内容简介:《黑料女王又成顶流了》(爽文爆宠女强男强1v1)传闻冷灏冷大总裁,像他的名字一样,冷酷无情,不近女色,可没想到居然有一天会为了一个黑料满天飞的苏家败类自甘堕落,这是不是有点过了?冷少大 手一挥,每日的工作计划里多了一项追妻的重大项目,想尽办法要和苏瑾确立关系。看着自己又上了热搜,苏瑾仰天长叹,她分明只想搞事业冲向顶流,可是冷先生你怎么能成为我冲上顶流的绊脚石呢?震惊消息!新晋影后正在线直播打脸白莲花渣妹,走过路1w0-81907 >>
内容简介:年龄差8岁/救赎向/追妻甜文超A偏执兵哥哥x腰细声甜心机软妹1.家遭变故后,棠宁寄养在程家。人人皆知,她与程家二少爷是青梅竹马,格外登对。却不知道她真正觊觎的是程二少的叔叔。那位执行维 和任务遭遇重大事故后,据说双眼失明、脾气怪戾的“疯子”。她曾怕他,试探他,也曾在电闪雷鸣夜抱着枕头来到他房间,嗓音甜软地喊“小叔叔”。2.放弃喜欢程怀恕那天,棠宁在大雨夜里走得决绝。没曾想,再相逢,男人一身空军制服,面容冷峻,清冷禁欲。尤其是他那一双眼睛,黑白分明,眼神锐利。部队巡演完的后台,有新兵戏称她的舞是温柔刀,刀刀要人性命。无人知,程怀恕听到这种说辞后眼神暗了暗。之后,程怀恕将人拦下,故意在无人的通道里把控着她的细腰:“长大了,不听叔叔的话了?”*1V1 SC双初恋*是个甜文,很甜,男主眼睛会好1w0-4475 >>
内容简介:竹马是女主白月光笔趣阁,竹马是女主白月光sodu,竹马是女主白月光小说,竹马是女主白月光顶点,竹马是女主白月光酸奶蛋糕,程澄发现自己是本重生文里那的炮灰,里面女主前世为爱离家,最后落个 凄凉下场,结果女主重回一世,发现某某前世成长为一代大佬,爱她入骨,甚至为了给她报仇,导致家破人亡,于是,这一世,她决定好好珍惜他,再也不去追那道名为季旻的光。而程澄好巧不巧就是那位大佬的女朋友,还是女主替身,最后,占了家破人亡里的那一个亡字?程澄一气之下,远离男女主准备做个海王,第一个就是少时就暗戳戳想染指的邻家大哥哥,她家五年前破产,他家七年前破产两人有共同话题!但她撩着撩着,忽然发现破产大哥哥不对劲,一颗扣子够她吃好几顿饭?程澄捏着那颗扣子,傻了会,然后跑了。季旻有天就是回学校看看,然后就看到个不太熟的邻家小姑娘叽叽喳喳说个不停,一直跟他聊破产的事?结果有一天,她跑的无影无踪,还偷走了他的扣子。季旻一手捏着那件缺了扣子的衬衫,脸黑了。后来。原女主等啊等的,还没等到原男主翻身的那一天,忽然有一天,她看到几个保镖守在酒店走廊,然后远远看到前世那道翻手为云覆手为雨的光,一把拉住程澄,最后进了房间久久没出来文案写于2020918,已截图。11w0-95695 >>
内容简介:古镜照诸天,道传万界人,诸天修我法,助我成神道。传道诸天就能成神!从岳不群到王重阳,从胡八一到鹧鸪哨,从吴天真到小哥,从九叔到武当张老道,朱由检、高要、李世民、嬴政、燕赤霞、许仙、法海 、萧炎、花千骨、墨渊、徐凤年、狠人大帝、李逍遥、刘沉香、杨戬、孙悟空等人皆视许临安为道祖!1w0-98313 >>
内容简介:后妈羞辱她,他云淡风轻的将人扔到池塘里,冷漠的叮嘱:“我老婆还是个孩子,你不要欺负她。”猥琐男对她耍流氓,他不动声色的把人胳膊卸掉,霸气的宣布:“敢占我女人便宜,吃了熊心豹子胆!”同事 陷害她,他面无表情的命人下达解雇书,放话出去:“谁敢欺负她,就是和我为敌!”……传闻,慕家二爷,不近女色,十足的禁欲系男人,唯独对自《慕少宠妻甜蜜蜜》小说推荐:云泥、穿成满级大佬的掌心宠六零、真千金她是全能大佬、冬日姜饼、我的竹马是渣攻、你得对我负责、和前男友成了国民CP、旷野之渡、爽文女主她不想爆红、军婚撩人、深渊女神、还潮、明天还会爱着你、扑火、兔子压倒窝边草、女配专治不服快穿、真千金是真大佬、狙击蝴蝶、入迷、闪婚总裁契约妻1w0-95745 >>
内容简介: 重生前,傅夜寒视她如珠宝,爱她如命,可惜她心瞎眼盲,识人不清,受人挑拨,作天作地要与他离婚,最终落得个众叛亲离,尸骨无存的下场。重生后,她痛改前非,作风大改,手刃仇人。对于一直深爱 着她的英俊冷峻的傅夜寒,她势必不再推开他,更不可能会与他离婚。今生,她不再负他。她会紧紧缠着他,使劲撩他,撩他,再撩他,倾尽全力爱他,守护他,与他厮守终生,不离不弃。“老公,这一世,换我来爱你,还你一世深情。”她深情许诺,再不让人伤他分毫。1w0-3036 >>
内容简介:神耳侠盗全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),对手,把他逼成了一个邪盗。他,本可以把对手很快打倒,为什么迟迟不动手?因为,对手家的美女还没全部到手;因为,对手家1w20274-798 30 >>
内容简介: 乾符以来,天下丧乱。西至关内,东极青齐,南出江淮,北至卫滑,鱼烂鸟散,人烟断绝,荆榛蔽野。正如时人描述:“荒村墓鸟树,空屋野花篱。儿童啮草根,倚桑空羸羸。”这样一个混乱、血腥、黑暗 的年代,放任其延续下去,毫无疑问就是对人民的犯罪。1w0-2501 >>
内容简介:「母狗去拿按摩棒來幫幫妳的好姐妹吧!」我命令麗樺去拿她先前用過的按。摩棒去幫韋翎。麗樺用嘴含著按摩棒,慢慢地插入韋翎的陰道裡「哦……!」按摩棒剛插入韋翎的陰道,韋翎就不自主地發出滿足的 呻吟;麗樺用嘴含著按摩棒的底部緩慢地抽插著;我則插入麗樺的陰道內,繼續地拍攝著,我拍攝的重點當然是麗樺用按摩棒抽插著韋翎的鏡頭,畢竟這是準備用來控制韋翎的法寶囉!1w0-97677 >>
内容简介:这是一个穿越成为了火影中的第一美女纲手姬的故事,体内还有了一朵具造化之力的青莲。树界降临镇山河,改天换地。由生命力构成的翅膀和铠甲,生生不息,造化无穷。生命领域内,无所不侵,先天不败。 掌进化之力,生命女神之名传遍忍界。千手一族的再兴,五影的惊骇。忍战的平息,宇智波斑的愤怒。各路原著人物的命运是否改变。好吧,就到这里,各路看1w0-97568 >>
The young King of Xia Yin Empire, who succeeded the throne at age 14, inherited a rare and powerful sorcery connected to the six great gods of the elements. Can this power enable him to change Xia Yin's terrible fate of imminent destruction and collapse?
The heroine of the story, Amu Hinamori, is a student at Seiyo Elementary. At first glance, her classmates refer to her as 'cool and spicy' and rumors speculate about her personal life. However, her real personality is that of a very shy girl who has trouble showing her true personality. One night, Amu wishes for the courage to show her 'would-be' self, and the next morning finds three brightly colored eggs—red, blue, and green—in her bed. At first, she is alarmed, but realizes she must have really wished to change. These eggs hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su. The Guardian Characters aid Amu in discovering who she truly is and help fulfill Amu's dreams. Amu's life becomes much more complex as she struggles to deal with her 'would-be' selves and the Seiyo Elementary's Guardians, who recruit Amu as the Joker to search for X Eggs and X Characters, the corrupted forms of peoples' dreams. Meanwhile, the Easter Company is extracting people's eggs in search of a special egg called the Embryo. The Embryo is believed to grant any wish to the one who possesses it. However, the process creates X Eggs and X Characters. Continues on 'Shugo Chara! Encore!'
From Chibi Manga: Mari is a high school girl who likes to play a lot - shopping at Shibuya after school, clubbing at night like the queen. But because of her father being fired, she must move from Tokyo to the countryside, to a place where even the birds aren't spawning. How can she find love at this kind of place? But in a place that doesn't even have a KTV, unexpectedly has a host club?! Yet the coolest guy at the host club is a half host and... half farmer?!
The world entrusted the most evil yet powerful “Criminals” as hero. This is a story about struggling against despair. Hero’s Punishment is the most serious punishment. People who are punished are criminals that commit a grave sin, they will atone for that sin as a hero. The punishment is to fight the Demon Lord’s army that was caused by the Demon Lord’s phenomenon at the front most line. Even if the monsters killed these heroes, they will be revived and must figt again. A berserker that has been fighting for hundreds of year, the world’s most despicable villain, a political scammer, a self-procalimed terrorist, an assassin with zero success rate, as such. Everyone has a failed characteristic and formed the punished hero corps. As their leader, I’m Silo Forberts a former Holy Knight commander that was sentenced with Hero’s Punishment because of my sin, “Killing a Goddess” . In the midst of battle, her existence that was supposed to be hidden, “The Sword Goddess” Teoritta and I met. “Please lend me your strength, we will use it to defeat the Demon Lord” “That’s the spirit! Once we’re victorious, please pat my head!” This is a story about the two who formed a contract and their fleeting yet fierce heroic tale.
Vanguard of the Eternal Night summary:
A master a.s.sa.s.sin transmigrates into an interstellar era.
Other players were responsible for competing in the e-sports arena, while he was responsible for stringing up and beating up the other players.
His sword was hidden during the peak of day, and he was a gentleman who arrived in a flash of light;
As a vanguard of the eternal night, he was the variable between life and death in the world.
“As you know, the Star League’s difficulty levels are arranged in this way:
Paradise ”
Adopting And Raising The Male Lead And The Villain summary: Adopting And Raising The Male Lead And The Villain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adopting And Raising The Male Lead And The Villain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rachel Ray summary: Rachel Ray summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rachel Ray. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Revolutionist's Handbook And Pocket Companion summary: Revolutionist's Handbook And Pocket Companion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Revolutionist's Handbook And Pocket Companion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.