




























简介电锯人漫画 ,炎拳作者登陆周刊少年JUMP,震荡世界的黑暗英雄物语




内容简介:  宁夏想破脑袋也想不明白千载难逢的穿越机会怎么会落到她这个平凡的工薪族身上,她还有三十五年的房贷没有还啊啊啊。  她看着这个修仙人满天飞,普通人活得还不如狗的世界泪流满面。为什么还要 被分配到一个有女主的世界,这可是一位现实派女主,别瞅着我,鄙人只是个路人甲。  且看既不平凡也不惊艳的路人甲如何在修仙世界走出一条康庄大道。1w0-2914 >>


内容简介:她是放逐于黑暗世界的妖精,妖媚勾魂,无心无情,无所谓正邪,只想随心所欲的活着,可是上天终究看不得她这么惬意,让她葬身火海,尸骨无存。再次睁眼,她是尧月国唯一的公主,不过却是个白痴加花痴 ,纨绔不化,刁蛮跋扈,痴恋尧月第一公子,用尽手段让他臣服在自己的裙下,却在新婚之夜被人暗算死于非命。皇族之人视她为耻辱,天下之人不屑嘲讽,却没人知道那具身体早已换了灵魂。黑暗中她勾起妖冶的红唇,媚惑如斯:“如此才有趣啊!”一手敛财、一手兵器,当天下大乱,她惊艳出世,列国之上,唯我独尊,从此,谁还敢小看她半分?衣袂飘香,那倾城一撇,又夺了谁的心魂?她只想肆意的重活一世,却不想在不经意间成就了无数人的惊鸿,无需渲染,便已倾绝天下!他,才华盖世,清冷绝傲,一袭青灰色长衫给他穿出了清风明月的气质,一身淡雅从容,不染纤尘,可终究因为那如妖如月的女子失了心魂,从天际跌落地狱,堕仙成魔!他,红衣妖艳,嗜血无情,如一朵开在黄泉路上的地狱红莲,勾魂妖冶,三千荼蘼染绯月,倾尽人间修罗色,明明是那么无情的人,是谁让他滴了红颜泪落在心口点绛了朱砂?他,随心肆意,无拘无束,一身白衣游走江湖,杀伐果断,快意恩仇,可长剑斩尽天下人,终究遇上了那人,最后宁愿将剑刺入自己心窝也不愿伤那人分毫!他,身怀仇恨,外面沉寂淡雅,内心却早已噬恨成魔,暗黑、死寂、腐朽,忽然有一日,那方黑暗的天际摄入一道烈焰,灼伤了他的眼,也灼伤了他的心,是为仇恨死,还是为那点光热而生?他,淡雅如风,无心无情,手中素弦拨弄,如仙乐可醉红尘梦人,也可如地狱冥音杀人无形;可琴音能控,那人心呢?1w0-84779 >>


内容简介:重生前她有眼无珠,被渣男未婚夫害得坠楼惨死,重生后她只想好好撩一撩未婚夫的小叔——那个成熟矜贵、权势滔天的男人。后来,渣男未婚夫:“烟烟,我错了,我爱的只有你。”姜烟挽着帝都最英俊的男 人,勾唇一笑:“叫婶婶。”身边的男人霸道地扣住她腰:“不准对其他男人笑得这么欢,侄子也不可以。”1w0-26417 >>


内容简介:张鸣获得神级反签到系统,可以伪装圣地,吸引他人签到。【叮!位面之子展鸿在你的诛仙剑台(伪)签到,你获得天书密卷·真】【叮!位面私生子清泉道人在你的人参果院(伪)签到,你获得洗髓丹×90 】【叮!穿越者汪洪在你的天师府(伪)签到,你获得天师度·真】【叮!轮回者楚凡在你的九龙拉棺(伪)签到,你获得荒古圣体×90】【叮!重生者叶小玄在你的妙木山(伪)签到,你获得仙人模式×90】【叮!域外天魔汪藏1w0-32526 >>


内容简介:  “这个闪电利剑臂章,只有敢在阎王头上拉过屎,和死神掰过手腕的兵才有资格佩戴!告诉我!士兵,你有资格佩戴它吗?”庄严大声回答:有!我庄严有这个资格!(此书致敬每一位曾为国家奉献过青春 ,流过血、洒过汗的共和国军人!读者群号: 764555748 )1w0-886 >>


内容简介:全球的历史,都集中在了“探险塔”内。穿越平行世界的齐成,成为了探险塔内,第一批被直播的探险者。在秦岭三重墓,他让尘封的历史重现人间。在南天门下,他揭露了上古道门的隐秘。在罗布泊,他让整 个世界,见识到了病毒的真面目!……一次次的探险,一次次的揭秘。最后,世界惊奇的发现,比探险塔更神秘的,是齐成的来历!各位书友要是觉得《直播探险:开局秦岭三重墓》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-93664 >>


内容简介:朱由捡魂穿平行世界,成为崇祯皇帝,开启‘大明第一败家子’模式,登基之初,他就给自己定下十大目标——坚决不杀魏忠贤,大兴土木劳民伤财,鼓励党争任人唯亲,惰于政事沉迷酒色,加快土地兼并,穷 兵黩武胡乱采购,提倡奇淫技巧不读书……不知不觉间,大明王朝偏离既定的历史轨迹,犹如洪水猛兽般,向另一个方向飞驰而去。1w0-84640 >>


内容简介:此为《SCI谜案集第三部》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《SCI谜案集第三部》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供SCI谜案集第三部最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-70851 >>


内容简介:【您已随机抽到英雄——炼金术师·辛吉德!】【已自动获得获得其99999点熟练度以及亿场英雄对局经验!】Clearlove:“嘶,这个炼金在干什么啊!?”xiaohu:“断兵线!!他在我 们高地塔旁边犯罪!!”Uzi:“这什么吊英雄啊,怎么这个人把这个英雄玩得这么恶心?!”Theshy:“这团战没得打!我全程被毒熏,动都动不了!刚走两步就死了……”Faker:“喔呀?这个人怎么什么英雄都会?!”1w0-89301 >>


内容简介:他曾经是地下战神,被世界公认的华夏阎王,三年来,入赘为婿,默默蛰伏,只为给死去的兄弟们一个交代。三年后,随着一道消息的传来,他终于撕下人人可欺的软弱面纱!阎王要你三更死,谁敢留你到五更 ?1w16799-26500 >>


内容简介:【重大通知】本文自『第35章』开始入V,大肥章更新时间在晚上十点,感谢大家一直以来,给我的支持和鼓励,谢谢谢谢感谢各位小天使来看文,感谢收藏我文文的小天使们,我会努力哒嗯改一下时间,变 成中各位书友要是觉得《睁开眼就变成了孕妇怎么破》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w49121-49413 >>


内容简介:妖龙古帝苏寒,曾经执掌圣域,镇压一世,为银河星系之巅!却因融合各大修为层次,走火入魔,形神俱灭。手下叛变,挚爱沉睡,好友被追杀!重活一世,定当卷土重来,逆转乾坤,杀尽一切叛变之人!【妖 龙古帝】书友群1群:663538422,喜欢聊天的朋友可以加一下。1w369-26979 >>


Vampires summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampires. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Touhou Sangetsusei: Oriental Sacred Place

Continuation of Touhou Sangatsusei ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity.

Random Walk

Yuka is a freshman in high school, living in the apartment next door to her mystery writer father and his new wife. The one thing she learned from her father was to ''fall in love as many times as you can, and become an attractive woman.'' Now that she is in high school, Yuka is determined to meet her one true love. One day, as she and her friend Toko were hanging out, she meets Nozomu, who happens to be the son of her father's friend. Could he be the one?

Tsukimi No Soba

I wanted to see you” are the words Kasugai Tenka wants to hear from a girl more than anything. And when the high school student hears it from Tsukimi, a girl literally out of this world, his life is about to get crazy. Tsukimi was a war general on the Moon, but she was exiled for the destruction she caused and her memory is wiped clean and she's changed into a bunny. She reminds Tenka that years ago, he fed her soba from his dad’s soba shop and that now that she's gained human form and her powers back, she wants him to be hers. A Oneshot published in Weekly Shounen Jump.

Embers Ad Infinitum

Embers Ad Infinitum summary: In this latest work by Lord of the Mysteries author, Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, be prepared for a well-thought out and detailed apocalyptic, cyberpunk world with a setting superseding Lord of the Mysteries!
Our protagonist, Shang Jianyao, is crazy—literally crazy, at least that’s what the doctors said. Living in a huge, underground building of Pangu Biology, one of the few remaining factions in this apocalyptic wasteland known as the Ashlands, he acts in unfathomable ways that’s head-scratching, comical, and shrewd. So is he really crazy? Probably.
He has a grand dream: to save all of humanity.
Intricately tied to this dream is something everyone in the Ashlands believes in: Deep in a particular ruin buried away by danger and famine, a path leading to a new world awaits. To step into the new world, one only needs to find a special key and open that certain door.
There, the land is bountiful, as if milk and honey flows freely.
The sunlight is dazzling, as if all coldness and darkness are washed away.
The people will no longer have to face desolation, monsters, infections, mutations, and all kinds of dangers.
There, children are joyous, adults are happy, everything is fine as they are supposed to be.
Every Antiquarian, Ruin Hunter, and Historian roaming the Ashlands knows: That’s the New World.

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort

The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort summary: Crying blood and tears, she pledged a poisonous vow. The G.o.ds did not fail her. She was sent back to a decade ago. The legitimate daughter of Jiang family returned from h.e.l.l.
Forget it, whatever! Since they already claimed that she was a temptress that wrecked the country, she shall overturn the world into complete chaos starting with her beguiling sister, her malicious stepmother, her cruel lover and her heartless family. Let her end the lives that Yama refused to end.
She was a p.a.w.n in her past life. In this life, however, the world was her chess board. With an alluring smile and a charming figure that enchanted the entire nation, the red-clothed woman wrecked chaos among the lands. She was a vengeful spirit from h.e.l.l, determined to make those who wronged her pay in blood.
“I want those who owe me a life debt to hold their hearts out in front of me. I want those who looked down on me to only be able to admire me. I want Lord Zhong Zi to shiver when he sees me. I want to step on this splendid river and mountains!”
— — —
“You are a temptress and I am a thief.” His robe was as dark as the night and his gaze was as cold as the Northern Star. “A perfect match.”
Her red dress was akin to fire, but her heart was the coldest ice in the winter.
He was stoic in his black robe, yet he was willing to warm her frozen heart.
In this life, the elegant man seemed like a snowy bamboo grove with tall, chilly mountains, walking step by step towards her like an unstoppable force.
“Ruan Ruan, if you hate the world, then I shall conquer the lands with you.”
“What if I love the world?” She asked.
“I am the world, so you can only love me,” he answered.

Aspirations of Beauty

Aspirations of Beauty summary: Aspirations of Beauty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aspirations of Beauty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Proverb Lore

Proverb Lore summary: Proverb Lore summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Proverb Lore. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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