内容简介:类型:言情古色古香爱情她是一个相貌寻常,却博学多才的清冷薄情女子,他是一个天赋异禀,却痼疾缠身的冷峻腹黑少年。命运让她们相遇,那年,她十四岁,他九岁,她成了他的小夫子,她成了他的师父。 女师男徒,两人虽相差五岁,却演绎出一段惊心动魄的爱情……重现终南山下,一见杨过误终身的爱情神话。他天赋异禀,却痼疾缠身、阴戾冷酷;她相貌寻常,却博学广闻、清冷薄情。腹黑王者,少女帝师,乱世中演绎一场惊天动地的师徒绝恋。师徒文出书版完结【内容简介2】刘盈是博学多才,却容貌平凡的清冷女子,胡荼是天赋异禀,却痼疾缠身的冷漠少年。貌似不相干的两个人,偏偏相遇了。那年,她十四岁,他九岁,她成了他的小夫子。他百般刁难、千般恶语,恨不得小夫子知难而退。偏偏,越是相处,越是心惊,不知不觉喜欢上不该喜欢的你……十六岁那年,他冲破世俗的伦理,痛痛快快地将小夫子吃干抹净。“夫子,这世上惟你知我,可为何你却如此无情?”女师男徒,超脱世俗,演绎一场惊心动魄的旷世绝恋……【作者简介】梨魄,80后古言小说人气作家,兼图书编辑。生性温和,偶尔风趣。痴迷汉字之美,每每流连忘返。常以为指间敲下平仄,落墨绽开繁花,是人间雅乐。已出版:《琅环流光》、《妖殇》、《小魔女的冒险日记》、《迷糊小皇后》等。1w0-81724 >>
内容简介:陈圭睡我床上,翻来覆去地睡不着。“你干啥。”我问。“认床,睡不着。”他疲惫地说。我睡了一会儿,轻轻靠过去自动躺他怀里:“那你认我不?”“你好无聊呀。”他说,然后抱了我一下一男一女的相识 相知相爱相离以及相逢。男主前期腿疾,10章之后手术起来了青梅竹马的爱情渐变,结局HE总的来说还是甜吧?是吧?他是我的的梦和信仰;但人总会有那么一段时间失去梦想和信仰。童话里面不是爱,出了童话才是。1w0-98396 >>
内容简介:R国的航母很狂么?兑换一顶百年后的单兵火箭炮,一炮让你变灰机!天使、恶魔很嚣张吗?兑换一把聚能冲击炮吧,他们不过是一些会飞的靶子!各位书友要是觉得《无限灾难》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72578 >>
内容简介:被家族暗算死于一场车祸后,泉佑意外穿越,还绑定了一个万人迷系统。【很高兴见到您,泉佑先生,系统编号007竭诚为你服务】【叮——触发主线任务,成为《你是我的九十九分之一》七位出道位的拥有 者之一,目前进度01】【我们的宗旨是达成目标“万人迷”,目前进度0】“在?原主只是个训练时长三个月的练习生,还是学艺不精的那种,怎么跟其他九十八位竞争对手争夺那仅有的七个成团位?你醒醒。”【叮——检测中,据检测结果显示,泉佑先生可达成该目标的可能性为100】【嘤嘤嘤,007会帮助你的,你不要放弃007好不好?我超乖der,功能也会越来越多哒!】“业务不熟练,看情况吧。”泉佑先生心烦地挥挥手。于是,懒散的泉佑先生不得不走上了大型选秀节目《你是我的九十九分之一》的舞台,被迫营业。他一点也不想红,只想混个出道位,等过两年组合解散他就单飞做个悠闲自在的十八线小艺人。却没想到,冥冥之中自有定数?商场贵公子向舞台主宰者的转变之路他让我有心动的感觉泉佑必须C位出道!#扒一扒那个惊才绝艳的泉姓个人练习生#论我的男神们为什么钟情于一个小小练习生##惊鸿一瞥定终身#1设定半架空2无原型,不要较真,图个开心。3无CP,男主盛世美颜,全员单箭头。立意青春梦想在路上各位书友要是觉得《我只想混个出道位091系统093》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77725 >>
内容简介:《家教掉马进行时》云雀恭弥,并盛中学风纪委员长,最强的不良少年,极度爱校,每天都在血雨腥风的厮杀中度过。被迫当上彭格列十代目的沢田纲吉迫于恩师礼包恩的淫威,每天都在激怒云雀恭弥的底线上 大鹏展翅,提心吊胆的生怕自己不知道什么时候就被对方打死在某个巷子里。沢田纲吉一直认为对方一定会注孤生。直到某一天无意间发现了某人不为人知的秘密。远处——陌生的女孩子:哎,恭弥你在干什么呢?这个人是怎么回事?云雀:……再抓抢劫犯,抓到了1w0-69802 >>
内容简介:病娇会做什么?偷偷收集你用过的所有东西,在房间里贴满你的照片,跟踪划掉保护你的行踪。在世人眼中也许你就是个普普通通平平凡凡的女孩,可在病娇眼中,你是电你是光,你是唯一的神话(咦,唱起来 了。篇集合,各种题材均有涉及,现代篇、古代篇、末世篇、西幻篇、星际篇、玄幻篇请切记主角之一或者两个主角是病娇,是病娇,是病娇。八月一号开V,因字数太多,需要从33章开始倒V,但在开谢大家的支持,作者菌一定会送上更多的病娇男末世文:末世凌晨复活点女主强势霸道无意识渣,男主高智商低体能。1w0-112680 >>
内容简介: 【双强苏爽 、娇美动人千金VS权势滔天大佬】 唐念一朝重生,成了声名狼藉的恶毒千金。 没爹疼没娘爱,恶毒又草包。 偶然进入娱乐圈,还被黑粉冠以花瓶名头,怒斥她没演技。 花瓶 ? 五大奥赛夺冠我说什么了。 没演技?? 三金影后了解一下。 恶毒? 救人无数,神医圣手说的就是本人。 唐念叹气,转头看到自己捡的小可怜:瘦弱伶仃,中毒濒死、眼瞎腿残,比她还惨。 算了,养着吧。 小可怜脾气不大好。 起先,他阴郁冷漠:“滚,别碰我。” 后来,他撒娇缠磨:“念念你再摸摸我。” 再后来,他摇身一变成了权势滔天的反派大佬。 唐念呆了,“崽崽?” 他勾唇,“乖,叫老公。” Ps:1.男主身体会治好 2.男主前期身体缩水,女主当崽养 3.男主实际年龄22岁,不是小孩子!1w0-4439 >>
内容简介:我刚进群,就抢了个大红包,结果还让我和美女做……因为抢红包,全班都被卷入一场无法停止的血腥游戏,在它的规则里,游戏没有对错,只有输赢,赢的是命,输的也是命!所有人都变得尔虞我诈,互相残 杀,私欲的弱点,人性的诡暗,一点点被它完全逼迫出来。为了活着,我必须赢得游戏!1w1231-28735 >>
内容简介:秦宇穿越斗罗大陆,成为千仞雪未婚夫,需要在千仞雪成就九十九级绝世斗罗之时献祭。还好“神级选择系统”开启。只要选择并完成任务,就会获得丰厚奖励。第一个任务是……多年后,秦宇看着面前的倩影 ,问道:“东,让这个世界姓秦可以吗?”比比东点点头:“好。”1w0-126671 >>
内容简介:一个普通人类,一觉醒来后发现自己竟然变成了一只刚刚破壳的小乌龟。而自己所处的世界,居然是……各位书友要是觉得《穿越变成小乌龟》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0 -78850 >>
Rikuto had a new younger brother Ayumu after his father’s remarriage. However, little did he know that Ayumu was actually a girl and it was under her mother’s orders that she pretend to be a boy to him. Every day, his heart beats a little faster around his overly cute brother (sister), while her heart aches in having to hide her true identity from her kind brother. With the arrival of spring, Rikuto and Ayumu begin attending the popular private school Asaoka Academy, with Ayumu dressed up as a girl. As Rikuto becomes friends with his classmates, he notices that they all have something missing. His friend from middle school, Matsuri, has lost sight of what it meant to be a girl. The cool-mannered Mao dresses as a boy even though she is a girl. The extremely shy class rep Kimika wishes to change herself. With Ayumu by his side, he sets out to help them seek out what they are missing.
Memory of the Future allows us into the lives of two teachers, Kento and Akira. Kento is what you expect of the typical well-to-do man: he's dating a beautiful woman, plans to get married, and loves his grandparents. Akira is something of an opposite: he's an openly gay man, does not plan to get married, and has one night stands. These two have their lives intersect when they tumble into bed together, only find out later that they are co-workers.Sequel:>Kaze no Yukue( http://mangapark.me/search?q=kaze-no-yukue )
As a descendent of the famous exorcist, Abe no Seimei, Yuuichirou has always been able to see ghosts. Yuuichirou, as a child, was proud to be a son of the Seimei Shrine and wanted to follow in his father's shoes and become an exorcist until he's bullied by Ishida in elementary school. Now, as a teenager, Yuuichirou has lost his faith in Seimei. Can a visit from Abe no Seimei, himself, restore Yuuichirou's faith and close the rift between father and son?
From Turtle Paradise: Meet Matsuri, a high-school girl in love. Typical, right? But no one knows what’s in Matsuri’s special protective charm… Mimori, a god of protection! Mimori takes the form of a miniature boy and protects Matsuri from danger while supporting in her quest for romance… Until he realizes that he, too, has feelings for her! Can true love exist between a god and a human?
Starting Anew As The New Me summary: The Demon Lord who unified the Demon Realm, Dalewatts, starts his invasion of the Human Realm to bring it under his rule. At that time, the announcement “The one that shall pull out the Angel’s Sword will become the hero and defeat the Demon Lord” circulated through the Human Realm. Dalewatts, who heard about this, transferred his soul and magical power into a human body and slipped into the ceremony to try and destroy the hero and the sword himself, but there was no one who could pull out the sword. The onlookers were also made to partic.i.p.ate in the ceremony and when Dalewatts’ turn came, with no way to escape anymore, he helplessly grasped the sword, then, at that moment, after his magical power got absorbed by the sword the spirit inhabiting the sword, Erin, appeared and the sword fell out. By pulling out the sword he got recognized as the hero and his life of subjugating the Demon Lord started…… However, that Demon Lord is he himself. Thus the mysterious adventure of going to defeat himself began.
Space Stations summary: Space Stations summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Space Stations. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Beautiful Time With You summary:
Shortly after his marriage, Lin Jiage was thrown out of his house.
In his quest to return home, he tried every means at his disposal, but to no avail. Eventually, he could only turn his sights to a certain Little Bun.
After listening to Lin Jiage’s proposal, Little Bun shook pinkies with him and replied in an adorable voice, “Deal!”
On the night that Little Bun received a robot, he brought Shi Yao to a restaurant and secretly whispered into Lin Jiage’s ears, “Daddy, Mommy is here to eat with you.”
On the night that Little Bun received an Ultraman figurine, he brought Shi Yao to a swimming complex and whispered into Lin Jiage’s ears, “Daddy, Mommy is here to swim with you.”
On the night that Little Bun received a toy train set, he brought Shi Yao to a hotel room, gave Lin Jiage a condom, and whispered into his ear, “Daddy, Mommy is here to sleep with you.”
Atta Troll summary: Atta Troll summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Atta Troll. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.