简介她是最强修仙者,穿越异界,上有家族欺压迫害,下有渣男未婚夫凌辱践踏…想虐她?呵呵!笑看作死者自作孽不可活,顺我者昌 逆我者亡!只是…这个貌美如花的国师大大为啥总是对她“暗送秋波”?某国师:“睡过那么久,这会儿就不认账了?”
内容简介:优优说,作为一名合格的声控,不光要会听,还得会说!优优说,虽然先天条件不够,但咱还能后期努力呀!优优说,听我的,保准你成为大佬!配音圈可没那么简单!那是自然,这里不仅有专业的知识点,还 有甜甜的恋爱呢!1w0-74833 >>
内容简介:◆文案◆傅家金龙令,紫玉斩花宫!江湖上,每个人都有秘密。你若踏入江湖,永远不知道下一秒将发生什么。恩怨情仇,爱恨纠缠,江湖上的血雨腥风挡不住无尽的缠绵爱恋。爱与不爱的距离,不过是那人转 身时,你抬起又放下的手。梦醒处,一场烟花散尽;回首成长,淡淡的香气中亦氤氲着淡淡的痛。◆读书群:60861592加群请加备注,为书中人物名字。谢谢支持!◆◆◆小贴士◆◆本文将于6月14日周六入(倒)V,倒ampgt看过的读者请勿重复购买哦!入ampgt谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持……入更3000,如特殊情况会请假,然后补更。谢谢大家的支持。其他《傅家金龙传奇》系列文。喜欢的请点:傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之傅家金龙传奇之各种风格不同的朋友的文文,喜欢请点:1w0-70625 >>
内容简介:前世,许颜错信渣男贱妹,最终却落得个家破人亡的下场,就连那个默默守护她十年的男人也被她害的遍体鳞伤。一朝重生,她擦亮双眼,捡起美貌与智商,精心筹谋,步步为营,走上了徒手虐渣的道路。脚踹 渣男,手撕茶妹,复仇路上,遇神杀神遇鬼杀鬼,遇见总裁大佬赶紧抱大腿。白天的她风光无限,可到了半夜却成了柔弱的小白兔,总有一双邪恶的魔爪伸向她。许颜战战兢兢“救命……这个老公她可以打包退货吗?”某大佬欺身而下:“撩完就想跑?想得美!”各位书友要是觉得《夫人她又在虐渣了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72026 >>
内容简介: 夏极前世一本正经地追求名利,所以劳累而死,他发誓,如有来世,他一定要一本正经地逍遥自在。 一觉醒来,他竟真的穿越成了“武当真人关门弟子”。 身为名门正派的弟子。 您修炼了【八 荒六合唯我独尊功】,您巨大化。 您修炼了【日曜黄庭经】,您成了炎魔。 您吞噬了【三昧真火】、【涅槃佛火】、【金刚地心火】,您成了...... ... 您察觉到这个世界的危险与神秘,决定苟在武当山,做一世逍遥自在的正派人。 直到那一天,魔界入侵了,神佛俱灭,人间惶惶之时,诸多大能纷纷出世,扭转战局。 终有一日,魔王跪倒在您面前,恭敬道:“请魔皇出山!” 您:???1w0-2786 >>
内容简介:【不坑,放心入】文案废,将就看。文案:乖戾顽劣,桀骜不驯的陆家小少爷的前女友回国了,还成了他的经纪人。当年无故被甩,陆择野咽不下这口气,高冷男神的逼装得十分到位。但陆择野发现桑烟看他的 眼神却越来越不对劲,撩他、逗他,还对他笑,甚至暗戳戳地给他塞房卡!贵圈都好奇小少爷跟前女友怎么样了,陆择野得意地抿着酒,笑着炫耀,“桑烟想跟我复合,我没搭理她。”桑烟气质高贵冷艳,一身旗袍风情万种,圈内顶尖1w0-90905 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:国运逃亡:我开创神级文明!】穿越平行世界,发现太阳即将陨灭,全球197个国家绑定国运,参加万族战场,获取奖励。别国全都兑换出了方舟飞船,纷纷逃离蓝星。而地球上 ,只剩下了夏国一国。各国纷纷嘲笑。“哈哈哈!夏国,留在蓝星上等死吧!”可是王一凡却微微一笑!“等死?你们好像忘了!现在地球上只剩下我们夏国人了!”叮!蓝星只剩下唯一民族!获得特性:行星统一。【兑换:泡沫生态城市圈——(占据八黎,占据西京,占据牛约!)】【兑换:近地轨道防御系统!】【兑换:行星发动机!】“小破球!我们走!”霎时间,蓝星喷射出炽热的尾炎,朝宇宙中冲去。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢国运逃亡:我开创神级文明!,别忘记分享给朋友国运逃亡:我开创神级文明!TXT下载1w0-31593 >>
内容简介: 睡个觉而已,她竟是穿成了书中同名脑残女配——男主的渣前妻,一朵怼天怼地的盛世白莲,而且还是正在私奔路上,既来之则安之,程宁宁表示:她要抱紧相公大腿,逆转人生,做诰命夫人,绝不能落得 被卖去花楼的下场。 学做饭,让相公吃饱饱,采草药,给相公卖钱钱,左一句我家相公右一句我家相公,必须让相公知道她心里眼里都是他。 撕白莲斗绿茶,这些都不用她,她家相公自带技能,她只要爱相公爱相公就行。 多年后,她成了全京都女子嫉妒的对象。 众女子:丞相夫人今日胖了。 她:哎,丞相大人天天给我做好吃的。 众女子:丞相夫人今日的衣着有些俗了。 她:丞相大人亲自挑的,男人的审美就这样,他喜欢就好。 众女子摔帕子跺脚,还能不能好好说话了。 丞相大人:夫人,为夫接你回家。1w0-945 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:三国:开局貂蝉带着女儿找上门】韩毅穿越三国,经过四年努力,当上了泰山郡郡守。可令韩毅没有想到的是!刚穿越时,与他情投意合的貂蝉,竟然带着个三岁的女儿,找上门来 。从此,韩毅变成了护娃宠妻狂魔!曹操:“谁能想到,韩毅突然进攻东郡,是因为女儿想吃这里产的鱼?”袁绍:“靠!因为女儿一句话,就派兵攻打我?”韩毅:“女儿要富养,她想要什么,我都会给!”颖宝:“爹,我喜欢吃雪糕!”韩毅:“好!爹给你做!”幂宝:“爹,我要去风筝!”韩毅:“没问题!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72585 >>
内容简介:在山滴那边月光下面有一只小精灵她可爱又聪明,她腹黑又暴力她被魔鱼吃掉来到都市钢铁大森林她善良勇敢努力抢曼尼啊,倒霉的小精灵啊,悲催的小精灵她穿成人类幼崽摆平屌丝调教高富帅她当兵威武卖敌 人多欢喜我们的口号是:专业卖敌人一百年不动摇,业界良心!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《黑萌进化史》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77657 >>
From Fifay.net: A poor peasant girl was sold to a brothel in Edo. Her new life started from the day when she had her first full-bowl of rice. After many struggles, she became a cultivated Oiran. While her beauty never failed, her hope for freedom faded with the passing seasons. Yoshiwara of Edo was a man's heaven, but a woman's hell: all was sakuran. Other manga : + Durarara manga + Barbara manga
Since the first man, humans have shared the world with creatures known as the Jinn (Jinn plural, jinni singular) , sometimes they are known as spirits or ghost. They have been around before humans and have extraordinary abilities. They are unseen to the naked eye but can take the forms of animals, humans and other living things. Even though the Jinn live with free will, each human is also assigned an individual Jinni (a Qarin) to be their constant companion and whisper evil thoughts to them. Suddenly something happens in the world which allows humans strong particularly Willpower to be able exploit and use the powers of their Qarin and in some cases the powers of other Jinn. How will the humans use their new found power, will the Jinn fight back ? Read this series to find out more...
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Kazuno is the store keeper of An, an Asian themed café, and recently she’s been dealing with some issues…namely one that’s a royal headache! When her father falls ill, protagonist Kazuno is determined to keep his café running in his absence. However, the girl is anything but café material. Heck, her coffee induces projectile vomiting (and who knows what else if it hits the GI tract)! Her only regular customer is the Arabian Prince Ashraf. But he’s not there for the food. He’s hell bent on having Kazuno’s hand in marriage – even if it means stalking her at her workplace! And a little thing like social status won’t deter this royal pain. Café Café - A comedy of a not so mentally stable prince and the girl he loves.
Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect summary: Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
History of Tom Jones, a Foundling summary: History of Tom Jones, a Foundling summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Golden Time (JungYong) summary: A story about a teenager who loses all his memory from an accident but somehow manages to retain his medical knowledge! A story of a teenager’s path towards becoming the greatest doctor!
The Brassbounder summary: The Brassbounder summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brassbounder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.