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内容简介:富家女重生到八十年代的兵团,大漠戈壁这个是她前世从来都没有遇到过的生活。在这个看似荒凉的地方,却有另外一番天地和生活,虽然贫穷落后,但是有这样的一群看似简单又有些极品的家人在,他们的生 活似乎也丰富多彩了一些。看现代女主如何顽强的跟家人走出一条康庄大道,如何去寻找自己的幸福!1w0-82783 >>


内容简介:红枣终于如愿进了城,就是进城的方式有些尴尬——她成了谢家的童养媳。从此她多出一双爹娘不算,还有了一个小丈夫谢尚。谢尚连中六元之后,红枣跟着进了京,成了京里罕有的大脚命妇,引来无数侧目。 1w0-3961 >>


内容简介:《斗罗之逢魔降临》作为一名魔王,管理时间的魔王,张吾能够做的,就只有不断前进。沃兹:庆贺吧!时间的王者诞生了,他是集所有骑士力量于一身,超越时空,通晓过去未来的假面骑士时王!张吾:喂! 沃兹,你没吃饭吗?大声点!沃兹:……1w0-79591 >>

佳偶天成 (1v1)

内容简介:人人都知道乔琬拱了江聿淮这颗大白菜,无人知晓江聿淮早已把把乔琬放在心尖尖,看似拿下高岭之花的包养文学实则是狗血替身文学娇滴滴大小姐x穷小子因为很喜欢这种梗所以想自己动笔,第一次写文,就 是说欢迎大家提意见,我玻璃心别骂1w0-121267 >>


内容简介:开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头最新章节由网友提供《开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情类型小说,开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头由作家枯 荣创作,小兵免费提供开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:【小说网独家签约小说:开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头】穿越到邪神散播混乱,太古禁忌从时光长河中复苏的危险世界中,方宇凭自己的能力成为一尊黑暗术士,就在即将登顶霸主之时,意外重生,成为了模板编辑师。能够提取世间万物化作模板,并且融合获得能力,开局创造血界武王模板。【黄昏世界树】【炽天使残骸】,【灾厄使者】末日上帝,吹响灭世号角,宇宙破灭!【灵界吞噬者】【暗星泰坦】【世界之眼】【诸界吞噬者】,吞噬诸天万界,熔炼无尽虚空!【混沌炼金师】【真理之门】真理主宰!以世界为材料,法则为熔炉,炼制超脱魔药!当无限龙神、暗影主宰、血皇帝、深红之王、命运观测者……无数的模板在他手中诞生,成为笼罩世界的阴影,哪怕是邪神也为之战栗……小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65601 >>


内容简介:天下人,天下事,都不过是我大唐人餐桌上的一道道菜肴。虽然原始的食材便具有食物原始的风情,云初还是认为,最美味的食物还是需要经过分割,烹调,处置,最后端上桌的食物才是最符合大唐人肠胃的食 物。清蒸,红烧,爆炒,炖煮……天下有多少事,庖厨便有多少种烹调手段。不论是高句丽,突厥,吐蕃,吐谷浑,薛延陀,铁勒……还是长鲸,猛虎,巨鲨,饿狼,在大唐这个熔炉铁锅里都能烹调出绝世美味……再加上李治,武瞾,长孙无忌,褚遂良,李绩,程咬金等等绝世调料,不论是色香味总会有一样让你难以忘怀。云初希望这样的豪华宴会上,绝对应该有自己的一个座位!现如今,美味已经烹调完毕——云初铺好餐巾,拿起割鹿刀,双眼微闭,准备享受一顿前所未有的大餐,以满足自己饥渴的肠胃。1w0-98708 >>


内容简介:和影帝隐婚的日子最新章节由网友提供,《和影帝隐婚的日子》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供和影帝隐婚的日子最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0-11 2165 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:杀敌爆修为,我终结了亿万天骄!】杀敌爆修为!无限修为掉落!躺平一样无敌!生于人族旧地,人族式微,新人类征战星辰,王玄强势崛起!【击溃王城天骄,修为掉落30年, 剑意修炼10年,您的剑意已踏入第八层】【击溃天刀族神女,修为掉落50年,玉皇神刀体修炼50年心得,您的刀意已大圆满,衍生天凰刀术】【击溃星辰巨象,掉落巨象血脉修炼30年领悟,觉醒巨象龙体,领悟:巨象微粒镇狱篇章】就这样,一路横推而去,诸天星辰,亿万种族?无尽天骄的荣耀,犹如辉煌的星辰,璀璨不灭?那就让我来。终结亿万天骄的神话吧!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84695 >>


内容简介:一个宅男重生了,抑或是穿越了,在这个让他迷茫的世界里,刚刚一岁多的他就遇到了西卡,六岁就遇到了水晶小公主。从《爱回家》这部文艺片开始,金钟铭在韩国娱乐圈中慢慢成长,最终成为了韩国娱乐圈 中独一无二的影帝。而在这个过程中,这个迷茫的男人不仅实现了自己的价值与理想,还认清了自己的内心,与真爱的人走在了一起。韩娱文,单女主,女主初珑无误,大家就不要再争了,电影跟综艺也不会少的,两个妹妹的戏份也不会少。ps:前期会有感情波折的,但是初珑肯定最后无误的。ps网络小说,如有人物作品信息有误,请轻拍。ps:本书不虐,还有书友群457160898本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《韩娱之影帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84458 >>




内容简介:恶魔们只需要灵魂,但天灾军团不同!他会压榨出每一份灵魂的剩余价值,即便是死亡的躯体也不会放过。而作为一位合格的巫妖王,就应当知道怎么去剥削超级英雄和反派。与恶魔对过峙,和死亡并过肩,海 里捉过小怪兽,在阿斯加德与海拉聊过天。当天灾的恶名无人不知,无人不晓之后。罗尔德带着麾下的亡灵大军,举起了手中的霜之哀伤,指着漫威里的各位超1w0-33929 >>


内容简介:张泽穿越到平行世界,这里的人们依靠魔域打怪变强,来抵抗魔窟魔物的入侵。为了妹妹张泽进入魔域,取名罗刹,结果意外激活最强SSS级天赋召唤术!杀怪就能召唤,召唤术等级越高,召唤的怪物越多, 还能升级,简直是逆天…1w7069-79285 >>

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shonen Sunday from August 2002 to September 2014. The narrative focuses on a 16 Kenichi Shirahama -year old high school student as well as a longtime sufferer of intimidation. In the beginning of the story, he befriends want to eventually become more powerful; and transfer pupil Miu Furinji, he follows her a dojo home, to Ryozanpaku several masters of martial arts that are varied, directed by her grandpa Hayato Furinji. After learning principles from Miu, Kenichi beats a high ranking member of the karate club of the school, and becomes a goal for the delinquents in the institution. Kenichi becomes enamored of Miu, and finally becomes a complete disciple of Ryozanpaku while initially training to guard himself. Later, the day-to-day routine of Kenichi is broken up between training below his battles against the members, and the six masters of Ryozanpaku of 'Ragnarok', a gang of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. Miu and Kenichi are targeted by Yomi after Ragnarok is disbanded, several disciples personally trained by means of a master of an organization matching Ryozanpaku, Yami. While the masters of Ryozanpaku and their allies follow the principle of constantly sparing their adversaries' lives (Katsujinken), the members of Yami consider that any means of defeating an adversary is valid, including homicide (Satsujin ken). While his masters face the members of Yami in the battle between both factions, Kenichi, Miu, as well as their allies fight the members of Yomi. The conflict between both factions culminate with all the ultimate battle to prevent Yami's major goal, which will be to usher a fresh age of turmoil and war on earth, also called 'The Eternal Sunset'. Their principal leader is conquered and after the Eternal Sunset is prevented, Yomi and Yami are disbanded too. Kenichi subsequently continues to train at Ryozanpaku, and years after he becomes a renowned novelist, but it is also suggested that he also becomes a martial arts master as well as Miu's husband at the same time. Main characters in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga Kenichi Shirahama is primary Protagonist and the name character of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. He could be the Disciple of the six masters of Ryozanpaku, examining martial arts from them to not only get more powerful, but to finally develop bravery and the strength needed to defend the individuals and values which are most imporant to him. He's additionally a member as well as the honorary 'co founder' of the Shinpaku Alliance, alongside the creator Haruo Niijima (the after of which he's not completely happy about) and is now another year pupil at Koryo High School in course 2-E. In the final outcome of the show, he not only marries the love of his life, Miu Furinji, however he eventually becomes a Master himself. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi AMW Miu Furinji is the principal female protagonist of the show. She was previously in The School of Shouchiku Gakuen before transferred to Koryo High School in course 1-E where she and he met a shared love interest and Kenichi started. She's the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji, A Disciple and member of The Ryozanpaku, as well as the sole daughter of Shizuha Furinji and Saiga Furinji. She's also a decendent of both the Kuremisago Clan as well as the Furinji Clan, which are both regarded as being ill-famed tribes of martial artists who have been known for his or her physical superiority. In the final outcome of the show, Miu became the wife of Kenichi Shirahama. Other manga: + Death Note Manga + Terra Formars Manga


This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)

A Prince Needs A Princess

Clarissa is on a mission. The Kingdom of Marik needs a prince, and it's Clarissa's job to see that Jack Brown takes on his rightful position--even if he doesn't want to. Is it just Marik and the king that need Jack, or will Clarissa get her prince, too?

Tonari No

Even though Sakura and Natsuki live next door to each other, they haven’t shared classes and friends in a long time. Sakura is feeling like the third wheel when she suddenly finds herself sitting next to Natsuki and surrounded by her neighbor’s friends. Can Natsuki cross the distance between them?

The Pentecost of Calamity

The Pentecost of Calamity summary: The Pentecost of Calamity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pentecost of Calamity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Five Weeks in a Balloon

Five Weeks in a Balloon summary: Five Weeks in a Balloon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Five Weeks in a Balloon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Penshurst Castle

Penshurst Castle summary: Penshurst Castle summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Penshurst Castle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Two Thousand Miles Below

Two Thousand Miles Below summary: Two Thousand Miles Below summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Two Thousand Miles Below. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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