简介我穿越到小说里,变成了连名字都不太记得的小配角。但好歹是个贵族,在小说结局前就尽情享受幸福的生活吧!然而事与愿违,才穿越第二天,我就睡了小说里占有欲最强的男主角! “既然男女共度了初夜,当然就要对彼此负责吧?”
内容简介:《余生不要再爱你》是陆湛霆戚熙精心创作的言情小说,长风文学网实时更新余生不要再爱你最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的余生不要再爱你评论,并不代表长风文学网赞同或者支持余生不要再爱 你读者的观点。1w0-68765 >>
内容简介:《女主无cp文》简介:“情况怎么样了?”宁臣诤静静的站立在窗前,淡声道(被迫成为人渣的日子)。闻皋一脸愤恨的站在他身后,先行了一礼,便将刚才的事像竹筒倒豆子一样地说了出来(被迫成为人渣 的日子)。“那些不知从何而来的人倒也是硬气,直接就自杀了,白抓了。”“嗯。”宁臣诤淡淡的应了一声,平淡的嗓音中听不出多少情绪(被迫成为人渣的日子)。闻皋愤怒的说完这一段话后,抬起头悄悄看了眼宁臣诤,嗓音停顿了一下,又犹豫的说道。“宁将军,还有一件事,我在他们的左手臂上发现了一块被划烂的肉,上面似乎印着某些图案,可惜被划烂了,已经看不出形状了(被迫成为人渣的日子)。”宁臣诤听了这话,瞳孔一缩,那是惊惧到极致的表现,连说出的话都像是淬了冰一样。“没事,你先去安顿好将土们,明日一早,我们重新出发(被迫成为人渣的日子)。。1w0-96582 >>
内容简介:原名:至尊神婿叶昊郑漫儿。 三年前,他是叶家世子,却遭家族赶尽杀绝,濒死之际,为她所收留。三年后,他已是军中神话,大夏传奇!这一天,他向全天下公告,为了她,他回来了! 1w94-283 0 >>
内容简介: 【一份卖相不好的宫保鸡丁】 从江枫无意中发现自己居然可以看到自家老爹炒出来的菜的备注开始,他的人生就已经发生了翻天覆地的变化 …… 1.本游戏自由度极高,请玩家自行探索. 2.本游戏不会干预玩家的任何选择,请玩家努力解锁成就. 3.一切解释归游戏所有. 普群一群:781556033普群二群:1001738429V群:720368320(全订即可)1w0-284 >>
内容简介:“天能给你的东西,我都能给你。天不能给的,我也能给。想不想,和我做个交易?”既有是非恩怨,爱恨纠葛,也有一句“快刀斩乱麻”。合则来,不合则散。不喜欢了、不爱了、想分手了、想离了?我没喜 欢过你、我是骗你的、你只是个替身、我们不合适?简单,那就江湖不见。王座之下,是风花雪月,还是枯骨遍地?风花雪月,又何及王座之上?日入V,谢谢小天使们的支持!扫雷提示:1、无脑爽文。文中一切人物的三观,都不代表作者三观。2、有的世界有CP,有的没有。目测男主得精分切片。雷者勿入。3、各种天雷都有,不一一列举,有雷点的,不管雷点大小都请慎入。被雷可以刷负逃生,但谢绝人参攻击。碰到人参攻击会暴躁。1w0-76127 >>
内容简介: 神开启了诸天大逃杀游戏,随机被选中的人将会被送入战场,迎接来自诸天世界的杀戮者:半兽人,吸血鬼,外星入侵者,奥创机器人……或者被杀死。或者活下来,得到来自诸天世界的能力、武器、血脉 以及黑科技。宿醉昏睡的叶垂,一觉醒来就发现自己来到了一个奇怪的地方,咦?地下有一把刀子,他刚捡起来转过身,就只听噗嗤一声,一个隐身的家伙撞到了他的刀子上——戴着魔戒的咕噜?恭喜你,你获得传奇物品,魔戒。叶垂:“???”……简单来说,这是一个开了隐身挂的老阴逼参加诸天大逃杀的故事……1w0-3711 >>
内容简介:他,迦蓝星球的王子,在传承仪式上却遭到青梅竹马的情人以及兄弟背叛,最终国破家亡。胸口处深深地插着那把自己亲手送给她的匕首,殷红的血液随着刀柄缓缓地淌出,他独自坐在那象征着最高权力的冰冷 王座上,“一切都结束了”……他掰动了座椅下的机关,眼角滚落一滴清浊的泪珠,这是自己最后的秘密,也是对他们两个唯一的秘密,没想到却用来终结自己,终结自己的国家……身体随着整座宫殿一起被炸得粉碎,灵魂即将消散的那一刻,他看到了地底一道金光一闪而过,接着便陷入一片混沌……1w0-80602 >>
内容简介:万仙求道,万道来朝! 三百年前,陈少君被师父带上仙门,因为血脉原因难以练武,但却在炼器上天赋异禀,成为一代器君,与宗门六位师兄合称“北斗七圣”。 一场剧变,师父被害,北斗陨落,陈少君谪 落人间,转生成为大商户部侍郎之子。 光阴荏苒,如今的他只是人间蝼蚁般凡人。 然而,这场剧变也同样打开了他身上的限制。 师父:“如果不是血脉的限制,你的成就就连师父也难以想像!” 书生宣讲,鬼神听道! 且看昔日器君如何一步步崛起,临天路,朝仙道,让诸天万界都为之颤抖! —— 欢迎大家关注我的微信公众号,关注请搜索皇甫奇。 QQ群:4229052161w0-2502 >>
内容简介:穿越到斗罗大陆的时辰,本想在圣魂村安安心心地当一个厨子,不想在跟唐三吃完一顿麻辣兔头后,意外觉醒签到系统!“是否接受系统绑定,成为正义的伙伴。”“不,我不想,我只想安稳度日。”“好的, 接收,全职英灵养成系统绑定成功。”“……”“叮!宿主身在圣魂村,签到成功,获得新手大礼包:【固有结界:无限剑制】【Archer的双臂】”“若不接受,系统将强制抹杀宿主。”…………破魔的红蔷薇,必灭的黄蔷薇,穿刺死棘之枪,干将莫邪……炽天覆七重圆环,伪螺旋剑,石中剑,湖中剑……乖离剑……时辰:“谁说赝品比不过真品。”p1w0-95942 >>
Adapted from a visual novel. A girl who can capture the memory of whoever she's in front of by just looking into their eyes. A childhood friend who lives with two red-smeared eeirie dolls, convinced they are her parents. A sickly little sister who manipulates persons by just smiling. The protagonist meets these girls who lack something, and gets involved in strange events. This slowly gnaws at his heart, like tracing with a fingertip the reminiscences of a distant day. A sad, and somewhat nostalgic, story about memories. -------------------------------------- From MangaHelpers: Shishikura Shigure is an ordinary high-school student, who is into gal games, figures, and late night anime. He tends to be pretty oblivious of most of his actual surroundings, particularly at school. Since his parents have gone overseas for work, his childhood friend Koyomi has taken charge of caring for him. One Wednesday, one of Koyomi's friends is missing, and she seems overly concerned. She explains to Shigure that one month ago, a student at their school threw herself in front of a train. On every Wednesday since then, a girl at their school has killed herself. She warns him not to get involved, but Shigure decides to look for Koyomi's friend. Shigure ends up at the scene of the crime, where he sees a darkly mysterious girl who claims she can peek into people's memories. Shigure learns later that she is the student council president, but why was she so cavalier about her classmate's death? Could she be involved, and will Shigure be able to stop this string of supposed suicides? [tethysdust]
Mame Sengoku Basara summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mame Sengoku Basara. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Sabu is a mutant boy that uses his newly discovered inner powers to fight against a band of criminals and terrorist organizations.
As children, Lee Haru and Yun Dong-Ha made a promise, one to become a famous baseball player, the other a ballerina. When Lee Haru departs for Russia, they both decide that when they meet again they'll become a couple. Fast-foward several years, and Dong-Ha, now a feared deliquent, is excited to find out Lee-Haru is returning to his school. Expecting to meet a gorgeous, skinny ballerina, he is rather dismayed to find out Haru hasn't exactly turned out the way he expected.
Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon summary: Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Capt'n Davy's Honeymoon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Heavily Armoured Noble Girl Monette: How To Break a Curse You Don't Remember Casting summary: “As if I’d marry an ugly woman like you!” Monette, a n.o.ble daughter of the House of Idira, was hurt deeply by what her fiancé, Prince Alexis, had said. To rub salt on the wound, her younger sister was then made Alexis’ fiancée instead of her. Unsure just what part of her was ugly, Monette develops a complex… and begins to cover her whole body with iron armour. And so, Monette researches magic alone in the old castle… until one day, two men come to visit her… “Monette, break my curse!” This is a story of Monette, who wears armour from the top of her head to the tip of her toes, Prince Alexis, who suffers under a curse of bad luck that forces him to stick his foot in a bottomless swamp at least once a week, and Percival, a worrywart knight who spoils people when he’s tired. It is a story of their journey as all three of them think respectively: I’ve got the most common sense here.
Poems of Optimism summary: Poems of Optimism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Poems of Optimism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The World Of Swords summary: A sword . . . three-point-six in width, four-point-three in length, carrying the weight of mountains. When it is unsheathed, the world is in upheaval and disasters are unleashed. The sword’s thunder shocks the world, and breaks the sky. The amazing story of a sword. The legendary tale of an underworld!