




















简介那一夜,她褪去了少女的青涩,成为冷宫深处的悲伤涟漪。本愿归于平凡生活,奈何身陷宫闱囹圄。宫廷夺位、皇子相争, 当他们遇上她,是一场金风玉露的相逢,还是一阙山河动荡的哀歌……


简介为了得到登上舞台的机会,立志成为优秀歌手的新人樊小星自愿成为白富美偶像祁雨涵的替身。某天表演结束后小星被神秘怪人袭击,再度醒来之际,她居然真的变成了祁雨涵本尊! 真实记忆和虚假身份交织,各色美男纷至沓来,爱与残酷的混乱人生就此开场——!






类别搞笑 校园 生活


远古时期,天地初生,一切秩序尚未建立,世间混沌,三界不安。幸而衡阳,东阳,凌阳,青阳四位仙君横空出世,镇守四海八荒,引得万族拜服,和谐共生。天地归于晴朗,一派欣欣向荣景象。 然而,怎么到了凤凰一族这里画风如此不同?上蹿下跳,作天作地,搅扰众仙都不得安宁,但就是有人吃这一套。


内容简介:  “没有什么事情是一个徽章解决不了的!如果有,那就再来一个!”  “如何评价我的对手们?唔,总冠军只有一个,挺对不起他们的……”  “怎么让队友信任我?很简单,只要听我指挥,那他们要 什么有什么!”  ……  自从韩淼得到了某神秘而腹黑的系统后,NBA的赛场上,就多了一个指挥官的传说……  小寒第二本篮球文,不一样的设定,一样的精彩,喜欢本书的朋友欢迎加群,群号码:618582460,嗨起来~1w0-2180 >>


内容简介:沈曼江峰的书名是什么?由网络作家多饼子为大家带来的《我的性感岳母》又名《我的年轻岳母》、《当初那么爱》,此书的主角是沈曼和江峰,小说讲述的是沈曼是一个非常年轻的母亲,即使现在已经三十六 七但是看起来只有二十五六岁,江峰是她的女婿,在一次出差归来之后,江峰将浴室里的沈曼误认为成他的妻子1w0-29825 >>


内容简介:新文求预收《与宿敌的七重人格HE了》,《穿成妖魔领主的宠物后》治愈系甜,求预收抱住本文文案:顶流男团DEVIL的成员尚林微,常年雄踞热搜榜,可惜十个话题九个黑。他的口号是“这世上没有我 想做却做不成的事”,嚣张气焰一再挑战网友底线。无奈现实打脸,经历一次黑料曝光后他被公司彻底雪藏。把低谷期过的有滋有味的尚林微被拉去参加活动,就在他高谈阔论diss对家男团Stellar的时候,被Stellar的C位言遇之撞个正着。两C相遇必有一战。然而,言遇之把他逼到墙角只为要他签名又顺便把他救出鸿门宴的圈套尚林微终于对对家改观,为表诚意,他决定离开雪藏自己的原公司,加入对家男团。Stellar粉丝疯了:这是人干的事言遇之从没想过自己的无心之举居然招惹上这么一个魔鬼,表示后悔不迭,并对这位新成员表示拒绝。尚林微:“开玩笑,我会被拒绝”于是孔雀开屏般围着言遇之乱转,导致言遇之宇宙钢铁直男的人设受到一亿点暴击。尚林微粉和言遇之粉掀起世纪大battle。可打着打着,两家粉丝害怕了。尚林微粉:哥,请你停止散发魅力。言遇之粉:哥,你怎么了哥?那是你的宿敌啊你忘了吗雨林CP粉:扶我起来,我还能磕后来连尚林微自己都害怕了:我记得我曾经好像是直的言遇之:那是曾经了。天神下凡自带气场高冷会害羞攻富可敌国杀气逼人绝美小恶魔受排雷:无副CP,有队友戏份,无原型文风在沙雕和深情之间反复横跳前期双暗恋后期甜甜的爱情提意见欢迎,求轻喷,给点面子1w0-72682 >>


内容简介:《燕燕于飞,远送于南》作者:一只摸鱼儿,主角:梁荃北燕楚瞻嵇子仪云杉小说简介小说简介:西楚楚瞻:他是六国最惊才绝艳的松涧公子,以天下为棋,指点江山,而这第一颗棋便下在燕为质的梁国四皇子 上。x3000x3000北燕燕兰茝:本是雪域之国最美丽的公主,国家强盛,子民爱戴,一生无忧,却一朝朱颜改,为挽救燕国二十八为王族远嫁南梁,从此走上了搅笔趣阁首发燕燕于飞,远送于南最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-97656 >>




内容简介:剑三三国名士万花简介:“东汉末年,山河动荡,刘汉王朝气数将尽;内有十常侍颠倒黑白,祸乱朝纲;外有张氏兄弟高呼‘苍天已死,黄天当立’;”正史加野史,顾祁自认为他对三国这段历史不陌生,但是 ,这不代表把他愿意被扔到战乱的三国啊!!只是打游戏累了睡一觉而已,谁能告诉他怎么一睁开眼睛就到了初平二年?虽然带着自己精心练到满级的花哥,但是在这个年代,确定不会被当成妖怪烧死?哦,不带特效啊!——医非良业,奈何自贱?——三教九流,淫巧技也!顾祁身为一个奶花,我也很绝望啊!众锦书先生,主公又闹脾气了,望先生施以援手!顾祁在下只是大夫ps1本文主受,cp吕布,苏苏苏宠宠宠不解释!2日更中,有事会在作话里说明,作者坑品有保障!3看文图个开心,考究党请手下留情,么么哒和编编商量了一下,入v,当天中午十二点掉落三章,希望有能力的小天使们支持正版,比心心萌哒哒作者的其他文洛川的专栏戳这里戳这里《剑三三国名士万花》是Yana洛川精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新剑三三国名士万花最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的剑三三国名士万花评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持剑三三国名士万花读者的观点。关键词:剑三三国名士万花最新章节Yana洛川剑三三国名士万花无弹窗剑三三国名士万花全文阅读1w0-109586 >>




内容简介:攻宠受快穿,超甜!暂定世界:凤凰男和小可怜竹马(已完成)学渣和学霸(进行中)当红明星和过气演技派渣男皇帝和将军混混和纨绔小少爷末世小白脸和大佬星际矿场主和替嫁美人音乐人和天才歌手王爷和 影卫控制狂和学长总裁和他的白月光元帅和傻白甜皇子魔尊和正道魁首……阅读说明:爽文,1V1,攻受都不换,但换世界会失忆1w0-39904 >>


内容简介:小三登堂入室,妖孽老公却气定神闲。史上最憋屈的正室刘伶小宇宙爆发,诛小三、踹渣男。佛争一炷香,人争一口气!她刘伶绝不做畏首畏尾的主儿!然而,寻觅“第二春”的收妖之路漫漫长远。这不,才出 龙潭,又入虎穴……哎哎,刘伶同志,你马脚露得也太夸张了,别人说啥你信啥?姐姐哎,您这是重整河山收妖孽,还是被妖孽扮猪吃老虎,纳入掌心?青春帅气小嫩草,多情多金俊老公……两枚妖孽齐齐站,如果是你,你选谁?1w0-45915 >>


内容简介:陈末在北极旅游,掉进了幽暗的冰缝,恍惚间他看到一块古老的石碑上写着:北冥!在另一个世界醒来后,他在大唐遇到了庄子,在大宋遇见了徐福。人人修真的时代,陈末却无法感知灵力,只会一招:扇巴掌 !一个造出了电磁炮的世界,竟没有电话。科技树好像点歪了!1w0-47500 >>


内容简介:下本就开:《她只想逃婚罢辽》【文案】皇帝驾崩,那个刚一出生就被批命为煞星的幽王登基了。新帝容貌美的很,行事手段也狠的很。传闻孟家满门忠烈,因为在赵王起兵时让出了所守的潼关路,就被满门抄 斩。姬星梧坦然面对昏君的骂名,直到某天醒来,发现他穿成了逃难的孟家小儿子,还多了个便宜姐姐孟家明婵逃了出去,还带走了年仅八岁的弟弟孟浮,两人奉了父亲的遗命带着兵符前往漳州投靠燕王。囊中羞涩,明婵只能精打细算的捏着口袋里的几文钱,盘算着能买几个馒头。她含泪啃着馒头,对孟浮道:“阿弟放心,有朝一日阿姊一定带你杀回京城,用狗皇帝的性命,以谓义父在天之灵。”姬星梧面无表情:放心,到时候朕一定会送你下去陪他的。后来,姬星梧终于穿回去了。空寂的宫殿中,又清又冷。他轻轻抚过那金色的王座,这里不该只有他一个人。鼎铛玉石,金珠宝玉。只要阿婵喜欢,他便双手奉上。既然他是昏君,那便该有个妖后。她若喜欢,便可以撕绢帛取乐,摔玉石听响。他平生没有什么悔的事,唯独后悔不该灭了孟家,叫她如此恨他。他坐在大殿之上,微笑着等某个人的自投罗网。“阿婵,你什么时候来杀我,可不许不作数呢。”【PS:】(1)本文原名《灭了逆党满门后朕后悔了》【一句话简介:】陛下灭了我满门后,说我是他心上人?[沉思jpg](2)明婵是孟家养女,男主灭的是孟家,隐藏剧情,孟家其实与明婵有杀父之仇。所以,实际上男主也算是为明婵报仇了。(3)1V1,虐男主(4)【下一本预收】《她只想逃婚罢辽》!!!!【作者旧文(已完结)】《我弟和太子灵魂互换了》一句话简介:我有一身傲骨,全都被你毁去。各位书友要是觉得《病娇暴君陪我去造反》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的书友朋友推荐阅读哦1w0-37799 >>




A 2 volume manga that explores the origins of Samus Aran. An E-Manga was made for chapters 1 and 2. (http://www.mechadrake.com/metroidmanga.html )


In a world infested with 'subhumans', the lives of humans are full of danger and fear. But along with the existance of 'subhumans' is the existance of 'reapers' whose livelihoods are to protect humans and rid world of 'subhumans'. Among their ranks is one who is famous for being the true 'reaper' but his identity remains a mystery.

Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle

The show starts by introducing youth buddies with quite a powerful and close camaraderie Syaoran, a young archaeologist who's investigating a ruin inside Sakura, and the Kingdom of Clow, princess of the Kingdom of Clow and daughter of the late king Clow Reed. When Sakura and Syaoran in the ruins visit, her spirit assumes the type of a set of wings that are ghostly that disintegrate to other measurements. Syaoran satisfies the Dimensional Witch, Yuko Ichihara, to whom he begs for aid to conserve Sakura as she descends into a catatonic near-death state. Yuko can be seen by two the others who each have their particular wish: Kurogane, a ninja who wants to go back to his house world after being banished from his world by Princess Tomoyo to enable him to understand what true power is; and Fai D. Flowright, a wizard who wants to never return to his house world, Celes, to prevent his king, Ashura-?. In trade for the power to go across measurements, Yuko needs that each spend with that they value most: his sword Ginry is offered by Kurogane?; Fai and Syaoran offer the tat that suppresses his tremendous magic strength and energy and all of Sakura's recollections that call for him, respectively. Yuko then provides an animal named Mokona Modoki that sends the team on a journey across measurements in search of Sakura's feathers to them. After getting the primary feathers, Sakura begins regaining her memories and awakens from her catatonic state. During their experiences, the group slowly grows nearer to to the level that they are jokingly labeled by Fai as relatives. As they journey, they discover the feathers will bestow several unnatural powers to those that possess them and have their own unique capabilities. Throughout their trip in Tokyo, the team finds that Syaoran is in truth a clone imbued with half the heart of the first Syaoran. Many years back, Fei- produced the clone to gather Sakura's feathers and the magician who caused her recollections to be lost by Sakura, Wang Reed, took the first Syaoran prisoner. Soon following the first Syaoran breaks of Fei-Wang the maintain of, his heart is lost by the clone and becomes an puppet that follows Fei Wang's will, betraying the team. The first Syaoran joins with Sakura wanting to save the clone in the team trip. Foreseeing another in which Fai kills the first Syaoran driven by Fei-Wang the hex of, Sakura gets stabbed in his area, but in once divides soul and her body, delivering each to Seresu distinct worlds as well as the Dream World, respectively. In the Dream World, Sakura's soul is destroied by the Syaoran clone when attempting get the feathers. Before her soul perishes, Sakura shows that she is a clone of the first Sakura who had been also taken prisoner by Fei Wang. Fei Wang subsequently requires Sakura's body to utilize its energy that is stored. The team departs to save the two Sakuras understanding from Yuko that Fei Wang is within an alternative measurement in the Kingdom of Clow. Such measurement that is parallel is the effect of Syaoran's desire to conserve the first Sakura from Fei Wang's bane years back. In order to allow his want, Syaoran became Fei Wang's prisoner and Kimihiro Watanuki, Yuko's helper, was used to replace Syaoran within the background in his first world. The team combat Fei Wang who ruins the Syaoran clone when he betrays him. Then he uses power of the two Sakuras and the immeasurably powerful power to resurrect Yuko, accidentally frozen in time by Clow Reed her departure to prevent, therein establishing himself Clow's not inferior. Yuko utilizes Clow's magic as payment and her existence to help make the clones reborn before to dwell together. As the 2 understand all the string' events would recur, themselves are sealed by the clones before the conflict against him in the store of Yuko. The team manages to destroy Fei Wang, who traps Syaoran in a void between area and time, pulling along both Watanuki and his clone as a result of the link. Using their originator's departure, both clones of Syaoran and Sakura disappear leaving two feathers. Watanuki and Syaoran escape in the emptiness to get a cost: Syaoran should carry on while Watanuki should remain in the store of Yuko, going through the measurements eternally. Where Fai, Kurogane, and Mokona choose to join Syaoran once again in expectation of getting a means to restore the clones who remain as the two feathers the team rests in the Kingdom of Clow. Before departing on their different ways, Sakura and Syaoran admit their near, mutually powerful and pure intimate love for every other as they expect to fulfill again.

Angel Profile

A legendary dragon once brought the land of Astoria to the brink of ruin. He was defeated by a man named Yurius, who was soon supposed to go to his princess and live happily ever after. However, with the last of his strength, the dragon placed a curse on Yurius: all his memories will be erased, and his body will turn back to a child. It is now the goal of a novelist, Elliot, to return Yurius to the courageous person he once was.

Superstar Aspirations

Superstar Aspirations summary: In his last life, he was a superstar that dominated the entertainment circle. In this life, he is a rebellious second generation wastrel. Confronting the aunt and uncle who wants to seize the family property and getting rid of those slag friends who only know how to eat and drink…… Rong Xu: To not speak out means to perish in the silence! From starting out as a third-rate celebrity, he had to relied on his own efforts to rise to the top of the entertainment circle aspirating to once again sit on the throne! Their first meeting—— Rong Xu: h.e.l.lo, I’m Rong Xu. This would be our first time meeting, I would appreciate your guidance. Qin Cheng: !!! (……Aahhh, He’s so cute! I really want to sleep with him!) Black-bellied, poisonous tongue, powerful and indifferent Gong x Clever, cold and ambitious superstar Shou

Honourable Wife Is A Little Cute

Honourable Wife Is A Little Cute summary: n.o.body is perfect in the world. Nan Jue was that “n.o.body.”
He is an environmentalist: “to conserve water, you have to bathe with me.”
He is considerate and kind : “wife, why don 't you let me give your Great Aunt [her period] a vacation for 10 months?”
He loved his wife: “The more strength I use in bed the more it proves how much I love you.”
He doted her to the heavens: “wife, I 'll be responsible for making money for the household, while you be responsible for appearance…”

The Empire Of The East

The Empire Of The East summary: The Empire Of The East summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Empire Of The East. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Can I Survive More Than 3 Chapters?

Can I Survive More Than 3 Chapters? summary: Can I Survive More Than 3 Chapters? summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Can I Survive More Than 3 Chapters?. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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