简介玩世不恭的少年在“偶然”的死亡后结识了神秘的少女,为了复活许下了看似简单的条件,但是未知的险恶早已悄然所致…… 每周6更新 群:180521019 154130913 290666479
内容简介:简介:天地浩瀚,圣力玄妙,无数人类为强大自身,执圣之则,掌圣之纹,以御圣力,求逆天地之途!神圣大陆的圣力修炼者们,在经过十品圣徒的圣力积累阶段后,都必须经历一个巨大的瓶颈,那就是淬炼圣 图,凝结圣轮。圣图代表意念玄奥,圣轮为圣力凝结而成,不同的圣图形态即不同的圣力属性和战斗方式,圣轮的多少则象征修为的高低。唯有淬炼出了圣图后,才能凝结圣轮,成为真正的圣者。而传说中的传奇圣尊,拥作者:语成所写的《叱神》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-79865 >>
内容简介:王牌特种兵不幸陨落,回到东汉末年三国乱世……在强人横行、肆意杀戮的年月里,军阀诸侯只想着攻城掠地,人命如同草芥,想活下来吗?那就凭借智慧、武力、美色、钱财来兑现生存筹码!杨志军附身的赵 兴——佃农之后、孤儿寡母、一穷二白,又用什么作为生存的筹码?你不欲欺人,然而人欺你;我无意杀人,可别人要杀我……既然是人吃人的年代,那就做个堂堂正正的铁血男儿汉!杀张杨占上党、灭董卓平西凉、擒吕布得赤兔……天下四分非所愿,那就凭着手中八尺铁枪征天下!北起辽东之地、南到交州蛮荒,大军过处,看袁绍、刘备、曹操、孙策化为尘土飞扬………有我赵兴在,岂有三国归晋时?且看赵家百万铁军横扫天下,光耀华夏!小说关键字:回到三国的无敌特种兵各位书友要是觉得《回到三国的无敌特种兵》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31801 >>
内容简介:窝囊废物的上门女婿叶凡,无意中得到太极经和生死石的传承,自此开始了不一样的人生,他医术救美,武道杀敌,不仅横扫他人的轻视和嘲笑,赢得娇妻的芳心,更是站到了这世界的巅峰,睥睨天下。1w1 340-1349 >>
内容简介: 她是个瞎子,在黑暗中生活了二十年。 最终被冠上通奸罪名害死。 当她重新睁开眼睛,看到了这个多彩的世界。 ——翻手苍凉,覆手繁华。 一切不过都在她一念之间。 PS:他知道那 个杀伐果断的女子,一抢,二闹,三不要脸,才能将她娶回家。 还不够?那他只能当一回腹黑的白莲花,引她来上当,要不怎么好意思叫宠妻。 虐极品,治家,平天下,少一样怎么爽起来。 *** VIP读者群542814025,普通读者群43434563 教主新书《嫁冠天下》欢迎大家阅读。书号:10112580771w0-518 >>
内容简介:传闻曾有一人,只身走上岛国,屠杀敌军万千,瞳似血红诡月,形若鬼神降临,这一日,他成为全球国家害怕的对象,无人晓其来历,只知他有一个代表杀戮的称号修罗…………畏惧也就意味着危险,为了他的 安全,10年的军籍被削,所有资料全无,回到都市,身如鬼神的他是否能融入着繁华,早已淡忘的朋友和家人,是否还能捡起,神1w0-26079 >>
内容简介:影视r动漫r小说同人文,每篇都是独立的小故事,深情男主和原女主结婚后,因为各种原因和女配(原创女主)发生性关系出轨,有走肾有走心,所以喜欢原cp的小可爱一定要慎入!!!第一篇:微微一笑 很倾城(借孕)因为微微身体问题,婚后多年一直怀不上孩子,看着想要抱孙的公婆,微微觉得很愧疚,就给肖奈找了个年轻的女大学生作为代孕(光明正大的ntr啊),谁知丈夫在和她日夜颠鸾倒凤造子的过程中,竟然渐渐动了心?!第二篇:何以笙箫默(何以琛vs律所新来的助理)又是顾漫大大的作品,我对大大完全没有恶意的,小白作者文笔完全没办法和大大的比,纯属李子本人黑暗释放之作,希望大家不要嫌弃。第三篇:柯南x灰原哀我发四,我真的是新兰党!!!,因为这个问题,我之前还和舍友争吵过为什么结局一定是新兰不会是柯哀,我一直坚信新兰王道!!!但是(话锋一转),小说嘛,意淫一下这对应该也可以吧嘿嘿第四篇:还珠格格(永琪x知画)李子小时候因为知画这个坏女人,愣是连第三部还珠都没看,每次一见到这个女人就心痒痒的,前段时间在里看到有作者大大写了这两人(可惜弃更了,好气,大大写的超好!附上作品信息:俗lud大大奈何),突然一下子被打通任督二脉,竟然意外的很有cp感,所以自己也想试一试,嘻嘻第五篇:恶作剧之吻(江直树vs妖艳的女病人)恶作剧之吻我看了不下4遍!!!有谁会不喜欢江直树呢这篇的灵感也是来源于一个大大(也弃更了,哭,大大写的超好!!附上作品信息:木同大大快穿之勾引有罪)还有香蜜的凤凰和三生三世的夜华1w0-33689 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:妖魔复苏:开局获取一念神魔之力】妖魔复苏,鬼怪肆虐!“今晚我还会来找你”本以为是一场噩梦的林辰惊醒,在确认了自己穿越之后,还在懊恼穿越前李信一念神魔买了还没玩 过的时候,回忆起了前身的遭遇淦!?刚穿越过来就要凉?夜幕降临,妖魔应约而来,就在林辰已经要思考着这次死了还会不会穿越,会穿越到哪里的时候神级抽奖系统激活!开局获取李信一念神魔之力!正可成神镇魔!邪则成魔伐天!“看看我这个凡人!都怎么诛灭神魔!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84993 >>
内容简介:胆小怯懦的孤女重生在斗兽场,是绝望,还是新的希望?云洛想要变强,让想要守护的人一生平安!而某大爷只想爬床,爬上小狼崽香喷喷的软床!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之天降仙妻》还不错的话 请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69294 >>
内容简介:【您已随机抽到英雄——炼金术师·辛吉德!】【已自动获得获得其99999点熟练度以及亿场英雄对局经验!】Clearlove:“嘶,这个炼金在干什么啊!?”xiaohu:“断兵线!!他在我 们高地塔旁边犯罪!!”Uzi:“这什么吊英雄啊,怎么这个人把这个英雄玩得这么恶心?!”Theshy:“这团战没得打!我全程被毒熏,动都动不了!刚走两步就死了……”Faker:“喔呀?这个人怎么什么英雄都会?!”1w0-89301 >>
内容简介:平底锅教你做人无限流是逸初折子戏作者的最新小说,平底锅教你做人无限流小说网提供平底锅教你做人无限流最新章节全文免费阅读,平底锅教你做人无限流下载,平底锅教你做人无限流全文字更新,平底锅 教你做人无限流无弹窗!请关注平底锅教你做人无限流吧,本站最新最快更新平底锅教你做人无限流的最新章节。1w0-70258 >>
From Shoujomagic: Ayane's seventeenth birthday may very well be the worst day of her life. From the moment she opens her eyes in the morning, it just goes from bad to worse. The crowning glory is when she throws a beer in the face of a man whom she only realizes later is her favorite musician, the wildly popular Shiina Etsurou. Ayane loves to sing, and she's really good at it, but fate seems determined to play these cruel jokes on her. The best joke of all is Ayane's abnormal height of 173cm (5'8'). She can't step on a stage without being laughed at...she can't meet her idol without throwing beer in his face...it's enough to give a girl a complex. So when Shiina comes back and wants to make music with Ayane...she declines the offer!? V3: Story 2: Ring A Ding The story of how Shiina and Yuu met. V.6: Story 3: Friends One year later... A continuation of 'Sleeping Beauty Age,' focusing on the unresolved emotions between Ayane, Ryouta, and Nakako. V.6: Story 4: My Sweet Relationship with You Kousuke is in love with his next door neighbor and childhood friend, Ruriko. They always used to play together as kids, but now she won't even let him in her house. Hoping it will bring them closer together, Kousuke lies and says, 'This guy Eiichi who I thought was my friend is trying to kick my ass,' and tries to get Ruriko to shelter him... dropped by ShoujoMagic on 10-15-07
Poor schoolgirl Alice discovers that angels of death are anything but angelic! As punishment for slacking on the job, the shinigami Lapan is ordered to go to the Human Realm in the body of a skeleton to retrieve a wandering soul. However, much to Lapan's lecherous delight, a slip-up lands his soul in the body of young Alice, a buxom student at a local all-girls school. With the skirt-chasing shinigami (as Alice) leaving a storm of sexual harassment allegations in his wake, whatever is poor beskeletoned Alice to do?!
As children Sakon confessed his love for Migiko and promised to protect her, but not long after suddenly cut all ties with her. Now, many years later, Migiko is determined to make Sakon take notice of her by becoming Japan's Number 1 idol. Chapter 4 is a 80 page long horror story called 'Takuya of the 7 wonders' The first 3 have nothing to do with the 4th and is comedic while the 4th is dramatic.
Is a manga which Miyazaki wrote for a newspaper targeted for children. It is more of a graphic novel than a manga, since most of the text are written outside of the frames and there are very few dialogue bubbles (though towards the end of the story, it moved closer to the traditional manga style). The surprisingly dark story deals with the devastation of war, betrayal, and the ugliness of the human nature under desperate situations, including deaths of several characters. One can see the influence of TEZUKA Osamu in the art style of this manga (as in most of the manga written in this time).
Tarrano the Conqueror summary: Tarrano the Conqueror summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tarrano the Conqueror. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Taxonomic Revision of the Leptodactylid Frog Genus Syrrhophus Cope summary: A Taxonomic Revision of the Leptodactylid Frog Genus Syrrhophus Cope summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Taxonomic Revision of the Leptodactylid Frog Genus Syrrhophus Cope. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Anthology - Dark Whispers summary: Anthology - Dark Whispers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anthology - Dark Whispers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Devil's Asteroid summary: The Devil's Asteroid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Devil's Asteroid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.