

















神医弃女 老版

类别恋爱 古风














内容简介:美丽优雅的精灵,强大高傲的巨龙,野蛮贫苦的兽人,残忍好战的鱼人,当然,还有占据大陆形式主导地位的人族,魔法师,骑士,刺客!追随者,美人,英雄!大将军,贵族,皇室!种族战,国战,商战!当 所有的一切汇聚交融在一起,又怎么会缺少了快乐。来吧!乘巨龙徜徉天际,看精灵感伤凋零,伴穿越的孤独灵魂追寻强者之路,听痴情的如玉美人表露真爱之心,战场商场情场场场得意,亲情友情爱情情情惜珍,真实异界,尽在暗隐。各位书友要是觉得《暗隐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64447 >>


内容简介:  当这个时代到来的时候,锐不可当,万物肆意生长,尘埃与曙光升腾,江河汇聚成川,无名山丘崛起为峰,天地一时,无比开阔。于是重回1990年的方辰,一头扎进了时代的浪潮中。这一年岁月正好。 群号:7052709661w0-2821 >>


内容简介:元宇宙降临,所有人与蓝星数据化。季修:我有一双数据之眼,可观测天地,洞悉万物,干涉元宇宙世界。【警告:七天后怪物攻城。】七天太快了,所以干涉一下数据,推迟一下时间吧。【警告:三天后怪物 攻城。】季修:…1w0-75084 >>


内容简介:  本书宣传名为《王令的日常生活》  十岁(动画版时间修改为六岁)就随手干掉了妖王吞天蛤,作为一个无所不能的修真奇才,王令得隐藏自己的大能,在一群平凡的修真学生中活下去。普通人追求的钱 财,仙术,法宝,声名,这个年轻人都不在意。无论豪门千金孙蓉的爱慕、影流顶级杀手的狙杀、父母无间断的啰嗦,都无法阻止他对干脆面的追求。不是在吃干脆面,就是在去小卖部买干脆面的路上。面对困难,王令会碾压对手?还是低调的躺倒装死?  PS:仙王公众粉丝群①:497204521  公众粉丝群②:1031978228  VIP读者群:704620442(5000粉丝值以上订阅可入)  【小说封面绘制】  《仙王的日常生活》小说主题曲《仙王的无奈》,小说中国风新插曲《共书仙侠》,小说流行插曲《星空恋语》欢迎搜索收听~  1w0-472 >>


内容简介:新人写作季作品坠落在这个嘈杂喧嚣的世界中,我们为自身的存在寻找一个接一个的理由。我们渴望生活如同恒星般的炙热,超新星爆发般的充满激情,星际湍流般的一泻千里。可是,我们生活的行星却是那么 平淡,平淡无奇,就像一杯白开水。个人的生命犹如彗星般一瞬即逝,生命似乎很难找到值得恋栈不去的理由。我们迷惘了,像是被星云所包裹,上下左右前后到处都是雾茫茫的一片,迷惘的星云啊……疯狂!我们渴望疯狂,一如宇宙飓风般的疯狂,吹散所有的迷雾,再现人间的童话。我们希望找到一个正确的方向,在人类远远没有完成的进化之漫漫长路上奋勇前进,但是路在何方?也许只有回归——回归自然,回归混沌,回归到宇宙大爆炸起始时的那一个宙点。在那里,我们忽然发现,质点只是人类的情感凝结成的巨大黑洞,其他所有一切都化为子虚乌有……说了这么多毫无意义,这本小说只是叙述了一群生物在某个时空中渴望自我进化的梦想之路,希望大家看过之后一笑了之。喜欢的不喜欢的都可以加qq群号:200624381w0-75818 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者红夜的经典小说:《星际小宝贝》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说这是一个修真界五岁小朋友穿到未来星际,努力赚钱,养家糊口,发家致富的故事。卖萌升级成 长文。主角络羽,长大后cp花芸烟。一开始圣母病后来慢慢改变的向导云舒受,精神海有病需治疗的天才哨兵秦萤攻。设定,哨兵向导设定。1w0-25524 >>




内容简介:  简介:小白可能看不懂的书三观正,配角全程智商在线。一部分是真实案件改编。案中案,局中局,曲折离奇却又理所当然。要记得我写的每一个细节,那将是破案关键!1w0-1523


内容简介:  孟渐晚在圈子里挺出名的,放着好好的千金小姐不当,非要当一个样样精通的大姐大。  大姐大勾唇一笑:“别爱我,没结果,除非赢过我。”  宋少发表爱情宣言:“我觉得,爱一个人呢,就是要给 她买跑车,一辆不行就两辆,实在不行再加一架私人飞机,或者豪华游艇!”  孟渐晚:“OK,我可以考虑一下。”  *  婚前,宋遇就知道孟渐晚是惹不起的小祖宗,婚后更甚。  宋遇正忙着呢,秘书火急火燎跑来:“宋总,夫人她在酒吧把程家小少爷给揍了,人已经进医院了。”  宋遇习以为常:“她连我都打,打别人有什么好惊讶的。”  秘书:“……其实这事儿不怪夫人,程家小少爷刚留学回来,不认识夫人,把她当成未出嫁的小姑娘调戏了,听说是摸她的脸。”  宋遇签字的手一顿,挑起眼梢:“程家小少爷手断了没有?”  “那倒没有。”  “我去把他打断。”  “……”  自此,宋总放出话来:“友情提醒,宋家夫人不好惹,见了她最好绕道走。”  吃瓜群众:“她这么放肆,还不是您惯的,别墅都改造成养鸡场了,就因为小夫人爱养咕咕鸡、爱捡鸡蛋。”  *  宋总即兴rap:“以为她是孟德瑞拉,实际是朵霸王花,只好连盆端回家,免得祸害到大家。哟哟哟!”  孟渐晚:“你完了:)”1w0-4243 >>


内容简介:简介:(献给热爱哈利波特的人,因为那是我们的青春)魔法是神秘的,霍格沃兹作为世界上最优秀的魔法学校,除了一年级三头犬,二年级蛇怪,三年级摄魂怪,四年级火龙,五年级烂蛤蟆,六年级食死徒外 ,无疑是世界上最安全的地方174497霍格沃兹魔法杖测试网站、霍格沃兹大学真的学魔法嘛、霍格沃兹魔法学校长什么样、即科学又魔法的霍格沃兹、1w0-130649 >>


内容简介:棠溪死了,带着师父当年给的无字天书ampampmdashampampmdash《天下美食》,重新回到十五岁。这一年,唐家真正的千金小姐找回来了,她被养父母留下。因着对真千金的愧疚,棠溪 处处忍让,却换来养父母的厌恶,青梅竹马未婚夫的嫌弃……不仅如此,她还生病错过了高考,命悬一线,是生父生母散尽家产捡回一条命。这一次,棠溪不想再留在养父母家里1w17489-25258 >>



Kiseki No Riyuu

During the basketball club's training camp, some people were caught in a landslide with Kazuki miraculously being the only one to survive. Is there a meaning to his survival or...? In order to erase the trauma from the awful accident, Kazuki becomes addicted to women, while he still looks at the world with cold eyes. It's during this time that he meets a fellow classmate named Mana. Will she be able to change Kazuki's fate?

After War Gundam X Re:master Edition

Fifteen years ago, those living in Outer Space went to war with people still on Earth. During the battles of the 7th Space War, it was found that certain human beings had mysterious arcane abilities, powers of the mind to control and forsee. These gifted people were called Newtypes. They were valuable to both sides of the war; the Earth Federation designed the Flash System which allowed a Newtype pilot to control a horde of unmanned MS, called Bit-Mobile Suits.This was an effective weapon, but sacrificed the lives of many Newtypes.Space fought back for principal, believing the effect of living in Space heightened every human ability and eventually created the prized power of a Newtype, who was not something to use as a tool for war. But in the end, mankind was its own downfall. During the final battle, the Space Revolution Army (SRA) crashed numerous colonies into the planet Earth, with a devastating effect.Millions died as a result of the colony drop. Those that were fortunate enough to find refuge in a Shelter were both blessed and cursed; they wouldn't see the sun again for four years. The rest that made it through had to endure and suffer with living on a ruined planet, plagued by an endless winter and an ever-changing, chaotic atmosphere. With that, the war had ended. For now. But everyone who continued to live on was possessed by that tragic war, and the word 'Newtype'...The year is After War 0015, and life on Earth is finally on its way to creating a more perfect world, except for the ruthless mercenaries who use mobile suits to make a living raiding; called Vultures, some of these people are merely chasing money, while others are running from the past. Enter 15 year old Garrod Ran, an orphan of the war. He is a lively and friendly boy who is trying to survive in the wake of the war, living off his daring-do's and knowledge of MS. Because of this, Garrod is hired to rescue a kidnapped girl from a Vulture ship, called the Freeden, and its stoic captain, Jamil Neate.But Garrod soon finds out that this job is entirely not what it seems; that the girl, Tiffa Adill, is actually a powerful Newtype, able to dream the future. And when Tiffa shows Garrod the Gundam X, Garrod can do nothing but bear witness to the suddenly changing times. He may learn that people's true intentions run far deeper, and that the Vultures and Captain Jamil Neate are their only hope for surviving the coming age, and the birth of the New Earth Federation.Must mankind repeat the tragic mistake of the past? (From MyAnimeList)

Garakuta Tenshi

Collection of 4 oneshot stories: 1) ?????? (Garakuta Tenshi): Sachi was once a happy, and cheerful girl. But now she acts cold toward others. Ishizaki is interested in her, wants her to trust him... but she can't?! What's the reason behind this wall she puts up with?! 2) 2002?????????? (2002 Nen no Fairytale) 3) ??????? (Maihime no Romance) 4) ?????????? (Romance ga Futtekita)

Tte Iuka Koi Ja Ne?

From Shoujo Crusade: Ichino is a high school girl who absolutely hate guys due to the fact that her father betrayed them when she was young; stealing all the valuables that she & her mother possessed & disappearing without a trace. Since then she has vowed to become strong so she would not lose to any man. She has also longed for the day she could meet the lady from a fateful encounter in her childhood. One day, she accidentally beat up a guy who she mistook as a pervert pestering her friend, Miyabi. She tries to apologize but ends up beating him up even more.... She developed a distaste for the guy and two of his friends as they bump into each other once again resulting in more misunderstandings. Ichino personally believed that if she came across the same person thrice that would be considered 'fate'... Coincidentally, the start of her school begun with a surprise as she found out that all THREE of them turned out to be her new classmates !!

Gwendolyn Vs. The Band Of Barren Hearts

Gwendolyn Vs. The Band Of Barren Hearts summary: Gwendolyn Vs. The Band Of Barren Hearts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gwendolyn Vs. The Band Of Barren Hearts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman

Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman summary: Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Shadow of the North

The Shadow of the North summary: The Shadow of the North summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Shadow of the North. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

One Special Moment

One Special Moment summary: One Special Moment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One Special Moment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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