内容简介: “从此刻开始,让世界感受痛苦。” 木叶上空,漩涡鸣人漠然开口,抛出手中漆黑如墨的大螺旋轮虞,无尽光和热迸发,将入目所见一切尽皆夷为平地。 一个没有被阿修罗查克拉影响,一个从小和 九喇嘛和睦相处,一个从小接受现代义务教育,一个看过整部《火影忍者》。 一个不一样的鸣人的故事。1w0-786 >>
内容简介:戚安安从小就展露出了无与伦比的医学天赋,被戚老爷子视为传人悉心培养。就在老爷子期望着孙女以后名传惊医学界时,却突然得知孙女大学选了跟医学毫不相关的专业,气得他差点没厥过去!可惜木已成舟 ,老爷子也无力更改,一怒之下直接追去孙女上大学的城市了。几年后——人工智能横空出世!全息网游不再是梦!能够改变身体素质,提高寿命的基因液轰炸式出现!男人梦想的机甲变成现实!……一项项足以改变世界的发明就这么接二连三的出现了。国家堪称跳跃式的进步惊呆了无数人,就连华国人民都不敢相信国家爸爸一下子突然变得这么牛逼!戚安安就在这个时候出现在了新闻联播上。看着新闻联播中神情冷漠容貌秀丽的戚安安,得知近几年超高速推动了时代发展的成果全都是由她主导后,所有人都疯狂了。同样坐在电视机前的戚老爷子看着自家孙女熟悉的面容,一口茶水喷出,满脸不可置信之色。这是他孙女?那个医学天才孙女?老爷子一脸呆滞,甚至怀疑自己出现了幻觉!1w0-4264 >>
内容简介:小兵提供梁大丫头大神最新作品《我的出轨娇妻》最新章节全文免费阅读,我的出轨娇妻TXT下载,我的出轨娇妻全文字更新,我的出轨娇妻无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网我的出轨娇妻吧,本站最新最快更新我 的出轨娇妻的最新章节。1w0-80492 >>
内容简介:我叫顾了(liǎo)凡,高三毕业时我觉醒成功获得了本源灵气。我的本源灵气是觉醒界的一道泥石流,因为它不仅会说话,还特别能吃。吃着吃着,我的觉醒等级变成了S级、我拥有了顶级天赋、我获得了 一个又一个属于别人的觉醒能力:元素系、控制系、力量系、分身系……【欢乐逗逼轻松向;书友群:942016398】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我的灵气会说话》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72996 >>
内容简介:放荡不羁却又超温柔的攻VS我只在你面前超乖的受冥界少主祁僮,冥王养子,官二代。怎么说也该是个千人吹万人捧的角色,可偏偏这位运气不大好。先是少年时出门溜达捡回了一身伤,把一身法力散了个干 净。后来一朝当公务员,吃瓜群众纷纷怀疑是靠爹上位,喜提冥界社交网络的黑热搜无数。最后在公务员岗位屁股还没坐热,便匆匆下台,转行到人界开起了火锅店。祁僮乐得清闲,以为自己能这么安逸到鬼生尽头,谁知某天自己那冥王爹给他安排了个结婚对象,通知他8小时后立即结婚。祁僮:???要说他这结婚对象,居然是天界皇子赫榛,本跟他一样该是个金贵的角色,但偏偏三界都在传这位其实是天后给天帝戴了绿帽,悄悄带回来的私生子。黑热搜无数的少主,流言不断的皇子。配!可太特么般配了!门当户对,宜合葬!可万万没想到,结婚前夜,天帝请他喝了杯茶,岳父(?)疯狂暗示赫榛是个危险人物祁僮:怎么个危险法?赫榛:我会骗财,还会劫色。几个月后…………祁僮:你怎么还不来劫色??!!!赫榛:我不知道你说什么,我超乖的jpg祁僮:来!我教你!这文原名叫《百味消融》立意学会跟自己和解1w0-78035 >>
内容简介:《灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君》为作者明宸希扬创作,作品灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供明宸希扬精心编写原创灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君及无弹窗灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君全文免费阅 读、TXT下载。简介关于灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君:她,事业如日中天,却悲催穿越为十里八村着名“恐龙”,一个兼具黑胖丑的傻丫头!说好的穿越自带女主光环呢?说好的貌美如花巧遇白马呢?装傻,姐有精湛演技;逼婚,可以借机谈笔交易;可我五谷不分,怎么种田致富啊?根本不带这项技能,好吗!“小然,记住,再有混蛋图谋不轨,照这里踹。多练练,掌握好力度和角度……”景恬一本正经地教育被欺负的妹妹,听得某人一阵蛋疼……“恬恬,不要总是无视我的才华!”“才华?那是什么鬼?有八块腹肌手感好么?”“做我的男人,只能有我一个!”某男:“我发誓……”“停!姐不信那个,就是告诉你一下,胆敢对不起我,直接把你阉掉,找个更好的!”某男眸光一寒,直接扑上!让你嘚瑟!一个月不准下床!喜欢《灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君》可从下列图标分享《灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君》每人日限一次分享灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君多了无效分享越多灵玉田缘:调教忠犬夫君更新越快哦1w0-108255 >>
内容简介: 孙大圣做了一个梦,梦里他被湖人队裁员,继续回到奥神队打球,之后终于能打华夏国内的CBA了,却又遭遇了连续的伤病,再加上跟球队矛盾的恶化,他坐了一年球监,无球可打……在梦中惊醒的他为 了不想变成那样的结局而准备努力,心态上的变化让他通过了梦境考验,系统根据他的状态给了他一个“勤奋系统”,从此凌晨4点的斯塔普斯球馆有科比,凌晨4点半的斯塔普斯球馆有孙大圣。1w0-1428 >>
内容简介:“朕征战百年,所向披靡,唯有统帅一人不可战胜……统帅威名犹在,而联盟已然溃败。从今往后,一切荣耀仅归于统帅本人。”持续千年的联盟统治解体,大银河帝国崛起;联盟最高军事统帅加文·西利亚拒 降,战死殉国。“陛下,薄荷花在古地球时代被认为是重逢的先兆,它的花语是————愿与你再次相见。”大银河时代联盟VS帝国设定(其实是篇狗血小白文),ABO设定(有二捏),1w0-3348 >>
内容简介:抗日之铁血英雄是流云创作的经典的小说作品抗日之铁血英雄小兵提供抗日之铁血英雄最新章节全文免费阅读,抗日之铁血英雄下载,抗日之铁血英雄全文字更新,抗日之铁血英雄无弹窗!请关注抗日之铁血英 雄吧,本站最新最快更新抗日之铁血英雄的最新章节。1w0-66054 >>
内容简介:修炼奇效杀人杀怪等级狂飙!抽奖功能神技神兵拿到手软!副职系统神丹圣符轻松炼制……宅男辰申带着无敌系统穿越而来,打怪爆秘籍,杀人爆装备,左手降龙百二十八掌,右手诸天乾坤大挪移,威压三界, 终成无敌至尊!1w0-4022 >>
From Aerandria Scans: The king of hearts is the king that captures all girls' hearts. Yui, a teacher at a cram school, is a girl who always helps anyone in trouble. After seeing her neighbor, Sakimoto, collapse on the street, it was only natural for her to nurse him back to health. But when she did, she started to be interested in this somewhat mean guy...?!
Min Eun-hoo, general manager of JK Group. Handsome looks, wealth, and a strong future! He had everything, and at some point, the thought of an unknown woman begin to ring in his mind. while she was complaining of pain not knowing who the biggest hindrance in her life was, there was a woman she encountered like fate. The candidate who came to JK on the day of the interview to hire his assistant, Seo-yoon Ha!Director Min Eun-hoo, who can hear the sound of only one person's heart, and Ha Seo-yoon, the owner of the sound, fall in love as if attracted to them!
The show starts by introducing youth buddies with quite a powerful and close camaraderie Syaoran, a young archaeologist who's investigating a ruin inside Sakura, and the Kingdom of Clow, princess of the Kingdom of Clow and daughter of the late king Clow Reed. When Sakura and Syaoran in the ruins visit, her spirit assumes the type of a set of wings that are ghostly that disintegrate to other measurements. Syaoran satisfies the Dimensional Witch, Yuko Ichihara, to whom he begs for aid to conserve Sakura as she descends into a catatonic near-death state. Yuko can be seen by two the others who each have their particular wish: Kurogane, a ninja who wants to go back to his house world after being banished from his world by Princess Tomoyo to enable him to understand what true power is; and Fai D. Flowright, a wizard who wants to never return to his house world, Celes, to prevent his king, Ashura-?. In trade for the power to go across measurements, Yuko needs that each spend with that they value most: his sword Ginry is offered by Kurogane?; Fai and Syaoran offer the tat that suppresses his tremendous magic strength and energy and all of Sakura's recollections that call for him, respectively. Yuko then provides an animal named Mokona Modoki that sends the team on a journey across measurements in search of Sakura's feathers to them. After getting the primary feathers, Sakura begins regaining her memories and awakens from her catatonic state. During their experiences, the group slowly grows nearer to to the level that they are jokingly labeled by Fai as relatives. As they journey, they discover the feathers will bestow several unnatural powers to those that possess them and have their own unique capabilities. Throughout their trip in Tokyo, the team finds that Syaoran is in truth a clone imbued with half the heart of the first Syaoran. Many years back, Fei- produced the clone to gather Sakura's feathers and the magician who caused her recollections to be lost by Sakura, Wang Reed, took the first Syaoran prisoner. Soon following the first Syaoran breaks of Fei-Wang the maintain of, his heart is lost by the clone and becomes an puppet that follows Fei Wang's will, betraying the team. The first Syaoran joins with Sakura wanting to save the clone in the team trip. Foreseeing another in which Fai kills the first Syaoran driven by Fei-Wang the hex of, Sakura gets stabbed in his area, but in once divides soul and her body, delivering each to Seresu distinct worlds as well as the Dream World, respectively. In the Dream World, Sakura's soul is destroied by the Syaoran clone when attempting get the feathers. Before her soul perishes, Sakura shows that she is a clone of the first Sakura who had been also taken prisoner by Fei Wang. Fei Wang subsequently requires Sakura's body to utilize its energy that is stored. The team departs to save the two Sakuras understanding from Yuko that Fei Wang is within an alternative measurement in the Kingdom of Clow. Such measurement that is parallel is the effect of Syaoran's desire to conserve the first Sakura from Fei Wang's bane years back. In order to allow his want, Syaoran became Fei Wang's prisoner and Kimihiro Watanuki, Yuko's helper, was used to replace Syaoran within the background in his first world. The team combat Fei Wang who ruins the Syaoran clone when he betrays him. Then he uses power of the two Sakuras and the immeasurably powerful power to resurrect Yuko, accidentally frozen in time by Clow Reed her departure to prevent, therein establishing himself Clow's not inferior. Yuko utilizes Clow's magic as payment and her existence to help make the clones reborn before to dwell together. As the 2 understand all the string' events would recur, themselves are sealed by the clones before the conflict against him in the store of Yuko. The team manages to destroy Fei Wang, who traps Syaoran in a void between area and time, pulling along both Watanuki and his clone as a result of the link. Using their originator's departure, both clones of Syaoran and Sakura disappear leaving two feathers. Watanuki and Syaoran escape in the emptiness to get a cost: Syaoran should carry on while Watanuki should remain in the store of Yuko, going through the measurements eternally. Where Fai, Kurogane, and Mokona choose to join Syaoran once again in expectation of getting a means to restore the clones who remain as the two feathers the team rests in the Kingdom of Clow. Before departing on their different ways, Sakura and Syaoran admit their near, mutually powerful and pure intimate love for every other as they expect to fulfill again.
From Viz: In the far future, war has destroyed the entire Earth, leaving only a barren wasteland called Sand Land where the supply of water is controlled by the greedy king. In search of a long-lost lake, Sheriff Rao asked the king of the demons for help... and got the king's son, Beelzebub, and his assistant, Thief. Together the unlikely trio sets off across the desert, facing dragons, bandits and the deadliest foe of all... the King's Army itself! It's travel adventure and tank action in this new story from the creator of DRAGON BALL Z!
World Gate Online summary: Lucas Lauwers, an ordinary college student submits an entry for the lottery to win the very first virtual gaming device and game on a whim and wins! He played the game for the first time without any information beforehand and joins a party. The party then encounters a boss level monster right of the bat and he was left alone by his teammates, he stumbles upon a hole and was able to get away from the boss monster only to be stuck inside the cave! Not being able to set the town as his resurrection point, the cave was set as default since he had rested there. With nowhere to go, what will Lucas do?
Takeoff. summary: Takeoff. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Takeoff.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Graysons summary: The Graysons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Graysons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
At Home with the Jardines summary: At Home with the Jardines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of At Home with the Jardines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.