
























简介曾经的天下第一 武林至尊高手“江龙”隐居于世。偏偏有胆子大的拿我当病猫?






类别都市 恋爱 霸总


内容简介:  三年前,诡案组神秘解散,所有档案封存,列为绝密。   三年后,一纸调令,将一个本应死去的人重新拉入有心人的视线。   他是谁?究竟有着怎样的过往?   PS:先王有服,恪谨天命,若 时时知天命,那又如何? 1w0-1172 >>


内容简介:被人栽赃陷害贪污受贿的胡飞在心灰意冷之际,他继承了一个活了九万年的人的一切,一个活了九万年的人有多少财产?房子不是几套,要看是多少栋。汽车?不你得问有几个汽车公司。游艇?飞机?妹子?这 些都不是问题。他只想说,从这一刻起,他就是神豪!各位书友要是觉得《我是大神豪》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w54862-94212 >>


内容简介:【甜宠轻松】反派暴君喜怒无常,暴戾嗜杀,最终被重生后的男女主联手搞死,连他的小娇妻都不得善终——而穆安安就穿成这位不得善终的小娇妻,被迫单方面跟暴君绑定寿命。他死,她也活不了。她死,他 一样能活。这特么的是什么破设定!?戏精本精穆安安:“稳住,扶我起来,我还能演!”——为改造暴君,穆安安深情款款:“臣妾待君上一片深情,可谓是天地可鉴日月可表。”暴君:演,你接着演!——面对重生男主,穆安安痴情护短:“本宫同君上要从诗词歌赋谈到风花雪月,麻烦闲杂人等先让让。”暴君:罢了,孤勉强接受穆安安的心意。——重生男主派人暗杀,穆安安哭得肝肠寸断:“夙璟,我往后再也不能陪着你了。”暴君:“穆安安,受伤《穿书后反派暴君偏要宠我》是软糖十七精心创作的其他小说,小兵实时更新穿书后反派暴君偏要宠我最新章节并提供无弹窗阅读。1w0-106187 >>




内容简介:梦醒港岛,范毅武觉醒破损版制式签到系统,与各种诡异斗智斗勇。你以为我要靠系统?放弃,我特么神功护体刀枪不入,你捅我一刀试试?打鬼用巧克力,捉鬼用保鲜膜,关老爷保佑,无事该。1w0-29 717 >>


内容简介:▲abo文o攻a受殷晏是个优质a,高三那年,突然收到两个噩耗。一是他亲哥逃婚了。二是他亲哥逃掉的婚落到他头上了。他亲哥逃婚掉的o是个霸总,身材高挑,气质清冷,典型的高富帅,就是大他整整 一轮。三十岁的老o……殷晏绝望了,心想自己这棵嫩草刚成年就要被老牛吃掉了吗?他内心极度抗拒这门婚姻,想方设法地找事,但是o很完美,上得厅堂下得厨房,还把他当成儿子似的照顾得无微不至。某天,o发热期到来,恰巧被殷晏撞见。殷晏作为一个血气方刚的小伙子,嗅着满房间的信息素味,看着o通红的脸颊和乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《我代替我哥娶了那个omega后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76476 >>


内容简介:“不,我没有撒谎,我根本就没有骗你……”“我求求你不要再装了好不好,陆瑶,你这副嘴脸真的是丑陋至极!”——————————在秦子易的心里,陆瑶就是一个为了养小白脸能无下限捞钱骗人的蛇蝎 女人,他憎恶她的欺骗设计。可当一切都真相大白时,他却希望她一直都是骗着他的。那场葬礼,夹杂着风雪,渐渐冰封了他的心……各位书友要是觉得《请允许我一个人仰望》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85658 >>


内容简介:社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅是一步一莲创作的经典的小说作品社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅小兵提供社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅最新章节全文免费阅读,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅下载 ,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅全文字更新,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅无弹窗!请关注社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅吧,本站最新最快更新社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅的最新章节。1w0-81633 >>


内容简介:【公告】本文于8月26日入V,从31章开始,看过的注意不要重复订阅,感谢支持穿越成妃子、宫女、太监、舞姬……各种身份都做了。然后就毒杀、意外、他杀、自杀……各种死法都有了。云谣:“还有 比我更惨的穿越吗?!”一朝穿越,她困在皇宫,听说了年近五十的太后有孕在身;看见了温婉贤良的淑妃扎小纸人;闻到了舞惊天下的宠姬有香港脚;撞破了沉稳内敛的静妃半夜偷情……最可怕的是据说皇上很疯,爱好杀人。云谣奉上膝盖:你们宫里人真会玩儿。【女主升级打怪练智商,男主腹黑阴险装疯王】排雷:女主会不断穿越换各种身体,雷者请避。如果您喜欢对不起,我不穿了,别忘记分享给朋友作者:温三所写的《对不起,我不穿了》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-25041 >>






内容简介:当渣攻重生了笔趣阁,当渣攻重生了sodu,当渣攻重生了小说,当渣攻重生了顶点,当渣攻重生了酬川,林炆,上辈子骗心骗钱,坑人全家,被卫州南抱着跳下悬崖,可谓恶有恶报再次睁开眼,却回到人生 刚刚开始的18岁……这辈子,他打算躲着卫州南远远的,坚决不当人渣但命运如此奇妙,这辈子的卫州南自己凑上来了“你想和我……谈恋爱?”林炆震惊卫州南冷笑,“想得倒挺美的,睡一觉而已。”林炆:好险好险睡过后卫州南:“跟我,不会亏待你的。”眼馋心怂的林炆看着眼前这一幕,上辈子的惨痛教训浮现脑海,不舍地看了一眼黑卡,严词拒绝了“不够?”卫州南挑眉熟知卫州南性格的林炆眼皮跳了跳,卫州南为人偏激,行事狠绝,轻易拒绝不得林炆沉吟:“我不要你的钱,这样吧。你想就来找我,怎么样?”卫州南有点犹豫,但又馋人家身子,“行。”林炆觉得和卫州南滚了这么久床单,对方应该也腻了、满意了。刚好公司分部需要人手过去开拓,他递交上申请书,和卫州南发个了断的短信,删友、换号,一气呵成,拍拍屁股离开了A市。直到卫州南半夜找上门,笑容阴森,眼底暴戾,“林炆,你是想死吗?”林炆:……靠,卫州南这样子和上辈子抱着他跳悬崖的样子一模一样啊!主攻冷静、理智、一辈子搞钱的攻暴戾、天之骄子、恋爱脑的受1w0-127580 >>

Honto Ni Honto Ni Honto Ni Honto Ni Lion Da!

Raion Den is a really really timid salaryman. He also is a lion.

Mitsuiro Pancake

Salaryman Miyasaka harbors a secret love for his childhood friend, manga artist Minami. He knows that someday Minami will find a girl and he'll have to say 'Congratulations', but so soon?!

Love Riron

Loser Yarahata Kanji can't even have a normal conversation with a girl let alone have any kind of relationship with one. But one day a ghost named Aiya appears and declares that he has been tasked with the mission to change Kanji's life. At this rate, the Yarahata name will not live on so Aiya will become a love doctor and coach him on how to develop relationships with girls. The first hurdle comes when he starts a part time job at a convenience store and sees that his co-worker is a hot girl named Yoshizato Saki who also happens to be the store owner's daughter. With the help of Aiya, Kanji, although stumbling along the way, has a conversation with her and builds a relationship. But he has miles to go if he wants to be the kind of person that can date beautiful women.

Little Brave Pukateriosu

From WinningDays Touma Outa wakes up from a bad dream one morning and when he sees his reflection, there are horns growing out of his head. Suddenly, he is pounded in the head by a cute, hammer-carrying knight from the demon world. The horns shrink, but he is not off the hook yet, for the little knight, Pukateriosu, is there to prevent him from transforming completely into the Demon King whose soul has entered Outa's body. The PukaPuka hammer can return him to normal but it takes time to charge. In the meanwhile, Outa must try not to think worldly thoughts or be kissed, but it's easier said than done with his crush Shirayuki Himeka, the little demon Garbelion, and even Pukateriosu around... Fantasy Fighter From WinningDays Touma Outa wakes up from a bad dream one morning and when he sees his reflection, there are horns growing out of his head. Suddenly, he is pounded in the head by a cute, hammer-carrying knight from the demon world. The horns shrink, but he is not off the hook yet, for the little knight, Pukateriosu, is there to prevent him from transforming completely into the Demon King whose soul has entered Outa's body. The PukaPuka hammer can return him to normal but it takes time to charge. In the meanwhile, Outa must try not to think worldly thoughts or be kissed, but it's easier said than done with his crush Shirayuki Himeka, the little demon Garbelion, and even Pukateriosu around...

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete summary: Welcome to the world of Kancolle RPG! This book tells a story about a novice admiral and his interesting kanmusu (ship girls). But, this book is a little different from a normal story. This book, tells a “Roleplaying” story.
“Roleplaying”, is a type of game that you play with other people where you read lines from the book as if you’re the one in the story. There are a lot of “Roleplaying” types and this book is specifically a “Table talk” RPG. Read it as if you’re playing kantai collection- Kancole- Kancolle RPG.
This Kancolle RPG is based on a browser game called Kantai Collection. The game itself puts the playerin control of girls that have the memories and powers of warships in the past. The player then must battle a mysterious threat called the “Abyssal Fleet” sighted all around the world. The difference between Kancolle RPG and the browser game, is that you’ll need to use dices, pieces, and follow the rules and scenarios stated by the Kancolle RPG rulebook. Obtaining ship girlsare different too; each player will only get one shipgirl. In table talk RPG, you can ease your mind, the rage, the salt that naturally comes while playing, by gathering friends who have the same hobby, and discuss while playing.
Sometimes you’ll need to face the enemy seriously. Sometimes, you can put yourself in the ship girls’ shoes, and act out their lines. Sometimes you’ll have to go back to yourself, and joke at other character’s line. You playing it happily with your friends are what “Roleplaying” is all about.
A Battleship girl who has just come back from another country, she is generous and having a big heart, Kongou.
A Heavy Cruiser princess with a lack of common sense, k.u.mano.
An eccentric Light Aircraft Carrier, Zuiho.
The serious and a.n.a.lytical Light Cruiser, Kiso.
These are the main girls who play a big part in this book. But, due to the haphazard nature of this game, you won’t be able to play their characters perfectly. Even if you try to, but deep inside, the girls you know are different. Nevertheless, we hope you would be able to enjoy that character gap.
And lastly, we’ll introduce another one of the main characters, Teitoku( the Admiral). He is a young and by-the-book admiral. This novice Admiral is often being played around by the 4 wild girls. He still thinks that “it shouldn’t be like that, it’s not like that”. This hard working Admiral is one of the view points we will be using in this book.
From now, for everyone whose thinking “I’d like to be an admiral in kancolle RPG!” please try it. It will be a good reference!

Sheilah McLeod

Sheilah McLeod summary: Sheilah McLeod summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sheilah McLeod. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Life's Mysteries

Life's Mysteries summary: Life's Mysteries summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life's Mysteries. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton

The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton summary: The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vnfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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