
















类别热血 校园 运动 日漫












黑鹰中队是 DC Comics 于 2011 年 9 月推出的月度系列。该系列与 DC 长期运行的黑鹰角色的前身没有直接关系。这部漫画的背景是现代,没有出现或提及以前的黑鹰,尽管有一个新的“黑鹰夫人”。这本漫画分享了在 闪点中设置的重启 DC 宇宙连续性的设置,并且是 DC 新 52 计划的一部分。






内容简介:许言觉得前三十年的人生没什么遗憾。后来才发现仅仅只是当时手里的钱不够多。【发现新任务,系统已为您自动接单】【系统只是辅助,没有一颗配的上金钱的心灵,你永远都不会成为真的神豪!】许言默默 的将系统调至静音,任务什么的,有空再说。一本拥有了神豪系统却还不是神豪的日常文。1w0-34321 >>


内容简介:草民生死皆如狗,贵人骄奢天恩眷。世间苦海千万劫,不是眷恋停留处。我欲扶摇上九天,便以白骨筑天路。翻天覆地从今始,杀人无须瞻前顾。王侯将相,曰可杀。牛鬼蛇神,曰可杀。诸子圣贤,曰可杀。诸 天仙佛,亦可杀。但求我命皆由我,天下无物不可杀!各位书友要是觉得《太上真魔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《太上真魔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70834 >>


内容简介:【】齐欢凭着自己的本事,不但创建了自己的帝国,而且横扫一切美女,美妇,警花,护士,老师,秘书,白领,甚至。。。。只要看得上眼的,就全收,不管她是谁,不管她和自己有什么样的关系豪门浪荡史 第001章风情女秘齐欢坐在宽大的办公室里,有些不相信的看着办公室里的摆投,还使劲的捏了一下自己的大退,退上一阵疼痛的感觉传来,使得齐欢知道了,自己这一切都不是在做梦,这一切都是真实的。而就在三天以前,自己还只是一个落迫的三流大学的毕业生,正在为寻找工作而发悉呢,却没有想到,现在自己却已经坐在了宽大而毫华的办公室里,成为了这家环球企业公司一个部门的经理。。。。1w0-70322 >>


内容简介:“师父,我们能不能不要飞升?” “不行,灵气即将枯竭,天地桥是最后的机会。” “可是灵气终会复苏,我们为什么不能等到那一天?” “因为末法时代,我们很快会老,很快会死,没有人可以熬到灵 气复苏的那一天。” “如果有人真的可以等到那一天呢?” “...那他,将成为新纪元的神!”1w0-3776 >>


内容简介:起点编辑第二组荣誉出品,着名编辑海星、青山特别力荐!开皇十八年,大隋帝国甲兵强盛,风行万里,如日中天。可盛世太平的平静波面下,却已经暗流涌动,危机四伏!烟花般灿烂的三月,凌云出现在大隋 江南扬州。重返大隋,我意任逍遥。我本卑微,却君临天下!继《隋末》、《晚唐》之后,木子蓝色《隋唐三部曲》最后一部,《重返大隋》正式开始,希望大家喜欢,多多支持!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重返大隋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80045 >>


内容简介:都说一入侯门深似海,所以学会‘游泳’是很重要滴,否则就要淹没在宅门的大风大浪中那!作为镇国公府的嫡女,名门世家女,令宸从小就致力于学习各种‘游泳’技能,鸭梨那是想当的大滴。不过,为了美 好的将来,那咱就努力奋斗了!1w0-27071 >>


内容简介:我于黑暗中诞生,我于诡秘处醒来。异常与神灵的世界,钢铁与枪械的国度,罪恶与守护的土壤,谁能掌握真正的非凡?巫术、魔女、守夜人、黑暗家族……诅咒、神明、地狱火、生命法庭……黑暗从未离去, 光明永不退散,命运的指针仍在走动。嘀嗒,嘀嗒,嘀嗒……1w0-98802 >>


内容简介:十年相处,她有眼无珠,不知渣男狼心狗肺,不识渣女伪善蛇蝎!被削了手足,剜了琵琶骨,惨死在冷宫深处!一朝重生,她一路披荆斩棘,剑指渣男,步步相逼:“上官鸿,我慕容笙怎会放过你?!就算是死 ,这一世,我也要带着你,黄泉路上一道走!”1w30741-30749 >>


内容简介:  【Z大十大校草系列之六】大佬校草肖启昂转学到国际经济系,全校女生好兴奋,忙着冒粉红泡泡。莫歆儿也好兴奋,忙着给大佬拍泳装照、写情书、画漫画……卖给女生们,生意好得不得了。不幸败露, 莫歆儿被肖启昂堵在角落里咚住:“你就这么想从我身上赚钱?”莫歆儿嘴角抽抽地怂:“要不赚的钱我们五五分?四六?三七?嘤!”肖启昂:你要我卖我自己?*刚开始的肖启昂,“我怎么可能喜欢莫歆儿?这哪是口红印?是她蹭我领口的印泥!”后来的肖启昂,往自己领口蹭印泥,死乞白赖,“歆儿,全校都看到你印在我领口的口红印了,你要对我负责任!”莫歆儿:大佬总是碰瓷我,怎么办?*——大佬走了小作精的路,让小作精无路可走。——说好的少年成名的商界大佬,在小作精那里亏得连心都不剩!1w0-3326 >>




内容简介:前世:“夕若!你尽不到妻子的责任也就罢了?我不逼你。”“但是你能不能尽到一个母亲的责任啊?”“你怎么忍心给自己的儿子喂安眠药”“夕若你去死吧,我才是傅家的少夫人哈哈你这个蠢货,傅君暮一 直爱着你,你却不相信他,还给自己的儿子喂安眠药”这一世:“宝贝儿,妈咪送你们去上学好不好?”“宝贝儿,妈咪给你们做饭好不好?”某天记者采访:“傅总裁,对于您的妻子改邪归正,您有什么想法吗?”傅君暮:“可能上辈子我拯救了全宇宙。”记者:“傅总裁听说您在家的地位还不如自己的儿子?”傅君暮:“是谁说的,给我站出来?什么听说,本来就是。”(记者:我们还能不能愉快的交谈了)【展开】【收起】1w0-97875 >>

Hi No Kagutsuchi

On a trip to look for his brother, a hungry Hachiya Rei stops at a shrine to pray. It is just his luck that he is accused of stealing money from the shrine and forced to work to pay off the amount stolen. However, the real thief turns out to be a daemon, or a god turned evil! An encounter with the daemon unleashes Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, concealed in Rei. As Kagutsuchi's proxy, Rei can use the god's holy fire to purify daemons, but there's a side effect...

Sensei Anone (Tachibana Ei)

From Baka-Updates: Ineffectual high-school teacher Kakenshi catches his (male) student Nakamura using school computers after-hours to make naughty crossdressing webcam shows. Kakenshi persuades Nakamura to stop, but only because Nakamura has a new hobby: seducing Kakenshi! Will Kakenshi surrender his heterosexuality and give in to his cute crossdressing student's affections? An ecchi rom-com aimed at crossdressing fans, from the boys-in-skirts (otokonoko) magazine Oto?Nyan.

Shoujo Sect

The storyline revolves around Momoko Naitou and the key protagonists Shinobu Handa. They understand each other since childhood and Shinobu fell in-love from the very first day they fulfilled with Momoko. Now registered within an all-girl high-school, days gone by has been forgotten about by Momoko, but Shinobu hasn't. Shinobu still expects for Momoko to recall their assurance from long ago, although both follow their particular manners. Characters Shinobu Handa (Manga Based) Shinobu is among the key characters of the tale. She creating her way on earth or does not have any trouble with cash. She's a bourgeois-only-child. She adores girls no matter age. With reference to sleeping in class, usually being a delinquent arriving late and a failure mark, she's ahead of the curve. Nevertheless, it appears that she was once an ideal pupil right out of some picture. She's in-love with Momoko Naitou the most although Shinobu is involved with a harem with the majority of her schoolmates. Momoko Naitou The primary character of the show. Momoko is an associate of the disciplinary committee of the school's that's a responsibility that she frequently sets her at odds with Shinobu and takes very significantly. She's quite gluttonous (although she never seems to gain any fat), irritable, and has almost no tolerance for other people's jokes (although she's revealed to really have a mischievous aspect of her own). She's kind to her school mates, nevertheless, which makes her quite popular. Momoko constantly wears a somewhat powerful-smelling cologne which often gives her existence away before she causes it to be understood. Several years prior to the show she first met with Shinobu in a park when they both were quite young. Shinobu and Momoko inturn gave her a biscuit and a kiss, respectively. This meeting left Shinobu for Momoko with heavy feelings of love, although Momoko doesn't recall in any way. After recognizing that Shinobu is really kind and really adores her, Momoko finds it difficult to warm up to Shinobu due to the promiscuity of the latter, but afterwards reciprocates her feelings. She even hits on an upperclassman, who'd pushed herself on Shinobu, which triggered the upperclassman hitting on her head right against a fire-extinguisher leaving her unconscious.

My Secret Roommate

Sooha, who'd licked her lazily like a languid predator, tilted his head and tried to kiss her. Hyemin leaned her upper body back as much as possible. Sweat traveled down her spine. As he continued, sounds she heard outside made her nervous. They can't get caught. Never, at least for the sake of her life's peace and serenity! 'A-At home.' She bit her lips and whispered seriously, as if trying to negotiate. At that, his languid eyes briefly lit up. 'Home?' 'Yeah! I'll discharge you from the hospital. So at home...' 'Let's continue?' Irritated, she pushed his shoulder. But in the end, she couldn't slip out. 'No.' He, who kissed her glistening lips repeatedly, smirked and placed his body over hers again. 'I don't want to. I can't wait, Honey.' Song Hyemin is a fourth-year resident at Songlim University Hospital, facing the worst crisis of her life thanks to A-list celebrity Lee Sooha, who suddenly visited her. My secretive and dizzying roommate story, as hazy as it is lovely.

Can Someone Please Explain This Situation

Can Someone Please Explain This Situation summary: For the large sum of money to help her husband, she chose to be a surrogate mother covertly. Her sweetheart was out of trouble, but she became the woman of loose morals in his eyes. Misunderstanding, disappointment and sadness forced her to divorce the man she loved from the childhood.
When she was determined to start new life, another man burst into her life. “You are my baby’s mommy and you are my wife!” A big surprise hit her that her baby’s Daddy, the man she surrogated for, fell in love with her at his first sight.
His deep love convinced her to believe the affection of love again. Unexpectedly, her ex-husband returned to beg her recombination. One was her childhood sweetheart, and the other was the man who loved her and gave her hope for a new life……Facing the two men, what is her choice?

Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman

Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman summary: Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Colonel Carter's Christmas and The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Baby Gambit

The Baby Gambit summary: The Baby Gambit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Baby Gambit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Black Wolf's Breed

The Black Wolf's Breed summary: The Black Wolf's Breed summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Black Wolf's Breed. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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