简介因为善良之神与邪恶之神转世、更迭,神界内部矛盾逐渐升级,以毁灭之神为首的一众神祇向以海神、修罗神为首的另一众掌权神祇发起了战争。而就在这个时候,同时掌控海神、修罗神两大神诋之位的神界执法者唐三的妻子小舞却怀孕了。神界的危机由此升起,唐三预感,除了神界内部矛盾之外,还有巨大危机即将到来,这危机又是什么呢?神界传说,是拙作斗罗大陆II绝世唐门之后,一部承上启下的神界故事,在这里,大家会看到很多熟悉的身影。 同时,这一部神界传说,也将是未来斗罗大陆3的前传。
内容简介: 魔兽世界怀旧服已开,李天泽却意外重生回2005年4月26号,魔兽世界国服公测之日。这是一个魔兽世界老玩家重拾逝去青春的故事。奥妮克希亚深呼吸、熔火之心门神灭一个月、黑翼之巢小红龙卡 到散, 门神三自然、时光加点燃、奈法红加蓝,这周全玩完。骨灰级老玩家将会依靠领先游戏十五年的理解,站在艾泽拉斯顶峰,成为全球魔兽世界玩家心中的神。1w0-4406 >>
内容简介:传闻纪大小姐乡下来的,无德无颜,不配继承亿万遗产。众人:一无是处,废物草包!一无是处?纪幽甩出一沓用来垫桌角的各行业专业证书。废物草包?全国唯一高考满分,赛车,马术,鉴宝,琴棋书画样样 精通。神医圣手,电竞女神,711改造营执行官了解一下?众人:厉害有什么用?强势的女人没人宠!首富亲爸:宝贝女儿,别墅、豪车、飞机、游艇,随便挑!小弟天团:1号娱乐圈霸主:幽姐最美,幽姐最帅,送幽姐C位出道!2号商业巨鳄:幽姐,求求你帮我花钱钱,银行快存不下了!3号坐拥亿万矿山土豪:幽姐,来我家玩吧,金矿,钻石矿随便挖!4号高智商学霸黑客:幽姐,我给你讲题呀……算了,我不配!—可是幽姐居然找了个穷光蛋小白脸?后来……大佬们见到某小白脸:老板?总裁?院长?金主爸爸?秦墨执:哎,儿砸们滚,你妈老子会照顾?—众人:受宠又怎样?她是渣女!下属回话:“秦爷,夫人被野男人拉进小树林了,两小时了都没出来。”“她脚踏两条船,您头顶冒绿光了。”秦爷一脸傲娇:“瞎说,是我绿了我自己!”众人:是个高手!秦爷:发现媳妇儿是海王,时间管理小达人怎么办?当然是继续宠着,享受双份宠爱。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《全能王牌女神又暴富了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28422 >>
内容简介:古老的秘传指引道路,盈满的欲望开启门扉。那里是不存此世之界域,隐藏于表皮之下,鲜血淋漓的世界之内里。亦是古往今来,无数求道者追寻的仙神之乡……“而我正行于此间,走在追寻真理与全知的路上 。”江革将某本以1w0-125209 >>
内容简介:冷淡学神大佬X甜软小白兔阮栀是个小哑巴,安静又乖巧,被欺负了也只会啪塔啪塔的掉眼泪。跟着换工作的舅舅一家来到新城市的阮栀,第一天就撞上了盛淮景。第一次见面,少年人意气风发眼神淡漠,擦肩 而过时还把阮栀撞了一趔趄。第二次见面,窗边的少年眉眼桀骜态度不耐,对坐到身边阮栀视而不见。再后来……少年搂着阮栀不撒手,语气温柔含笑,“阮阮,喜不喜欢淮景哥哥?喜欢就点点头,不喜欢就说话,好不好?”阮栀只能瞪着无赖的少年,漂亮的脸蛋熏红一片。南省的理科状元刚一入学,清北论坛上关于他的照片就传疯了。男生气质凌厉,眉目冷峻,军训照片帅到人腿软。被计算机系学生追着叫大佬的男生,却在某一天被人看到,半跪在地上给一个女生系鞋带。语气也是前所未有的温柔哀求。“阮阮,这回不走了,好吗?”女主心因性失声症,后期会好。各位书友要是觉得糖粘糕最新小说作品《大佬的小哑巴她又甜又软》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-78338 >>
内容简介:林喜朝和柯煜在学校里八杆子打不着。他是离经叛道的天之骄子,林喜朝却是循规蹈矩的无名学子。而在背地里,这两人却一直在进行以身体交易、由小至大的赌局。10分钟内是否能解出那道数学题?我要你 的初吻。晚自习是否会全校断电?我要你脱光。经常和你搭话的男生是否喜欢你?我要你,在他面前,和我做爱。本质上想写一个小乖妹被野帅逼爆嘈的故事。双C,男主较恶劣,对女主半强迫性质。慢慢磨肉,不写快肉。1w0-120196 >>
内容简介:她,是身怀异宝,医术无双的神农后裔,他,是俊美无铸,却离奇失明,腹黑的战神王爷。异世穿越,她成了一个六岁大的小废物。逆天召唤、禁忌魔法,她一朝崛起,锋芒乍现,睥睨诸强。当轻狂撞上腹黑, 天才杠上妖孽,那一刻,世界,为之战栗!大芙子新新书《神医弃女:鬼帝的驭兽狂妃》火热连载中,比神医狂妃和天才魔妃更好看,快来支持吧!大芙子的官方粉丝群:304625216,2号群302202775,新浪微博:大元气妞MS芙子1w0-80910 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:淘汰战场:这个男人来自地球】宇宙进入大清洗时代,只保留三千生命世界。作为地球人的李猜,当然是无法避免的参与到了淘汰战场中。听说淘汰战场的玩家,都是来自各个世界 的存在,在原本世界实力如何,参加淘汰战场的实力就如何。尼玛,这岂不是开着挂参加淘汰战场,作为地球人的李猜相当头疼。幸好,在淘汰战场中可以捡物资,李猜的运气也不错。“这是来自斩赤红之瞳世界的百兽王化,好东西,好东西。”“这个…难道是来自漫威世界的雷神之锤。”“这个手套有点眼熟啊”李猜看着手中的金色手套,陷入了沉思…飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-77321 >>
内容简介:《重生超神学院之永恒天使》为作者百族战神创作,作品重生超神学院之永恒天使章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供百族战神精心编写原创重生超神学院之永恒天使及无弹窗重生超神学院之永恒天使全文免费阅 读、TXT下载。简介关于重生超神学院之永恒天使:因为一个偶然的机会,姜堰穿越了,在活了很久之后他才发现自己竟然穿越到了超神学院的世界中。1w0-87569 >>
内容简介: 据书籍有载,青川史至少两千年。 两千年间这片大陆上发生过许多荡气回肠的故事,出现过许多叱咤风云的人。 但后世谈论最多的,始终是青川纪元第三百年起,祁国景弘一朝那十余年间。 明 光台上曾星落如雨。 百年不亮的听雪灯一度耀彻霁都。 苍梧城的冬天永远长风猎猎,暗香却能穿过时间与尘封的秘密一路往南,刺破终年云雾的蓬溪山。 从来没有哪个时代同时出现那么多传奇少年少女。 也就再没有哪一个十年,能如烟花爆破般逐个揭开那么多经年难解的悬案。 据说她们当中有人回去了。 据说他和她重逢在初雪即大雪的山林。 据说每年烽火长明那日是她的生辰。 据说几百年过去了,那些橙花香气依然流淌在祁宫的夏夜。1w0-1569 >>
内容简介: 在自己出生那天,就赶上全球神祇复苏,人人都从普通人,变成神性生物...“叮,英雄无敌系统绑定。”“请宿主不要啰嗦,尽快选择势力,发展眷族,收集信仰,点燃神火,凝聚神格,成为神祇。” 书友群: 4508515131w0-3058 >>
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Soon after transferring to a new school, Mayu Kodabutsu recieves a love letter from a cute girl named Yuuko Hai... Expecting the envy of his classmates, Mayu is surprised to recieve condolences instead. You see, Yuuko Hai is no ordinary 5th grader... She's an exorcist. And Mayu is destined to experience her 100 terrifying ways.
From Iskultrip Scans: In order to restore the Great Dream Tree of Elfland to life, Kiki, a mare, has to eat bad dreams that plague people’s hearts and foster good dreams so that they sleep well. Aided by Gilly, the tree guardian, and the garden elves, she wanders the human world. However, the world is a dangerous place... Volume 1: Dream Eater Volume 2: Dream Eater - Saigo no Yume
A young man comes to Tokyo to become a poet (he actually composes a lot through the book!). But one can not support himself with poetry, so the hero works for a half-legal firm running all possible errands. In the process he meets a lot of people, both men and women, who are strangely interested not in his rhymes, but in his ...body! Absolutely lovely tragicomedy. ~by DaRyu Aida Rendou, ex-student and would-be poet, struggles to earn a living in the big city. As a talent scout for the adult video firm, M+ Productions, he hunts for potential actresses but it's not enough to pay the rent. So boss Nanazuka offers him extra cash to use his body to seduce men and women alike. Michiru, a spoilt young woman with Yakuza connections, comes up with what appears to be a perfect solution: she'll be Rendou's patron in return for him working as her full-time host. Will Rendou finally be able to write his poetry? Or will he end up corrupted by the amoral dog-eat-dog world around him? ~by Lyrebird (Half-Baked)
A History of Freedom of Thought summary: A History of Freedom of Thought summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A History of Freedom of Thought. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Regarding the Display of an Outrageous Skill Which Has Incredible Powers summary:
Dragged into another world — Mukouda Tsuyoshi.
Through the appraisal of our status, we can see that apart from mine, the other 3 people who were summoned had the job t.i.tle of [The Hero from a different world that finally came] while mine was [A person from a different world that was dragged here].
In this world, there exists the complete set of awesome skills such as the Holy Sword technique, Holy Spear technique and Holy Magic.
Despite that, I only have the unique skill called [Online Supermarket].
I who lacked combat skills was quickly regarded as trash.
Nevertheless, the king of the country that summoned us gave an excuse that was totally suspicious.
I often read light novels and comparing the light novels with the events that had occurred, I arrived at the conclusion that [This is no good. This is a hopeless type of cross world summoning story.]. Thus, on the very day that I was summoned, after convincing the king, I managed to escape the castle.
Peerless Genius System summary: Xiao Luo and his girlfriend had been in love with each other for four years when she proposed a break up. Because of this, Xiao Luo sped his car in the night and ended up in a car accident. But it was a blessing in disguise as he unexpectedly fused with a high tech system that originated from a universe hundreds of billions of light years away. From this moment on, the entire world started to run amok…..
The Most OP Protagonist In History summary: In modern society, the believers of the supernatural are not many and our protagonist was one of them until one day. That day, he realized that he had somehow gained some superpowers which the science cannot explain. He realized that he can control things, people, object, destiny, life-and-death, and even the world with just his mere words. And this was not the limit of his powers. Time, gravity, celestial...