
















简介【每周六更新】“人造人”已经成为一项成熟技术,然而各国政府均颁布法令严禁生产“人造人”,但在有钱人的圈子里,仍有不少公司悄悄生产“人造人”,专供有钱人享用。 人造伴侣成时尚! 可是… …我的老婆好像是个残次品! 作者:禹禾 。 上线前三天,爆肝三连更,请多多关注!
















内容简介:推荐新书《洪荒之逆天妖帝》盘古开天,无极洪荒,道祖鸿钧、三清、十二祖巫、西方二圣、女娲、帝俊太一·····,他们都有着属于自己的传奇,而身为血海之祖的冥河却没留下什么真正的传奇,一个来 自后世的技术宅男表示很不服,看我大冥河问道求仙,终成无上大道。凡尘众生群号:5369653101w0-32579 >>


内容简介:  【本文专注扒马,女主帅,男主炸,身份多重,双宠+爽文+微科幻+无逻辑】  秦苒,从小在乡下长大,高三失踪一年,休学一年。  一年后,她被亲生母亲接到云城借读。  母亲说:你后爸是名 门之后,你大哥自小就是天才,你妹妹是一中尖子生,你不要丢他们的脸。  **  京城有身份的人暗地里都收到程家太子爷的警告:隽爷老婆是普通人,不懂京城规矩……脾气还不好。  直到一天,调查某个大佬时,他的手下望着不小心扒出来的据说什么都不懂的小嫂子的其中一个马甲……陷入迷之沉默。1w0-29 >>


内容简介:宋天宇穿越平行世界,开局与某直播平台电竞一姐领证。前一世在娱乐圈打拼多年,虽然名利双收,但也身心疲惫。这一世,宋天宇决定,放下所有包袱,只为活的开心。没想道穿越第一天就领证号称绝地女武 神的职业电竞一姐。…1w0-70105 >>


内容简介:谢霜雪知道自己是一个游戏里的nc。他身处的神魔开服三年,如今是全球范围内最热门的全息游戏。三周年庆之时,游戏公司无边海宣布版本更新消息,开放新地图浮梦云间,同时向所有玩家发放前置世界剧 情任务浮1w0-76591 >>






内容简介:谁怜葬花人作者:蓝湖月崖类别:架空历史文案:一本能延长寿命的医学奇书,引诱来各方势力的疯狂追逐。那人魅笑:“你们一身富贵,玩尽了天下间绝艳的美色。但是,我就偏偏要你们尝尝这天下最丑、最 低贱的女人。”于是他找到了妓院里面容最丑的女人,把藏放奇书的地图,染在她的后背之上享受阅读享受午后阳光带来的慵懒惬意,一杯下午茶一本好书。享受生活,享受小说给您带来的美好时光从现在开始。本站全面拒绝弹窗,绿色免费喜欢小说喜欢小站希望您点击分享把心情分享给大家吧!1w0-81719 >>


内容简介:为了防止世界被破坏!为了维护世界的和平!为了贯彻科技的真正作用!如果你有黑科技,你打算怎么用?李未来认真思考:“嗯……智能女友!超级手机!虚拟游戏!呜呼起飞!”“咳咳,顺便、顺便改变一 下世界,而最后的征途是……星辰大海!”1w0-27672 >>




内容简介:当江河集团成为世界级公司,囊括纺织、酒业、饮料、半导体、电动车等众多行业的龙头老大,记者采访他,有什么秘诀将一个个亏损公司,走出泥潭,再创辉煌。甘笛无奈解释,我当初就想赔光一百万。《当 首富从买亏损企业开始》是大罗甘精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新当首富从买亏损企业开始最新章节并提供无弹窗阅读。1w0-47994 >>


内容简介:绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表笔趣阁,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表sodu,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表小说,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表顶点,绿茶翻车指南快穿最新章节列表雨果,【更新时 间每晚九点到十二点,有事会请假。亲爱的小天使们康康我!我超甜!(声嘶力竭)大人!小的新文《修罗场自救指南穿书》求预收】系统666:你要穿成一只绿茶让美强惨女配找到真爱,请熟练使用【嘤嘤怪】、【欲拒还迎】、【姐姐我不是故意的】等绿茶技能。南枫狠狠心,掐了自己大腿一把,强行泫然欲泣,对视频通话里的女配大人说:“姐姐,我不是故意的……我真的不知道……”扔下手机,南枫翻了个白眼和系统666吐槽:“老娘大腿都掐青了,才挤出那么一点眼泪,演技派真他妈难当!”系统666:宿主你没挂电话。南枫:……嘤!QAQ!【世界一:影后她喜欢主动的】美强惨女配影后的金丝雀:南枫一穿过来就被眼前的情形吓得大脑宕机,影后大人凤眸一眯,睨她一眼:“继续。”翌日,影后大人挑起了她的下巴:“小猫咪,昨天晚上可不怎么听话哦~”南枫当面哭得抽抽搭搭:“姐、姐姐,我不是故意的……”见到慕央无情离开,她才扶着腰表达强烈谴责:“禽兽!简直禽兽不如!”后来,慕央:“带上户口本,结婚。”兢兢业业扮演绿茶的南枫表面哭唧唧:“姐姐,这……是不是太突然了?”实际上叉起了自己的小腰得意洋洋:爷不嫁!你求我!慕央:“拍结婚照!一二三——”南枫比耶,笑得见牙不见眼:“茄子!”【已完结指路→《重生后我把爱豆掰弯了》《上神大人请留步》(金主爸爸快来宰人家嘤嘤嘤)】【求预收→《修罗场自救指南穿书》】:祝乐之穿到了一本天雷滚滚遍地狗血的小说里,成为了脚踏两只船的恶毒女配:无恶不作,结局凄惨。原主劈腿段位了得,一边对她新婚燕尔的妻子(女主)柔情似水,一边对着男主深情款款:“宝贝,我只爱你一个,和他(她)只不过是逢场作戏。”而祝乐之求生欲顽强,自我认知极其清楚,以撮合男女主顺利恋爱为己任,不辞劳苦、兢兢业业为这两位的感情保驾护航。红娘工作没做好,一着不慎满盘皆输,女主重生了,祝乐之把自己赔了进去。祝乐之穿书的第一件事,就是向男女主提出分手。她顺利和男主分了手,却在女主这里碰了钉子——两人同时拿出了一份离婚协议书。傅如初半眯着眼睛打量这个上辈子把自己害惨的恶毒女人,气极反笑:“你要跟我离婚?”祝乐之浑身一颤,低眉顺眼:“我不是,我没有。”是的是的!你搞快点,我明天早上八点的机票出国旅游!别耽误我逍遥快活!傅如初冷笑一声:“想着跟我离婚之后出去逍遥快活?门都没有!”窗户也给你焊死了!祝乐之:QAQ!这个女主不太对劲!傅如初把人扔在床上,睨着祝乐 >>



Ai No Houritsu

From Blissful Sin: Asuka is the lover of his stepbrother, Rei. However, the differences in their personalities, the appearance of a rival, and other obstacles! This is the story of their love overcoming perversion.

Www.you Are So Busted.com

A girl has to transfer to a new school on a scholarship. She can't refuse because the person who offers the scholarship is her mother's boss. On her first day of a new school, she discovers things are not what they seem. 'Snow White' greets her with a threat in front of the school. She encounters the rude 'King' who also force her to leave like 'Snow White.' Later, she learns she is 'prophesized' to be the 'Queen,' future wife of the 'King,' by the 'Priest.' What is with this superstitious school!

Monochrome Factor

The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this, he is shocked and doesn't believe a word of it. Aya, a friend of Akira, forgets something in the school one night, and asks Akira to help her and go find it. He agrees, and while there, he gets attacked by a shadow monster. Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted and that Akira must become a 'shin'- a creature of the shadow world- in order to help restore the balance.-wikipedia

Princess Recipe

Satoru Takamiya's 'First Love Masterpiece' collection consists of five stories. [Taken from ShoujoMagic]: 1) Princess Recipe (Ohime-sama no Reshipi) - Makoto lives alone until two strange boys from the world of games appear before her! One is a knight, and the other is a wizard. And just like in the game, Makoto becomes the 'princess'! In order to save Princess Makoto from the wicked wizard, the cool knight Nanase begins living with her!? 2) Angel Falling (Tenshi Tsuiraku) - This is a secret: Heaven is a company, and angels are its employees! Hashiba is just a beginning angel in the death department, so she spends most of her time on earth. She's very excited when she receives her first assignment--until it turns out that the soul she's supposed to take to heaven is that of Toujou-kun, a human boy who's always been nice to her. She doesn't want him to die... Is this the beginning of an angel falling? 3) The Light of the Moon, the Shimmer of Love (Tsuki no Hikari, Koi no Kagayaki) - A tremendous force pulls moon fairy Kouya down to earth, but when she finds the boy responsible, he claims he did nothing to draw her to him and tells her to go home. But Kouya is literally stuck to Takimoto Sui and can't go home as long as he has a wish to see something and it remains not granted. What is the wish that lonely Sui is keeping locked inside, that was so powerful it reached as far as the moon? 4) A Program that Loves (Koi Suru Puroguramu) - Year 2487, Kirika is 16 years old, and it's high time she got married. Not exactly enamored with the idea, she runs away from her wealthy home, only to land herself in bigger trouble with a group of hoodlums! And the only one who can save her is...walking away!? Konoe is a mercenary with a sci-fi secret who'll only help Kirika for money! (So it's a good thing Kirika has some.) She purchases him for three days, but when Konoe goes above and beyond the call of duty, Kirika gets in the mood to...*cough*...install his hardware in her system! 5) A Love Fragrant with Kisses (Kisu de Kaoru Koi) - Hikari wants to know all there is to know about kissing, and she wants her teacher to teach her! She has a million different wishes, so it's a lucky thing that she stumbles upon a magic lamp! But what's wrong with the genie Izumi? He's so unenthusiastic, and kind of a jerk. He tricks her out of her wishes until she's down to just one. What will it be...?

A Modern Symposium

A Modern Symposium summary: A Modern Symposium summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Modern Symposium. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Killer Crown

Killer Crown summary: She 's the perfect weapon. Pity to the one she 's tasked to kill. She had no name, but a number, Zero. As a trained a.s.sa.s.sin, she 's not supposed to have any questions on her target, but once she has to join a certain gang to get to her target, will her feelings get the best of her or will she overcome them and fulfill her task?

Unfairly Fair

Unfairly Fair summary: All the people on Earth are born with individual abilities whether strong or weak, it must be used to help each other. Azelus, Ignis Caeli Aquila Terrance Quint, age 16, wondered why people start to abuse their power for no good, they use it for crimes, use it for greediness, and use it to obtain more power by stealing each other 's ability. Quint wants to restore the world, then he pondered......

Mildred's New Daughter

Mildred's New Daughter summary: Mildred's New Daughter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mildred's New Daughter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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