内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:海贼之我是大夫】外科大夫意外来到海贼王世界,获得了生生果实,加入海军,用自己的能力成为了海军中最受欢迎的大夫。文森特卡尔:我为生生果实代言。飞卢小说网提醒您: 本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78910 >>
内容简介:左林说这个世界上,每个人都有自己的生活:有人喜欢挣了钱花掉,有人喜欢败家,有安于清贫的,有喜欢出名的,有躲在无人的角落里终老的,有向往别人的生活的,也有想创造自己的生活的……每个人都有 选择。只有我,我们,没有选择,也无需选择。我们的生活,就是和这个世界上所有的生命站在一起,捍卫他们,保护他们……看白金作品,阅丫丫人生。起点白金写手新作,看白金作品,阅丫丫人生。起点白金写手新作,还有他们之间不得不说的故事:人妖一板砖《浴火焚神异界行》97456,鹅考《女神保护人》96075,众生《始皇天下》96876,流浪的蛤蟆《大猿王》93832,Absolut《野性之心》78787,跳舞《邪气凛然》93122本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《野性之心》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79289 >>
内容简介:本文日25章入v,当日肥章掉落~,专栏《和大魔王偷偷表白后》求收藏~白幼宜一朝穿进某本修仙小说,成了仙门内头顶俩揪揪的小师妹。小说里,她的所有师兄师姐都是炮灰,注定只能成为女主修炼路上 的踏脚石。系统:“你的任务是,打倒女主,抢夺气运!”白幼宜:“谁傻谁和主角对着干,让我咸鱼。”她咸鱼的如意算盘打得噼啪响,结果当夜,小命差点交代在女主手里。系统重申:“你的任务是,打倒女主——”白幼宜奶凶奶凶地打断它:“呵,不干死她,我白幼宜三字倒过来念!”原书女主发觉身边不知何时多了个碍眼的小物件。她对大师兄含情脉脉时,白幼宜奶声奶气:“我挺喜欢你们俩的,我们三一起过好不好?”她对二师兄两情缱绻时,白幼宜打散自己小揪揪,哭得上气不接下气,“我要师兄抱抱……”她对三师姐下手挖坑时,白幼宜摇头晃脑:“女孩子有个前男友怎么了?你都有一百来个呢!”她对四师兄表述心意时,白幼宜拍着圆滚滚的小肚子:“饿饿。”女主:你个小东西怎么回事?白幼宜对自己人生规划的很清楚,日常任务:干女主随机任务:与师兄拉手手逛街,让师尊抱抱讲故事,缠着香香师姐打瞌睡这种团宠的日子持续很久,直到某日——白幼宜惊恐1w0-77709 >>
内容简介:学艺十年,隐忍八年,空有一身本事,在别人眼中却是个吃软饭的窝囊废。今日封禁解开,必将掀起无数风云。我是上门女婿,你却没有资格瞧不起。医道、武学、玄术,鉴宝等,我不会的,还真不多!1w0 -25942 >>
内容简介:作为一个长得好、家庭背景也不错Beta,段嘉衍顺风顺水浪了十几年,直到高中遇见路星辞。路星辞家世比他好,人比他高,篮球打得比他好,学习更是甩段嘉衍八百条街,就连段嘉衍的狐朋狗友,偶尔也 会忍不住夸赞路星辞几句。最重要的是,段嘉衍盯上的姑娘,坦言自己喜欢校草路星辞多年了。1w9723-76036 >>
内容简介:一百年之后,一个人打井偶然发现了秦始皇陵的入口。世界顶级专家组成一个考古队,霍桑任考古队长。进入秦始皇地宫。中国特种部队教官临风担任考古队护卫。大战地宫鼠王和白化巨蟒,历经艰险抵达地宫 深处,奇珍异宝数不胜数。整个地宫以寒武纪黑鳞岩为苍穹,镶嵌夜明珠和钻石为星辰。秦始皇是一座金身塑像,以鎏金包裹尸骨,他没有棺材,坐在流光溢彩的宫殿正中,手握一把神剑。阅读一卷竹木简,传国玉玺也放在面前的玉几上。竹木简上是蝌蚪文。无人读懂,后来被陆离教授破译。里面隐藏着一个关于世界末日的秘密。秦始皇手里握着的神剑乃是陨石打造,有着神奇的力量,但是这把剑被盗墓贼吉斯抢走。从秦始皇陵地宫出来以后,临风为了夺回焰火神剑,他和考古队长霍桑,以及霍桑的孙女朵拉,从此开始了世界范围的冒险之旅。一路上历经磨难,探寻北极水晶洞,穿越死亡山谷,闯入亚马逊森林,最终集齐了三颗陨石。找到了传说中的失落之城,然后,世界末日即将来临……蜘蛛鼎力大作,必看恐怖小说。1w0-30941 >>
内容简介: 一个从小体弱多病的富商之子,在寻求续命之法时,意外走上了修仙登天之路! 大唐盛世,天下安泰,风调雨顺,百姓安居。 千年后世,魔物吞天,妖鬼横行,遍野哀鸣。 西游再现 ,大圣斗天,天蓬下凡,卷帘重生。 莫名的穿梭与轮回,虚实掩映,真幻交织! 是预言中的梦境?还是尚未发生的现实? 他能否打破命中注定的魔障,消弭还未发生的三界大劫,挽救苍生于水火?1w0-1467 >>
内容简介:顾斯里说不喜欢女朋友的这个称呼,于是伊落橙在还没有毕业时就嫁给了他。伊落橙以为他们的婚姻是游走在阴暗处,顾先生却对她说,他从来没有说过,也没想过要隐瞒他们结婚的事实。顾斯里的前女友冷诗 琦回来了,公司盛传两人复合的消息。传闻,当初冷诗琦抛弃了他独自一人去了美国,而顾斯里为了她不近女色,一心扑在工作上。伊落橙以为顾斯里会甩给她一张离婚协议书,他却执着她的手对他的前女友说,她是我夫人。伊落橙一生中最美好的事情之二,一是遇上顾斯里,二是嫁给了顾斯里。场景一:帝皇门口伊落橙皱了皱小巧的鼻子,担忧的问,“怎么喝那么多酒?”顾斯里倚在她身上,眯着眼睛看她,酒气随着声音出来,“你要去同学聚会?”伊落橙心不在焉的嗯了声,见他步履有些不稳,吓得双手紧紧的抓住他,“阿斯,我和你一块回家吧。”一直充当空气的袁岳立马从顾斯里身后走出来,“夫人,我现在去开车过来。”面上一派正经的袁岳心中的小人一直在奔踏的总裁狂点赞。他还疑惑总裁怎么指定了要来帝皇,又怎么会一不小心让衣服沾了酒还不去换,原来……嘿嘿,是为了截夫人的胡!!顾斯里语气随意,很是散漫的问,“你不是要参加聚会吗?”伊落橙轻声说,“等以后有机会再去,现在我送你回家先。”渐渐走远的袁岳竖着耳朵听两人的对话,心中叉着腰在狂笑,总裁就是为了让夫人不去参加聚会才早早的等在门口的,嘿嘿,现在装成不在意的样子,若不是他早已识清了总裁的真面目他差点上当了!暖文,七分宠三分虐男主不会让大家失望的1w0-79470 >>
内容简介:宇宙之浩瀚,洪荒之混沌,神秘之叵测,天地分上下,人神共依存。我是谁?叶南飞吗?叶南飞又是谁,一中年大妈吗?我,叶南飞从二十一世纪被莫名其妙地扔到到了这里,独自一人奔走在崇山峻岭,险象环 生,生死未卜的国度里,仅仅为了一个承诺。没有退路的我,少了魂魄的我,在这个人神共存的世界里,迷茫、孤独、害怕却又不得不咬牙勇敢地面对1w0-28561 >>
ISNELDA manhwa, Isnida, an orphan girl who lost her parents and grew up in a relative's house for seven years. One day, a man who spoke of his father's property appears and hands her a large inheritance. I thought I only had to walk on the flowery path since I became a billionaire overnight? 'What kind of man do you like? I'll guess, well.' In an article a childhood friend pretending to see me for the first time 'Anything I give you should be the best.' A suspicious businessman who has left me unattended and is now being nice 'It's not easy to live a rich life?' A love-hate fantasy twisted and twisted between a man who likes her the most and a man who likes no one but her..!
Sequel to 'Aishi no Sweet Voice'. College student Taku has just joined Drama Club and is teased about his slight figure and girlish voice. But everyone is very friendly, except Kurata Satoshi, the one person Taku really wants to be close to. They've been lovers for two years, but not friends and though Taku keeps trying to connect with Satoshi he finds himself being shut out. Is Taku just a sex friend?
Archduke Rahan El Kanox, who has been criticized for saying, 'It must be a demon sent by God to wreak havoc on this world. A young woman who grew up beloved in her family due to the wounds of her childhood, one day receives a proposal from the fearsome Archduke Kanox, whom she had only heard of through rumors. Despite his family's opposition, Isel decides to marry Archduke Kanox for the sake of the family. The person who appeared before her was a kind and wonderful gentleman who helped Isel in danger in the village. Then Isel could not understand the infamy of the many who followed Prince Canox. 'For a person who is so kind and kind... Why is everyone doing this?'
Riku likes her sensei but a mysterious young boy of her age who looks strikingly similar to him steals a kiss from her, how will the story of the 'Ubawareta Kiss' unfold?
The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution summary: The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Into the World of Medicine summary:
Rong Qinyan, is a 21st century successor of a medicinal family, proficent in medical knowledge. But in the end, died in the hands of her relatives. Murong Qingyan is Sheng Hong Continent’s Murong family’s legitimate miss. But even though she is a legitimate daughter, she is the Murong family’s shame because her appearance is ugly and her meridians are blocked, making her a trash that cannot cultivate.
After she transmigrated, she became her.
When she reopened her eyes, the originally unable to cultivate trash let everyone fall in shock. Flipping over clouds, disobeying the heavens and changing fate, letting those that originally looked down on her regret it deeply.
Contracting divine beasts, concocting immortal pills. Meeting G.o.ds, killing G.o.ds; meeting Buddhas, killing Buddhas; swearing to let all those that looked down on her view her in a new light.
When the trash turned into a universally shocking prodigy, when the ugly appearance was shed off, she was no longer the original her. In the whole couese of events, whose heart did she actually steal?
Her ex-future husband regretted it deeply to no avail. The family that looked down on her is now immensly remorseful, yet they can’t change anything else.
When she stood at the peak of the world, he was always by her side protecting and guarding her. letting her be able to freely soar in the sky.
He said: “In my life, I have nothing else. I only wish to love you forever.”
She said: ”If it is what you desire.”
Demon Boss In The Human World [Entertainment Circle] summary: The general of the demon world possessed the body of a third-rate small time celebrity. This was the story of him coming over, determined to make preparations for the demon world’s invasion of the human world, but he accidentally got mixed in with the entertainment circle instead. From endless scandals to endless gossiping, and from a n.o.body to a hot topic, the third-rate star had became the most eye-catching male G.o.d in the entertainment industry with a leap. The reporters were tirelessly unearthing the ‘story’ behind him! The object of their gossip had expressed that he had a pair of very strong thighs, and anyone could feel free to hug them! Please, come and hug them! Gu Yan says: Stupid humans, what I want to conquer is the human world. Domineering and ruthless villain boss bottom x Cheating protagonist type beautiful and aloof dominant top. Tags: Mary sue indulgence, strong bottom x strong top, love and hate relationship, not all about the entertainment circle
Dual Sword God summary: Series is being discontinued here on webnovel and officially continuing as a Patreon novel. If you enjoy the series and want to continue reading please visit any of the links below:Read the latest chapters on Patreon: https://patreon.com/ShadowsFingerShadowsNet: http://www.shadowsnet.comDiscord: https://discord.gg/ffVV7cVAmazon Kindle Book Versions:Book 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C...