内容简介: 外星巨兽入侵,世界一片混乱。杜刚越长越高,伸手可摘月的那种!一阶古神(流星级),身高上限十米。二阶古神(彗星级),身高上限百米。三阶古神(卫星级),身高上限千米。四阶古神(行星级) ,身高上限万米。……“我越长越高怎么办?”“求求了,别让我长高了,我的脑袋就要碰到月球了!”本书又名《我真不想长高了!》《我伸手可摘月!》《行星容不下我了!》《地球在我面前像个弟弟!》《我一步可跨越太阳系!》。ps:无女主,不圣母,腹黑,谨慎。ps:日更三万↑1w0-3147 >>
内容简介:【单女主,日常,幽默】生活里出现了一个女生,不仅长得漂亮,各方面还特别好。第一天,她当着所有人的面主动要求坐我的旁边。她还寄居到我家,和我住在一起。不知道为什么,她对我的所有的一切都了 如指掌……我最爱吃香菜,最喜欢的颜色是白色,最讨厌的是玩游戏的时候别人打扰我……这些她都知道!最离谱的是,我手机密码,银行卡密码,微信密码,以及各种密码她也知道!作者:野猪公主所写的《重生老婆,求求你别再折磨我了!》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-116405 >>
内容简介:谢央是全方位意义上的养成系男友,包括辅导女友学习,改正她的错误,解决她生活里的烦恼,以及…亲亲抱抱举高高,带她领略欢爱的快感。10084主c沈桃:全身上下哪都敏感的娇气哭包谢央:养桃的 10084副c文又双:内心柔软的火爆小辣椒宋元青:种辣椒的校园11he双c剧情文主剧情肉为剧情服务前期有边缘性行为高考后开始正餐肉1w0-80372 >>
内容简介:预开《装A的残疾战神入赘后女A男O》求收吖影帝Ovs伪装成金丝雀的凶猛海兽A作为联邦最飒最吸金的顶流男明星,卓云舒刚一出道就顺风顺水。爆红三年,O装B的卓云舒做到了:零绯闻,正能量,部 部电影大卖,带货能力一流。在影帝大奖到手那天,卓云舒一想到着电视屏幕那头,温柔乖巧的姜琦应该用多么崇拜的眼神注视着他,便心头火热。他决心取消当初为了解决易感期和姜琦的“契约情人”合同,和她组建家庭。姜琦生日那天,卓云舒准备好鲜花和戒指,还有自己的孕检报告,想要向她求婚。他满心期待,迎来的却是姜琦对着另一个漂亮的男Omega温柔软语,满目崇拜,在一档爆火的相亲节目上打情骂俏。卓云舒:“姜琦,你把我当成什么了!”姜琦:“???”姜琦:“雇主呀!”卓云舒“!!!”作为联邦稀有的S级海兽人Alpha,姜琦每一次意外变身都痛苦不堪,卓云舒的Omega信息素曾是她的药。可清高如他拒绝被行业潜规则,所以姜琦伪装身份接近他,公平交易,罩他三年。随着她即将晋级为SS级Alpha,他这味“药效”逐渐失灵。————————————————预开《装A的残疾战神入赘后女A男O》求收藏,一句话简介:先婚后爱。娶他本为AA羞辱,谁料敌国战神又软又甜。————————————————推荐好朋友预开GL《漂亮姐姐的撒娇猪猪》by听星一句话文案:可爱的猪小妹穿到地球后被漂亮姐姐当成萌宠来养,疼爱有加,每天都可以任性撒娇娇,最后和姐姐一起携手登上娱乐圈顶流的故事。立意在恋爱中成长各位书友要是觉得《海妖女A,娇软男O娱乐圈刑侦》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66560 >>
内容简介: 美食up主陈羽进入游戏异世界。系统提示:击杀魔物角兔,完成新手教程,获得游戏初始奖励。陈羽看着这只新手教程里刷出来的名为角兔的魔物,鲜活好动,体态肥美。“先不管什么新手教程和初始奖 励,这兔子……无论怎么看都很好吃吧?”群:9482119601w0-3192 >>
内容简介: 九叠琴音震寰宇,谁敢闻言不识君?七色魔法代等级,雄雄揭大幕。琴之帝王,给这片大陆带来翻天覆地的改革。伴随着旷古绝今的赤子琴心的出现,一代琴魔法师,在碧空海之中悄然诞生。这将是一个单 纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中帝王的故事,开创音乐魔法的先河,颠覆以往的设定,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,彩虹等级将成为所有武技和魔法衡量的标准。原本仅仅是鸡肋一般的职业,因为有他的出现,却成为了不朽的传说与传奇,而其人则犹如一颗耀眼的新星一般让所有人都无法忽视他的光芒。就算是龙,这种近乎无敌的生物,在琴之帝王面前,也无法抬起其高傲的头颅,因为在其面前是跟神一样的……开创音乐魔法的先河,颠覆以往的设定,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,彩虹等级将成为所有武技和魔法衡量的标准。龙,不再是无敌的生物,这将是一本高龙小说。神音师,精神系魔法师的分支,龙崎努斯大陆上最高贵也是最鸡肋的职业。但是,它真的是那么一无是处么?旷古绝今的赤子琴心,一代琴魔法师,在碧空海之中悄然诞生。这将是一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中帝王的故事。但是,他真的只是琴中帝王么?1w0-730 >>
内容简介:二十岁女大学生穿越成四岁娃娃,看她如何虏获皇帝的心和身。父女,高H慎入,简体繁体二版。亲们,全书完结要涨价的,喜欢的话要趁早看哟,谢谢支持亲爱的们,媚儿突然觉得前途堪忧,所以这学期,多 学了一科,忙,真的很忙,会影响更文的速度,希望大家理解。还有就是,大家的留言不能一一回复,可是媚儿每次看到留言都很开心,雀跃,希望大家继续支持。还有盗文的朋友们,我真觉得疲惫了,不知道说什么好了,媚儿写的辛苦,希望你们尽量盗的慢一些。Po币买来看的亲们,感谢,再感谢,爱你们。。禁止盗文,可耻!1w0-46922 >>
内容简介: 《位面练级大师》,新书发布中…… 一次偶然,东方玉发现老旧住宿楼的电梯,在特定的时间,能够随机传送到小说,电视剧,电影,乃至动漫的世界。 从此,人生变得精彩了…… 新书已上传 :《位面复制大师》。 企鹅聊天群:524756349,书友群进入需正版订阅截图。1w0-566 >>
内容简介:身为记者的黑泽银,某一天接到了采访侦探毛利小五郎的任务,准备大展身手。结果观察期间,却阴差阳错地发现了一个智商爆表的眼镜小鬼拿着蝴蝶结领带耀武扬威。FBI的王牌另眼相看,CIA的卧底暴 露无遗,黑衣组织被耍团转……这个万能小学生,开外挂了么?这是个很好的采访对象!卖出去的消息一定能赚大钱!于是推断完某柯的商业价值的黑泽银立马下定决心,准备潜伏在名侦探的身边进行深度调查,从此引发一大堆鸡飞狗跳的事件……注:这是一个意图谋夺组织的情报员的日常生活,这是一个兼职保姆的杀手的日常生活,这是一个被死神体质感染总是被当成嫌疑犯的记者的日常生活。各位书友要是觉得《柯南之所谓记者不好当》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75352 >>
Monaco no Sora e summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Monaco no Sora e. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Second year middle school & 14 year old, Amano Yukiteru, is a boy who has a problem with making friends. He keeps a diary on his cell phone of the things he witnesses, believing himself to be a bystander to the world's happenings. Yuki's only salvation from solitude are his imaginary friends, one of whom turns out to be the not so imaginary Deus Ex Machina, an apparent lord of time and space. Deus tells Yukiteru he's planning a 'fun game' and upgrades his cell phone to a new model which predicts the future. Yuki is quick to abuse his new power but is brought back to earth when the diary predicts his own death. After managing to fend off his would be murderer, Yuki discovers Deus's game involves himself and eleven others with precognative diaries to fight to the death for an incredible prize going to the last man standing. Outgunned and desperate to survive, Yuki teams up with Gasai Yuno, his psychotic stalker who'd do anything from killing to dying for him. A spectacular story full of twists and double crosses ensues as the twelve diary holders scramble to find each others' identities while keeping themselves alive.
Collona Merri is a remote country whereby experiencing a strange phenomena that seldom occur in other countries, ''The Light Sparks''. Due to the phenomena, one group of its citizens obtains a mysterious power that is unknown. However, the country was in peace and harmony for 89 years until the strike of an unexpected war. Leighton, which was only 12 years old at that time was selling fruits in the market with his sister, Sarah to support their family. He had to stay strong to overcome all the sadness that were brought by the war. Will they able to adapt to the situation around them? Will Collona Merri be in peace again?
A Golden Future Cup Oneshot Result: Won In the near future, a mysterious new virus has brought humankind to the brink of extinction...the last resort, Science. A boy named Haijaru appears in a town and meets a girl named Alice, can he save everyone? Let alone saving himself from his deadly disease? From Baka-Updates: In the 2100s, a new virus has arisen that has dramatically evolved the wildlife into deadly monsters. Humans have been left behind by the virus's explosive evolution, and they are facing extinction. The only protection humanity has is the government's battle scientist organization, known as the White Jokers. Alice and her little sister Mona live in an isolated island city, where they have no hope of either running away or being rescued by the far-off government's White Jokers. Alice is determined to protect her little sister, but she and her handguns may stand no chance against a major attack. One day, a strange boy in a white lab coat, with a mysterious timer floating over his head, appears. Is he a White Joker, and will he be able to protect their little city? Hungry Joker is the winner of the recently held Golden Future Cup. Expect it to get serialized in 2012!
The Second Chance summary: The Second Chance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Second Chance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Covenant summary: Daimon (Covenant 0.5) 'Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing 'I smite thee! ' as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life.'For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals--pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she 'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demiG.o.d. At seventeen, she 's pretty much accepted that she 's a freak by mortal standards... and that she 'll never be prepared for that duty.According to her mother, that 's a good thing.But as every descendant of the G.o.ds knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return-the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death... because she 's being hunted by the very creatures she 'd once trained to kill.The daimons have found her.
Daily Strength for Daily Needs summary: Daily Strength for Daily Needs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Daily Strength for Daily Needs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
To The Work! To The Work! summary: To The Work! To The Work! summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of To The Work! To The Work!. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.