内容简介: 【2019热血玄幻经典】地球少年龙昊穿越玄幻大陆,吞噬焚天魔帝,修混沌祖龙诀,凝混沌不灭体,和万族天骄争锋,横压万界,无敌诸天,战到世上无人敢称尊!我有一拳,可开天,可灭世!诸天有 我,万界无敌,仙魔臣服!1w0-4239 >>
内容简介: “所谓律师,就是要维护当事人的合法权益不受侵害。”被检察厅称为魔王的常磐庄吾律师如是说道。日剧综合世界,《胜者即是正义》《柯南》《非自然死亡》《逃避虽可耻却有用》《深夜食堂》《99 .9刑事律师》《唐人街探案》等,没看过也不影响入坑。群:9054732071w0-3497 >>
内容简介:星星闪耀时笔趣阁,星星闪耀时sodu,星星闪耀时小说,星星闪耀时顶点,星星闪耀时十月当归,文案一:霍豫第一次见到卫嘉璇时,看到她的眼睛就想到了天上的星星。从此以后,他叫她“星星妹妹”。 文案二:卫嘉璇爸爸生她时三十有三,于是她刚大学毕业就被今年快九十的奶奶开始安排各种相亲。忍无可忍的卫嘉璇找到了霍豫诉苦。一向年少老成、持重寡言的年轻男人在她抱怨完后,神色淡淡地提议道:“要想不被催婚,只有结婚一个办法。”卫嘉璇眉头紧皱,委屈巴巴地看向霍豫,突然眼睛一亮,计上心头,真要比年轻有为,她奶奶给她介绍的相亲对象没人能和眼前这位相比啊。“哥,我们假结婚吧?”文案三:一场国内金融界大佬聚集的慈善晚宴上,不到三十的霍氏掌门人霍豫因其帅气逼人、高冷禁欲的外形意外走红。之后霍豫的微博粉丝数不断猛增,但他的微博如同他的人一样,低调而刻板,难以从中窥探出他的私生活。某天夜里,不知多久没有更新过微博的霍豫突然有了动静。霍豫:已婚,勿扰。配图是他怀里抱着一个年轻姑娘,小姑娘肤色白皙、五官精致,已经在他怀里睡着。众人纷纷猜测霍豫怀里的人是谁。不久后霍豫点赞了他微博下说他怀里人酷似卫嘉璇的评论。霍豫发微博的前一天晚上卫嘉璇与一当红男星的绯闻被传得沸沸扬扬。吃瓜群众等了一天,没想到最先等来了家属澄清。先婚后爱,六岁年龄差。你我本无缘,全靠我套路说好的假结婚呢1w0-117324 >>
内容简介:穿越成大周王朝皇子,却没想到这是一名冷宫皇子。还好。赵乾发现他在游戏中编辑的外挂也一起来了。无上资质、超凡提取、不死之躯……凄冷、寂静的冷宫成为了他安静的修炼之地。一步步,成为了黑天子 、神朝之主、神秘存在……本书又名《从冷宫皇子到无上黑天子》,《我编辑的外挂成真了》。1w0-64362 >>
内容简介:蒲千夜穿越到王者大陆的长安城……开局被女帝抓到皇宫当小白脸!【叮!恭喜宿主激活神级选择系统!】【请宿主开始选择!】【选择一,留下来吃软饭,努力耕耘,帮助女帝生儿育女!奖励十全大补丸一瓶 !】【选择二,努力逃出万象神宫,做一个自由人!奖励神级技能“指令:跃迁”!】当蒲千夜做出选择后,女帝当场大怒:【朕看中的男人,绝不许跑!】飞卢小说网提醒:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。飞卢小说网独家签约小说:《王者:开局被女帝倒追》1w0-33779 >>
内容简介:穿越成为在敌国当质子的皇子,受尽屈辱,被戴绿帽,还强迫喜当爹?不好意思,老子有召唤战神系统!华夏一切人物,都是传说史诗级的战神,都可召唤!专打一切不服!杀神白起,刀下血翻涛!霸王项羽, 尸山如天高!武神赵子龙,单枪匹马直杀八千里!牛魔王,横冲直闯无敌!孙悟空,一棒轰碎星河!还有环肥燕瘦,赵1w0-34509 >>
内容简介:肆意挥洒激情的游戏人生,打破现实框架的无尽幻想!各位书友要是觉得《重生之人皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《重生之人皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ 群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72181 >>
内容简介:余岑被医生诊断绝症,没剩几天活头。余岑痛定思痛,自己这短短一生,还有什么遗憾?几分钟后。余岑:“……”太多了。没谈过恋爱,没考过第一,没赢过关之涯。前两项不是我想要,想要就能要,余岑决 定在最后一项下下功夫。于是……他在校长主持的校级大会上,和关之涯表白了。“关之涯!我喜欢你!你是电!你是光!你是人间的四月天!你是我唯一的男神!你是我们二中永远的神话!我超级喜欢你!我最爱你!!!”全场死一般寂静。余岑:爽。赢不了你,我可以恶心你。就算我死了,也要让你不痛快。余岑很得意。甚至得意地可以自然面对死亡。五天后,余岑还没死。十天后,余岑还没死。n天后……余岑:???为什么我还活得好好的?再回学校。关之涯:“听说你喜欢我。”余岑:“对不起,我失忆了。请问你谁?”学校包年第二的学神突然公开表白了,对象是包年第一那位。所有人表示震惊我全家。柏二的同学们以为千年老二被老大压久了伺机报复,就等着看老大怎么回击。结果没多久,发现他们竟然在一起了?!而且他们竟然意外的还挺配?!学神们都去谈恋爱了,有人瞄准了年级第一第二的位置。就等着看他们怎么双双从金榜滑落。结果最后发现,这俩人一路稳坐第一第二,最后一起去了北大?FineCP:勇敢向第一发起挑战·乖巧宝宝奶凶受永远被迫被第二挑战·高冷宝宝内敛攻我的世界一片灰暗,而你,如彩虹般绚烂。双学神HE1v1各位书友要是觉得《在全校面前和死对头表白了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w51607-97538 >>
内容简介: 浪起黑暗,超凡钢铁铸就的蒸汽朋克轮船,发出轰鸣征程远航。 鲸落深海,海妖用美妙歌声,呼唤着那些狩猎美人鱼的超凡水手。 遵守着古老守则的诡秘时间猎人,正在寻觅他们的猎物。 天生 的“英雄”,背负着命运,已然踏上了开创历史的征程。 远古的“封印物”,急不可耐的撬开了封印之门,他们要释放新衍生出来的“超凡模因”。 蒸汽科学与超凡结合的“超凡基因战士”迎来了曙光。 刚刚破开蛋的年幼巨龙,看到了屠龙勇士,用刀子剜出来他母亲的心脏。 天灾生物们,磨刀霍霍,他们要粉墨登场与这个非凡时代。 时代浪潮已然汹涌席卷而来,带着黑暗神秘迷雾…… 不可名状的恐怖在孕育…… 深渊在凝视…… 而某个遗迹城内苟着的,立志要成为肉装法爷的少年,在挂机。 …… 欢迎来到——蒸汽朋克超凡纪元!……群:9923699381w0-2428 >>
内容简介:违规者死!这是神秘空间列车世界的规矩!生存需要的是实力和智力。主角乘坐列车,没想到踏上了诡秘之旅。列车一共十八节车厢。每个车厢内有着一名管理者,他们负责发布任务。每一站下车后,车厢内的 人将进入未知地图做任务如果任务失败会怎样?死!!!3249541】各位书友要是觉得《诡秘无限》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w23973-96434 >>
Cheon Gi dot com is a triangle romance series. 'Two men love one woman', also known as triangle love, is typical, I say. Jun Hui Lee, the female main character, is hot blooded (extremely) and straight forward girl who does not like to fool around. Jun Hui Lee has two childhood friends, Han Sung Ji and Min Yu. They were a part of her life until sudden change of Han Sung Ji. Since then Han Sung Ji has been ignoring Jun Hui Lee.
From: Alice Dreams : Sai has always been the most popular playboy in town. He won't pay special attention to anyone he's not with, at least that's what she thought until he suddenly kissed her one day. What does he really want?!
Collection of short stories: • Yume ni Tobu Tori (A Bird in a Dream) Soichiro has a heart attack and is hit by a car on Yuuga's birthday right after a huge fight, but gets a second chance when he wakes up two days before his accident. • Iku Michi, Yobu Tsuki Cutting through a dangerous park one night, Otsuji is attacked by hoodlums and thrown into a lake. There he meets the demon of the lake, and can't leave. • Moment Atsushi is slowy recovering after being dumped by his last lover. His sister and brother-in-law, concerned that he is becoming a recluse, invite him out for a drink at their bar. While at the bar he sees a beautiful college student, Kizaki, and is smitten. But because he has no fashion sense, Atsushi gets a makeover from his sister before he approaches his crush. Things go even better than he expected, but after their tryst, Atsushi has to work overtime for a week. When he finally makes it back to the bar, he sees Kizaki kissing someone else. Will Atsushi be forced to give up on his dream of love? • Hana mo Arashi mo The beginning of the love story between 2 childhood friends, Takerou (a student) and Kouta (a florist). The story looks like shota but actually the little uke (Kouta) is already 25. • Mayonaka Taiyou (Midnight Sun) Kakeru, Shouichi-san, and little Rurika are back in a sequel to Hinata. The unexpected visit of Shouichi's dead wife's sister convinces Kakeru that he's only a bother to the Konomi household. With Shouichi (and Ruri) allow him to simply leave their family?
Jeremy is a sensitive teenager who is happy for his mother when she remarries. However, the sweet-talking man who is his new stepfather turns out to be a serpent in disguise -- he's a sadist and a pedophile, and it isn't long before he makes Jeremy his target. After months of horrific, systematic abuse, Jeremy's mind becomes unstable and his thoughts turn vicious. He decides to murder his stepfather in order to get rid of him -- but the plan goes awry, and when he sabotages his stepfather's car, his mother also dies in the crash. Shocked and wracked by guilt, Jeremy's reactions seem strange to the average onlooker. His brittle and bizarre behavior isn't just that of a grieving son's. This is when Ian, the free-spirited son of Jeremy's stepfather, begins to suspect Jeremy of murder. He finds several clues that tie Jeremy to the crime, but in unearthing them, Ian also discovers the fact that Jeremy was abused. What should Ian do with his evidence? Caught in a moral dilemma -- between punishing a criminal and atoning for his father's sins -- Ian begins to be haunted by lust for Jeremy. Is it lust, or is it love? Ian wonders whether he shares his father's proclivities, and despite his best efforts, he is drawn into a passionate and painful relationship with Jeremy. A Cruel God Reigns is a true BL classic written by Hagio Moto, one of the founders of the BL genre. In seventeen intense volumes, A Cruel God Reigns traces both Jeremy's and Ian's journeys towards redemption. The story-telling is rich and unique, and the art is breathtaking. To this day, A Cruel God Reigns remains one of the most powerful BL epics ever written. - by The Pink Panzers Winner of the first Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize's Award for Excellence.
Essays on Life, Art and Science summary: Essays on Life, Art and Science summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Essays on Life, Art and Science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm summary: The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hope and Have summary: Hope and Have summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hope and Have. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations summary: Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.