Prince Kanmen is very persistent; and Sumire who is caught in between various fiancées, older brothers, younger brothers, obsessive SM handmaidens and pop stars, he may just end up marrying Prince Kanmen out of sheer exhaustion!

A District Messenger Boy, and A Necktie Party

A District Messenger Boy, and A Necktie Party summary: A District Messenger Boy, and A Necktie Party summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A District Messenger Boy, and A Necktie Party. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Submarine Boys for the Flag

The Submarine Boys for the Flag summary: The Submarine Boys for the Flag summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Submarine Boys for the Flag. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Legend of Ravaging Dynasties

Legend of Ravaging Dynasties summary: The Odin Mainland is separated into four counties, in each lives a group of soul masters protecting their county with their soul powers. The most powerful seven of them are known as n.o.ble Lords. The story begins in the water origin, the Aslan Empire.
Qi Ling has been a bus boy in an inn since young and subconsciously tamed a legendary soul beast Cang Xue Zhi Ya in a battle between soul masters. Yin Chen came on orders of the Silver Priests to take in him as his disciple. With his help, Qi Ling heads to the Grave of the Souls to seek his soul weapon, yet as he couldn’t sit still like how his lord instructed him, he enters the Grave of the Souls with Tianshu Youhua and Guishen Lianquan.
After his risky adventure in the Grave of the Souls, he was scolded by his lord. At the very same time, another conspiracy that has long been in the works within the Aslan Empire is gradually revealing itself.
Note: This story was originally written as Critical: Ages Below Critical in 2011 but its serialization went on a five year haitus. After returning the author began to re-write the series with its updated name.

Witch Questions and Answers

Witch Questions and Answers summary: The witch was who you would call a witch.
Wrapped up in a black robe and stirring the contents of her cauldron, cackling “Eeeheehehee!” all the while – she belonged to that category of so-called witches.
A face that was deeply carved with wrinkles. An aged body that was appraised as the hag amongst hags, more hags, and even more hags.
To the side of that witch, the third son of the local feudal lord came along without bringing any companions.
Let’s see, the splendid young lord’s reason for his “esteemed” consultation is…
※ A series of short episodic stories.

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