内容简介:原名:第一甜妻:霍先生,撩错了!。 【一不小心撩到了传说中的大佬,在线求怎么办】被渣男和姐姐背叛后,姜倾心发誓要成为这对渣男贱女的小舅妈!为此,她盯上了前男友的小舅舅。万万没想到小舅舅 年轻帅气还多金,从此以后她化身为甜妻撩撩撩。虽然男人每天爱搭不理,但她只想坐稳小舅妈1w3579-2928 >>
内容简介:一个落魄的乡村青年教师偶因一次相亲发现了人生的意义:在岳母门上,有美丽性感的大姨子,有活泼可爱的小姨子还有那性感泼辣的岳母……还有那七大姑,八大姨那一堆美人!李浩然动心了……没想到这次 小小的相亲竟然改变了他的一生,他在情场里,结识了几个女贵人,于是,他的地位不断地发生改变……且看李浩然如何在财色中度过那一段荒唐呢!。1w0-32171 >>
内容简介:苏熙和凌久泽结婚三年从未谋面极少人知。晚上苏熙是总裁夫人躺在凌久泽的别墅里撸着凌久泽的狗躺着他亲手设计订制的沙发。而到了白天她是他请的家教拿着他的工资要看他的脸色被他奴役。然而他可以给 她脸色其他人却不行有人辱她他为她撑腰有人欺她他连消带打直接将对方团灭。渐渐所有人都发现凌久泽对苏熙不一样像是长辈对晚辈的关爱似乎又不同因为那么甜那么的宠他本是已经上岸的恶霸为了她又再次杀伐果断狠辣无情!也有人发现了苏熙的不同比如本来家境普通的她竟然戴了价值几千万的奢侈珠宝有人1w0-118072 >>
内容简介: 沈坚穿越洪荒,成为截教亲传金灵圣母门下弟子。面对西方二圣度化三千红尘客,截教万仙十不存一的剧情。沈坚表示:签到就变强系统在手,不慌!签到女帝体验卡,镇杀定光仙,强吞六魂幡,继承三千 神魔怨念...以一己之力逆天翻盘,为截教杀出一条生路!(本书内容纯属虚构,有请列位看官:观看时不要对照正.史或者代入别书设定,谢谢合作!)1w0-3538 >>
内容简介:【周六零点入V,留言发红包哦么么哒】【你是男主们年少时的白月光,将他从黑暗中拉出来,是他唯一的救赎。在未来,你会与飞黄腾达的男主相遇,被他一生宠爱,但是】【穿越女们进入世界,熟知剧情, 陷害你成为恶毒女配,取代你在男主心中的地位,让你从一生喜乐变得家破人亡。】【所以你的任务是破坏穿越女计划,脱颖而出成为对男主最舔的那一个,当男主心中永远的白月光。】虞染:哦,这个我熟。然后1w0-105611 >>
内容简介:前世,她舍弃外表粗犷只会打猎的钱大虎,嫁给长相清秀、斯文俊郎的秀才谢祖荣;婚后六年才发现丈夫是个弯的,被婆婆小姑拿捏,最后更是被婆婆折婆至死。重生而来,她果断与断袖夫君和离,却被家族逼 迫,是他犹如天降,宠她信她!赶赴战场,九死一生,为她挣得一品诰命……分享书籍《再嫁农夫》作者:晴天昭昭br各位书友要是觉得《再嫁农夫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!再嫁农夫最新章节再嫁农夫无弹窗再嫁农夫全文阅读1w0-28952 >>
内容简介:重生在异世大陆,到底是意外还是天意?在这个强者为尊的大陆,她将掀起如何的风澜。当魂魄完整,金银异瞳睁开,血脉觉醒,天赋逆天。她灵、武、精神力三修,全系灵师,武力值爆表,精神力更是神秘莫 测,不管人、鬼、兽皆是绕道而行,携混沌之宝帝界,契约鸿蒙古神兽。看着前方未知的黑暗,她眼波流转,顾盼生辉,一双眼容纳了世间的所有风光,战意踏碎一切,邪肆一笑:“我若为佛,世间无魔,我若为魔,佛奈我何!”他,天人之姿,却心狠手辣如地狱魔神,无数人闻风丧胆,或许,他自己都没有想到,于千万人之中,应了她的劫,一眼便成执念,入心,入情,甘愿入魔,有时看着她,就像是在凝视一场招摇过市的美梦,生怕梦醒来,一切皆为空。他想,幸好上苍待他不薄,否则,若她有差池,他不介意破了这天,让整个寰宇为她陪葬!!【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《魅尊倾城》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75133 >>
内容简介:《漫威之极速者》是作者旦炎灵创作做为一项绝密实验的最后参与者,我们的主角穿越到了漫威世界。“他是谁?”人们迷惑不解,但又为其卓越成就而惊奇。钢铁侠、神盾局、x战警纷纷中招。宁静的时光被 闯入者无情打乱,新的时代即将到来。一只来自平行位面的蝴蝶翩翩起舞,挥动着轻盈的翅膀,在新世界扇起了阵阵风浪。“我来,我见,我征服。”淌过条条激流,主角坐在万花丛中淡然说道。本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】笔趣阁首发漫威之极速者最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-87206 >>
内容简介:不演渣受就会死是佐润创作的经典的小说作品不演渣受就会死小兵提供不演渣受就会死最新章节全文免费阅读,不演渣受就会死下载,不演渣受就会死全文字更新,不演渣受就会死无弹窗!请关注不演渣受就会 死吧,本站最新最快更新不演渣受就会死的最新章节。1w0-73849 >>
内容简介:身为古武大宗师的后裔,晏承旧原以为自己可以在末日里将门派发扬光大,走上人生巅峰,没想到怪物遍地走,古武不如狗。不同的末日世界,相同的苦逼生活。每天上午十一点更新。略暗黑向,慎入!伪无限 末日流,解风情高岭之花受结文:。1w0-74347 >>
From Wikipedia: This manga is deemed to be one of the works that initiated the 'irrational' or 'unreasonable' gag comic genre where the reason of its funniness cannot be explained by logic and traditional sense of humor, which made this title very popular among teens and early twenties at that time.
Shuu Kaidou is sent away to an all boys boarding school with a very strange rule: half the students must take turns to dress as girls!
A couple of high school pupils, Masaru Kato and Kei Kurono, are hit with a subway train in a effort to save the life span of a drunk homeless guy who'd fallen onto the tracks. Following their deaths, Kato and Kurono find themselves transported to the inside of an unfurnished Tokyo flat, where they meet with a Gantz expert Joichiro Nishi, as well as other clueless players. The pair soon understands that they're prohibited to depart the flat. At one end of the room there's a sizable black sphere called 'Gantz'. Characters in Gantz Manga After some time in the area, the Gantz world opens up, showing wires attached to his head and a hairless nude guy using a breathing mask, and different weapons to allow them to use. Included in these are the custom fitting black suits which give them superhuman speed, strength, stamina and damage resistance, a control which functions as a stealth and radar unit, Xgun, X Shotgun, Y-Firearm. Later on the show the Gantz sword, Gantz Bike are manufactured much more powerful at the same time as accessible weapons are given in the 100 point menu. Brief info and a picture is revealed of a few of the Gantz' objectives; Gantz orders them to go and kill them. Except for one assignment, every one of the goals are aliens living on Earth, which take on a wide selection of types. During the mission, individuals that are ordinary cannot view the extraterrestrial beings or the players. Them transport to the part of the assignment, and they can't return or leave until all of the enemies are killed, or the time limit has run out. Each person is given points for the aliens they've killed, when they survive an effective mission. The menu offers three choices: Alternative 1: The participant can go back to their regular life, never having to be summoned by Gantz again. As a cost, their memories of the assignments as well as Gantz will be erased. Alternative 2: The participant gets a unique and incredibly-powerful weapon. Alternative 3: The participant can restore a person that has died during a mission from Gantz' recollection. Points are tallied up following an assignment was finished, do and the players are permitted to leave as they see fit until their next mission, together with the exception of talking about Gantz which would lead with their heads bursting. During the third mission of Kato and Kurono, every one of the participants including Kato are killed, however the last leader giving a chance to live to Kurono is killed by Kato. Kurono survives the third mission bleeding on the ground along with his limbs cut. Following the next assignment inside embracing a hero, leader complex similar to Kato Kurono begins to transform. Kurono participates together with the goal of restoring his dead friends using the 100 point compensation choice as the show continues. A fresh team of Gantz players is gathered, which Kurono leads, as among the greatest combatants plus the most seasoned veteran. Through his interactions with all the other members of his life or death conflicts and the team, Kurono slowly develops into a leader that is responsible. Following the Oni assignment Kurono revives Kato, and shortly after Kurono meets his death from the vampires. As the show continues, the rules of the assignments change; regular folks can now see them, the aliens they face are increasingly more strong and dangerous, plus they participate in a mission with another Gantz team from Osaka. Kato becomes the center of his search to restore Kurono and attention in the manga. By the end of the assignment, Kato that is just like the initial time expired, he gets the better of arguably the most powerful alien in the show and is set bleeding on the ground going to expire. After several assignments, an old player named Nishi, who understands more in relation to the others about how Gantz works, reveals them a 'catastrophe countdown' on the Gantz world that the other players were unaware of. By the end of the week, the Earth is invaded by a huge alien force and starts exterminating the human race, while their utmost tries to use Gantz' innovative technology and weapons in defense. It's suggested that Nishi expired, but his departure seems to not be clear. In his area Eeva totally controls all Gantz teams prior to the statement by killing most of the hunters, giving an expression of the mortality to the human race. Kurono that will be air to the whole world is called on by the world, and having the help of a revived Kato, Kurono gambles all his potential for winning and saving the human race on himself. Kurono manages to overcome the alien mothership stops from destroying Earth. The collection finishes with Kato and Kurono being greeted as heroes and returning safely to Earth. Other manga: + Monster Soul manga + Inuyasha manga
Izumi, a young art student goes to visit her old professor who is living out in the country. Izumi is trying to get away from something and wants to take a break at the professor's house for a while. When she stumbles on Sensei's secret sexual fetish, it sets off a tense relationship full of awkward moments and weird demands. Adult topics, but not ecchi.
Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded summary: Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Magic Love Ring summary: Song Yan, a senior high school student, lost his parents when he was a child. Before obtaining a mysterious and amazing ring, he has been often plunged into a vulnerable position and easily marginalized. However, his life is changed because of the cryptic ring.
Hyacinth summary: Hyacinth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hyacinth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Iron Lace summary: Iron Lace summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Iron Lace. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.