内容简介: 李乘风穿越了,遇到逍遥子,成为了逍遥派的小师弟,本以为抱上金大腿,可以随便浪,却发现这个世界和他想象的有点不一样。嵩山少林,有千丈佛陀金光万丈。峨眉金顶,有飘渺剑仙御剑乘风。昆仑山 下,有魔道巨枭拳碎虚空。这个世界好危险,好在李乘风激活了系统,签到就能变强。从二师兄无崖子身上签到《北冥神功》,天下武功,无不为我所用。从大师姐巫行云身上签到《八荒六合唯我独尊功》,天上地下,唯我独尊。从师父逍遥子身上签到《逍遥游》,鲲鹏法相,遨游天地!这下子,好像可以随便浪了……1w0-3273 >>
内容简介:高中生上官能人被天降《十项全能》砸中脑袋,从此拥有了吞噬他人特长的能力,虽然只有十个大项,却足以让他变成牛掰的存在,吸引尤物的绝品男人。十大能力:1:医术(内科、外科、辩药、制药)2: 食神(厨艺、酿酒、甜点)3:学士(数、理、化、政、史、地、语文、外语【英语、俄语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语】)4:武功(拳脚、兵刃)5:驾驶(车1w0-96569 >>
内容简介: 崇祯七年三月,山西陕西大旱,赤地千里,民大饥。四月,李自成入河南,与张献忠合兵攻取澄城。七月,后金军进围宣府,兵掠大同,沿边城堡多失守。 大明内忧外患,风雨飘摇! 这年的七月, 王斗意外来到大明,成为宣府镇保安州舜乡堡一普通小兵…… …… 新书《续南明》已发布,大家可以点作者信息,或是下面的隆重推荐找到观看。 1w0-454 >>
内容简介: 婚后一个月,颜早被贴上了小三的标签,面对网上攻击,现实谩骂,她淡定的走到蓝暮面前:“爱不爱的无所谓,主要我这个人要面子,你有一个红颜知己,我就去找十个黑骑士。” 第二天,有关于蓝 暮另有所爱的新闻统统消失。 婚后两个月,公婆来逼离婚,颜早拿出婚前协议到蓝暮面前,“离婚可以,钱我一分不会退。” 蓝暮:“那不能离。” 婚后好几个月,协议到期,颜早收拾包袱走人,被男人堵在门口,“初三就看你开始给我写情书,怎么我到现在一封没收到?” #人生最幸福的事情莫过于,你暗恋的人也一直默默关注着你#1w0-952 >>
内容简介:特种兵回归乡村重新恢复超强异能,属于他的东西谁也别想得到。《乡野透视小村医》小说推荐:桃源山村、都市最强战神、情深不负、山村小神医、赵洞庭颖儿、上门女婿王浩、乡野小村医、最强姐夫、陈歌 杨雪、曾深爱何放手、极品全能学生、战神狂婿沈七夜、重生军营之王牌军婚、俗人回档、鬼妻江成江雪、陈铁林清音、陈六合苏婉玥、冥妻你太坏、豪婿韩三千、林语嫣冷爵枭1w0-96762 >>
内容简介:精选来自————渣逢对手豪门世家情有独钟阴差阳错甜文——*男女主版文案*——就像你好不容易逮到机会本命大大愿意为你c出本子出插画却被小妖精插队以致敷衍了事绝美的儿子女儿没有了人生也不会 再爱了听说你一毕业就结婚时我就是这种感受!女主:代入感太强我已经开始窒息了!你比我更适合写小说笔给你你来写!!——*渣渣版文案*——绿茶初恋勾引,白莲月光为爱归国,个个抛出橄榄枝,渣渣仿佛重回十八处处开花,奈何家有小辣椒。婆婆怂恿不睡白不睡万一是你老婆不能生,那我老x家不就绝后了。仿佛医院检测都是骗钱的。不巧国家刚颁布离婚冷静期,离婚一个进展不好进入二次诉讼,还要为渣渣再搭一年,白月光又发暧昧微信。时灵灵怒从心头起,决定抢白月光的戏份,先扮失忆演圣母,不吵不闹。——*——“我都不记得自己认识这位先生,当然要离婚。我很冷静啊。感情可以重新培养?不了不了啤酒肚没救了脸我也一点都不喜欢……”一闹起来居委会大妈、街道办、网格员、七大姑八大姨爸妈都要围追堵截,盯街道离结率堪比ki;还会被组织、公司领导做思想工作,闹上一年半载,怕是超市大学生促销员那里都社会性死亡。一要离婚就被社会总动员,简直窒息。时灵灵就想安静地离个婚,该她的钱也一分不少。——*——就是毕业一结婚就备孕,三年了不想白费。真想生个孩子赶紧浪,烧烤奶茶造起来。反正渣渣忙着哄野花,她这朵家花也野一野好了。这次感情放一边,选个脸很香身材棒的优质dna载体就成,不不不,别误解当然不是带球跑,相亲多相快踹,总能找到合适的。11w0-80159 >>
内容简介:重生偏执总裁宠上天全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《重生偏执总裁宠上天》望月存雅著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读重生偏执总裁宠上天全文内容。1w3 149-68736 >>
A backup on a middle school baseball team begs a witch to help him hit a home run.
This is the first character book for the Shaman King series. It is very text heavy, and focuses alot of the characters.
From Chibi Manga: Kaji, Yuzuha's unrequited love, is a good friend of her younger twin brother Hayao. He's the same age but goes to a different school and since theyre in elementary, he's been going in and out of Yuzuha's home. She's been in love with him all the time, but can't make a serious face when around Kaji. Now they both change to the same high school and there's the chance to decrease the distance between Kaji and her...!?
All humans are wolves in sheep's clothing and the same applies to Douchinji Youichi, a boy who always daydreams about various things, but never says anything out loud. One day, upon seeing a red full moon, a girl came dashing at him before punching him with a silver knuckle, knocking him unconscious and unable to really remember the incident. The next day, a new student, Akatsuki Ayame, joins his class. On his way home, Youichi discovers that the girl who punched him is Ayame, and her silver knuckle draws out what she calls a 'wolf', a person's inner thoughts or desires, from a 'sheep', the superficial mask which restrains the inner 'wolf' from surfacing. However, when someone is full of desires and becomes obsessed with their inner thoughts, the 'wolf' outgrows the 'sheep' and the person will be able to see the World of Red Moon. The girl explains that she doesn't have a 'sheep' and would like to have one, so she requests Youichi to become her 'sheep'. Youichi agrees to it, marking the beginning of a story of the red riding hood who devours the wolf.
Andromeda and Other Poems summary: Andromeda and Other Poems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Andromeda and Other Poems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Jun Jiuling summary: In the winter of Taikang Year 3, a girl pays a visit to her future in-laws, the Ning Family of Beiliu, Yangcheng. After her engagement was denied, the girl decided to hang herself in front of the Ning Family to show them her sincerity. When the girl who had died opened her eyes once more, many people’s fates were changed forever.
The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada summary: The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Professional Substitute summary: The Professional Substitute summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Professional Substitute. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.