




















简介作为盾之勇者被召唤至异世界的岩谷尚文。 谁知展开冒险才到第三天就被战友背叛,一口气失去了身为勇者的名声及所有盘缠。 ……为什么只有我碰上这种倒霉死啊!? 不信任、疑念、猜忌,世界上的所有人事物都是仇敌! 尚文陷入再也无法相信他人的状态,此时却见一名少女出现在他面前……!? 在苦恼的尽头,他所得到的究究竟是什么东西呢!












内容简介:百年前,神域至尊萧林惨遭挚爱谋害,陨落新婚之夜。百年后,萧林携升级系统强势重生!这一世,他注定为万世主宰!肩扛斩魂刀,手持雷神剑,诛神屠魔,碾压三界!世家弟子,宗门天才,神域大能,不用 怀疑,统统一招!“妈的,还有谁!”1w0-73477 >>




内容简介:传闻,霍少的未婚妻是乡下长大的,长得很丑,没有学问,跟个草包一样。宴会上,舒情露面,众人纷纷都惊了!“这哪里丑了!”“据说影帝是她小弟!”“她爹是世界第一首富!”“神秘的loe服装设计 师就是她!”一个个马甲掉光,众人都惊呆了,不过那又怎样,霍云城又不喜欢她。当天,霍氏集团官方发了条微博。“感情很好,即将准备结婚。”众人:“”!!!1w5556-25543 >>


内容简介:  驾驭玉簪子,拼图+1。驾驭绣花鞋,拼图+2。驾驭红盖头,拼图+3。驾驭大红裳,拼图+4。拼图完整,获得嫁衣套装,复苏不死新娘。这是一个在诡异世界不断拼图,对抗诡异,挣扎求生的故事。 魑魅魍魉,怪异丛生。每一起怪异事件,都是一块拼图。完整的拼图,代表着无敌的力量!……老月已经完本《法师奥义》《永恒武道》《长生种》《旧日主宰》皆是精品,老月出品,必属精品!1w0-2451 >>


内容简介:末日半世纪后的黎明时代渐渐重建秩序,抛弃了文明,无所不充斥着毫不遮掩的暴力与欲望。 高贵强大的先驱者执掌都市,邪恶疯狂的瘟疫种盘踞荒野。 无法变异的纯人类沦为最弱,被先驱者统治支配,在 荒野上牲畜不如。 一位身世空白的纯人类少年悄然入世,手握三尺长刀,长行欲望沸腾的人间炼狱,从籍籍无名到让至高三院闻风丧胆,让黑骑之名响彻天下! ———————— 微博:夕山洵 唠嗑Q群号:763489275,建的有点晚 1w0-4352 >>




内容简介:“七天变一次怪物,在这个全是人类的星球上,我还怎么混?要是变成血族、精灵、外星人倒是还好……但大部分却是变成怪物、巨兽、神话生物……我要变一哥斯拉,还不天天挨核弹啊?”浑身浴火的炎魔, 不死冰霜的巫妖,矫捷灵动的精灵,八百触手的怪物,九万眼珠的异人,长着翅膀的老虎,贪婪食人的巨魔,独角黑鳞的蛟蛇,翻江倒海的巨兽,吞天噬地的星空生物,脑域开发极限的外星种族……蓝坎表示自己根本就是个怪物集合体,活在人类的社会里,不闹腾出乱子,根本就是不可能的事嘛!既然如此,不是没有异能者吗?我就有异能!不是没有史前生物吗?我就是!不是没有神话怪物吗?我变过!不是没见过外星人吗?我现在就来亮个相!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《非人基因统合体》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82979 >>


内容简介:  重生前的欧阳夏莎也曾经跟同龄人一样喜欢疯,喜欢玩,一次偶然的机会,她听到了父母心里的话,于是在愧疚的心情下,她变的中规中矩,压抑了自己的本性,安安分分的做着父母心中的乖乖女,只是不 愿意看到为了她含辛茹苦的父母眼中流露出失望!  所以她学习好,考上全国第一的X大本硕连读;修养好,典型的淑女;一副好相貌,好身材;就连毕业,也直接被留任在X大!25岁之前的欧阳夏莎,一直是父母心中的骄傲,亲戚心中的自豪,众女生拿来嫉妒的对象,众男生追逐的高不可攀的女神!  所以欧阳夏莎并没有太多真正的朋友,但是好在她有付新宇,一个宠她,爱她的男人,她们算的上青梅竹马,相恋十三年,如今已经到了谈婚论嫁的地步;还有一个沐清池,她唯一愿意谈心的好友闺蜜!她觉得她这一生已经很满足了!  如果不发生那天的事情,也许欧阳夏莎也不会跟悲剧划上等号,父母亲友一起发现了,她唯一的朋友和爱人,双双的背叛了自己!欧阳夏莎第一次感觉到了天塌了!原来她的太过优秀,伤了他的男人尊严,她的淑女气质,是所谓的没情调!…  父母压下心中的愤怒,心疼的拉着女儿回家,可是祸不单行,一辆卡车逆向行驶闯过红灯冲向他们,最后父亲母亲只能尽到最后的努力,拔动方向盘,保住了她!伤心愧疚,又发现父母的死很是蹊跷,最终她决定代着父母的那一份好好活下去,并查明父母遇害的真相,可是下定决心的欧阳夏莎,刚走出医院的大门,一辆保时捷迎面超速的撞来!…  重生后欧阳夏莎回到了十二岁,她开始改变性格的那一年,重来一次她决定只做自己!只靠自己!还要有足够的实力,保护自己所爱的家人!“这个世界上真正能靠得住的只有自己!”她一样要让父母以自己为荣,要站在更高的顶点!还有自己父母上世的仇,自己也一定要亲手去报!也许是老天看不过她前世的‘好人没好报’,重生一世居然附送一个超级无敌大空间,外加所谓的‘阴阳眼’!她就是想平凡都难!  可是为什么,打算抱着不婚主义的自己,后面追逐的桃花越来越多,前世拒绝自己的初恋,高傲的校草,渣男付新宇.为什么连那个神一样的男子,也加入了桃花的队伍,姐姐不是大叔控啊!男人太可怕!我躲还不行吗?  这是一个现代优质女,死去又活来,带着空间异能,找回本性,风生水起的故事!这是一个现代伤透心的优质女,决定远离爱情,结果却被桃花包围的故事!  好吧!子懿的简介向来无能,请君跳坑!重生前有点小虐,重生后坚决不虐女主!1w0-2230 >>


内容简介:她爱他成痴,为了不伤他自尊隐藏身份嫁他为妻,他心里却另有他人,纵容所有人贬她踩她,欺负她出身平凡无人撑腰,直到将她伤到鲜血淋漓。她终于看清一切,与他挥手再见,他再见他,只见顶级财团大佬 亲自为她开车门,世界级博士亲自为她正名,著名钢琴大师称她为师父,世界级围棋大师弯腰向她请教……他突然后悔了。“南轻,回来吧,我错了。”南轻:“我琴棋书画样样精通造诣匪浅,世人都巴结着我求我指教,我钱财无数站在1w46052-46673 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:我!在玄幻世界当鬼差】陈长君穿越玄幻世界,成为玄幻世界第一个鬼差。朝廷高官的魂,拘!气运之子的魂,拘!金手指老爷爷的魂,拘!你是一方圣主?寿元十万八千载?不好意思 ,生死簿只允许你活一万年!我陈长君,让你三更死,绝不留人到五更。小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-74751 >>


内容简介:  来到异界,成为大佬门前一株杂草,没事就被踩一脚。  系统激活,外挂傍身。  要告诉这大佬,做人要有素质,草是不能乱踩的。  ps:书名简介平平无奇,已经放弃治疗。1w0-261


内容简介:没有心的人,还能活吗?胸前的神秘晶石,绚烂的异能世界。传奇英雄的归来,剑刃所指,无所匹敌。携美同行,演绎绝世无双。谁说玩游戏无用?挡在我面前的,就算是神也灭给你看!读者群:252331 288(千人)282130640(500人潜水群)三群148077514本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《网游之绝世无双》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82122 >>

Midgard No Shugosha - Re-Birth Of Norse Mythology

Soah is a lively human boy who dreams of becoming strong enough to defeat the Jotunn. He is also inspired by Thor, the heroic God of Thunder, who has patrolled around Midgard in order to eliminate all the Jotunns, protecting powerless humans, and Soah's friend. One day, after Thor returned to Soah's village for a short stay, Soah got captured by the Jotunn while he's training. Despite of his hesitation to attack the Jotunn because of the friendship they shared, Thor finally destroyed the Jotunn, but killing Soah as the result as well. Seeing Soah's determination, Thor bestowed all his Meging into reviving Soah, sacrificing himself. Several years passed by since the incident, Soah now is traveling out of his village along with three Meging weapons Thor left behind, in order to carry out Thor's will and protect Midgard from the Jotunns. ----------------------- From MangaHelpers: In this story of Norse mythology, humanity's world of Midgard is caught up in a war between two of two powerful divine races, the Jotunn and the Aesir. Humans can't stand against them, due to the godly 'Megin' power of the divine races. The Jotunn see conquering Midgard as the first step toward attacking the home of the Aesir, and they slaughter many humans along the way. The Aesir step in to rid Midgard of the Jotunn and protect the defenseless humans. One of these Aesir, Thor, made his home base in a certain grateful human town. In this town lives a young boy named Soah, who lost his parents in a Jotunn attack. He idolizes Thor and dreams of one day becoming strong enough to fight Jotunn and protect people. Thor enjoys Soah's childish enthusiasm, and the two of them share a warm friendship. One day, a Jotunn invading the town uses Soah as a human shield. Thor protects the town, but at the cost of the life of his young friend. Unwilling to let the strong-hearted boy die, Thor bestows his Megin upon Soah and vanishes. After much training, the now-powerful Soah begins to realize his dream, fighting against the Jotunn in Thor's place! [tethysdust]

I Can't Even Breathe Without You

Shouji is a successful businessman with one problem: his next door neighbor and childhood friend Niki who can't do anything without his help. Where will these two end up? From Baka-Updates: Lazy, deadbeat manga author, Niki (pen name: Kaoruko Goutokuji), finally caught his big break! Except for one problem: his almost supernatural inability to do just about anything! But with a hot, elite business man, Shoji Tatsuhiko, as his childhood friend who constantly looks out for him, who can blame him?

Green Blood

From MangaHelpers: The end of the civil war signaled the start of the industrial revolution in the United States and immigrants from all over the world traveled to find their American dream. But what awaited the majority of them was poverty, discrimination, and hopelessness. Manhattan, New York was full of immigrants flooding through the ports and the 6th district, Five Points, was considered at the time, the world’s worst slum. The mobsters corrupted the entire area, including the police by paying them off; Five Points was the mob’s territory and they were the law. But even Five Points, where there seemed to be nothing but robbery, prostitution, and murder, showed some signs of hope. Luke Burns was an honest and righteous teenager who realized that the mob was the cause of their harsh lifestyle and that joining the mobsters would not bring him the American dream. But his older brother, Brad Burns, had become an assassin for the biggest mob group of Five Points, the Grave Diggers, a secret he kept from Luke for his own protection. Brad was known as the Grim Reaper and his reputation preceded him as a ruthless and skilled killer. [vyc]

Amalfi No Hanayome

One night during a solitary trip to Italy, the straitlaced Regina spends the night with a dangerous gigolo! She can't believe a smart lawyer like herself would give herself to a man she just met... This was how daringly irresistible this man Nico was to women. Nico seems to be somewhat of a celebrity in his hometown. But Regina didn't know that he is actually a renowned prince!

The Coryston Family

The Coryston Family summary: The Coryston Family summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Coryston Family. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Proserpine and Midas

Proserpine and Midas summary: Proserpine and Midas summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Proserpine and Midas. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Analysis of Mind

The Analysis of Mind summary: The Analysis of Mind summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Analysis of Mind. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Assistant Architect

Assistant Architect summary: During the time architectu graduate, Zhang Siyi, went back from overseas seeking for work, he had a heated fight with his ex-girlfriend in a cafe. Angered, his ex-girlfriend was about to splash a cup of coffee in his direction but he managed to dodge it. As he stepped back, the misfortune was met by the handsome guy next table instead. The following next day, as Zhang Siyi headed for a company interview, he discovered that the interviewer was the same man who suffered the splashing of coffee. Hopeless, Zhang Siyi thought this work was unalterably unattainable, but that handsome man unexpectedly “disregarded past grudges” and decided to hire him. Even more, he had become his immediate superior. To accept Zhang Siyi by the said man, he was moved to tears with such magnanimity and kind-heartedness. Never had he realized it yet that his “miserable” fortune has just begun&h.e.l.lip;

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