简介唐家三少小说《琴帝》的漫画版,带你进入一个更加绚丽多彩的魔法世界。 神音师。精神系魔法师的分支,是龙崎努斯大陆最高归也最鸡肋的职业,却因为一个叫夜竹音的少年,成为了不休的传说与传奇。他会从一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中的帝王,给这片大陆带来了天翻地覆的变革。 九叠琴音震寰宇,谁敢闻言不识君?
内容简介: 多年未见,宋佳曦再次遇到梁欢,被堵在了牙科诊室里。她用最怂的心态做了最有气势的挑衅:“梁医生,是对我余情未了吗?”“呵,对你余情未了?“某斯文禁欲腹黑医生俯身,直接堵住了她的嘴,” 我想的一直是卷土重来,拐你进家门!”此刻的他一点也不想好好做个人。1w0-3763 >>
内容简介:唤醒睡美人,只需要一个法式湿吻江醒醒原本住在潮湿地下室,每天跑片场龙套领盒饭,有一天,她捡回了一个落魄小狼狗,小狼狗失忆,无家可归,话也很少。江醒醒心肠软,无微不至地照顾他,每天从片场 领了盒饭,还分给他一半。当然,被窝也分他一半。后来小狼狗失踪了,江醒醒难过了好久。某天,江醒醒一觉醒来,发现自己睡在三米豪华大床上,窗边餐桌上法式早餐琳琅满目,衣架上挂着一件璀璨的晚礼服。江醒醒懵了几秒,恍然以为自己在做梦。这时候,一个下身裹着白色浴巾的男人浴室出来,男人眉宇高挺,容颜清俊,拥有漂亮的锁骨和巧克力板块状腹肌。男人走到她身边,轻轻揽过了她的纤腰,凑近她耳畔,声音性感:“睡过就把我忘了,嗯?”那晚以后,江醒醒的事业开始出现转机,同时,她也成了江城首富名义上的妻子。不是演戏吗,睡在一起是闹哪样!哎哎,谁让你脱衣服,八块腹肌和人鱼线了不起啊!商戒扯掉了衬衣的领口,冷眸微勾,薄唇轻启——别动,乖一点。步步为营大尾巴狼失忆霸道总裁x呆萌可爱正能量元气少女文案截图,拿梗慎重基友的文:荔枝香近《别逼我撩你》曲小蛐《药那么甜》老衲吃素《蜜桃色巧合》各位书友要是觉得《我把被窝分给你》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49091 >>
内容简介:【更新在零点,勿等~围脖执葱一根】【1】年末,跨年舞台彩排结束,光影隐去,台下座席漆黑一片。边梨跟着团队走,途经其他艺人的座位,不小心被绊倒,坐在了一个人的大腿上。她抬眸,撞入一双似笑 非笑的黑眸。温热大腿的主人单手撑住脸,语气懒散,“投怀送抱,喜欢我啊?”当晚,边梨就被知情人士的爆料送上了热搜。【2】年少成名,狂妄不羁,作为界内顶级流量中的顶级,贺云醒从未把谁放在眼里过。风波解释过后,粉丝各位书友要是觉得《边梨贺云醒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w9536-98864 >>
内容简介:《我的老公很闷骚》作者:指尖上的仓鼠,主角:姜末苏秦靳小糖小说简介小说简介:一场猝不及防的意外姜末的不辞而别让苏小小性情大变。六年后意外重逢姜末的呵护备至让苏小小仿佛梦游太虚幻境是愧疚 还是弥补?是爱还是恨?青梅竹马的感情究竟何去何从……笔趣阁首发我的老公很闷骚最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-99477 >>
内容简介:“您的智商余额不足,请及时缴费!”n高中生陈昭,意外获得能提高智商的系统,穿越到和地球类似的平行世界。n只要完成系统任务,就能进行智商充值,变成全世界最聪明的人!n于是,他牛大了!n试 卷上的题目,扫一眼…1w0-25466 >>
内容简介:容貌被毁,亲娘冤死,一杯毒酒尚不够,付之烈焰而亡!逆天转世而生,誓要扭转乾坤,血仇得报!再次睁眼,己回到十三岁,娘亲才去世,父亲未续弦,为了不重蹈覆辙,她开始步步为营,却不料,揭开一桩 掩没三十年的迷案。丽质天生难自弃,倾城之色下这一世,她一定不枉此生!帘霜新文娇女谋略己发,谢谢大家的支持!http://huayu.baidu.com/book/571336.html?isPageCover=true1w0-3742 >>
内容简介:上错了他的床……还是连续两次?!男人眸光冷得能杀人!“女人,欲擒故纵的把戏还要玩多久?”她躲在墙角瑟瑟发抖:“陆少您听我解释,这次真的是误会……”陆璟良:“少废话,你还有什么花样?我奉 陪到底!”语毕,容不得她再反抗,直接一把抱起朝卧室走去!一场孽缘,相爱相杀,他自以为百毒不侵,待到失去时才追悔莫及,高高在上的陆少自此踏上漫漫追妻路……1w0-97372 >>
内容简介:太古后,天地动。生界烽烟浓。铁骨铮铮,问天下谁是英雄。一切皆蝼蚁,不过眨眼间本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我真的很猛》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-3670 5 >>
内容简介: 一直倒霉的叶玄意外的得到了一套能够让他进入梦幻世界历练修行的幻梦系统,在《黄飞鸿》中学习武术;在《赌圣》中学习赌术、异能;在《生化危机》中与丧尸共舞;在《灵幻先生》中与九叔一起 打僵尸;在《笑傲江湖》中纵横嬉戏;在《环太平洋》中驾驶机甲打怪兽;在《死神来了》中与死神斗智斗勇;在《风云》中获取长生不死 还有《变形金刚》、还有《复仇者联盟》、还有《蜀山》,还有《大话西游》……无尽的梦幻世界,无尽的幻想,在层层的枷锁中解开系统的束缚,还得真我自在逍遥…… PS:本书属慢热文,不喜勿入,谢谢!群号:76449097 1w0-609 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:坑遍红楼戏遍金钗】穿越红楼琏二爷,获得系统,坑人得兵,戏遍红楼正副钗。“叮。坑了王善保家的,获得奖励武夫一个。”“叮。坑了贾雨村,获得奖励弓箭手一个。”“叮。 坑了戴权,获得奖励黑骑一个。”“叮。坑了龙禁尉统领,获得奖励铁甲卫士一个。”“叮。坑了皇帝,获得奖励名将一个。”红楼世界内幕重重。为何会有日月双悬?秦可卿、妙玉真实身份怎样?四王八公为何被皇帝一一铲除?且看贾琏一一解开谜题。皇帝:“狡兔死,走烹。贾琏,你的日子到头了。”贾琏:“皇帝这可是你逼我的。兵来!”天地反复,日月齐暗。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-101295 >>
内容简介:现代网红博主苏瑜穿到八十年代,成为了刚刚死了丈夫独自带着五个孩子的俏寡妇。醒来以后的苏瑜看着眼前可怜兮兮的娃,知道眼前眨着纯良大眼睛的儿子未来会是反派大boss;咬着唇凶巴巴的小萌妹未 来会是书里的恶毒女配。苏瑜沉默了片刻,跑还是跑?软团子眼睛一眨,金豆豆啪啪啪直掉,奶声奶气凶巴巴道,“你走吧!我就知道你不要我们了呜呜!”既然已经来了,苏瑜决定做好母亲的职责,把未来五个会长歪的坏苗子给扶正!各位书友要是觉得《重生后成了五个大佬的妈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-35103 >>
Yuri has a secret she can never tell. She always spaces out when her good friend, Mitsuki is really nice to her and begins to imagine perverted things she wish would happen in reality! The only way for her to calm herself down is to write it all down as online novalist Lily. She is afraid of what he might think of her if he ever finds out, so she tries to keep it from him. But what would happen if he found out?
Story 1: N Island is a small island where all the kids know each other, and they're excited to meet the new transfer student from Tokyo. Fifth grader Kanta doesn't want it to be a girl, because his classmate Kyo is the only icky girl the island needs. In a way that makes Kyo happy -- because she's always known she wants to live out her life on the island as Kanta's wife someday. But the transfer student, Ritsuka, is a girl, and a shy one with a mother who's shunned by the island. So Kyo makes it her mission of good faith to assimilate Ritsuka, but then Kanta starts acting more interested in Ritsuka than in Kyo... When the main cloud splits into a butterfly cloud, which girl will be the one to separate from the rest...? Story 2: Racing Queen, by IZUMI Kaneyoshi When it comes to being a racing queen (it's like being a cheerleader for Nascar), you're either a bitch or a lost puppy. Ei learns this lesson the hard way from Akane, the reigning racing queen of the famous Meitoh Team, when Ei joins the team to put herself through college. It's only by doing harm to others that you succeed, and once you've succeeded, everyone wants to do harm to you. Ei's dream was to be the top racing queen, but once she gets there, it turns into her worst nightmare... Story 3: English Garden, by SAKURAKOUJI Kanoko Hayato is moving to England in one month, so he approaches Fumio and tells her to date him -- almost like a command. He's dominating, stubborn, and selfish, and Fumio really can't say no. But Hayato isn't without his charm; he has a talent for making things grow, and he designed a gorgeous English garden. Now he wants to spend his last month in Japan building a garden with Fumio. As the garden grows and changes, so do its gardeners... and as time becomes strained, so do their emotions... Story 4: Pure White Anniversary, by AYASE Riu: Just by selecting her, and saying her name, she became the class´ representative, and after time, trusted by teachers and students. That always maked her excited about working hard and being better. But, not all is white, not all is pure, when she was in trouble, A guy suddenly appears to help! Who is this guy? Why is he helping her? And, why does Sakura feels scared whenever she is with him? Well... we sure want to know. Story 5: The Coffee Shop that Ends Unrequited Love, by ADACHI Keiko This story is about a gilr called Rui. She's always too late on dates. But when she met Shiyouta she fell in love with him an want to be not late anymore... Story 6: Great Waiters?, by WASHIO Mie At 175 cm, Eisei (real name Haruyo) never thought she would ever find a boyfriend because of her height and her rather tomboyish looks and demeanour. Under her friends' recommendation, however, a visit to the renowned 'Hot Cafe' caused her to fall for a charming waiter named Kono... who promptly dragged her to fill the vacancy -- as a male waiter?! Having a chance to get closer to him is one thing, but has Kono also accidentally mistaken her for a boy?! How is Eisei supposed to express her feeling for him now? With a cafe filled with handsome waiters and the pretty girls who swoon over them, this 'pretty boy' has work cut out for her!
In the 2020’s the Japanese female culture was extremely corrupted in the eyes of the first women prime minister. To bring back the beauty of Japanese femininity, she created the Amazon Academy, a girls-only school, on an artificial island isolated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Amesu Kumi just transferred into Amazon Academy to investigate the death of her older sister, Towa, who also attended the school until she died in a shroud of mystery. The only clue she has is the name Burai Sachiko left in Towa’s cell phone. How could Kumi have known that the school literally turns into a battlefield when classes are over; where petite girls beat each other senseless in order to survive?
From MangaHelpers: Marta is a friendly, happy Portuguese girl who lives in Japan. She loves Portuguese food and often breaks into dance. The story begins when an uncertain delivery man brings a package of Portuguese ingredients to Marta's apartment, where she is hanging out in a swimsuit. [tethysdust]
The Coral Island summary: The Coral Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Coral Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Emperor Of The Universe summary: A young man named Qin Lan born in a chaotic world, and he will has to achieve his goal of being the strongest.
Gaspar the Gaucho summary: Gaspar the Gaucho summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gaspar the Gaucho. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Incomparable 29th and the 'River Clyde' summary: The Incomparable 29th and the 'River Clyde' summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Incomparable 29th and the 'River Clyde'. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.