杨家大少杨海浪因为感情问题被情绪失控的前女友当街打伤住院,不仅如此还上了新闻头条,老爷子当即发话,让杨海浪在住院的医院也就是自家医院实习,对外表示改过自新重新做人。 原本以为可以换个地方继续浪天浪地的杨家大少不想在这次的实习中遇到了影响他一生的对手。
简介神居动漫&微博动漫《甜宠机器人》中秋嗨更季开启!99月12号开始周一-周六连续日更更新18话哦~ 当人类女孩遇上没有感情波动的机器人,它究竟和过去的他有什么关系?接下来将上演怎样的爱情故事?! 轻松搞笑的甜蜜暖萌日常,爱而不得的无奈心伤,等待他们的,会是怎样的结局呢?
内容简介:两年前,她是丑逼,我是男神;两年后,她是校花,我是屌丝。三天被打七次,我也屹立不倒!“你看,我以前能保护你,现在也能保护你。”——左飞两年后,左飞开始一段热血传奇!本站提示:各位书友要 是觉得《不良之谁与争锋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-2400 >>
内容简介:【中午一点日更。看文先看排雷。】周四是下午五六点更新阴鸷白切黑反派攻×撩人不自知懵懂美人受1侯府里的小世子娇生惯养,身娇体软。从天而降扑进林寂怀里时,所有人都羡慕这个一穷二白的庶民,说 他撞了大运。林寂收起手中刺杀世子他爹的刀,洒了毒杀小世子皇后姑母的药,藏起新到手的边疆防御图。抱起了小世子。成婚那日,向来娇气又怕疼的小世子咬牙配合,让林寂心疼不已。小世子一腔深情地告白:“八岁那年我就说过,此生非你不嫁。是我得偿所愿。”林寂如梦初醒,心口发寒。小世子认错人了。2余洛穿书成小世子,全部积分兑换了个神级金手指:可酌情篡改主角七年前的记忆,减少攻略难度。“笔给我,我来写!”但是事情没有那么简单。发挥全部的烂漫文艺细胞不断加记忆,好不容易哄到主角成亲。婚后立刻没有爱了,一朝回到解放前。余洛矜矜业业继续攻略,殷勤地端上一碗阳春面:“你以前不是最喜欢吃我给你煮的面吗。”主角:冷漠jpg“葱花我都给你挑出去,我记得你不吃葱。”主角:更加冷漠jpg余洛:一定是金手指出了问题。3后来余洛发现自己找错了人。肚子却一天天大了。“你放开我,我,我要去找……”林寂满手鲜血,将瑟瑟发抖的小世子抱进皇后的宫殿,重重禁锢。“谁也不许找。”本文又名:淦,金手指没问题,是我踏马认错人了男默女泪!竹马记忆加给了真太子,而我抱着个前朝太子自我感动式付出?错把反派当主角后剧情线一路崩坏排雷:①软萌受,弱受,生子文,打脸虐渣,很狗血,不吃这口的慎重,气到不负责。②排雷注意剧透(对后来的读者不友好),长评请去该去的章节,可以骂角色,不要骂作者。③修罗场黑化梗。④攻美强惨且疯批,智商高手段狠。受可可爱爱没有脑袋,温室的花朵干啥啥不行。⑤权谋不多,全靠瞎编。架空,架得很空。防盗比例暂定100,以后会适当调低。⑥男男可婚设定。女人可以披甲上阵,男人可以妆镜描红。不喜勿入。⑦文案已截图放微博,作者只想好好写文,拒绝碰瓷。⑧前期受追攻!前期受追攻!前期受追攻!⑨备用,可能还有未知雷点,遇到再排。预收1:《穿成恶龙强A后我变O了》占有欲强大佬攻×嘴硬怂包恶龙受1明桓生来病弱被娇养二十年,一朝穿书进人均大佬文里的强A恶龙主角……的幼崽时期。为了在这个世界生存下去,他不得不强行伪装适应。第一次高楼试飞前。(虚弱扶墙)就这?不能再高点吗。第一次吃生鸡肉。(yue)笑吐,一点都没觉得恶心。第一次见同为强A以后要成为死对头的另一只大龙。(尾巴僵硬地乱摆,吓出龙角)笑死,我我我,我……我真的,一点都没有怂!2因为同为SSS级龙族,这只名为明桓的恶龙幼崽被分配给同等级血统的郁寒舟行使【抚养权】。全世界有小O幼崽的高阶龙 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:火影之神级鸣人】带着轮回眼,穿越重生在鸣人身上。仙人之体?全属性忍术?CXK的篮球?卢本伟的SKS?蟹老板的炒饭?木叶村会发生怎么样翻天覆地的变化?飞卢小说网 提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-73716 >>
内容简介:《先婚厚爱:陆少套路深》是“揉小凉”刚刚开始连载的言情小说,这本书的主角有叶清瞳、陆墨琰,小说主要内容为:尽管叶清瞳心不甘情不愿,但也知大局所迫她必须马上结婚,而且要比那个夺了她未婚夫 的渣妹更快才行。于是叶清瞳找到了陆墨琰,一个看上去像贵族少爷实际上却只想吃软饭的小白脸,但现在的叶清瞳也顾不上那么多,她必须先一步结婚将叶家握在手中,之后的事情可以从长计议。然而叶清瞳千算万算却怎么都没算到,这陆墨琰的小白脸模样竟只是伪装,他实际上的身份竟比她还要尊贵数倍……1w63800-73302 >>
内容简介:文案:生病请假回家那天,我撞破了我哥调教奴隶,高考之后,我跪在了我哥脚边。萌雷自鉴:堂兄弟,骨科,年上,主奴文,攻之前有过感情经历,1V1,HE更新频率:尽力做到隔日更新,有特殊情况会 提前说明过往完结文txt下载群:687934389微博:白色硫酸铜《跪在哥哥脚边》小说推荐:卿卿一笑百媚生、和偏执霸道少年谈恋爱穿书、大师穿成掉包豪门千金、隐衷、权贵的五指山、在下考场MVP、再苏就炸了、星光甜不过她娱乐圈、我们这里不准刷脸快穿、思春期、在你眉梢点花灯、老魃的讨饭棍、穿越七十年代之农家好女、完美先生与差不多小姐、大国师,大骗子、截胡、重生之纨绔逆袭修仙、攻略那个起点男主!!第二部、我的衣柜通向星际、末世吃货生存手札1w0-95857 >>
内容简介:女子当自强的女尊世界,被一个手不能提肩不能挑的佛系娇姑娘穿越了。娇姑娘乔桥头一次为填饱肚子感到迷茫,难道让她女扮男装到小倌馆卖肉?……只是当她看到那嫁不出去却自强自立的‘丑男们’时,乔 桥终于找到自己的定位,她可以当个称职的小、白、脸!PS女主随遇而安,全文离苏破天际只有二百五十米!1w95386-97476 >>
内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者长风引路的经典小说:《妖怪森林手作屋》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说林悠然原本只想在古镇上开一家普通的手作屋,做点手工,种点田,能养活自己 就行。完全没想到自己后来会在一片奇异的森林里,养了一群壳破毛秃、缺牙断尾、可怜兮兮的妖怪崽崽,和一个没有形体的大佬。好在林悠然身负女娲血脉。女娲神力,可补天地,可塑万物;森林里随便一捡,都是宝贝:凤凰毛、大鹏羽、鲛珠,图贝、青雘、嶀琈玉……手工材料取之不尽用之不竭。从此,游客们激动万分:宝藏古镇!宝藏民宿!一年来住十次都不够!道1w0-82803 >>
内容简介:苏再再觉得她真惨。负责赚钱养家的二师弟闭关了。留下一个正在长身体的小师侄,以及进入退休养老状态,近几年非常喜欢养奇怪宠物的师尊。可苦了她这个道门大弟子。好在天无绝人之路,她的豪门奶奶找 来了!原来她是真千金!什么?!她有一门娃娃亲,未婚夫看不上她这个野丫头,和假千金是真爱,得知她还活着后见面就甩一百万要她离开??“不可以,至少得再加一百万。”苏再再严肃的竖起一根手指加码加价,“不然这事没商量。”“无耻!”未婚夫骂道。“骂我?”苏再再愣了一下,表情越发严肃等盯到对面的人头皮微微发麻后,又慢吞吞开口,“那还要再多给50万的精神损失费。”师尊养在宗门后山的宠物可都是肉食动物,需定期投喂,开销很大很大的!道门山后的万恶厉鬼窟,发出“萌萌”的嚎叫声,“声援”少主。——不久后——顺利出关的二师弟看着草都长了半腰高的宗门,陷入沉默。他记得……闭关前自己明明留了够一大家子吃喝一百年的食物和钱的。所以现在人呢?1w0-1566 >>
内容简介:东城有名的陆亦卿,单身却带一个儿子,彼此相看两相厌,但却阻挡不住其他女人对他的前仆后继。只有林婉辞这一个女人能在他面前肆意的做自己。某日“这是我妈妈!”“没有我,她也变不成你妈妈!”“ 妈妈。他欺负我。”“陆亦卿,今晚你睡公司吧!”小孩子趴在林婉辞的肩头,对着坐在办公椅上已经石化的男人,挤眉弄眼的嘲笑着……1w0-28396 >>
Shura No Toki follows the lives and fights of four Generations of Mutsu Enmei Ryu Practitioners. Mutsu Enmei Ryu is a bare handed martial arts which has never been defeated in a fight.
The first collection of volumized short stories by the author of 'For You in Full Blossom' / 『花ざかりの君たちへ』 ('Hanazakari no Kimitachi e'). 1) The Dreaming Leaf (Yume Miru Happa) - Futaba (Two Leaves) departs for Tokyo to attend high school there. In order to relieve the financial burden slightly and achieve independence, she finds a live-in work situation at an old mansion. She becomes (fighting) friends with one of three good-looking fortune-telling employees there, Masato, who attends her same high school and is even in her same class. But then one day, Futaba discovers the secret of the old mansion... which is--!? 2) 17 Romance (17 [Juunana] Romansu) - Natsume, now in high school, was raised like the son her father never had, and so she's determined never to lose out to any man. Homare Misono has been her guy friend for 17 years. Despite their closeness, Natsume always feels the disadvantage her gender places her at. Homare is stronger and better than her at a lot of things. And after saving her from a pervert on the streets, he kisses her...!? 3) The Law of Couples (Futari no Housoku) - The Law of Couples states that all things happen in pairs -- including people. Sakiko seems to have found her missing half in Akio, a boy in her same class who always seems to say exactly what she's thinking. But who is she falling in love with? Akio, or the part of herself that she sees in him...? 4) 3) Heat Fruit (Haato no Kajitsu) - Meron and her best friend, Chiho, both have a crush on Uchiyama! Meron finds out after she's already told Chiho that she has a crush, so she needs to lie about who she likes in order to protect Chiho's feelings. She chooses... Ryou! The scariest, coldest guy in school, rumored to be an underground ring leader! If anyone will reject her love confession, it'll be him! It works, but then Chiho begins to cry for Meron's sake, and Meron turns to mush... she tells Chiho that she'll try harder to win Ryou's love...!? How deep is she going to dig her grave?? But... for some reason, Ryou really doesn't seem that scary to Meron...
Japan in the future has a massive over-population problem. Scientists have traced the root of this problem to one particular individual, Junta Monamari. According to their records, Junta was a 'Mega-Playboy' who had sired children with over a hundred women. Each one of his sons had inherited the Mega-Playboy gene too, so the problem grew exponentially from thereon. Enter Karin Aoi, a 'DNA Operator'. Karin is sent back to the past with a mission: to alter Junta's DNA and prevent him from ever becoming the Mega-Playboy, thereby eliminating the world's overpopulation problem. Junta's DNA can only be altered by shooting him with a special bullet called DCM which contains the chemical for suppressing the Mega-Playboy DNA. In return, Karin gets a vast sum of money... enough to make all her dreams come true. Will Junta become the playboy he is destined to be, or will his better self prevail? But Karin is falling for the real Junta too... and what of the sweet and kindly Ami who has secretly loved Junta all her life? What will happen to future Japan?
From Manga-Koekje: This is a shounen manga about a senior named Taketo Iwase and a dog named Salsa. As they set off early on to resolve a problem with a criminal that Toshifumi (Taketo's brother) is having, Taketo sees that there is more to the dog (that can communicate in the human language) than meets the eye. Together they solve a number of troubles and also meet other different species (cat girls, dogs, birds, etc). The author clearly shows that she is capable of drawing dynamic illustrations, especially in the fighting scenes although it make look somewhat shoujo at times. Wild Half has some very funny gag lines, some moving plots, helpful morals, in short, a little bit of everything packaged into one. (Shortened review written by Si)
The Spell of the Rockies summary: The Spell of the Rockies summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Spell of the Rockies. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Holy Cross and Other Tales summary: The Holy Cross and Other Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Holy Cross and Other Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Little Miss Stoneybrook And Dawn summary: Little Miss Stoneybrook And Dawn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Little Miss Stoneybrook And Dawn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Sword Dynasty summary: After annihilating Han, Zhao and Wei empires in succession, the dynasty of Qin is ushering in an unprecedented flourishing age with powerful cultivators emerging endlessly. People take pride in being part of the Qin dynasty. However, Ding Ning, a young lad of humble origin in Changling, Qin, is determined to subvert this dynasty and kill the emperor who breaks in the Eighth Realm.