新朝将至,万象涅磐,看似充满生机的陈朝,相对于旧宫人便是死期将至。 万人皆想活唯废妃一心求死。 一品大将军姜沉负责梳理前朝人员,当查到冷宫处见到求死的秦慕雪突然不想死了,还跪地求情,便认定这个女人心机颇深,十分留意。一次深宫刺杀追击,暗中见秦慕雪使用绣花针一击毙命采花大盗,心生一计,赐了这个女人新的
内容简介:卓焜,一个地球上普普上班族,一朝突变,竟然化身为华夏图腾——五爪金龙。在都市底下的远古阵法里悄然觉醒,然而上天注定了他将不会平凡,一场围绕着他的旷世大局,就此展开。大家都说这世间并没有 龙的存在,就连没正正经经的接受马克斯主义教育的卓焜,也是这样认为的,但经历了一件事后,卓焜是彻底的相信了有龙存在。因为,他就变成了一条龙,一条满身金甲的五爪金龙!一条有关国运和成仙的龙!它的出现,使在现代隐身的那些世家大族,纷纷出现,用自己的玄学手法前来捕捉卓焜;而国家也派出大量的军队到处的寻找卓焜,希望卓焜能回归国脉,永葆国运昌盛。无奈,卓焜只得在现代都市中四处逃窜……但幸好有龙族的传承技能。有时是在地下水道,有时是在某个楼顶或民居,有时也会在深山大海。但无疑,有时卓焜这条龙会遇到人类。且看龙族的少龙卓焜,是如何在现代中玩转地球,一步步成长,开辟异界,创造属于自己的龙族时代!1w0-99582 >>
内容简介:【无cp种田基建女强爽文】竹凌在时空局快乐的咸鱼了一百年……然后,欠了六个亿巨债!为了还债,她被迫绑定了“催债系统”,开始辛酸还钱路。于是,紫霄国诞生了一位传奇女首富。传说她卖豆腐起家 ,靠魔芋暴富,随后火锅店,连锁酒店,女子工厂如雨后春笋般冒出来……无数商人富贾从四面八方赶来,企图搭上她这条大船。然而,她最厉害的成就,却是办了一家妇联!青楼少女,内宅主妇,贫寒女子…1w88468-88481 >>
内容简介:人人都说,闻煜风是一师中学最难管教的坏学生。乖戾逃课成绩差,样样不落。直到班里升上来个跳级的小才女。“煜哥,三中那帮孙子又来找事了!怎么办?”男生闻言收了笑意,眼睛一眯,清俊的脸上透着 股懒洋洋的狠劲:“干他们啊。”晚上,气势汹汹的跟班们到了一班门口。纤细漂亮的女孩站在男生桌边。声音也软软的——“他单词没背完,去不了了。”【尾注】“曾经我行于黑夜,距深渊一步之遥;直到你出现那天,天光大亮。”一个初心与你的故事1w0-2664 >>
内容简介: 在中土世界与甘道夫并肩;在权力的游戏世界与龙妈同行;在猎魔人世界与希里共舞...这是一个行走在无限瑰丽奇幻世界的故事。 暂定世界:霍比特人(已完结),指环王(进行中),权力的游戏, 猎魔人…1w0-3567 >>
内容简介: 凭借来自星海深处的神秘战舰,拥有穿梭时空能力的平凡主角,谨小慎微、默默经营,构建起横跨现世与诸天万界的庞大帝国。“我这个人胃口比较大,除了节操不要,其他一切好东西都想要!”秦烽如是 说。1w0-916 >>
内容简介:骆臻一昔穿越,成为了一本书里的炮灰男配。这位男配和女主青梅竹马,一直全身全意的照顾她,但不仅没得到回报,还因为女主的原因,不断的被男主反派大佬们针对,最后落得身败名裂,家破人亡。骆臻反 应过来后的第一件事,就是离女主和她的追求团队越远越好,但他突然被绑定了一个画风诡异的公主系统……系统任务一:人鱼公主任务开启,请于明天凌晨三点,叫醒你的室友,并为他演奏一首摇篮曲。骆臻看着睡在自己下铺,原著中打断原主腿的男二,觉得膝盖在隐隐作痛……系统任务二:白雪公主任务开启,请在一分钟内,抢走吃完你同桌手中的苹果,并在摔一跤后,把苹果吐出来。骆臻看着坐在自己旁边,最后会让他家破人亡的反派,手指开始剧烈发抖……系统任务三:一千零一夜任务开启,请从现在开始,每天为你的王子讲一个故事,讲满1001个为止。骆臻彻底愤怒了:!??靠!我哪来的什么王子!攻:我在这里。——骆臻曾经问过系统为什么会找上他,系统只是淡淡的问道:你小时候被下过毒吗?骆臻:下过。系统:你被绑架过吗?骆臻:是的。系统:你能听得懂小动物说话吗?骆臻:可以。系统:大家是不是都以为你的麻烦能化解是因为一个强大的男人?骆臻:是……什么?不是!攻:是的,没错。系统:那你就是我找了很多年的公主了!!!【预收文】:《当替身男配有了山海经系统》一觉睡醒多了四个爹《当备胎男配有了博物馆系统》异世界小说《全球旅行无限》灵异无限烧脑文点进专栏就可以收藏啦【基友已开的文】:《提起废后朕就心痛》by满种超级好看哒!PS1主角就是原主,并不是真正意义上的穿书2,所有人物都没有原型,全是虚构3,文案灵感来源于微博迪士尼公主梗各位书友要是觉得《当炮灰男配有了公主系统娱乐圈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-103996 >>
内容简介:【空间】【种田】【逃荒】聂姝星一直知道自己会穿越,所以她做好了准备囤积了无数物资等待着这一天,谁知她并没有来到七十年代,反而成为了一个残疾世子弃妃。世子会黑化成为大魔头,而她就是压倒骆 驼的最后一根稻草。逃荒路上她靠空间种田,投喂世子全家。兢兢业业消除世子的黑化值,只为有一天能回去。正当她美滋滋的迎接新生活到来时,却发现这个男人也跟过来了。各位书友要是觉得该隐最新小说作品《逃荒:千亿物资娇养残疾世子》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-131841 >>
内容简介:冠上‘淫’妃的罪名,她被刺字淫妃,那一针一针的针刺,鲜红的淫字,青花般的妃字,在她身下,留下不可磨灭的痕迹,一辈子背负,忍受所有,在所有人的嘲讽目光中,她依然挺直了身躯,步入那个,别人 认为是冷宫,于她而言,却是另外一片天的——冷宫。她是今朝冷宫‘淫’妃,她是前朝冷宫‘淫’妃,不同的人,相同的命运。人生,有多少的因缘巧合,因为缘分,她入了宫,当了宫妃。相貌平凡的她,一直默默无闻,虽然贵为德妃,无权无势,只想保全,却在后宫选秀之际,受到皇帝的宠爱。隐含目的、尊贵不凡的他说:“爱妃,替朕生个孩子吧。”是真是假,她分不清。只能,淡淡一笑回避。豪迈奔放却一往情深的他说:“虽然你是我的皇嫂,但是知音难求,为何,相遇太晚。”阴柔狠绝却饱含痛苦的他说:“你是他的女人,而他的母后,抢走了我的一切,所以,他的女人,我要抢回来。”温文如玉却邪魅深情的他说:“即使你是他的宫妃,我也只爱你。”谁真谁假,她分不清。平凡如她,何德何能,面对所有的一切,她从不说,但,并不代表她不知道,她所求的,只是,一片干净而宁静的天空而已。1w0-26795 >>
内容简介:茉莉被神秘系统收留,穿越各个世界替献祭的灵魂完成心愿,遇到狂霸酷拽狠的男主怎么办?遇到白莲花绿茶圣母怎么办?答案是华丽变身,打脸,升级,专治各种类型的美男,然后一路高歌当女王!1w0- 75306 >>
Sequel to Kawaige Continuing story of a tempestuous relationship between Nakano Shunji and Yasushi 'Yasu' Mejiro whose story begins in Kawaige. 1) Otonage Shunji and Yasushi have been cohabiting for a month and Yasushi is head over heels for Shunji, an excellent home-maker in and out of the bedroom, despite his grumpy disposition. (Continuing story of a tempestuous relationship between Nakano Shunji and Yasushi Mejiro whose story begins in Kawaige.) 2) Otonage 2 (Initial Stage) Yasushi's ex-lover/cousin reappears and tries to get in between Yasushi and Shunji, causing Shunji uncertainty over their relationship. Other the other hand, Yasushi is worried that Shunji might still be holding a torch for Kousei and it is driving him crazy. 3) Otonage 2 (Final Stage) Kanako's pregnancy is causing a big chasm in their relationship. 4) Otonage 3 Their tempestuous relationship has finally calmed down but Yasushi is down with German Measles! While Shunji has to work without Yasushi, he meets the son of his ex-probabtion officer. ~~~~~~~~ Note ~ Play Boy Blues, Gaten na aitsu, Kawaige, Stepping Stone, Punch Up! and Otonage are loosely connected.
A collection of short stories: Le théâtre de A 1.Oeufs D'ange - Tenshi no Tamago A man is asked by a young painter to be her model. 2. Velvet Going Underground A doll becomes a super idol. Hijinks ensue. 3. Childhood's End Alastair runs away and meets the Rabbit. 4. Bite Me Something Allistaire followed Mr. Rabbit all the way to Wonderland. Will he be able to find him among the crowd? 5. Long Along Alonging A girl asks a vampire to be his apprentice. But what is her motive? 6. Till Dawn In a dark tower, a caged voice is singing until a hunted man enters the darkness. 7. Leçon un Sequel to Long Along Alonging. 8. My Skin on My Back 9. Highland Walker Sequel to Leçon un. 10. Perfect World The story of a young wife whose husband is infected with a fatal disease called Flower-Blossomitis. 11. Perfect Lady Sequel to Perfect World and drawn especially for this book. 12-13. Looks Like a Teaspoon A boy named Allistaire is often teased at his all-boys school. One night he dresses like a girl and stumbles upon the boy who often bullies him, Simon. Allistaire runs off into a tower and as Simon runs after him, we see the sign 'Welcome to Wonderland' hanging by the tower's door. 14. The Pearl Blue Story Do you believe in mermaids? Coggy, a young boy finds a mysterious lady laying down near the shore of the beach. He brings her home to help her. 15. I Am a Piano A piano tells the story of her life and the people she encounters. 16. Parade Le théâtre de B 1. Noël A short story about a holiday romance. 2. Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken (The Teddy Bear Murder Case) Four murders have taken place at an all girl school. Lying beside each of the victim was a teddy bear with one missing limb. 3. Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken 4. A is for Alice Alastair, a grown man, is off to follow the Rabbit once again to return to Wonderland. 5. Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume (The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl) A story about a girl in her death bed finding another chance in life in the body of a doll. 6. B&W (Black&White) A story about a boy waiting for his sister. 7. Le Jardin du thé (The Tea Garden) A mysterious story about a poor young man who orders a kind of tea called Huan Ying – “The Illusion”. 8-9. Free Fitting for Her A priest and his captured vampire must save a naive and selfish young girl from the murderous desires of a Lolicon. But perhaps this girl isn't all that she seems. 10. Rose Dusk, Pale Moon 11. Hello, My Sister 12. The Happy Prince 13. Welcome to Wonderland Simon, Alastair's old classmate, is now a grown man who bumps into his childhood Wonderland traveller.
There is a planet where all the inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. This planet was called 'Earth.' Four people (Shiki, Miyuki, Yoshimura, and Satou) are dispatched to investigate the planet, its remaining living things, and the remains of the culture that once thrived there. Together, they pass peaceful days on the quiet Earth.
From Chibi Manga: 'Does the attractive force make me attracted to you ?' Sonoko is leading a life of high school girl idly, and one day at after school she 'accidentally' kissed her friend's boyfriend in the science room. But Ito, a super A-student, saw the scene!! Although Sonoko hurriedly fled? This selection of one-shot master pieces describes swinging feelings of teens in love.
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Sport Royal summary: Sport Royal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sport Royal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Outsiders. summary: Outsiders. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Outsiders.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The House by the River summary: The House by the River summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The House by the River. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.