内容简介:可能是老天看她到死都还是剩女,所以可怜她一次性给了她三个!老大:吃喝嫖赌老二:偷鸡摸狗老三:坑蒙拐骗听说了这赵家三兄弟的德行后,原主死都不愿,最终死了因此便宜了这后来居上的陈某人!本站 提示:各位书友要是觉得《共妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4952 >>
内容简介:众人只知道阮家优秀出色,冷艳傲气的大女儿,却极少有人听说,阮家从小被寄养在小镇上,性格温软的小女儿阮绵。阮绵20岁时,刚和她领了证的沈衡面容冷漠地说:“两年后离婚。”阮绵身体微颤,低着 头呐呐道:“哦。”京市圈子里人人皆知,沈衡不仅脾气暴躁,还极度厌恶女人。不过,听闻他两年前娶妻了,捧在手心百般宠爱。只有两人心知肚明,他们是协议婚姻,各取所需,互不干扰对方的生活。期限到时,各位书友要是觉得《沈先生,离婚请签字》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73533 >>
内容简介:莫音的初衷是好的,她想要个徒弟养来防老一开始养着养着,自我感觉甚好,定能培养个五好少年但是,越养越黑,越养越歪而后徒弟被人拐走失联了四年好不容易找到却发现全黑了,她不在的那四年徒弟在黑 化的路上策马崩腾不带回头所以,她的悲剧导致了徒弟的悲剧而徒弟的悲剧最终导致了整个江湖的悲剧ps:1慢热2日更,绝不弃坑3男主该黑就黑,决不手软各位书友要是觉得《总有徒弟黑师傅》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99788 >>
内容简介:每天早上十点更新【放弃治疗的神经病小甜文】直男少年程安然穿越到玛丽苏文里,成了个恶毒短命的女(伪娘)配——但特有钱还特好看!每天看镜子都要怒舔十遍,恨不得镜子里的他是自己老婆。幸其自己 是爷们,又痛哀自己不是妹子,哎程安然不愁吃,不愁穿,每天还能看狗血八点档,这样的生活,简直就是人生赢家嘛!哎呀呀,男主的玛莎拉蒂又被碰瓷了,惨。哎呀呀,男主的办公室又被女主霸占了,好惨。哎呀呀,男主的豪娱又被男配砸场子了,惨惨惨。欢天喜地吃瓜中,直到他的爆米花被当事人抢走男主:二郎腿都翘起来了,戏看得很爽是吧?陈安然:我木有,我不是!(滚筒洗衣机式摇头jpg)丧病小剧场1爆马后的陈安然遥遥头,四十五度角忧伤望天男主什么的都是大骗子说是钢铁直男结果上来就扒人家裤子。丧病小剧场2霸总深情告白后程安然:那什么,我是男的钢管直。霸总的笑容渐渐消失告白告了,鲜花送了,钻石定制好了,现在你说你是个男的?ok没关系,是男的你就给我受着吧程安然严正抗议:我认为这样不行!霸总:但我认为这样相当阔以!【广告时间】——接档文《大佬龙在线卖萌》戳专栏最上!!!【放弃治疗系列现代捉妖文】小道士安阳重生了,没带系统,没激活异能,不是天赋异禀的那种重生只是怀里多了几个神奇宝贝精灵球——特么既能捉人,又能收妖牛逼一词叫破喉咙!然而在夜黑风高下,他捉到了只的上古凶兽卧遭,这只皮得不行又怂,又懒,看似大爷,还只电自己人简直是只废掉的皮卡丘养不动!养不动!安阳看着自己支付宝余额,陷入沉默。捉狂的安阳:你给我从球里出来,我要退货!烛龙装傻:皮卡,皮卡?安阳冷漠:快闭嘴。请不要玷污他可爱的皮卡丘。【老流氓装萌烛龙攻x老妈子心累训练家受】小剧场一号【初遇】烛龙:卑鄙的人类!你居然强行和我定下契约!!烛龙:不要脸!安阳:哥哥,是你自己钻到球里去的【熟透了后】烛龙暗戳戳买了套女装问:用怎样的卖萌姿势可以让我家阳阳穿女装安阳:滚。给好友打广告:《古董花瓶他成精啦!娱乐圈》by那一年幻耽苏爽文【文案】顾青是一个放在博物院里面的古董小花瓶,经过几千年吸收的日月精华,终于修成正果,化为人形。化为人形的他被星探一眼相中,带着自己一瓶子的玉露精华闯进了娱乐圈。由于相貌出色,在一众明星中也尤为突出,他很快就火了起来。某娱乐记者:“您对网友说您是花瓶怎么看?”顾青:“……这么说不严谨,严格来说,我是花瓶成精了。”记者:“???”各位书友要是觉得《男主又给我买女装穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69699 >>
内容简介:【预收文:我养的凶兽萌萌哒,求收。】【空口鉴抄,不带盘的的人请自觉爬,自己过来找骂就别怪作者口吐芬芳】【本文文案】末世后,纯人类彻底灭亡,而一些融合了兽人基因的人类承载着人类的希望陷入 沉睡。数百年后,安然从长眠中醒来。眼睛睁开的一瞬间,巨大的虎爪从天而降,“吼吼,崽,你终于醒啦!”安然:?她在自己都不知道情况下,一脸懵逼的成为两只老虎的崽崽,再加上一个还在幼年期毛绒绒的哥哥,一家四口艰难的行走在凶兽横行的末世中。没办法了——为了更好的生活安然抖抖自己的耳朵,甩甩尾巴,毅然而然的站出来,带着大家搞基建。房屋建筑走起来!粮食种田走起来!合伙狩猎走起来!……如斯残忍的末世中,弱小的兽人是食物链的底层,而在安然的带领下,他们终于有了立身的一席之地,逐渐走向强大。PS:虎妈后出现,文章所有环境设定全部私设【我养的凶兽萌萌哒文案】作为皇族的烟云兽武力高超,是帝国的守护神,然而他们性情暴躁,高高在上,没有人敢靠近。奉命养兽的皇族护理人黑萌萌内心紧张,做足了心里建设。然而,她看着眼前这一个个撒娇打滚的毛绒绒陷入了深思,这是烟云兽吗?不会是假冒的…吧?某天,皇族直播开启了,所有人等大了双眼打算一览皇族的风采。然而,一只毛绒绒细声细气的叫着撒娇,一只毛绒绒围着黑萌萌不断转圈。在他们震惊的目光下,一只大的毛绒绒走过来,亲昵的蹭着黑萌萌,目光柔和的看着她,翻身露出自己的肚皮求抚摸。所有人倒吸一口凉气,这不是他们英勇神武,冷淡自持的太子殿下吗?妖女,你施展了什么魔法!对此,黑萌萌埋进毛绒绒肚皮里满足的吸了一口。毕竟,她有特殊的吸猫体质。1w0-77937 >>
内容简介:三年前,遭家族遗弃,女友背叛,无奈流落山村,却意外获得神秘传承,医术高绝,武道登顶!三年后,强势归来,掌权,掌财,掌命! 那些曾经看不起我的人,通通跪在我的脚下……狂少一怒,染血千里, 这便是他的狂!他的傲!他的天下!1w0-2302 >>
内容简介:咸鱼躺平后选择联姻简介:穿越到大齐后,池宴走升级流路线做了神医,因为搅基犯法,单身狗的他只好兢兢业业救死扶伤,最后因为劳累过度死亡。一睁眼,他重回现代。空调、外卖、wifi、游戏……池 宴激动抱着自己的手机,第一时间打开了游戏。连续打了三天三夜的游戏,池宴熬得眼睛通红,早晨哈气连天拉开房门,池宴看到了英俊男子手捧鲜花站在他家门口。他终于想起来了因为激情打游戏而忘记的事情——今天是他的结婚日。池宴怀中揣着红本本,一拍大腿:“长腿英俊多金的长期饭票,结婚这事我赚大了!”傅越舟以为自己只是多了一个毫无感情的商业联姻对象。结果……结婚第1w0-76201 >>
内容简介:陆先生的占有欲最新章节由网友提供,《陆先生的占有欲》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的其他类型作品,小兵免费提供十度天新书陆先生的占有欲最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w 0-64165 >>
It's summer! And Nina (Lollipop) and Yoku (Milcute) both have a plan to spend their summer making memories with the ones they love. Nina drags Zero to the amusment park, while Yoku takes Miu. There they both tell their partners that they will enter the 'Love Race' to win a great prize. What happens when Lollipop mets Milcute? And who kidnaped Forte (Lollipop) to force him to enter the race with her? Find out in this cute short chapter. -Oneshot side story from Modotte! Mamotte! Lollipop
From Fushichou: Crazy for Daddy is a collection of unrelated, hard yaoi one-shots by Chi-ran. From light-hearted humor, to angst and a taste of the forbidden, each chapter embraces a wide variety of subjects and emotions, exploring the different sexual relationships between eclectic groups of characters. Some of the stories contain elements of bondage, non-con themes, and incest. 1) Crazy For You: Mizugami is surprised one day when that woman, who was his first and last, suddenly appears after sixteen years and tells him he is a father. Not only that, but his son Yuuri is now his responsibility. Yuuri has always harbored an attraction for his small, cute daddy, and can’t see the man as his father. Can Yuuri help his daddy see beyond the forbidden and accept him as a lover? 2) So, I Know All About It: Mitomo sleeps with other men for money and as a hobby. Toudou is his childhood friend and wants him to stop, nagging constantly about pride and self-respect. He has always loved Mitomo and has never been with another, wanting to give his first kiss and first experience to his childhood friend. Mitomo knows Toudou is a virgin and taunts him until Toudou finally gives into the seduction, making love for the first time with Mitomo. Just when Toudou thinks that things have changed and all is right in the world, he catches Mitomo with another customer. Can Toudou convince Mitomo to give up his whoring ways? 3) Cute Little Devil: Ibuki Kaoru is a normal human who keeps 4 demons as pets. The youngest demon, Dooru, is connected to Ibuki because if he doesn’t drink Ibuki’s blood, he can’t survive. Having Dooru drink his blood while he has sex with the demon, fills Ibuki with indescribable pleasure. But at the climax, Dooru always calls the name of another. It makes Ibuki want to bully him. After one particularly harsh punishment, Dooru slips into a coma. Can Ibuki bring the demon back by revealing his true feelings? 4) The Sun and the North Wind: Soleil, the sun god, loves Nord, the north wind god. But Nord will have nothing to do with him. The moon god Lune, fed up with the depression in which Soleil has fallen, suggests that the sun god try a different strategy to win over Nord. Soleil challenges the north wind god to a contest, where the winner stands to gain it all. Can the sun god win the game and the heart of the north wind god? 5) Heaven: What’s the difference between sinful and non-sinful sexual relationships? Is loving someone a sin, even if that person is of the same sex? If wanting to be with the one you love, wishing to share happiness with the one you love is a sin, then why did God give humans bodies of flesh? These are questions that a beautiful priest can not easily answer when pressured with sweet temptation. Will he lose his faith to the dark haired demon that taunts him? 6) Display House: Takayuki Mukai lives in the corporate dorms directly across from Meguru Esaka’s home. Meguru is a voyeur, watching Takayuki entertain his guests, and slowly developing feelings for the other man. He uses his knowledge to blackmail Takayuki into giving him shows on a regular basis, having sex with random strangers in the window so that Meguru can watch from his room directly next door. Meguru’s goal is to eventually make Takayuki his. In that showroom where Takayuki’s shameful performance unfolds, will he ever realize the love that Meguru has for him?
Saku Love (ETOU Kira) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Saku Love (ETOU Kira). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Despair Trigger summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Despair Trigger. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron summary:
A decision can destroy the sun, moon and stars. A finger can kill the Heavenly Overlord. While chatting, the Heaven and ten worlds can be annihilated.
A poor little kid walks out from a remote mountain area while holding the Nine Dragons and the Incredible Cauldron. With a control over the time and s.p.a.ce eternally, he embarks on the Path to G.o.d where he defies the odds of the boundless universe gaudily by fighting against royalty and clashing with the legendary generation.
Consort Overturning the World summary: Yan Xiaoxuan has no ability and no looks, and eating like a glutton was one of her abilities, sleeping a lot was one of her abilities, and her biggest wish was to marry a man who could fill her stomach! In everyone’s eyes, he was the fifth crown prince who fooled around without a care in the world. He wears a snow white outfit, all just for the sake of displaying his worth to her alone. She was cold and proud, and as subdued as water. He was willing to give the world away for her. She said, “I can’t tell what you’re thinking, it’s also hard for me to block you, if you are able to threaten something that is important to me, I will obey you fully…… until I die.” He said, “I hardly find anything I hold dearly, but once I do, if it dies, I will personally send it into its grave.”
Doctor Who_ The Tomb Of Valdemar summary: Doctor Who_ The Tomb Of Valdemar summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ The Tomb Of Valdemar. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber summary: Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Conrad Starguard - Conrad's Quest for Rubber. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.