简介改编自网易文学作者 鄀宁宁 作品《日久生情:爱你,一错到底》 为了出人头地,相爱四年的男友,亲手将她送给了陌生人。傅斯年,31岁,华臣老总。与顾氏的千金小姐早有婚约。风波过后,她阴差阳错地变成众所周知的“傅总未婚妻”。背负着万人唾骂的小三之名。她和他的婚礼极尽豪华,可那两本大红的结婚证书,承载的不是爱情,而是利益。他冷漠疏离,心机深不可测。她骄傲倔强,坚守着灰姑娘的自尊心。可她万万没有想到,仅仅是一夜沦陷,便会跌进万劫不复的深渊!谁能告诉她,这场无爱的婚姻,为何慢慢让她泥足深陷,情难自禁,最后变成了她仅有的出路?
内容简介:【团宠双马甲双洁男女主互撩】初次见面,她闯进他的房间,撞上刚出浴的他,淡定的顶着他危险的目光,放肆的调戏:“帅哥,身材不错啊”第二次见面,在盛大的宴会上,她明艳张扬,前脚虐完人,后脚就 凑到他身边,又乖又软的问:“听说我是你挡箭牌女友,那哥哥能帮我这个工具人一个忙呗”从此,秦爷家里多了一个作天作地的小妖精,每天在他心尖上撩火。众人都说,安家的真千金处处比不上假千金,是从乡下长大的土老帽,连假千金的头发丝都比不上。结果,连同假千金,全被强势打脸,被虐的心肝脾肺,哪哪都疼。众人又说,真千金就算比假千金乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《秦爷怀里的真千金又美又撩》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69303 >>
内容简介: 一个天然怂的工科男,因为某种不明的原因,穿越到了大革命之前的法国,而且成了未来的拿破仑皇帝的大哥。他是顺势抱住这条大腿,从此混吃等死;还是抓住这个机遇,去开创属于自己的伟业呢?1w 0-4121 >>
内容简介:她扶持夫君当上皇帝,但是他登基之日,却将她满门抄斩。重生五年前,父母尚在,她也尚未出嫁,一切还没有开始,叶慕兮誓要报仇雪恨,挽救前世遗憾。被人欺压的懦弱小姐,带着五年记忆惊艳变身,护胞 弟,踩渣男,步步为营,占尽先机。只是,怎么一不小心招惹了这个妖孽世子爷?她杀人,他放火。她下毒,他灭口。她要愿得一人心,他就宠她一世一双人。夫妻联手,男强女强,一宠到底。1w0-3970 >>
内容简介:一代青帝渡劫失败,重归都市少年时。为父母、为红颜、为兄弟,弹指间风云涌动,一怒之地裂山崩。跺跺脚,八方大佬心寒胆颤;抬抬手,各路强者俯首称臣。我会以最强势姿态,夺回曾经属于我的一切。我 会以傲世雄风,守护所有。诸天万界,为本帝回归,颤抖吧!!!各位书友要是觉得《青帝回都市林青》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-47203 >>
内容简介:水影月一觉醒来发现自己穿越到女尊世界,还没来得及摸清头绪,突然被一阵冰冷的机械声音打断。告知:获得夫君一号贺兰,好感度10水影月想,所以这是个恋爱系统?告知:获得夫君二号莫晗生,好感度 负10000水影月惊喜,好家伙,这还是个女尊世界?等等,为什么好感度是负?而且为什么夫君二号看起来要将她生吞活剥?告知:获得女皇继承权,存活概率。水影月崩溃:她不做女皇了可以吗,为什么所有人都要追杀她,她只是个手无缚鸡之力的弱女子啊!1w94582-97719 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越,成为古代有钱人家的纨绔子弟,父亲是兵部尚书,头上还有五个绝世无双的美女姐姐。本想着,就这样当一辈子纨绔子弟,但奈何实力它不允许啊!于是,斗反派,除佞臣,乱京都,平天下……看着 自己的光辉“战绩”,秦风很无奈:“抱歉,真的不是我厉害,而是在座的各位,都是垃圾!”1w0-28433 >>
内容简介:十年相处,她有眼无珠,不知渣男狼心狗肺,不识渣女伪善蛇蝎!被削了手足,剜了琵琶骨,惨死在冷宫深处!一朝重生,她一路披荆斩棘,剑指渣男,步步相逼:“上官鸿,我慕容笙怎会放过你?!就算是死 ,这一世,我也要带着你,黄泉路上一道走!”1w30741-30749 >>
内容简介:简介:还没来得及把自己怀孕的消息告诉老公婆婆,就在办公室抓到老公出轨好闺蜜。什么凤凰男、渣闺蜜、恶婆婆,她何书洛不干了!摇身一变,她成了艳羡全城的墨太太,各位书友要是觉得《宠婚百分百, 墨总的心尖宝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79120 >>
内容简介:朕乃昏君系统是由琉璃仙草所写的玄幻奇幻类小说,本站提供朕乃昏君系统最新章节阅读朕乃昏君系统全文阅读朕乃昏君系统免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现朕乃昏君系统更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w 0-60703 >>
Kazuto has injured himself and he's living alone. His half-brother, Kiyoto, offers him his servant Toudou for help till he recovers from his injuries. But Kiyoto isn't thinking about Kazuto's health but something else Kazuto posseses. How loyal will Toudou be for his master when there are other feelings stirring underneath?
After Mitsuhashi’s family moves into a new neighborhood, he decides to use the opportunity to become a delinquent. Upon meeting Itou he finds out that he wasn’t the only one who had this idea. Making friends and foes along the way will these two take over their school or just end up as wannabes? wo boys, Mitsuhashi Takashi and Itou Shinji, meet each other at a salon. It turns out both boys are transferring to a new school and decide to take the opportunity to reinvent themselves. No longer will they be run of the mill high school students, they will become the biggest delinquents Japan has ever seen!
beginnning with the Bloody Valentine War between Earth and the colonies,On one side is the Earth Alliance, and on the opposite is the space colonies that form ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty). Mankind is divided over human genetic engineering, with normal humans known as 'Naturals' and the genetically altered humans known as 'Coordinators'.While ZAFT has a head start on mobile suit design, the Earth Alliance quickly catches up with its five prototype Gundams. With ZAFT having stolen four of the prototypes, young Coordinator Kira Yamato pilots the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and is forced to fight his old friend Athrun Zala. Little do they know that there exist sinister forces working to bring about events that go far beyond their worst nightmares. -Taken From Wikipedia
Sakura Karukaya liked her life: she was just a high schooler who loved rhythmic gymnastics, being raised by her older brother and sister. However, both of her siblings were hiding secrets about themselves and Sakura that would make her realize that the world around them was not what it seemed. Now, with the help of a mysterious dragon named Yoiyami, Sakura will have to confront these forces and the power within her if she wants to rescue her beloved brother and sister.
The Master Detective summary: The Master Detective summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master Detective. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Midnight Breed Series Companion summary: The Midnight Breed Series Companion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Midnight Breed Series Companion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Settlers at Home summary: The Settlers at Home summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Settlers at Home. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Dreamers summary: The Dreamers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dreamers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.