

















碧蓝航线 Comic Anthology















内容简介:为了支付哥哥的治疗费,沈柒不得不代替自己的妹妹嫁入豪门贺家。她一直以为自己嫁的是贺家长子,却不知道自己名义上的丈夫是次子贺逸宁。贺逸宁,贺家真正的继承人,叱咤风云的商业帝王,冷酷无情的 职场暴君,她妹妹的做梦都想嫁的人。当这个商业帝王压着自己上下其手时,她懵了:“喂,你要做什么?我可是你的大嫂!”“大嫂?”贺逸宁邪魅一笑:“结婚证你真的看过了吗?”1w0-2700 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大唐:退休帝师】苏浪,大唐的传奇人物!武德年间,被封为唐王、丞相、大司马!贞观元年,又被封为帝师、柱国大将军!而现在,他退休了!“叮!退休养老系统,开始绑定! ”“叮!绑定成功唯一宿主,生出任务清单中……”从此之后,苏浪简单完成任务,便能获得丰厚奖励。面朝秦岭,春暖花开,左牵长乐,右领晋阳,快乐就是这么简单!长乐公主:“苏哥哥,我要看电影,我要吃西瓜。苏哥哥再等我六年,等长乐长发及腰,就娶长乐可好?”程咬金:“说出来,你们可能不信!我家帝师在家养马,养着养着就养出一堆老虎来。所以我骑马来你们漠南,也很正常吧!”李世民:“东突厥可汗,高句丽国王,吐飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢大唐:退休帝师,别忘记分享给朋友作者:萌动独狼所写的《大唐:退休帝师》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-86577 >>






内容简介:【中午12点日更,偶尔加更】又名《在桌游店里卖美食的魔王你喜欢吗》,开局一泡面,不是正经美食文穿到异世界,成为七宗罪里的傲慢——路西法后,系统给他分配了任务。【请在这个世界散播七宗罪, 使七宗罪在这个世界复苏】路西法嗤笑。这世界的创世神兢兢业业努力拼搏,把世界建设得和平又健全,他这长在红旗下的正直之人,怎可能帮系统做1w0-76730 >>


内容简介:宠物视角进游戏,游戏里的怪物在聊天!掉落、攻略、隐藏任务,统统都能从这些聊天中获取信息。从此,游戏里的事无所不知。主角开始在游戏里叱咤风云,现实中也走向人生巅峰。战旗不倒,血色永存!《 大盗贼》之后,泛舟填词传统网游第二部,希望喜欢传统网游的爸爸们继续支持。书友群:43795914o各位书友要是觉得《怪物聊天群》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28932 >>


内容简介:《穿成顶级流量后我飘了》简介:从娱乐圈顶级流量到演艺界模范天王长得帅真的就可以为所欲为么是的。你的跑调叫跑调,冯煜的跑调叫即兴表演;你的棒读叫棒读,冯煜的棒读叫冰山酷男;你的失误叫失误 ,冯煜的失误叫幽默观众不要怀疑人生,粉丝对冯煜的宠爱从来就是没有道理的那这世界还有没有天理啊有的一朝人设崩塌,多年心血成空。史上最大规模的脱粉回踩事件发生啦昔日顶级流量沦为过街老鼠,口诛笔伐如排山倒海。看着空有一副好皮囊的自己,冯煜自闭了叮“人气兑换系统”绑定完毕,请宿主领取新手礼包。如果您喜欢本文,请登录收藏并不吝赐鲜花评。您的热情将化作作者更新的动力,谢谢支持本文的发表形式为独家发表,作者与晋江签署的合约为全版权代理。未经晋江文学城书面授权,请勿以任何形式转载本文。郑重提醒本故事纯属虚构;如有雷同,纯属巧合。文中所涉及人物、组织和事件,均为杜撰;书中情节切勿模仿。。1w0-81303 >>




内容简介:  重生为细胞,携狱典之力,来到古老者已苏醒的平行世界。蒸汽文明、惊悚空间、永夜旧王、城外异魔。命运之门已开启-十字军、图书馆、掌控、机械、神秘学将作为人类发展的全新成长体系。人类的赞 歌是勇气的赞歌!勇往直前的骑士团,驰骋在古老王者统治的世界下,夺回属于人类的自由。Ps:普通一群437125775(已满) 普通二群1020207022(还有很多位置)请先进普通群后,看群公告加入V群。1w0-208 >>


内容简介:不请自来而又不告而别的事物,然而即使彼此只交汇过一次,即使微弱得不会被人注意,那也是能够支撑心灵的,重要的邂逅。——《夏目友人帐》我会永远记得,你给过我的温柔。少年少女们与妖怪邂逅的故 事。逗比版文案——这个时代,大妖蛰伏,神明隐逸。作为可能是世界上最后的一位阴阳师,浅川和月手握一堆sr甚至ssr卡,从阴界而来,决心秉承先辈的遗志,荡平尘世间的污秽和邪崇。怀揣着这样伟大理想的少女,跨越了阴阳来到尘世。然后,面对着满大街到处跑的n卡,陷入了沉思。话说,这个世界还有我什么事吗?这种平a就能过的碾压局有什么好打的必要啊?gm,我要实名举报我自己开挂!啧,真是够了,这无聊的世界。她还是努力学习考东大吧。然而,在将守护世界的伟大理想换成了这样平凡的愿望之后,和月少女先后遇到了,一群用超能力打网球的少年,一群用超能力打篮球的少年,一群头上身上到处都可以冒火的奇怪物种,以及,一群不知道从哪个世界冒出来复仇的刀剑付丧神……再加上时不时跑来串门的隔壁家妖怪。“……”,浅川和月。妈妈,我错了,我再也不说这个世界无聊了。你们这些家伙给我从哪儿来的回哪儿去,把吃饭睡觉欺负凉太的普通日常还给我啊!黄濑凉太:咦?开了一篇新文,女主是一只萌萌哒的萝莉,拯救世界的故事。来,戳这里【综漫】世界重置中br妖怪记事簿综漫最新章节妖怪记事簿综漫无弹窗妖怪记事簿综漫全文阅读1w0-132411 >>


内容简介:何为武道?那就是东方不败的绣花针,那就是李书文的八极大枪,那就是扫地僧的除尘扫把,那就是燕十三的明珠宝剑,那就是李寻欢的小李飞刀,那就是燕飞的蝶恋花,那就是传鹰的厚背鹰刀。何为最终武道 ?那唯有刘若水的“十方天下”。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《最终武道》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77713 >>


内容简介:  千古隐门,一脉单传。秦阳为弥补师傅的遗憾踏入了中海大学的校门,从此开启了一段传奇……1w0-551

Kimi No Neiro

From Ai's Bookshelf: Akira Tsubakiya has spent her whole life being told she looks like a boy. She’s super tall, she has a flat chest, and she’s not girly at all… In middle school, she made a promise with a boy who went to her cram school, Haru— a promise that they both would aim to get into the same high school, a prestigious academy. Haru told Akira that he likes girls with long hair, and since she started to fall for him, she grew it out. Now she’s graduating from middle school, and has decided to confess her feelings to Haru. Unfortunately, she finds out that he has a girlfriend—a super-cute, girly, long-haired girlfriend! Akira runs home and chops off all her hair, deciding that there’s no point to trying to be girly. Fast forward to Akira’s first year in high school. She still wears a skirt, but she wears the top half of the guys’ uniform to school. She’s called “Prince Akira”, and all the girls are infatuated with her. Akira hasn’t seen Haru in a while, but she does bump into Haru’s “girlfriend”… who she discovers to be in fact a boy!


SIN takes place in a post apocalyptic future derived from a universe very similar to ours. The inevitable lack of resources to sustain humanity on Earth had split the world into two warring factions, the United Nations (U.N.) and the New Earth's Alliance. (N.E.A.). After years of unnecessary conflict and technological advancement in weaponry, both sides eagerly stumbled into peace to avoid extinction. Now under the rule of the newly formed United Earth's Federation (U.E.F.) space has become the last hope for the human race. However, with resources more scarce than ever the clock is ticking. How do we decide who's privileged to live and who's not? What happens to those of us left behind? A world now loosely controlled by a single totalitarian government, overrun by gangs, private military groups, freedom fighters, and death; Life seems to provide no more than a fruitless future. Regardless, there are still those of us that fight, we fight each other, we fight the system, we fight for our loved ones... whatever the reason, we battle for answers.

Gokuaku Drop

Nami has been friends with Ryouku since they were children. But ever since they watched a kiss scene on TV, Ryoku became a ''kissing monster''. After entering middle school, Nami is getting confused wondering what kind of relationship she has with him.


A collection of 8 series of short stories, mostly about romance with appropriate dashes of humour. 1) Itou-san Numerous brief comics about the life of a single 28-year old known to readers only as Itou-san, and her day-to-day interactions with a colleague whom she later dates. 2) Sensei+ An ordinary 25-year old schoolteacher meets a man who claims he can use magic, and goes on to ask her to return the magic she's borrowed from him, although she has no memory of such a thing. But when she uses magic, she turns into a magical girl instead?! 3) Hajimari Masakazu meets his new step-sister for the first time. She's his age, and what's more, she's really cute. He's not really sure how he should handle this new addition in his life... 4) High & High Being a tall girl is problematic in so many ways. This is a short comic about a tall girl who laments her height. But with her even taller boyfriend now, she wonders if his height is the only reason she's dating him. 5) Doukei no Ie About a couple living in a ninja mansion. It would be the most awesome house if not for the fact that it is crawling with all sorts of booby traps and secret passageways - a pain to live in. What will come of the quarrel between the two over the decision to buy over and live in the mansion? 6) Chocolate Cake What does it mean when your husband suddenly buys a chocolate cake home on any other ordinary day? 7) Futari no Deai no Hanashi Kouhei fondly recalls how his love with Saitou started out - the awkward silences, nervous waiting, embarrassed smiles, and what it all finally led to. Based on a true story. 8) Bluff Harada is well known for her big mouth in rattling off all the faults of her seniors in the girls' volleyball club. But is there more than meets the eye? And how will the tension between Harada and the senior girls finally be resolved?

The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island

The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island summary: The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hilltop Boys on Lost Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Confounding of Camelia

The Confounding of Camelia summary: The Confounding of Camelia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Confounding of Camelia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lord Of Enigma

Lord Of Enigma summary: When the spiritual barrier that has been intact for a hundred years is shattered by a meteor, spiritual energy that had disappeared starts to return. The mystical realm slowly begins its revival—magic, witchcraft, curses, supernatural lifeforms, strange and mysterious legends, monsters and G.o.ds from other worlds&h.e.l.lip; The old world order collapses, yet the new order is mystifying and chaotic. Just before...

The Unwanted Love

The Unwanted Love summary: story of INFINITE,SS501,A girl Neha. newly settled in korea. but her life gonna be complecated after meeting her dream mens

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