内容简介: 这是一个普通人能从噩梦中获得力量,所发生的故事……林盛突然有一天,发现自己平凡普通的日常里,多出了一点异样。一个不断重复的噩梦,让他开始了一段无法形容的诡异旅程。一个庞大的梦魇,一 个迷幻的秘密。~~新书,万千之心,欢迎大家来玩~1w0-287 >>
内容简介: 脑海中充盈着的是仇恨的画面:原来,曾经的温柔呵护都是假的,简单的一袋大米,就是自己整个的价值。原来爱自己的,一直都被自己忽略着,直到死去那时才懂得。末世重生,谁主天下?张娴只知道今 生今世,既然重来一回,那么她将不再辜负对自己好的人,而那些曾陷自己于不义,欺凌侮辱过自己的,她必要他们付出惨重的代价。1w0-3405 >>
内容简介:顾斯里说不喜欢女朋友的这个称呼,于是伊落橙在还没有毕业时就嫁给了他。伊落橙以为他们的婚姻是游走在阴暗处,顾先生却对她说,他从来没有说过,也没想过要隐瞒他们结婚的事实。顾斯里的前女友冷诗 琦回来了,公司盛传两人复合的消息。传闻,当初冷诗琦抛弃了他独自一人去了美国,而顾斯里为了她不近女色,一心扑在工作上。伊落橙以为顾斯里会甩给她一张离婚协议书,他却执着她的手对他的前女友说,她是我夫人。伊落橙一生中最美好的事情之二,一是遇上顾斯里,二是嫁给了顾斯里。场景一:帝皇门口伊落橙皱了皱小巧的鼻子,担忧的问,“怎么喝那么多酒?”顾斯里倚在她身上,眯着眼睛看她,酒气随着声音出来,“你要去同学聚会?”伊落橙心不在焉的嗯了声,见他步履有些不稳,吓得双手紧紧的抓住他,“阿斯,我和你一块回家吧。”一直充当空气的袁岳立马从顾斯里身后走出来,“夫人,我现在去开车过来。”面上一派正经的袁岳心中的小人一直在奔踏的总裁狂点赞。他还疑惑总裁怎么指定了要来帝皇,又怎么会一不小心让衣服沾了酒还不去换,原来……嘿嘿,是为了截夫人的胡!!顾斯里语气随意,很是散漫的问,“你不是要参加聚会吗?”伊落橙轻声说,“等以后有机会再去,现在我送你回家先。”渐渐走远的袁岳竖着耳朵听两人的对话,心中叉着腰在狂笑,总裁就是为了让夫人不去参加聚会才早早的等在门口的,嘿嘿,现在装成不在意的样子,若不是他早已识清了总裁的真面目他差点上当了!暖文,七分宠三分虐男主不会让大家失望的1w0-79470 >>
内容简介:上一世,侯府倒台后,梁依童就被二叔送给了三皇子,最终凄惨而死。重生归来,她战战兢兢扑到了豫王怀里。豫王手握兵权,俊美无俦,一双深邃的眼眸引得多少贵女沉沦,却偏偏冷淡禁欲,出了名的不喜女 色。谁料他竟将她带了回去。府里的丫鬟,见她冰肌玉骨,软玉温香,心中皆有些怜悯,生得再美,入了王府还不是得守活寡?然而一向冷淡矜贵,满身傲骨,将她当小崽子来宠的豫王,竟不止一次地跪在地上帮她穿鞋袜,他望着她的眼神也逐渐有些古怪。夜深人静,他突然将她按在了罗汉床上,“就这么喜欢我?嗯?”梁依童有些懵,豫王却抚摸了一下她的腹部,似是无奈道:“罢了,给你一个孩子也不是不行。”直到肚子里稀里糊涂地真揣上崽,梁依童才发现,被窝里多出的那个人,根本没有离开的意思。本以为他不过一时兴起,谁料他竟给了她一世荣宠。1w0-2588 >>
内容简介:姜芷穿越前是个根正苗红的好青年。如今成了个貌美心黑不择手段的恶毒农女。她想,一定要洗心革面重新做人。杜长肃是个被恶毒姑娘一家欺压的阴鸷少年。他想,若是有朝一日他扶摇直上,定要她为曾经的 所作所为,付出1w0-86801 >>
内容简介: 21世纪的小团子穿成了八零年代的凄惨小孤儿。 这有什么! 山里,她守株待兔,逮回来肥兔子。 河边,她愿者上钩,钓回来大篓鱼。 镇上,发家致富,遍地是黄金。 而且,她还得了 三个好哥哥。 大哥冷,二哥傲,三哥是个铁憨憨。 各个都宠得她上天入地。 只是……这位出现在她课本里,圈粉无数的超级大佬怎么偏就盯上了她? 大佬撕了她收到的数十封情书,一本正经,“你还小,好好学习。” 转头她就被霸道的男人扣在墙角,他眸光深邃,嗓音暗哑。 “望共同进步。” “???” #女主:我想要福运。 神:给,大份的,十份够吗? 女主:够了,谢谢爸爸,爸爸真好!1w0-954 >>
内容简介:末世残酷,各种物资奇缺,粮食成为横行四方的硬通货之一。无数人被放逐安全区之外,成为农民,在贫瘠的土地上挣扎着,跟变异动植物、病菌和老天爷殊死搏斗。他们是最小生产单位,农忙种地,农闲搞基 础建设,关键时候还要保卫家园。只有十八般武艺全会的人,才能勉强生存下来。也只有种出规定量的饱腹之物上交,才能获得市民资格,进入安全区,过上正常人的生活。周黍是现代休闲农庄的创业者,意外溺水后重生在末世同名同姓的少女身体中。一栋破屋,一辆破车,三个月口粮再加一张五万亩荒地的承包合同,就是她的全部财产。残破的记忆中有个声音:“周黍,你本该一死,但本着末日不浪费任何人命的原则,就让你做个农民。终其一生,你只会是农民,永远也无法获得进入安全区的资格。”周黍却对着合同笑,承包地十年免税不说,能力允许下自开垦荒地可永久私有。这么好的事,干了!后来,人类逐渐在末日中站稳脚跟,周黍也成为最大的农场主、粮食商人和土地拥有者。在荒区,目见之物,皆为周黍所有。人言,周黍欠收一季,安全区将挨饿一月。各安全区向她伸出橄榄枝,请求她成为荣誉市民,然而她一一拒绝。农民,永远离不开土地;她所立之处,是她的王土;她所居之地,是她的王都。点击作者名,可进入作者专栏,收藏后可随时关注更文消息。专栏已经完结的文:单位分配烂尾楼(基建)专栏预收的文1:九零年代进城记;专栏的预收文2:妖里妖气;九零年代进城记文案周奶奶花四千元给孙子周壁办了城市户口。说周家穷了四五代,要从周壁起斩断穷根,进城吃国家饭。可她从来抠门,过年都舍不得买斤猪肉给两个孙女吃,哪里来的钱?周墨告诉姐姐周蔷:“爸妈寄回来,给你读中专和办毕业分配的钱!”周蔷闹了个天翻地覆,将家都砸了。但周奶奶撇嘴:“闹也没用!你妈跟你爸进城这么多年,说是打工,谁知道是不是躲清闲?爹妈不管的丫头片子,把你们从七八岁带到十五六岁,不值四千块?想读书,让你妈再寄钱回来!寄不回来,东头李家的儿子看上你,愿意出六千六百块说亲!”周蔷哭得两眼红肿,周墨悄悄收拾行李,连夜就走!周蔷不敢,被人贩子拐走怎么办?周墨坚定道:“进城找爸妈去,就算没有书读,打工也比留在村里好。”上辈子学费被吞,姐姐被逼得想不开,花一样的人留下终生残疾。周墨无数次遗憾,如果这一切都没发生该有多好。她闭眼睁眼,居然回到十四岁。那就什么也别管,带着姐姐和书包进城去。城里很大,容得下一个家。1w0-27814 >>
内容简介:「历史爽文」熬了个夜,李宽回到了大唐,成为李世民的二儿子楚王李宽。他曾是长安城四害之首,是李世民口中的孽子。他是世家的眼中钉,又是勋贵的最佳合作伙伴。他是商人眼中的财神爷,也是匠人眼中 的救世主。他是农业发展的助推剂,是科学技术的奠基者。他是番邦属国的噩梦,是大唐开疆拓土的功臣。……且看李宽在“全才系统”的助力下,带着大唐提前走上了遇神杀神,遇鬼杀鬼,殖民全球的道路……书友群:1060667501w863-26608 >>
内容简介:“爸爸!我疼!他们喂潇潇吃毒药,还拿烟头烫妈妈!救救潇潇和妈妈吧!”百将之首,封号之日,他却在百官面前,接到女儿中毒老婆被辱的求救电话!朝野翻腾,龙国震荡,北境沈天王一怒之下,点兵十万 下江南,掀起滔天杀戮!从今以后,我要让这世间,再无人可伤你欺你分毫!你们母女二人,就是我沈君临,毕生守护的目标!1w17149-25721 >>
内容简介:【正文完】xA京城人尽皆知,瑾郡王有一位指腹为婚的未婚妻。不知样貌,不知才学,不知性情,自小在边关长大,还是出身半个武将世家。xAxA京城不少人对其私下诋毁,肯定貌丑无言,不知规矩,五 大三粗。xA直到身姿窈窕、面若芙蓉般秀美的沈精羽出现在众人的视线。xAxA身家优厚,父母宠爱,出息的兄长子侄,位高权重的未婚夫,而且,她还特别的好运气!xA啊,老天不公平!简直嫉妒到让人发指!xAxAxAxA沈精羽有一个秘密,那就是她有一身能够实现愿望的“法力”,只要她在四下无人时,将她的愿望反复说出,不用多久,她的愿望就会被实现。xAxA——让大哥的官途顺畅,顺利做到官职交接吧!xA然后大哥这个被算计接手的官职,就一路有惊无险,顺利做到交接。xAxA——让欺负侄女的渣男贱女都倒大霉吧!xA然后渣男贱女翻来覆去倒大霉,侄女顺利完成退婚。xAxA——让未婚夫不许再对我说谎话呀!xA然后她就被闻胤瑾压在花丛中,狠狠地听了他一顿真心剖白。xAxA沈精羽:……法力有时尽,尴尬时有无,她习惯就好。xAxAxAxA作为未婚妻的“法力”提供者,闻胤瑾兢兢业业完成着未婚妻的一切小愿望,执着并病态地收集着她的一切讯息,一切物品,一切喜好,坚持宠着她,惯着她,将她宠成心肝上的娇娇。xAxA直到:xA——让我未婚夫明晚洞房花烛夜时睡着吧,早睡早起好养生啊。xAxA闻胤瑾:……xA他缓缓眯起眼睛:这个愿望,恕他不能接受!xAxA病娇痴情·腹黑郡王男主VS美艳聪慧·口花花强悍女主xAxA排雷:①姐弟恋,男主比女主小两个月。xA②文内法力部分,属于男主的心机与动作,并无任何玄幻情节。xAxA本文将于9月13日入V,入V当日三更xA——————xA预收文《要来求亲的侯爷失忆了》文案:xAxA宁淮一觉醒来,失去了最近两年的记忆。xAxA他询问了自己最近要做的事后,果断叫停了自己的求亲计划。xAxA他可是要潜心修佛的男人,怎能沉迷女色,娶妻生子?!xAxA哪知从此之后,他今个儿看到了自己偷偷撰写的情诗,明儿个寻到了自己偷偷定制的一屋子女装,后儿个甚至无意翻到了以他和段蕴溪为主角的小黄文……xAxA宁淮:本侯的春心,当真动过?!xAxAxAxA步步心机,重重算计。xAxA小官之女段蕴溪终于从一众贵女中脱颖而出,攀上了宁远侯这根高枝,得到了他明日将去她家提亲的明示。xAxA她面上羞涩难当,内心欢欣鼓舞,欢欢喜喜归家,静待明日收局。xAxA结果天还没黑呢,就听闻宁远侯惊马受伤,一晕三日,醒后直接忘却了最近两年的记忆。xAxA小心算计谋划了两年的段蕴溪:……xAxA眼见着失忆后的宁远侯对她冷若冰霜,寒眉剑齿 >>
The male lead has gynophobia due to a traumatic experience. On the recommendation of his sister, who is a nun with little brother-complex, he entered a previously all female-school that now has 9:1 female to male ratio. This is a story of that man with the Queen of the school, who has demanded he work for her as her secretary.
It is the start of the 20th century and the Parisian commoners celebrating the Belle Époque are fascinated by the antics of the resident phantom thief Arsène Lupin. But the mask of Lupin actually belies a beautiful woman...? An epic adventure aboard a luxury liner and involving even Detective Holmes is about to unfold!
A couple of high school pupils, Masaru Kato and Kei Kurono, are hit with a subway train in a effort to save the life span of a drunk homeless guy who'd fallen onto the tracks. Following their deaths, Kato and Kurono find themselves transported to the inside of an unfurnished Tokyo flat, where they meet with a Gantz expert Joichiro Nishi, as well as other clueless players. The pair soon understands that they're prohibited to depart the flat. At one end of the room there's a sizable black sphere called 'Gantz'. Characters in Gantz Manga After some time in the area, the Gantz world opens up, showing wires attached to his head and a hairless nude guy using a breathing mask, and different weapons to allow them to use. Included in these are the custom fitting black suits which give them superhuman speed, strength, stamina and damage resistance, a control which functions as a stealth and radar unit, Xgun, X Shotgun, Y-Firearm. Later on the show the Gantz sword, Gantz Bike are manufactured much more powerful at the same time as accessible weapons are given in the 100 point menu. Brief info and a picture is revealed of a few of the Gantz' objectives; Gantz orders them to go and kill them. Except for one assignment, every one of the goals are aliens living on Earth, which take on a wide selection of types. During the mission, individuals that are ordinary cannot view the extraterrestrial beings or the players. Them transport to the part of the assignment, and they can't return or leave until all of the enemies are killed, or the time limit has run out. Each person is given points for the aliens they've killed, when they survive an effective mission. The menu offers three choices: Alternative 1: The participant can go back to their regular life, never having to be summoned by Gantz again. As a cost, their memories of the assignments as well as Gantz will be erased. Alternative 2: The participant gets a unique and incredibly-powerful weapon. Alternative 3: The participant can restore a person that has died during a mission from Gantz' recollection. Points are tallied up following an assignment was finished, do and the players are permitted to leave as they see fit until their next mission, together with the exception of talking about Gantz which would lead with their heads bursting. During the third mission of Kato and Kurono, every one of the participants including Kato are killed, however the last leader giving a chance to live to Kurono is killed by Kato. Kurono survives the third mission bleeding on the ground along with his limbs cut. Following the next assignment inside embracing a hero, leader complex similar to Kato Kurono begins to transform. Kurono participates together with the goal of restoring his dead friends using the 100 point compensation choice as the show continues. A fresh team of Gantz players is gathered, which Kurono leads, as among the greatest combatants plus the most seasoned veteran. Through his interactions with all the other members of his life or death conflicts and the team, Kurono slowly develops into a leader that is responsible. Following the Oni assignment Kurono revives Kato, and shortly after Kurono meets his death from the vampires. As the show continues, the rules of the assignments change; regular folks can now see them, the aliens they face are increasingly more strong and dangerous, plus they participate in a mission with another Gantz team from Osaka. Kato becomes the center of his search to restore Kurono and attention in the manga. By the end of the assignment, Kato that is just like the initial time expired, he gets the better of arguably the most powerful alien in the show and is set bleeding on the ground going to expire. After several assignments, an old player named Nishi, who understands more in relation to the others about how Gantz works, reveals them a 'catastrophe countdown' on the Gantz world that the other players were unaware of. By the end of the week, the Earth is invaded by a huge alien force and starts exterminating the human race, while their utmost tries to use Gantz' innovative technology and weapons in defense. It's suggested that Nishi expired, but his departure seems to not be clear. In his area Eeva totally controls all Gantz teams prior to the statement by killing most of the hunters, giving an expression of the mortality to the human race. Kurono that will be air to the whole world is called on by the world, and having the help of a revived Kato, Kurono gambles all his potential for winning and saving the human race on himself. Kurono manages to overcome the alien mothership stops from destroying Earth. The collection finishes with Kato and Kurono being greeted as heroes and returning safely to Earth. Other manga: + Monster Soul manga + Inuyasha manga
Jeremy is a sensitive teenager who is happy for his mother when she remarries. However, the sweet-talking man who is his new stepfather turns out to be a serpent in disguise -- he's a sadist and a pedophile, and it isn't long before he makes Jeremy his target. After months of horrific, systematic abuse, Jeremy's mind becomes unstable and his thoughts turn vicious. He decides to murder his stepfather in order to get rid of him -- but the plan goes awry, and when he sabotages his stepfather's car, his mother also dies in the crash. Shocked and wracked by guilt, Jeremy's reactions seem strange to the average onlooker. His brittle and bizarre behavior isn't just that of a grieving son's. This is when Ian, the free-spirited son of Jeremy's stepfather, begins to suspect Jeremy of murder. He finds several clues that tie Jeremy to the crime, but in unearthing them, Ian also discovers the fact that Jeremy was abused. What should Ian do with his evidence? Caught in a moral dilemma -- between punishing a criminal and atoning for his father's sins -- Ian begins to be haunted by lust for Jeremy. Is it lust, or is it love? Ian wonders whether he shares his father's proclivities, and despite his best efforts, he is drawn into a passionate and painful relationship with Jeremy. A Cruel God Reigns is a true BL classic written by Hagio Moto, one of the founders of the BL genre. In seventeen intense volumes, A Cruel God Reigns traces both Jeremy's and Ian's journeys towards redemption. The story-telling is rich and unique, and the art is breathtaking. To this day, A Cruel God Reigns remains one of the most powerful BL epics ever written. - by The Pink Panzers Winner of the first Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize's Award for Excellence.
Vergil summary: Vergil summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vergil. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Paul the Courageous summary: Paul the Courageous summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Paul the Courageous. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances summary: Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A Study of Poetry summary: A Study of Poetry summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Study of Poetry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.