内容简介:【黑夜降临之日,众生鸣泣之时,你被选中,是幸运也是不幸,是悲伤也是欢乐,是死亡也是永生,是坠入地狱也是攀登天堂,命运的齿轮在你手中,请记住,唯有知识才能点亮黑夜的灯塔】【欢迎你,来自蓝 星,尊敬的读者先生,你获得了一次无与伦比的机会,从数百万当人拥有了进入到‘黑夜’这款集养生、治愈、佛系于一体的休闲游戏当中,成为一名沉浸式体验的玩家,本游戏不肝不氪,收集为主,不负责收尸】【请记住以下条例……【拼图将会是你接触非凡的途径,但同样也会促使你疯狂……【禁止将在非规定时间强制使用任何手段退出游戏……【禁止……【违抗者,抹杀】1w0-96514 >>
内容简介: 京城传言,封家三爷,冷血无情,是贵族新贵,狠绝冷戾,不近女色。只是最近这位爷有点怪,身边跟了个小包子,眉眼跟他像了八成听说封三爷看上了个小姑娘,打算替人家养儿子。听说封三爷看上的小 姑娘是娱乐圈的,每天花式送剧本资源。众人嗤笑,一个戏子,还带个拖油瓶,三爷不过玩玩儿罢了。直到媒体拍到封三爷连拖带拽,将人抗进民政局。整个京城都炸了,娇花们敢怒不敢言,纷纷把矛头指向简初。带个拖油瓶还想染指封三爷,好不要脸。简初怒摔,将宝贝儿子和封三爷的奶娃娃照发上微博。看着两张一毛一样的小脸,京城直接炸开了锅。只有小包子沉默:我把你当兄弟,你却要当我爸爸?1w0-4340 >>
内容简介: 迷雾笼罩地球,行星生物于深处涌现。 孱弱的地球文明终于暴露于亿万种族目光之下。 未来一百年,原本是一部血与火的人类抗争史…… 然而故事线却随着那个男人回到原点的一刻,彻 底改变。 …… “物竞天择,适者生存,你们来到这里没错。” “但是,我作为地球人类的一员,作为这颗星球的执火者,我同样有权拒绝。” “所以,今日我杀你,无关对错。仅仅是你运气不好。” …… “不可能、不可能!你究竟是谁!” “我?” “陆泽。” “此间神灵。” ===== qq群:789425516 vip群:663062689(要求全订截图)1w0-823 >>
内容简介:穿越到修真世界的苏晨,资质平平但是家世豪横。当他接过筑基功法时,系统从天而降。【万能修复系统启动】【只需要完成任务,即可修复或优化万物】藏有邪异剑灵的断剑,死里逃生的妖王小狐狸,统统是 苏晨的修复目标。当苏晨意外的踏上妖魔战场时,他才发现,自己已经是神剑宗,修为最高的人了。但是苏晨最喜欢的,还是山下小镇中的美酒和酱牛肉。谁都不能阻止他下山偷吃的步伐!1w0-64388 >>
内容简介:第三二三章时轮金刚(第一部大结局)所有的修真者顿时心中一阵惊慌,怎么也料想不到这枚蓝色的海螺竟然拥有如此强大的力量,两道无紧不摧的剑柱,竟然被那么样轻松的松旋转肢解掉了要是被海螺砸个正 着,我们准得死1w0-28699 >>
内容简介:开局成为老爷爷【凡人流】【无系统】【杀伐果断】【不无脑】(注:望诸位道友不要因为书名而错过)我叫李大开,我要修仙。成仙路上,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛!每天下午5点10分准时更新!1w0-89 350 >>
内容简介: 舒盼以为顾绍霆就是她的真命天子,她得到了世间最美的爱情,却不知道自己并没有被爱过,一切的美好都是假象,直到三年婚姻破碎,她从围城里逃出来才明白一切都是顾绍霆的谎言和报复…… 时隔 四年,再相遇,她身边已经有一个小小的她,而他身边也有了谈婚论嫁的女友,两人就是两条平行线,但是顾绍霆却发现对她有了更深的眷恋,当他知道那小小的人儿是自己的女儿时,他火冒三丈,此刻他只想握住母女的手,守候一生。1w0-2148 >>
内容简介:全文完结,全文捉虫中下一本《成为真正的海王吧》基建文求收藏【受视角文案】苏野池穿到了一本古早狗血耽美文中,成了万人迷主角受的倒霉弟弟。继母带来的哥哥冉和光是文中主角,他从小就展现出万人 迷本质捕获父母和幼儿园一众小朋友的芳心,长大后勾三搭四最后被三位大佬联手搞得家破人亡关进小黑屋。再看邻居家那个小面瘫,未来他会成为主角的忠犬竹马又因为被主角抛弃而黑化的反派大佬。苏野池现在的身体只有三岁,他只想默默减少存在感,远离纷争。但当他因为种种倒霉的意外在书中一连死了两次后。他发现书里写内容都是假的,假的,假的!最后一次重生机会降临,这一次他这个倒霉蛋又是否可以变身福气包?带着沙雕气息的福气包外星人受vs真面瘫槽多无口攻【攻视角文案】都说三岁看老,陆久执却觉得苏野池三时就已经显露出了神仙本质。五岁时,陆久执看到路边三岁的苏野池软软的说:“老师布置的作业是扶老奶奶过马路,马路有了,老奶奶在哪?”下一秒眼前一花,马路对面竟然真出现一位老奶奶。在陆久执瞪大的眼睛中,苏野池高高兴兴完成了作业,还获得“德智体美全面发展三好学生”奖状一张。十五岁,陆久执努力学习力图摆脱苏野池这个在大人面前一副乖乖牌,在自己面前就变成膏药的粘人精。然而苏野池考前对着答案写了练习册上最难的几道大题。考场上陆久执绝望的发现,考卷上的几个大题正是苏野池专门背的那几个。成绩出来,苏野池成功和陆久执进入了同一所重点高中,并获得“天才少年”称号二十五岁时陆久执已经放弃挣扎,彻底拜倒在苏野池这个假“神”经真外星人的西装裤下。不过家里有个“财神爷”的感觉也是很不错的,苏野池买的股票就一定会涨、投资的公司陆续上市、买的地第二天就会纳入政府开发项目。准备努力养男朋友的陆久执,猝不及防发现男友把早就拿着自己的卡带着自己一起发家致富,突然就拥有亿万家产的陆久执槽多无口。ps1、受视角:这是一个受穿书而来总觉得身边的人都和自己格格不入,只有攻给他的感觉不一样,于是他决定把攻变成自己所有物的故事。攻视角:努力挣扎多年想要摆脱邻居家那个运气极好充满中二沙雕气息小伙伴,最终因为他太过可(you)爱qian而无奈宣布战败的故事。2、晋江独发,感谢小可爱们支持正版3、日更不断,坑品有保证。4、想写一个沙雕文,结果失败了5、这是一只“工业”糖精过多的小甜饼,轻啃,小心磕牙。下一本预收求收藏《成为真正的海王吧》简介:海上基建,终成海王!又名《我在古代觉醒魔法后,用现代科技完成海上基建》《这个武侠世界以前是修仙的》何水死在了海里,十分钟前他还以沉船探索者的身份发现了地中海威尼斯商人的沉船宝藏,只要顺利上岸,他就会成为一个亿万富翁。 >>
内容简介: “先让核弹头飞一会儿。” “怎么就成了那个猥琐卑鄙的银狐福克西呢?还是想办法先整容吧!” PS:作者就一写小说的,懂个锤子海贼王。 ------------ 已 完本(海贼之厌世之歌)(海贼之爆炸艺术)(妖尾之金金果实) 作者节操是窝了个大槽的,请各位用票票尽情的羞辱我! 1w0-1 >>
内容简介:林北重新进入【第二世界】,觉醒SSS级天赋——无限BUFF!【无限BUFF:SSS级,所有对玩家的增益BUFF,持续时间调整为无限!】从此,林北踏上了封神之路!使用恢复药剂,生命永久每 秒恢复100点!使用技能土遁术,获得永久遁地效果!使用潜行术,获得永久潜行效果!使用疾行卷轴,移速永久提升25!使用狂暴术,暴击率30,暴击伤害100,持续时间永久!“哈哈,天赋在手,天下我有!”1w0-97062 >>
From the back cover (v1)- China, Northern Song Era (960 - 1127) In order to help a world of injustice, the Capital selects a new Official, Hou Jyou. With him is a master of military arts, Tenjou. Enjoy as they are challenged by various events! ~~~ The setting is an era of absolute corruption, when bribery, torture, and threats were the normal way of doing business in the government. Then comes forth a young, new Official - Hou Jyou - who challenges the corruption. Gifted by the previous Emperor with three beheading devices, he is charged with bringing justice back to the courts. Based on the historical figure of Justice Bao (Chinese reading of the name), who was said to be an incorruptible official, this is a light-hearted romp through ancient China as he and his assistants work against the corruption that has become the norm in the Imperial Courts.
Shiro Masakatsu is a boy people can't stand touching. One day, while walking, a floating bra falls around on his face. Wanting to find the owner, he looks around and gets splashed with water, thinking some big boobed girl was naked somewhere and playing with water, he rushes to find her, but instead he finds a bra-less girl, with water coming from a katana finishing a fight with someone, so naturally, he ran away. Later he meets the same girl at school, and another katana-wielder picking a fight with her. these are cursed katanas called youtou. Youtou cannot be used if the condition of the curse is not met, like with the girl's katana the katana of perversion, the youtou ganari, the katana that can only be used when feeling perverted.....hehe how dirty right ^.^
Marriage Royale's story revolves around the male protagonist, a high school student named Tsukasa Hinomoto, who is told one day by his parents that he was adopted. Furthermore, they tell him that his real father is a manager of a large company, meaning he is very rich and holds a lot of power. Tsukasa's real father wants his son to marry a good woman, so he sets up an event known as Marriage Royale where beautiful girls from all over Japan will come together at a school built especially for the event and vie to become Tsukasa's fiancé. The school is located on an isolated island near Japan, and Tsukasa himself is taken there to live in a mansion in the care of two twin maids: Miku, the elder sister, and Miu, the younger sister.
Nomura Nobuo was a normal highschooler, until his 'gift' convinced him of his separation from the masses. When his gift is unmasked by Kaburagi Jirou, it marks the start of a war. A war on society itself. The War Front: Spike Hills.
The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven summary:
{translated from source}
For the two-faced Emperor she gave her everything, yet she ended up with the fate of being gotten rid of once her usefulness ended and even lost her son’s life. Reborn as a human, she appears to be a fool, but meeting a G.o.d she’ll kill a G.o.d, meeting Buddha she’ll kill Buddha, pretending to be a pig in order to eat the tiger! She got rid of the malicious legitimate mother, slaughtered the snake-like legitimate elder sister, scared silly the heartless father, and angered the two-faced Emperor to death. Finally she can leave free and unfettered, but behind her followed a bunch of lovestruck pretty boys. So many tails, how to shake them off!
{from rosyfantasy}
Yao Mo Xin, the empress of Da Chu died in a cruel way a day after she gave birth at the hands of her husband the emperor, Ye Hong Yi, and her legitimate second sister, Yao Shu Ran. Ye Hong Yi got the throne because of the smartness of Yao Mo Xin, but he hated her because she made him feel like a useless person who needed a woman to become the emperor.
Her soul got in the body of her illegitimate third sister from the same mother Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Wan has the mentality of a child because the legitimate wife of her father fed poison to her mother while she was carrying Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Xin wants revenge for everything that happened to her, so she seduced the emperor and began her plan of taking everything away from him. She did that while pretending to still have the mentality of a child. She also wants to repay Ye Jun Qing back for everything he did for her while she was Yao Mo Xin. In the process of revenge, she met many people who will fall in love with her wit and intelligence.
Tales of Herding Gods summary:
There’s an ancient saying in Great Ruins, ‘Don’t go outside when it’s dark.’
In Great Ruins, the disabled elders of Disabled Elderly Village picked up an infant by the riverside and named him Qin Mu, raising him up with blood and sweat. This day, as the night descended and the darkness shrouded Great Ruins, Qin Mu left home…
Become a villain undulating in the spring breeze!
That’s what Blind told him.
This is the rise of Qin Mu’s road to becoming a villain!
A Time Of Omens summary: A Time Of Omens summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Time Of Omens. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann summary: The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.