
































内容简介:他!北境之王!无双战神! 他!一心一意!只为守护自己妻儿! 王者归来! 势必牵其她的手! 君临天下!1w0-4529




内容简介:  待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。黄巢振臂,昔日震烁古今的大唐王朝走向覆灭,五代十国乱世开启,金戈铁马寻常事,是非成败转头空。在汹涌浪潮的末尾和高潮, 后周北宋之间那些年,史从云早知道周世宗雄才伟略,赵匡胤君临天下,听说过南唐大小周后,知道后蜀花蕊夫人。中原群雄割据,北方契丹虎视眈眈。风云际会,天翻地覆之际,史从云跟着只长肌肉不长脑的大爹,该如何在乱世中谋存。一步步从胸无大志,只想苟全性命于乱世的小人物成长为气吞天下的雄主......(主角比较不守规矩,卫道士误入)1w0-3053 >>


内容简介:《朱大海秀华全文目录》简介:拉不过来就只能先保住大部分的家产,总不能到最后真让老孟跟自己两人,指着儿子媳妇养老吧?不说被人笑话死,她也拉不下脸来看张玉蓉的脸色,这是绝对不可能的事!张玉 蓉在些天在古代,安安分分的拉着四个孩子坐马车教学,几乎能不出马车就不出马车,不跟任何人接触交谈,避免给人造成任何打探燕王身边人的错觉(妻贤)。跟着燕王身边,张玉蓉不得不特别注意这方面(妻贤)。尤其身边多了两个伺候的宫女,这就得更加注意小心了。关键不知道这两宫女是伺候自己的,还是监视自己的,谁让自己嘴贱,给了燕王名声上的建议呢?人家是高高兴兴的采纳了,但反手就转赠你两个伺候宫女,你还不能推辞了(妻贤)。。1w0-79416 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:SCP:我,基金会监督者,收容万物】怪异生物真的存在吗?但是,不管有多可怕的怪物我们也绝不后退。纵使前方是深渊,我们也甘愿赴死!因为我们是人类的最后一道防线! 收容SCP073该隐,获得反伤能力,受到的任何物理伤害都会反弹给攻击者。收容SCP0762亚伯,获得重生能力,彻底死亡之后会挤到亚伯的棺材里。收容SCP682大蜥蜴,获得增幅能力,受到的伤害越重自身的属性就越强。我们是SCP基金会,和隔壁GOC不一样,欢迎各位SCP拎包入住!在这里只要你的能力或行为人畜无害,我们就不会弄什么高安全等级的监管。你再表现好一点,配合一点,乖乖的待在站点里就可以好吃好喝不用干活还能跟Bright他们谈笑风生,岂不美哉?控制飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢SCP:我,基金会监督者,收容万物,别忘记分享给朋友SCP:我,基金会监督者,收容万物TXT下载1w0-108132 >>




内容简介:【男穿女(女主除了比较彪悍,基本无违和感)未来穿今女主慢慢变强轻松搞笑NP】这是一个未来时空的杀手挂掉之后,重生在一个一个黑道大小姐身上,遇到一堆变态帅哥美男的故事。白天,她只是顶着萌 妹纸面孔的彪悍校花,暗夜,她带上面具与假发,化身为强大冷艳的神秘杀手女王,Queen!【精彩看点】★明明很厌恶她的冰山大哥却突然开始关心她,甚至要跟她“订婚”!别啊,大哥,你还是继续讨厌我吧!就算你很帅,姐也不想乱伦啊!★看似温文儒雅的学生会长其实却是个认钱不认人的黑心奸商,认识久了还越来越有话痨的趋势……你1w0-75489 >>


内容简介:  欢迎来到艾塔黎亚,浮云之上的国度。  让我们推开门扉,拿起手杖,冒险,将从这里开始——  穿过云与海的丘陵,如浮浪的草茵,浅河闪亮;  流淌金与蜜的原野,满载欢笑,罗戴尔的矮屋之下 ,轻歌悠扬。  穿过埃贡恩古老茂林,幽暗之中枝蔓横生,低语萦绕;  越过峻岭与崇山之间,地下世界黑影祟动,危机四伏,宝剑折光。  男孩追逐于梦想的故事,天空与云脊之上,巨龙之影,翱翔展翼。  而时光尘封之后,炉火依旧明亮。1w0-441 >>


内容简介:挥舞拳头,米菲小妞要奋进!末世?美男?赶上不好的年景,却有好的收成。花样美男类型多,到底哪个才是我的真爱?还是各色的美男,全部收入囊中?哦,捂脸!各种暧昧,多次的肉肉,真的不是我所愿! 长得漂亮,到处留情也是错啊!最难消受美男恩!本文NP,不喜勿入。1w0-86479 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全球杀戮:开局觉醒sss级天赋】全球百亿人,同时降临诸天杀戮世界。灯塔国、龙国、樱岛国等百国相争!秦风开局就觉醒了无上天赋!SSS级天赋——无尽提取!他可以提 取一切!包括提取神魔!【提取成功您获得空间技能!】【提取成功您获得时间技能!】【提取成功您获得100点力量属性!】【提取成功您获得100点敏捷属性!】【提取成功您获得A级天赋!】【提取成功您获得S级天赋!】【提取成功您获得SS级天赋!】从此,秦风开启了无限收割之路……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢全球杀戮:开局觉醒sss级天赋,别忘记分享给朋友作者:秦家公子所写的《全球杀戮:开局觉醒sss级天赋》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-65699 >>


内容简介:男女主角是阿正苏瑶叶紫刘正嫂子林子惠又名叔嫂情第一二三四五六七八九十章1234567890章大结局经过嫂子房间时,我发现房门虚掩,里面隐隐约约传出一阵压抑的娇喘声。我骤然站住,透过虚掩 的房门,竟看到这样的一幕。嫂子坐在床头,露出雪白丰满的胸部,玉手正挤弄着一边胸部,将浓郁的乳汁飙飞到手上的杯子里。我睁大了眼睛,想起了那杯奶,没想到真的是嫂子的乳汁!嫂子挤得有些费力,不敢用太大力,怕自己的叫声吵醒一旁的小侄女,只好缓缓挤弄着。即便如此,嫂子依旧被刺激得娇喘吁吁,红潮满面。1w0-79055 >>


内容简介:世子殿下对着名楼花魁霸王硬上弓?还令着另外一个娇俏的狐妖小姑娘整夜侯在楼外?如此厚颜无耻之人竟还是一个穿越者?究竟是世俗价值的扭曲,还是人文道德的沦丧?老大爷侧目蔑视,呸!以前被忽悠看 了些某明神女录,难受许久,所以准备自己来写一本解解毒。1w37188-97561 >>

Gokiburi Gijinka

Behold the the struggle of the adorable little cockroach Gokicha-chan as she struggles to make friends with humans after moving to frigid Hokkaido to escape the unfortunate reputation her species enjoys in the Kanto region.

Yukikaze - Meiji Ishu Kakutouden

From MangaBox: The year is Meiji 17, 1884. The place, Tokyo. Genemon Sakuragi is searching for a “man of valor” according to his master’s order! One night, Genemon spots a mysterious young man fighting with three ruffians! Genemon is captivated by the Mysterious Punches of the young man, named Fuutaro Yukimura. What is this “martial art” that Fuutaro Yukimura uses so freely?! And what of the exhibition match that Marquis Tenzen Shibahara wishes to hold….?! What is the strongest weaponless martial art of Meiji Era Tokyo?! The curtain now rises on the martial arts conflict of the age…!!


'The star, fallen from celestial, built a kingdom in the abyss. He cultivates rusted souls fallen into the abyss. The star was trying to build a beautiful land. And then, hundreds of million nights had gone. The king of the abyss was laid up. He tried with his last power, and gave birth to two hopes. The red prince was born from his right eye, and the blue prince was another one. The future is always only one.' Apocripha/0 takes place in a 'devil's point of view,' in a world known as 'Naraku.' Since devils live here, in vice versa, angels from 'heaven' are their enemies. In this world, there was a powerful king of Hell who ruled under the absolute rule that 'only the strongest will survive.' He spent a long time trying to create a peaceful world, but his time was almost up, and therefore, his hopes lie in the fates of his twin princes - Alex and Platina. The king ordered Alex and Platina to fight each other in the 'battle/war of succession.' They were raised and trained by their own staff officers - Sapphirus takes care of Alex, and Jade trains Platina. Aside from having the same blood flowing in them, the two princes are actually strangers to each other. Alex does not want to fight Platina, but Platina does not seem to hesitate. Does Platina really want to fight? Will they have the strength to fight each other? Only the strongest will survive... Who will win? Aside from the 'war of succession,' a young boy named Beryl seemed to know a lot about the two princes, but in the midst he remains a mystery to them.. Sapphirus and Jade seemed to know something also. The princes both also saw visions of different events and even voices in their dreams. What do they all mean? --Taken from Diadeem Project

Tsukiyoda Sadame No Sekai No Sukuikata

From MangaHelpers: Tsukiyoda Sadame is a high-schooler and hypocrite who plans to use his charisma to take over the world. Through his machinations, he is able to become instantly popular as soon as he transfers into his new school, to the point where he's nominated as the class rep! However, there is another manipulator at work in his class, also trying to claim power: a girl named Kokoro. While following her after school (totally not stalking her, though, nothing creepy), Sadame runs into a weird old man. It seems he's been getting 'missions' on his smartphone, and if he doesn't complete them, the world will be destroyed. Soon Sadame is recognized as a 'messiah' as well, and he gets his first mission-- to steal Kokoro's panties. Could these missions really be from God, and how can he possibly complete them and save the world without utterly ruining his carefully designed public persona!? [tethysdust] -------------------- Tsukiyoda Sadame, a hypocrite and a high-schooler who dreams of conquering the world. A person who's popular the moment he transfers into his new school. But suddenly a terrible truth is revealed to him! That there are these awfully ridiculous missions that he has to clear. And if he doesn't manage to clear them... the world will end?! Is this the work of God, or the Devil's deed? Your pride, honour, and appearances - cast it all aside and save the world, Tsukiyoda Sadame!

Rogue Angel - Footprints

Rogue Angel - Footprints summary: Rogue Angel - Footprints summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rogue Angel - Footprints. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Favorite Dishes

Favorite Dishes summary: Favorite Dishes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Favorite Dishes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Manual Of The Warrior Of Light

The Manual Of The Warrior Of Light summary: The Manual Of The Warrior Of Light summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Manual Of The Warrior Of Light. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dere Mable

Dere Mable summary: Dere Mable summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dere Mable. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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