
















类别热血 玄幻 动作 日漫 日本


















内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大秦:开局首抽锦衣卫】嬴政穿越成嬴政,嗯等等,是接受现代知识熏陶的嬴政,穿越成了千古一帝嬴政。但他穿越的时机不好,天下未统一,前有六国窥伺,后有吕不韦。所以, 他觉醒系统了!首抽锦衣卫,就问还有谁并且,越抽越强,从此嬴政在抽奖、变强的道路上,一去不返!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-81434 >>


内容简介:温柔圣母天然黑的女主是如何感化世间恶人的故事。恶人都爱她!注意避雷:1、女主善良,但是天然黑;2、女主温柔,但是心机婊;3、快穿文,恶人都会爱她,好人大概率也会爱上她。1w29763- 75073 >>


内容简介:天龙殿龙浩简介:主角:龙浩赵晴赵贝贝为了爱情,他甘做上门女婿,却被陷害成为一介死囚。七年后,天龙归来,看到妻女住棚户烂房,吃残羹剩饭。他发誓,要让所有陷害自己妻女的人付出代价!1w10 980-79750 >>


内容简介:天地灾变,万千流星降世,三尊巨大无比的狰狞石人降临在莲花台村的后山之中。平凡的少年孙立,无意之间得到这三尊石人,自此之后,便总有声音在他脑海之中不断的说着莫名其妙的话语……带着石人和脑 海之中的声音,孙立进入了大隋七大派之一的素抱山。这是一个天才辈出的时代,在那些天才弟子的光芒之下,资质平庸的孙立毫不起眼,但是脑海中三个来历神秘的石人所说东西他终于明白了:高深的修行法门,本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《万界永仙》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79383 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】主人公陈翔是个悲催的人,一直在夹缝中艰难生存,最终绝望跳楼,不料灵魂出窍,降生在春秋时期一个叫滑的小国的王子身上,悲催的是弱小的滑国在春秋那 个动乱的年代始终处于朝不保夕的境地,本想跳楼结束在现实中的噩梦,哪只又进入了另一个噩梦,陈翔彻底怒了,他决定要对可恶的老天开战,改变自己悲催的命运。作者:轻狂书生·陈所写的《回到滑国当王子》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-30295 >>


内容简介:现代中西医贯通的医学圣手,一朝穿越,成了山里穷猎户家的小娘子。长的肥胖如猪,面丑吓得小儿啼哭。好在,空间在手,种菜、种药,治病救人、样样不耽误。丈夫还是十里八村有名的猎户美男……看她如 何发家致富,减肥逆袭,撩撩自家性感美男猎户,从此,过上不愁吃穿的幸福生活!1w20183-26507 >>




内容简介:在冒险者盛行的太阳纪元,一座破败的只剩下误入其中的史莱姆作为看守的迷宫中,迎来了自己有些奇特的拼接领主。她有亡灵法师的骸骨,巨龙的血肉,以及来自异界的灵魂。她注定会让这座迷宫成为大陆上 可怖的传说,让1w0-100047 >>


内容简介:周皎暗恋高未然,暗恋了六年。终于在第六年,感觉柳暗花明,心意相通后的跨年夜里鼓起勇气告白。高未然十分感动于她的告白,然后拒绝了她。真是个有点悲伤的初恋故事。过后的几年里,周皎一心扑在事 业上,上过山,下过海,到处修路致富,直到修到了高未然的地盘上。“皎皎,我们重新开始好么,让我追你?”“不好意思,我要结婚了。”【是HE,HE!】1w0-90312 >>


内容简介:  “站住!你这个败类!”一个持剑少女,一脸冷冽。江云鹤看着面前的少女,笑容温和:“不知有何事?”“你这个人渣、败类,骗了我姐的混蛋!”“你姐是……?”“人渣、败类、无耻之徒!”少女大 怒。“感情上的事,哪来的骗?你还小,不懂。”江云鹤温和笑道。天际划过一道银光:“江云鹤你给我站住,今天你给我个答复,要不娶我,要不我杀了你!”“滚,他不会娶你,也轮不到你杀!”一道赤红的火焰与银光撞在一起。江云鹤脸色不变,冲面前少女轻笑:“我还有事,先走一步!告诉你姐,我很想她。”书友群9275464971w0-2355 >>


内容简介:预收文《被掳后当了皇后》xAxA前世,苏韵认错救命恩人,误嫁小人,落得含恨而死。xA重生归来,她发誓一定要擦亮眼,识清救命恩人。xA直到——她发现这个救命恩人居然是被她拒婚的太子赵诚! !xA有钱有势,好一条粗大腿!xA值得好好利用……哦不,好好报恩。xAxA不对,这人不是讨厌自己吗?还会救自己?xA苏韵管不了那么多,眼睛发亮:“太子殿下,抱个大腿。”xA赵诚一脸嫌弃:“没出息,只抱个大腿?不试试其他花样?”xAxA婚后,苏韵扶着腰看着一脸假正经的男人,恨不得拆了他那张假面具!xA什么讨厌!什么嫌弃!什么正经!假的!全都是假的!!xAxA“夫人,为夫的大腿抱的可还开心?”xA苏韵掀桌:“开心翻了!”xAxA————————————————————xA下一本开预收文《被掳后当了皇后》xAxA余瑶身为一国长公主,在一场战争中被敌国主帅俘虏。xA早已躺平等死的她,突然发现情况不太对劲。xA她不仅没被关押,还被好吃好喝供着。xA糖衣炮弹不可怕,最可怕的是敌国皇帝要娶她。xA奇了怪了,老母猪上树了!xAxA当余瑶见到要娶自己的敌国皇帝,差点把眼珠子瞪掉——这皇帝竟然就是掳走她的混蛋!xA顾远骁:“朕要娶你。”xA余瑶:“呵呵,本公主嫁猪嫁狗不嫁混蛋!”xA顾远骁:“汪!”xAxA————————————————————xA预收文《又栽前夫手里》xA婚后第三年,怡王秦许顺利登基,身为王妃的纪幻幻却被诬陷结党营私被赐一条白绫。xA那一刻,她终于明白怡王对她的好全是为了得到自己父兄的支持,助他登上皇位。xAxA重生回来,她发誓再也不会爱秦许,然而······xA无论她走到哪里身边总会出现他的身影。xA她躲,他堵。xA又来这一招,以为她还会相信?xA可日渐的,他的行为让她实在难以捉摸,于是决定先探探口风,“阿许哥哥,您这是要做什么?”xA怡王捧着她的脸,真诚无比,“娶你,当我的王妃。”xA纪幻幻眼珠子一转,娶她?再被他弄死一次。xAxA然而皇命难违,再次奉旨嫁入怡王府,纪幻幻为保住脑袋处处小心翼翼,夹紧尾巴做人。xA可这一世,怡王不仅违抗圣旨拒绝纳妾,还为她虐渣。xA这又是出的哪一招。xAxA秦许:宠你的招。xA纪幻幻:绝不上当。xA秦许:天地可鉴,日月可表,我秦许对纪幻幻绝无二心,若有二心,五马分尸。xA纪幻幻:够了够了,我信(才怪)xAxA——————————————————xA推荐好基友的文《重生之将军太难追》xAxA林音本是侯门贵女,自幼持重守礼,原已说了亲事,定了岚家哥哥。xA却不曾想,一场马球会,她占尽风流,被风头正盛的安王截了胡。xA本以为天作之合,却 >>

Pink No Idenshi

Included in this collection of manga oneshots is 'Dangerous Love Triangle'. Prequel: Kiss Me Baby Ayase, a high school student catches her chemistry Fugiki teacher whom she is secretly in love with, kissing a married teacher in the music room. Fugiki catches her watching, and after she teases him the two share a kiss. After this however Fugiki ignores her! What are Fugiki's real feelings? Will Ayase ever get to be in a real relationship with him?

My Heart Is Beating

17 year old exemplary student Bae Sugu lives alone with his father, the vice principal of his school. Weighed down by his father's expectations, Sugu has to hide his one true passion: swimsuits. He does not know where it comes from, but his passion is pure and genuine - and often misunderstood. But one day, when Sugu is secretly taking pictures of swimsuits by the pool, he is caught by his homeroom teacher who forces him into something ridiculous. Can Sugu find something to get out of the standstill his life has come to? Can his heart beat again? Webtoon from Naver

Mouryou No Yurikago

A group of students find themselves on a sinking capsized ship. Together with some zombies. What happened to the ship and why are there zombies aboard? It's a battle against time and zombies, to save themselves.

My Bodyguard

A series of short one shots. 1)Plan - O.N.O. ~ Pgs. 11-42 Misawa has fallen for the captain of the school's track team, but doesn't know if his captain feels the same way about him. 2)Lip Sevice ~ Pgs. 44-67 Katsuhiro is the bad boy type, irratated due to his father always telling him not to make him look bad, he gets into the habit of stealing books. The only one who truly understands him is his father's secretary and his chauffeur, Yoshizaki. On the way to a celebration for his grandfather's recovery, things get a little...intense between Katsuhiro and Yoshizaki. 3)The Lucky Star of The Night ~ Pgs. 68-96 Aoyama has a crush on his cheif, Matsuzawa. After a night of a little too much drinking Aoyama ends up at Matsuzawa's home. 4)Holiday ~ Pgs.98-125 Natsuki, company president’s son, was forced to cancel his weekend plans to go on a family retreat in the family villa for a party. Unfortunately, his father arranged the party in hopes for him to meet with potential brides. Just as Natsuki was about to execute his escape plan to steal a boat, the dutiful bodyguard, Kishida, jumped into the boat with him… As fate would have it, the two ended up stranded in a remote island where Kishida started his feverish pursuit of Natsuki.[from Fantasy Shrine:] 5)My Bodyguard ~ Pgs. 126-157 Continuation to the 'Holiday' 6) Partner ~ Pgs. 159-190 Still the continuation to the 'Holiday' 7)Stubborn Vice President Nacchi ~ Pgs.191-196 Still the continuation to the 'Holiday'

Seattle Cinderella

Seattle Cinderella summary: Seattle Cinderella summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Seattle Cinderella. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away

My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away summary: Pet shop owner Tang Wan was accidentally reborn into an interstellar world. When he opened his eyes, he found himself automatically married to a vegetable via the StarNetwork. A social status worth ten billion yuan; but with an unconscious husband, he was unable to withdraw any money. Tang Wan held the empty position of the First Gentleman, but was, in fact, a poor man.
In order to secure his future livelihood, Tang Wan was bound to the “Earth Pet System” and returned to his old business, with the goal of saving money, getting a divorce, and looking for a second spring!
After thousands of years of evolution, Earth’s energy depletion had long been abandoned to the distant corners of the Milky Way. All of the animals in the galaxy had evolved tremendously, and little furry cute ones only lived in textbooks. When Tang Wan and his cute little ones appeared, they became the treasures of the whole universe! The pet shop soon became famous in the interstellar world, and the whole universe lined up to be cat s*aves~
Finally surviving past the compulsory marriage period, Tang Wan happily took off the diamond ring worth billions: he can finally sell it for money!
However, Tang Wan could never have imagined that when he sat down at the dining table on a blind date with some fresh meat, the vegetative partner that he had come to an agreement with would suddenly open his eyes.
Gong: I heard you sold your wedding ring for one billion yuan?
Tang Wan reached out and pushed him down on the bed: Open what eyes, quickly close them.

Wind with Voices

Wind with Voices summary: Thousands of years ago, G.o.d bestowed upon eight humans the duty to pa.s.s down his oracles. As messengers of G.o.d, they brought eternal light and hope to the world. People who worshipped the dark G.o.d were driven out and were forced to hide beneath the shadows. And this is how the legends of the priests ascending to G.o.d’s throne began…
Facing unknown motives and changes, as well as the ascension ceremony that takes place once a century, the 37th generation successors are bound to accept heavy duties that they themselves can never imagine. There isn’t only one pair of hands controlling the future, and the world of priests is about to face unrest that none has ever seen.

The Colossus

The Colossus summary: The Colossus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Colossus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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