内容简介:人们听到他的名字就瑟瑟发抖,还有幸成为地球上最后一个活人的大球上倒数第二个死掉的小弟重生了。他重生之后要干啥?是统治世界还是毁灭世界?对这些都没兴趣,他只想死。忠心小弟为了让自家一心求 死的老大活下去,无所不用其极,将老大伺候的舒舒服服的,然后无奈地发现……注意事项:1、双重生,实一点都不小的小弟攻,攻宠受。2、、这是一篇末世文。4、标题里的“作”和“死”可以分开看。5、本文不黑暗,ampgtBOSS作死指南是原作者决绝精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新BOSS作死指南最新章节,书友所发表的BOSS作死指南评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持BOSS作死指南书友的观点。决绝的其他作品:重临巅峰(未来)、媳妇儿很暴力、穿越之复仇、原配逆袭指南(快穿)、恩有重报(重生)、我不爱你了、未来之全身是宝您要是觉得《BOSS作死指南》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-3604 >>
内容简介:网络小说作者暮烟,穿越古代体验生活。生就一副瘦弱的身子,还偏偏摊上个重男轻女,彪悍又偏心的娘亲。日子过得鸡飞狗跳,食不果腹,实在是苦。还好有个疼爱她的姐姐与她相依为命。为了吃饱饭,她去 说书,养鸭子,挖药材,和姐姐一起开了第一家铺子“烟玲小铺”。智斗蛮横娘亲,帮姐姐得到幸福。教训渣爹,驱逐恶妇小三。鞭笞懒汉哥哥,让他1w0-89531 >>
内容简介:【女强系列之沐槿】“我命由我不由天!”21世纪女特工沐槿穿越异世成为丞相嫡女,传言,她是千年前凰女再世;传言,接近她的人都没有好下场!她冷笑,凭借天生的驭魔能力,召唤魔王,手握乾坤,看 谁敢再造谣半句!他,虽然实力强劲,却因为生来手臂上的一块神秘胎记被人认为是不祥之兆,备受冷落,当他遇上她,当她嫁给他,一步步沦陷,并肩看天下!殊不知千年之前,他们却是不共戴天的仇人……悬崖边,簌簌冷风1w0-70047 >>
内容简介: 白明萱第一天上班就遭车祸死了,醒来成了一介农女。这一家子缺衣少食,却要砸锅卖铁供懒哥哥读书?不行不行,重新奋斗,决不过苦日子!努力种田,开发美食,带领全家越出农门!1w0-3324
内容简介:【本作品来自互联网本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有【内容简介】故事发生在一个名叫蓝天航空公司的公司里。空姐这个职业在一般人眼中是个很好的工作,但伴随着各种工作压力空姐的私生活是很不 规律的,尤其性生活是常人无法想象的Yin乱,而且由于上班都要穿着高跟鞋,在机舱里一站就是好几个小时,所以各个空姐的脚是臭得不得了,但是对于那些喜欢闻脚舔脚的男人来说那可都是极品啊,而这个蓝天航空公司里就是以汇集了众多Yin脚骚妇出名的,这全是因蓝天航的老总孙雨就是个恋足狂,美女的秀足,妖媚的臭Yin脚,形状秀美的嫩脚趾,涂着各色晶莹润泽的指甲油,他是喜欢的不得了,以下的故事就是发生在蓝天航空公司里这些Yin荡美脚空姐身上的Yin乱记录。上传者书籍介绍:发个全的给大家爽一下1w0-70574 >>
内容简介:看不见的神秘并不代表它并不存在。昏暗的地下室,残破的庄园,半夜的菜市场……谁能想到这里会有怎样的存在。“呃,你相信,我的动漫没有高能。”裴戈默默踩破了一个流着诡异液体的皮球,随手点开了 自己的游戏的回忆。“这一段不错哦,下一集动漫就看你了。”(这是一本十分正经的推理小说,顺带一提,看过的小伙伴们都推荐在夜里观看,据说效果更佳。)群号:8196838331w0-78478 >>
内容简介:当最初的火焰在忍界燃起,彼时的忍者们根本想象不到,日后的忍界究竟会发生怎样翻天覆地的变化!煌煌雷霆,阳光之枪,将须佐能乎死死钉入地面……大剑、盾反、战技,漫天苦无莫能近身……暗之刃模糊 了光影,恶魔温床孕育出的熔岩使大地化作焦土…………那一日,九勾玉轮回眼的眸光里映照出了无限月读,神树再一次降临忍界,而在神树之巅,一道身影正屹然而立。“从此刻开始,让世界感受火焰的力量吧……”1w0-89112 >>
(From The Manga Obsession) There is a rumor around school about Houjyou Aika giving birth to a child at the age of fifteen, just now returning to school about a year later. Reality is far worse than the gossip. Aika was raped by the demon ruler (Suruga) and she somehow survived long enough to give birth to a boy. The half-demon was taken to the 'real world' (aka demon world) by his father and imprisoned in the 'Cliff of Time'. During his time there, Kai was a plaything to his elder brother, Kaiga. This is a serious series with rather violent, bloody scenes. The demons have no morals, seeing the human world as a big playground and sex with anyone is just fine. The only mistake Kai made in his life was existing, and he is constantly punished for it. If you've been looking for a dark, convoluted series with great artwork to read, Lumen Lunae would be a good choice.
One ruler...One schemer...and...One assassin The kingdom of Juushin is suffering at the hands of a cruel emperor. In order to stop his father's rule of tyranny, the crown prince will enlist the aid of a legendary assassin with reasons of her own for wanting the emperor dead.
Kyoukasho wa Oshiete Kurenai Nihon Bungaku no Susume summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kyoukasho wa Oshiete Kurenai Nihon Bungaku no Susume. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
From Selene Scans: The story centers on Arisu, who just started high school. Her first day of school, which also happened to fall on her 16th birthday, was rather catastrophic. Arisu was absolutely devastated, and when she came home, she overheard her parents arguing. She discovered her parents are actually a devil and an angel! Her mother, the angel, explained that she and her father, the devil, fell in love and got married. Arisu is actually half demon and half angel. She cannot control her powers because of this and needs to find her true love. According to her mother, she can track him down by following the red threads tying them together--but Arisu discovers her threads have been cut, and she must find him using the old fashioned way!
Reveries over Childhood and Youth summary: Reveries over Childhood and Youth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reveries over Childhood and Youth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Old Countess; or, The Two Proposals summary: The Old Countess; or, The Two Proposals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Old Countess; or, The Two Proposals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Legacy Of The Darksword summary: Legacy Of The Darksword summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Legacy Of The Darksword. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Joe Ledger: Code Zero summary: Joe Ledger: Code Zero summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Joe Ledger: Code Zero. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.