内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】【1V1男女主双洁】【群像戏】“你喜欢两个人一起努力吗?”某男一脸真诚地看着她。“喜欢啊,一起奋斗挺好的,孤孤单单的多不好。”某女 放下手上的东西,转身回答道。“那……我们一起努力,传宗接代吧?”某女知道自己被套路了以后,怒视着某男,“哥屋恩——鲧。”·某天“主神,不好了,夫人又跑去其他时空惹事了。”某男放下书,“那就派人协助保护夫人。”“可是……夫人此次去主神您小时候时空搞事情了。”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之宿主今天又飘了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82040 >>
内容简介:【入V公告:本文将于11月28日入V,谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后也请继续支持。】顾晏寒有着严重的信息素失调,性格暴戾无法平息,顾家耗费了巨大的人力物力,只为给唯一的继承人找到信息素可 吻合对象想要成为天命之o的omega简直不要太多。苏余参加顾家宴会时,出于礼节也接受了顾家的检测,全城的o都要被测遍了,多他一个也不多。结果,他就是那个天命之O。听说患有信息素失调的alpha无法避免暴力倾向,而顾晏寒这种顶级alpha,侵略性和霸道是早已刻在基因里的。苏余感觉不太妙。果然,第二天顾家闻风而动,迫不及待前来联姻,生怕他跑了……1V1,HE,先婚后爱,豪门甜饼,日常流甜宠——预收文案《魔尊道侣绝不退婚》——夏子皎做了一个梦,梦见一个邪魔几乎屠戮了半个仙道,仙道浩劫,尸横遍野,魔界大行其道,仙府衰落,洪流之中,夏家也没落得一个好下场。醒来之后,夏子皎觉得那个大魔头名字怎么那么耳熟呢?好像在哪里听到过。———殷无妄夏子皎霎时睁大了双眼,他想起来了。这不就是家破人亡仙府被毁,老爹决定只要对方敢厚着脸皮拿着婚书上门就要把人打出去的那位吗?毕竟仙界十三仙府想当他道侣的已经排满了,这个小子算什么。拿着婚书上门的殷无妄剑眉星目冷煞,一双漆黑的眸子幽深看不见底:“你们真不退婚?”夏子皎:“我们堂堂仙府怎么能出尔反尔!”道侣绝不退婚!万人迷少主受X白切黑疯批大反派攻1V1,HE如果您喜欢和暴戾Alpha合约结婚后,别忘记分享给朋友作者:白鸟童子所写的《和暴戾Alpha合约结婚后》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-124709 >>
内容简介:陆羽用了十七年,终于吞噬天帝魂魄,重新审视这个世界。自天地重开,灵气重现,芸芸众生以长生为道,夺气运而生。聚真气,可开山碎石,日行千里。练法术,可呼风唤雨,腾云驾雾。虎啸山林,龙游浅水 。这一世,问鼎苍穹,猛虎下山,龙飞九天!1w17574-27141 >>
内容简介:当年两家婴儿错抱,琼娘崔家商户女错位成了柳家官宦千金,奈何昏头要强,用力过猛,落得孑然一身的凄惨下场。这一次重活,她索性大方起来:女配你好!什么?你要换回你金贵的官宦嫡女身份?痛快换去 !想要我冠盖京华的才女名气?不用客气!什么……还想要塞给我你前世侍奉的那位阴狠毒辣的造反王爷?嗯……您真的不用这么客气……1w0-2699 >>
内容简介:诸天视频:开局盘点十大功法!全民修武的社会,手无缚鸡之力的林默作为一个扑街,隔三差五被觉醒的读者催更表示很绝望。突然绑定了一个诸天视频投影创作,可以创建视频发布诸天万界,让诸天万界人员 看到1w0-76917 >>
内容简介:皇天已死,悍匪当立!一笑风雷震,一怒沧海寒;一手破苍穹,一剑舞长天!神功无敌,傲视武林!美女入怀,柔情似水!唯有如此,才称得上最强悍匪!PS:无限热血,无限爽文,以碾压的姿态征战大千世 界,征服万千美人!1w0-113633 >>
内容简介:二十四诸天指的是佛教的护法诸神,又可称为“诸天鬼神”。二十四诸天通常供奉于大雄宝殿东西两侧,他们的供奉次序是:功德天、辩才天、大梵天王、帝释天、四大天王(东方持国天王、南方增长天王、西 方广目天王、北方多闻天王)、日天、月天、金刚密迹力士、摩醯首1w76060-107849 >>
内容简介: 钟离重生了,重生到了十年之前,那并不美好的学生时代。那时诸神未临,百王未醒,地球还未沦为宇宙杀戮的战场,尘封于远古遗迹之中的武道众圣也未复苏。而他,却回来了,带着未来科技的完美结晶 ,承载人族武道传承的武神智脑,回到了这大世将启的十年之前。在百慕大三角力搏深海巨兽在撒拉哈沙漠探寻古神遗迹在法老金字塔灭杀远古亡灵在浩瀚宇宙中决战星空诸神……扶大厦之将倾,挽狂澜于即倒。这一世,不留遗憾,只手擎天!1w0-3795 >>
内容简介:沈娴穿越成了一个傻子,被赶出家门、毁去容貌不说,肚子里还揣了个崽!丈夫另娶新欢当日,她登门贺喜,狂打新妾脸,震慑八方客。没想到新妾处处跟她飙演技——弱鸡,就凭你?也配给自己加戏?渣男还 想虐身又虐心——抱歉,从今往后,我沈娴你高攀不起,纵使有一天你跪下来,我也会把你踩在脚底。还有那谁谁谁,别拦着我找第二春,谢谢。1w5646-27453 >>
内容简介:某写手很烂俗的重生了,但他没有重生在过去或是平行世界,而是重生在了自己撰写的小说世界里!最让他蓝瘦香菇的是,重生的角色竟然是小说里被虐得死去活来的反派公子哥!为了能多活几章,史上最妖孽 的反派,不得不在史上最坑爹的系统指引下,一步步完成史上最伟大的逆袭之路!“…………”【PS1:本书又名:反派的自我修养】【PS2:老猫我回来了!】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生小说反派公子哥》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4918 >>
I'm A Villainess, But I Picked Up the Male Lead / I possessed the most powerful villainess in a novel, Countess Edina. To be exact, the villainess who attempted to assassinate the male lead, took his heart, and sold it to a neighboring country. And so, I tried everything to avoid the male lead until I got his heart back. But then, I happened to find him one bloodied night. I tried to look away and just leave him there, but his condition was simply too terrible. Just this time, and only this time! I'll help you and pretend I don't know anything!' However, since this is the nth time I run into him, I think it would be better to just leave the male lead there next time. I'd rather just be nice to him for once, pay my debt, and get over everything! 'No, I don't need your kindness.' But I think the male lead despises me too much Can I survive all this? ****** 'I still remember those days when you would poison me and send assassins after me.' 'Ohhaha' 'Yet, once again, I still love the Countess.' 'Waitwhat?' The male lead, who saw me as an enemy just a year ago, is now confessing to me, the villainess. 'Doesn't this make me seem like I'm crazy?' I was frozen and couldn't say anything, but it was I who felt crazy. 'But that's okay. Because I am a crazy bastard.' He whispered softly to me in a deep voice. It wasn't that I disliked how he'd changed Ha. This is all too much. He's exactly my taste- What should I do?
Ten thousand years ago, a great and powerful Digimon was defeated and sealed away by the Holy Knights as the 'Digi Core'. Years later, a virus infected the digital world, leaving only those that possessed the D-Antibody (X-Antibody) remaining. The only members of the Holy Knights remaining are Omega of Power (Omnimon X), Duke of Courage (MedievalGallantmon/Gallantmon X), and Magna of Miracles (Magnamon). At the start of the series, the 'God of Death' MetalPhantomon draws Hikaru, Kiyoshi, Masuken, and Teru into the digital world. Originally, Hikaru is left alone with his Digimon (which starts out as a Dorimon), and has to battle his friends Teru and Masuken, who are under MetalPhantomon's control. At one point, MetalPhantomon steals the 'Dragon Spirit' of Masaru's partner, who is now a Dorumon. While MetalPhantomon uses it to revive the Digi-Core, Hikaru, Teru, and Masuken learn from Omega of Power that they can get a new Dragon Spirit from Duke of Courage - with this, they can save Dorumon's life. But when they arrive in Duke's area of the Digital World, they are given a series of tests by Duke's servant, MameTyramon. After completing the tests and battling Duke himself, they manage to earn Dorumon a new Dragon Spirit. However, now they must battle MetalPhantomon, who has resurrected the Digi-Core as Dexmon. In the end, Hikaru and the others manage to save their friend Kiyoshi, who was sealed inside Dexmon, and return to the real world.
Oneshot.Midori and Takeru are childhood friends, Midori wants to always stay childhood friends with Take. Midori thinks she knows everything about Take, but what she dosent know are his feelings for her...How will these childhood friends end up?
Jeremy is a sensitive teenager who is happy for his mother when she remarries. However, the sweet-talking man who is his new stepfather turns out to be a serpent in disguise -- he's a sadist and a pedophile, and it isn't long before he makes Jeremy his target. After months of horrific, systematic abuse, Jeremy's mind becomes unstable and his thoughts turn vicious. He decides to murder his stepfather in order to get rid of him -- but the plan goes awry, and when he sabotages his stepfather's car, his mother also dies in the crash. Shocked and wracked by guilt, Jeremy's reactions seem strange to the average onlooker. His brittle and bizarre behavior isn't just that of a grieving son's. This is when Ian, the free-spirited son of Jeremy's stepfather, begins to suspect Jeremy of murder. He finds several clues that tie Jeremy to the crime, but in unearthing them, Ian also discovers the fact that Jeremy was abused. What should Ian do with his evidence? Caught in a moral dilemma -- between punishing a criminal and atoning for his father's sins -- Ian begins to be haunted by lust for Jeremy. Is it lust, or is it love? Ian wonders whether he shares his father's proclivities, and despite his best efforts, he is drawn into a passionate and painful relationship with Jeremy. A Cruel God Reigns is a true BL classic written by Hagio Moto, one of the founders of the BL genre. In seventeen intense volumes, A Cruel God Reigns traces both Jeremy's and Ian's journeys towards redemption. The story-telling is rich and unique, and the art is breathtaking. To this day, A Cruel God Reigns remains one of the most powerful BL epics ever written. - by The Pink Panzers Winner of the first Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize's Award for Excellence.
Pleasure & Profit in Bible Study summary: Pleasure & Profit in Bible Study summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pleasure & Profit in Bible Study. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Lady Rose's Daughter summary: Lady Rose's Daughter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lady Rose's Daughter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Polish Fairy Tales summary: Polish Fairy Tales summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Polish Fairy Tales. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Zed Files: The Hanging Tree summary: The Zed Files: The Hanging Tree summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Zed Files: The Hanging Tree. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.