内容简介:面对好友和丈夫的双双背叛,她果断报复,不给自己留一点余地。她不再相信爱情,男人变成了她最讨厌的生物,避之不及。重生,她是凤凰王朝的四王女,尊贵的身份,却没有同等的待遇,母皇不爱,父后不 疼,姐姐送阴谋,弟弟送白眼。冷眼看着周围的一切,她笑的漫不经心,再怎么说,前世的她也是执掌A市经济女总裁,就不信她会在这个连指南针都没有听说过年代活不下去!场景一“王女,今天您该去‘流莺小筑’的流莺公子哪里!”“流莺?男的?”“额是男的!”“等他变成女的我就会去了。”场景二“王女,初音公子说您要是不放他回家,他就要上吊!死都不让您侮辱他!”“上吊?不错,有勇气,不放他回家?我拉着他了吗?”“。。他是您以前在大街上抢来的!”“哦。。告诉他,,我以后不会抢他了!”场景三“王女,后院里的公子们闹得厉害,都哭了!”“为什么哭?”“说您仗势欺人!还说您好色荒淫”“哦··真诚实!既然这样,叫他们全部滚蛋吧!”“”【谢谢喵咪给玉儿建的群,欢迎亲们光临【114370696】敲门砖是,书里人物名,任意一个。】【注明;亲们,玉儿这个文虽然是女尊,但是在男女身形上与现实没有差,只是地位颠倒而已,并不是说女尊的男子一定就要娇小玲珑,女子就要膀大腰圆!错!错!错!女子为尊,只是地位上比男子高,当然,男生子是必须滴!纯女尊,不喜欢的不要攻击留言哦,因为玉儿心理素质不好,当然禁止打广告!一经发现,删无赦!最后,亲们看文愉快哈玉儿耐你们哦】好文连连看喵晚歌暮雅清纯架空文;【柚香无痕:】玉儿穿越女强文:【红袖舞:天价皇后】大神卷丹火热连载【姐一个人不寂寞:】1w0-31998 >>
内容简介:慕瓷爱过一个人。后来,她如愿以偿成了他的女朋友。再后来,她被他下药送到沈如归身边,用来交换他的心尖宠。那晚,慕瓷差点死在沈如归床上,天际泛白,耳边隐约还能听到男人恶魔般的轻笑。“小可怜 ,又落我手里了呢。”1V1,暗恋梗,剧情为主肉为辅簡體版高H現代女性向1w5831-3115 >>
内容简介:天下四分,南征北战,东浑西乱,袁朝皇帝野心勃勃,携夏王征战四方,掳掠百姓,终占的东江,因战事历久,各国无力征战,袁帝与其余三帝会面签订合约,不再混战,时过五年,休养生息,东江富足,袁帝 出尔反尔,出兵攻占南江,南江周朝破灭,周帝携子孙逃走奕河,不欲再复前仇,只求安稳一世,奈何袁帝夏王紧追不舍,周朝再灭,但无人发现,周朝逃走一子,在旧臣帮扶下偷建新朝,潜伏夏王府,此时袁帝夏王均已故去,两国子嗣间的战争暗自开始,周朝新主周染濯常驻夏王府,本意报复,可日久之后,却渐渐发现前事有差,仇人竟还另有其人!随着长时间与新夏王夏景笙及郡主夏景言相处,周染濯竟逐渐狠不下心,但天命难改,终究无福。【展开】【收起】1w0-108867 >>
内容简介:前世:“夕若!你尽不到妻子的责任也就罢了?我不逼你。”“但是你能不能尽到一个母亲的责任啊?”“你怎么忍心给自己的儿子喂安眠药”“夕若你去死吧,我才是傅家的少夫人哈哈你这个蠢货,傅君暮一 直爱着你,你却不相信他,还给自己的儿子喂安眠药”这一世:“宝贝儿,妈咪送你们去上学好不好?”“宝贝儿,妈咪给你们做饭好不好?”某天记者采访:“傅总裁,对于您的妻子改邪归正,您有什么想法吗?”傅君暮:“可能上辈子我拯救了全宇宙。”记者:“傅总裁听说您在家的地位还不如自己的儿子?”傅君暮:“是谁说的,给我站出来?什么听说,本来就是。”(记者:我们还能不能愉快的交谈了)【展开】【收起】1w0-97875 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越,林觉非来到了东汉末年,生逢乱世,他觉得能吃饱喝足就算不错了,为了吃饱饭,来到了后勤辎重营。可是渐渐的,他发现后勤营这些家伙都不一般。老曹:“林老弟,官渡之战你怎么看?”老荀: “林老弟,我问就是问一波,什么叫军民屯田,兴农耕以蓄军资?具体如何操作?”老郭:“咳咳咳,老弟,你那个什么感冒灵还有没有……我觉得身体好多了!”老许:“林兄弟!你那个军体拳真的猛!我全军都会了!!”林觉非:“别问了,你们低调点不行吗?请不要老是吹逼好吗?!”1w10842-78950 >>
内容简介:在盘龙中摸索法则真谛,在型月里探求魔法极限。在飘邈中领略修真风情,在九鼎中学习武道精髓。在天龙中打造高武玄幻,在仙葫中传播修真阳神,在蜀山中丰富修行体系。在诛仙中探索成仙前路,在西游中 缔造五仙妙道。在太浩中验证混元道路,在遮天中建立不同体系。……穿越在漫漫诸天,寻求不同体系碰撞所产生的变化。各位书友要是觉得《诸天大道图》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w12758-30626 >>
内容简介:陈末在北极旅游,掉进了幽暗的冰缝,恍惚间他看到一块古老的石碑上写着:北冥!在另一个世界醒来后,他在大唐遇到了庄子,在大宋遇见了徐福。人人修真的时代,陈末却无法感知灵力,只会一招:扇巴掌 !一个造出了电磁炮的世界,竟没有电话。科技树好像点歪了!1w0-47500 >>
内容简介: 三岁半的江怀鹿穿到了砍头现场! 睁开眼,闪着寒光的鬼头刀正悬在她头顶,摇摇欲坠。 爹娘正穿着囚服,伸长了脖颈,露出光洁的脖子,等待鬼头刀落下。 她爹正一脸严肃的看着她:“脖子 不要缩,一刀没斩断,痛不欲生。” ………… 这是一个邪祟盛行的世界。 这里阴气肆虐,百姓入夜闭户,天明而出。 王朝动荡,世界崩坏,国君残暴无度。 战火四起,百姓怨声载道,民不聊生。 国师预言,灾难将至,邪祟灭世,传说中的救世主降世,才可拯救世人。 救世主身怀异宝除邪祟,通阴阳,断公道,判生死,诛妖邪,能还人间清平! 全王朝都盼着,寻着…… 可救世主,她才三岁半! 救世主能给灭世的邪祟表演个嚎啕大哭吗? 三岁的江怀鹿表示,她真的不想当救世主啊! ………… 阻止邪祟为祸苍生,只为祸我一人,不就行了? 曲线救世,那也是救世!1w0-1934 >>
内容简介:文案“该死的!”华服男子扶着墙壁,大口大口的喘气,俊美的脸上透出不正常的潮红,绵软的躯体几乎站不稳,大滴大滴的汗水顺着脸颊滚落,浸湿鬓角的发丝。“唔……”男子咬紧嘴唇,依然阻止不住呻吟 泄露,贴身的里衣每一次摩擦肌肤都像受到酷刑一般,产生灼热又刺激的快感,尤其是胸前的两点肿胀的摩擦让他发1w0-62568 >>
内容简介:邻家哥哥你混蛋!最新章节列表及全文阅读。早期作品,非礼勿视,我说了别进来了哦邻家哥哥与弟弟的日常生活!PS掰弯日常“哥哥我重不重?”“一头猪,你说呢?”“哥哥我可不可爱?”“会舔就更可 爱了。”“哥哥我要抱抱。”“这不是抱下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读着呢……”PS本文属于慢热、爆笑文!下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-66807 >>
A strange silver-hair man, Ameya, helps a young boy, Norio. But no-one seems to see this weird man... A murder takes place in a locked room, with only one clue: a piece of paper filled with an incomprehensible warning: « Within three days I will steal the equivalent value of the life of the person who will be in this room» Two inspectors working for Sircam insurance, Isa et Senjo, think that the culprit is 'Paper Cut'. But who is this enigmatic murderer?
Karma na Skill de Musou suru Isekai Harem Kaitoudan manga, Isekai Phantom Thief, TOGA NA SKILL DE MUSOU SURU ISEKAI HAREM KAITOUDAN , Isekai Robin HoodTakio Asakawa is an ordinary salaryman who surprise, surprise dies and gets reincarnated into another world. A big fan of isekai stories, Takio is immediately ready for his OP slow life adventure.However, when he enters the other world, he discovers that not all is as it seems. Adventure guilds are a relic of the past, and income inequality has plagued the country. Technology has also progressed to the point that guns exist, making swords and sorcery fairly useless.However, Takio discovers that he has a special skill with slight of hand, he can steal from others as easily as breathing air. After recovering a woman who claims herself to be the reincarnation of the legendary thief Goemon Ishikawa, Takio realizes that he was brought to this world for a specific reason: to enact justice by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
A girl falls for a man who happens to be friends with a rock star club owner, and the rock star and the people who hang out at his club proceed to hurt her emotionally and physically, which could ruin her relationship with the man she loves – but is the rock star a good guy or a bad guy? From Baka-Updates: Tokano Yuuka has been going out with her boyfriend Yazaki Norikazu for a little over a year now but doesn’t get to see him everyday since he works in a different city as a newspaper writer. Although they are apart, they love each other and things are going well. Norikazu gets an opportunity to interview Saeki Keito, the lead singer of the most popular band in Japan, Zero Sum Game, because they were good friends in high school. Being a fan of the band, Yuuka gets to tag along. However, Yuuka soon finds herself being raped by the members of the band while Keito distracts Norikazu because it seems that Keito has an obsession with him. After the traumatic event, the relationship between the three becomes extremely complicated.
Official anthology by various artists, based on Daily Lives of Highschool Boys.
The Alexis Empire Chronicle summary: The Alexis Empire Chronicle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Alexis Empire Chronicle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Gadfly summary: The Gadfly summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gadfly. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Login Beyond the Centuries summary:
“A 30-year-old young man woken up in the future 300 years after in the body of a 16 years old young girl. What will happen if she will have to play a super hardcore online game in the different age and gender?”
Is the reality we know every day a truth if the world we see and hear is just a fragment of the spectrum of reality? Only 1% of human know them. According to your ability of perception, you won’t even know that you’re moving across the galaxy over 220 Km/s right now.
yourself are not you. 90% of cells in your body contain other creatures’ DNA. Atoms in your body consist of 99.99999999% of s.p.a.ce, blank, and nothingness.
Even your physical body will have new cells replenished every moment. Except for brain cells, all parts of your body are replaced every day. Could it be that Human are just a bunch of brain cells?
The color is the thing some animals can’t see, it’s just non-existed for them. Within the same perspective, can we really say with full confident that there are nothing else more than things we can perceive through our senses? What are the differences of virtual worlds if they’re the things made inside our brain through nerves, not unlike animals?
Roman Catholicism in Spain summary: Roman Catholicism in Spain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roman Catholicism in Spain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.