内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全民骑士,开局崇皇时王】秦炎穿越到一个全民皆可觉醒骑士驱动器的世界。在这个世界,不仅有假面骑士,还有属于骑士世界的怪物。假面骑士与怪物的战斗争执不休。直到十八 岁时,秦炎终于觉醒出属于自己的骑士驱动器。时空驱动器,时王表盘,崇皇表盘。当这三样东西会汇聚在秦炎手里,注定秦炎将踏上王道之路,成为至仁至善至高至强的魔王。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-85925 >>
内容简介:21年秋季赛的卡位赛上,备受争议的AG超玩会2比3落后于XYG。现场突发意外,轮换至发育路的初晨手伤发作,不得不下场。正在直播的叶洛接到了AG教练月光的通知。“快来现场,下一局,你代替 初晨上场!”本是中路替补的叶洛获得了抽卡系统。“每局比赛随机抽取一名职业选手的巅峰时刻上身!”抱着忐忑的心,叶洛登上了赛场,于是……张大仙1w0-95793 >>
内容简介:推推基友我靠马甲组织直播敛财百亿苦瓜柠檬粥叶怀瑾因为一场车祸。穿越到了陀总身上,还绑定直播间系统。系统颁发定期颁发任务,要叶怀瑾自主选择前往红黑阵营,成功包装成为阵营本土人士。苦读十年 ,根本1w0-82975 >>
内容简介:一个乡镇府新村官,因为一次抢险而意外进入上古神魔元神内界,获得战神刑天的传承,却被困在界内,为了离开开始了这个世界的探索,却不想发现道门千古谜题……上古炎黄之争,萨天师成道之密,蒙古大 军攻打南宋西和州的背后原因,一个个谜题摆在秦山面前,一切因果都指向道门,可是问道路断,道门在何处?本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《道门何处》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75076 >>
内容简介:他,是一个二流郊区医院的普通医生,而且还是妇产科的医生。他,医术精湛,为人低调,但是天下谁人不识君!他,群芳环绕,众香国度,奈何家有千年悍妖妻!对着强势热情表姐的逼婚,妖精美艳妻子的诱 惑,小白医生不得不得黯然的面对一场契约式的婚姻。白文静也由此拉开了他辉煌华丽的人生……1w0-78883 >>
内容简介:蜀汉为什么中后期不行,主要是第二代或被冤杀,或战死,或早逝所致刘封穿越而来,长坂坡逆袭迎战虎豹骑,救下糜夫人、徐庶母亲、刘备女儿等一众家眷,让刘备、诸葛亮等人刮目相看。在刘封的带领下, 蜀汉的二代们开始崭露头角!老书:《新三国策》《大秦之小兵传奇》《强秦》《三国:我的父亲是赵云》,完本人品保证,书荒的欢迎移步阅览。1w13922-25930 >>
内容简介:相师分九品,一品一重天风水有境界,明理,养气,修身,问道。二十一世纪的一位普通青年偶获诸葛亮生前的玄学传承,没有大志向的秦宇,只想守着老婆孩子热炕头,却机缘巧合一步步走上相师之巅,成就 超品之尊,相地,相人,相红颜六爻算尽天下事,八字测遍世间人!关注九灯微信:jiudengheshan或者公众号搜寻:九灯和善各位书友要是觉得《超品相师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4964 >>
内容简介:高亮排雷!狗血!古早!火葬场!男c女未定,介意慎入!求预收《虐文女主是我姐》世人都道是裴二公子厌弃了月宁,却不知自她离开后,裴淮便夜夜思她入魔,梦里尽是月宁眼梢微红,低声啜泣的模样。矜 贵公子活成了行尸走肉。裴淮知道,他快要疯了。上元节灯会,华灯璀璨,摩肩擦踵,流光溢彩的烟火声中,裴淮忽然看见月宁站在桥上,冲他莞尔一笑,唇齿轻启间,似在嗔怪,仿佛在说:怎么还不过来,等你等得累极了。他脚步微动,想上前确认之时。身旁有个男子极快地提袍而上,于月宁身前站定脚步,伸手递过去编织精巧的花灯,两人相视一笑,万千烟火轰然炸开。那一刻,裴淮攥紧了腰间的长剑。阅读指南:※架空,非常空。※撒狗血的火葬场,结局he※男主黑化后很黑,大概率有强取豪夺。求个预收《虐文女主是我姐》姜宝忆做了个噩梦,梦里本该拿着甜文剧本的姐姐,最后把自己作成了虐文女主。不仅被人糟蹋玷污,就连姜家都血流成河,人仰马翻。而罪魁祸首,便是惨遭抛弃,对姐姐爱而不得的前姐夫周启。姜宝忆痛哭流涕,爬过去扯着他的袍子求放过,然而素来温润儒雅的人,坐在高头大马上,只说了一句:不留一个活口!姜宝忆惊醒!看着眼前手握香囊,尚还娇羞无比的姐姐,打算做些什么。“你说,他会喜欢吗?”姜宝忆连连点头:“喜欢,喜欢,你做什么他都喜欢!”姐姐:“他瞎了,大夫说治不好了…”姜宝忆:“你信我,他不会有事的!”姐姐:“平阴候世子来提亲了,他说了好些体己话,我实在扛不住了…”剧情还是走到了这里,周启再次惨遭退婚。姜宝忆锤了下心口,险些当着周启的面哭出声来,姜家药丸了!“你哭什么,被退婚的是我,又不是你。”“宝忆,我是个瞎子,你姐姐选了世子我能理解……”“宝忆,你走吧,我不会恨姜家的…”姜宝忆听他胡扯,最后壮了壮胆子,决定自己来。她颤着双手,捧起周启的脸,无比真诚:其实…我爱慕你很久了。推荐专栏完结旧文《那个偏执独爱我》readapp2重生后男主又黑化了1w0-44670 >>
内容简介:文案被甩了,重生了,遇到自己了。想帮帮那个死不长进的自己,结果丫把我当成了情敌?Excuseme?PS:1有段时间小池西不知道长进,愈演愈烈,入坑慎重。2中后期开始走暖男暖女暖世界路线 。3稳定更新,保证完坑这是一个女孩学会成长,一个女孩成全自己爱情的故事。内容标签:重生破镜重圆时代奇缘爱情战争搜索关键字:主角:易禛,池西┃配角:边让,王格┃其它:1w0-80330 >>
内容简介:【文案】当勾心斗角的皇家穿越到21世纪……吃软饭的老爸,女强人母后,中二的太子哥哥,娘娘腔的管家,外加一个爱跳广场舞的太后至于她暗恋的太傅,居然成了她的同桌祝窈:“太傅,这道题我不会做 。”太傅:“放学后臣给公主补习。”后来……同学甲:“我艹,我今天看到原校草给祝窈系鞋带,还是单膝跪地的那种。”同学已:“不可能,原校草可是高岭之花,妥妥的禁欲系,连隔壁校花都不正眼看一眼,一心只读圣贤书。”同学甲:“是真的,听说有人不小心捡到原校草手机,你知道他给祝窈的备注是什么吗?……‘小公主’,我艹!”【美娇甜女主VS父系学霸男友】更多完结坑,尽在……↓↓↓■作者领养处■【来咬我呀】↓各位书友要是觉得《你要乖一点》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68667 >>
One day while Shirou was delivering a secret weapon to his colleague, he met Amane Mao, a super strong girl who is capable of lifting cars. Before they knew it, an ERROR, a monster that struck Old Tokyo 14 years ago, reappeared and started on a rampage. While he was arguing with his colleague over the use of the super weapon to save civilians, his colleague was blown away and died. Faced with death, Shirou had no choice but to combine with Mao with the super weapon and destroy the ERROR. ( from AnimeSigma)
Onitsuka Miaki, freshman from Fujimigahara Girls' Academy Naginata club, are going to remote island that owned by her captain, Igasaki Kotone, along with 11 members to do a training camp. Legends say that remote island is a place where the worst bandits lives and have national treasure beneath the island. Everything still normal before one of their member got killed. Their live-threatening experience begins now. From Baka-Updates: 12 members of the Fujimigahara Girls' Academy's Naginata club arrive at a remote island belonging to the club president's family. Legend has it that the remote island had long ago been the hideout of a group of extremely cruel bandits, and that priceless treasures - the fruits of their plunders - are still hidden somewhere on the island. All is well until their club adviser and two members are brutally murdered. Thereby the curtain rises on the surviving girls' life-threatening battle with a bizarre masked killer...
From moetron Total Eclipse is set in the same world as MuvLuv Alternative, at Alaska's Yukon base, test site 18, where first-class staff from all over the world regardless of country gather to work on new Tactical Surface Fighters. The main characters are engineers and pilots and it features many TSFs that failed to show up in Alternative.
From Infinity Studios: At the beginning of the 21st century a sudden increase in genetic mutations cause some people to be born with special abilities. However, these enhanced humans are not welcome amongst the general population. As time goes by, they are marked for exile and shunned by society, resulting in a life of crime for many. As their special powers make them difficult to apprehend, the government joins hands with an unofficial, secret group of bounty hunters known as Peigenz. The Peigenz organization is filled with the most gifted and highly trained mutated individuals. Jay Berell, the heroine of the series, is a normal high school student. During a battle between Peigenz and a dangerous serial killer, Jay find herself caught in the crossfire. This triggers her special mutant abilities and leads to her recruitment into the Peigenz organization.
Supernatural: The Unholy Cause summary: Supernatural: The Unholy Cause summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Supernatural: The Unholy Cause. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Georgina of the Rainbows summary: Georgina of the Rainbows summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Georgina of the Rainbows. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
My Wayward Ex-Wife summary: Mu Huanqing despised two people in her life. – The first was the Emperor, who had terrible matchmaking skills; the second was the Duke of Zhen Yuan, who was forced into a marriage with her due to the imperial edict. He did not like her and had contempt for her family, the Mu family, for using this marriage to climb up the social ladder. Because of Mu Huanqing, he couldn’t marry his sweetheart and could only make her a lowly concubine. She also didn’t care for him as she was originally living a free and leisurely lifestyle. Who knew that one imperial edict would end her happy days, causing her to be forcefully married to the cold, arrogant, and unmanageable Fu Yanlin? Not long after their marriage, he made her move into a manor in the country side, letting her live on her own. However, she didn’t care for it and instead even gave birth to an obedient and outstanding daughter. But one day, the husband who abandoned her suddenly appeared at the countryside manor, destroying her peaceful days. He was still cold and arrogant, but a reserved air of authority was added to him as time pa.s.sed. She didn’t know what type of plan he had concocted If he came to bully her treasured daughter, she would definitely break all ties with him! The little daughter widened her innocent eyes, looking at the demon that no one else could see. “I’m scared!” The demon gently pinched the little girl’s beautiful face: “Don’t be scared. The person your dad wants to bully isn’t you, but your mom.”