内容简介:云瑾心带着自己前世的别墅穿越了,里面有自己的手术室药室,从此从二十一世纪天才医师变成大夏第一丑女,还被迫嫁给一个残疾,前有残疾王爷百般折磨,后有各路女配有事没事找茬挑刺,还有原主的鬼魂 对自己处处限制……云瑾心表示,她能不能撂挑子啊!1w0-92174 >>
内容简介:一觉醒来,方修发现自己穿越成了大乾帝国的丞相,并觉醒情绪系统。绑定女帝,引发情绪波动,就能获得奖励。于是。方修:“先帝遗诏,陛下应当称臣为相父。”女帝:“”【情绪值1000】1w0-9 9074 >>
内容简介: 秦愿不仅是个学渣,还是个惹事精,结交的都是不务正业的不良少年。 江书意是班长,集温柔阳光积极向上于一身的正面教材,拿奖拿到手软,身边围绕的也是学习优秀的团体,乃一班的骄傲。 每次秦愿被老师教育,指定有一句:你学学人家江书意! 秦愿:不学。 老师:? 秦愿:太装了,累。 有人问江书意:秦愿最近好像找你挺勤,是不是喜欢你? 江书意:没可能。我这辈子都不跟学渣玩! ———— 后来,他两成了同桌。 画风就逐渐变了,有人看见—— #班长偷偷给学渣塞习题集# #班长给学渣补课# #班长给学渣买了一袋棒棒糖# #班长给学渣带饭# #班长的红烧肉全给了学渣# 关于他两的谣言满天飞,江书意解释:别误会,我只是想拯救学渣,不拖班级后腿。 第二天。 听说秦愿去四班找顾子杭告白了!!! 刚踏进教室的江书意课本一丢,转身就走。 楼梯角落里,温柔班长逼近学渣秦愿:你不是说只喜欢我么?朝秦暮楚,秦愿你可以啊。 ———— *1V1小甜饼,温馨尽量不狗血! *前期青春校园,毕业前不会真的谈恋爱,也不会搞暧昧! *男女主一起进步,一起优秀,变得更好的成长逆袭文!1w0-2063 >>
内容简介: 李恒穿越大唐,成为被李世民冷落的皇子,却意外觉醒签到系统。 【含元殿到成功!获得《天子剑法》】 【紫宸殿签到成功!获得《皇极惊世拳》】 【人皇殿签到成功!获得《人皇玉册》】 …… 李恒本以为自己是来到了高武大唐,只想低调签到,默默变强。 直到有一天观音菩萨立于长安城上,李世民率领满朝文武全城百姓跪倒在地,顶礼膜拜! 李恒才知道,原来这里有诸天七圣,漫天神佛,盖世大妖! 这里是西游世界,南赡部洲,人族卑微如蝼蚁,天子如草芥,人皇都在佛祖之下!1w0-2176 >>
内容简介:本文已完结xAxA傅青玄是个快穿任务者,根据系统任务,他收养了三个徒弟,迫于无奈,他渣了三个徒弟。xAxA大徒弟,温润尔雅,被他弄瞎了双眼。xA二徒弟,开朗幽默,被他打折了双腿。xA三 徒弟,阴郁偏执,被他废了灵根,扔了出去。xAxA系统:“不好了,那个世界主要人物全部黑化了,宿主必须重新回去做一次任务,要化解他们心中的怨恨,咳咳!时间已经过去了十八年,注意捂好自己的马甲。”xAxA傅青玄:“……”QAQ,这任务相当于让他去送死。xAxA大徒弟成了第一仙门掌门,他谪仙高雅:“师父,当年我的眼睛被魔魂侵蚀,您耗费修为给我清理,我愿意以身相许。”xAxA二徒弟成了合欢宗宗主,他美艳明媚:“若非你打折了我的腿,我体内魔力肆虐,早已魂飞魄散。师父,别躲啊,坐近点,让我好好感谢你。”xAxA小徒弟成了人人畏惧的魔君,他把傅青玄按在墙上,折过他的双手,翻过他的身子,低吼:“师尊不是清冷禁欲,对我的感情不屑一顾吗?我偏要搞你。”xAxA傅青玄:“????”你们怎么回事?都怎么知道的?xAxA1欢脱修真小白文,恋爱修罗场,结局1v1,攻是聂钰。xA2玻璃心作者,只想听好话Ora。xAxA求预收,熟悉的修罗场味道哦,戳我的专栏吧,谢谢xAxA文名:《宿敌们都想攻略我》xA文案:xA段槿穿书了,他竟然有三个宿敌?xAxA他的徒弟,不知哪根筋搭错了,非要跟他结道侣,他断然拒绝,师父反目。xAxA他最忠诚的管家,突然在他喝醉的晚上,把他压在身下,意图强吻,被他一掌劈开。xAxA他跟魔君决战,魔头把受伤的他搂在怀里:“你脆弱的样子,好迷人,我想换个方式弄哭你。”xAxA段槿一脸懵,这特么到底怎么回事?xAxA直到他绑定了反攻略系统:“亲,你是宿敌们的攻略对象呢,只有成功跟你求婚,他们才能完成任务。”xAxA段槿惊了:“还有这种事!”xAxA“亲亲不要害怕,这边送你读心术呢,看穿他们,让他们心甘情愿爱上你,你可以重生回家呢。”xAxA结果,段槿发现:xAxA徒弟表面说:“师尊,我一定要得到你的人,用强也在所不惜。”xA心里:师尊,好想让你抱抱我。xAxA管家:“主上,得不到你我就要毁了你。”xA心里:呜呜呜,舍不得毁了。xAxA魔头:“来,哭给我看,喊给我听。”xA心里:莫挨老子。1w0-27655 >>
内容简介:孟岩花了200块购买了一块玉佩,没想到竟然开启了一个熟练度面板,可以帮助他快速学习技能。练习投篮,可以成为投篮之神。丢石子,可以成为暗器之神。学习毛笔字,可以成为书法之神。……孟岩此生 没什么野望,只想多赚点钱,可有人却告诉他,滚滚红尘迎来了四千年未有之大变局,灵机复苏,末法终结,道法时代即将来临,修行可以长生。长生好呀!“不长生的话,我赚那么多钱可怎么才能花的完哟!”1w0-88739 >>
内容简介: 【推荐我的年代新文《满级绿茶穿到八十年代重新做人》】苏雯看了一本爆红的年代赘婿文,男主是个充满安全感的铁血硬汉,同时又有点腹黑小闷骚。正是她喜欢的款,于是大手一挥打赏了一百万阅读币 ——然后就穿成了男主的渣前妻。书中,原身作为在家招赘的一家之主不想着顶立门户,偏偏是个恋爱脑。放着巨粗的金大腿不要,被小白花女主挑唆,看上了隔壁村的渣男。苏雯穿过来后抱紧男主金大腿,努力赚钱发家致富。结果妹妹们太争气,哭着喊着要跟姐姐一样在家招上门女婿,生了娃都姓苏。于是,苏雯开启了每天都在挑选妹婿的节奏,各个都很英俊,各个都是人才。身材一个比一个好,家世一个比一个强,好难选啊!被冷落的某人气势汹汹的把她堵在门后:“有我英俊吗?有我身材好吗?有我家世强吗?”苏雯:“……可他们是我妹婿。”“我整个人都是你的。存折给你,命也给你。”第二天,苏雯醒来后看着二十几本存折,陷入沉思……****1w0-2177 >>
内容简介:林彦穿越斗罗世界,开局获得签到打卡系统。恭喜您第一次来到斗罗世界,签到成功!获得“至尊骨·上苍劫光”一块!林彦原本以为这是他崛起的开始,没想到竟被人当做天生魂骨挖走!先天根基受损,资质 下降,七岁才武魂觉醒,想要拜师大师被拒,被唐三看不起!没关系!我有签到打卡系统!三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!扣扣群:3024106831w0-127223 >>
(series of one-shots) Summaries from Baka-Updates: Plain House Minori wanted to be an interior designer so she applied for a job at “Sunhouse Residence” company. During the welcoming karaoke party she took the initiative and sang a song that the director was good at. As a result she was transferred to the show house, which proved to be also the residence of one interesting guy. Love Trainer Asami, who hates dishonesty, often causes troubles in the company where she's working. This time, she gets a client's director angry, and she receives a letter of transfer for the fourth time. She is appointed to a post in the department of technological development where the elite and honest staff are working. Kayato is her boss and hard trainer. She dislikes him, and wants to go back to the post as a receptionist. Organic Boys On the 20th birthday of Yuu-chan her best friends confess to her. Who will she choose? And how will she react? Sakura Falling After 5 Rika had no time and no personal life. She worked everyday at her office until 5 and then she helped her father with his shop. One day an university student comes to eat at the shop and this is only the beginning.
Nurunuru Pharmaceutical’s leading product, the Piagra, helps men bring up and maintain their sex drive. To further develop their research, the president of the company has hired a succubus. Known for their sexual drive and ability to manipulate male sexuality, the employees imagine a very foxy woman. But when they see that the succubus is Yamashita Madoka, a young innocent looking girl who is just as pure as she looks, they don’t know what to expect. Will Madoka be able to contribute anything to the company even if she is a virgin?
It was supposed to be his most lucky day ever right? So how did he end up dying? And if he's dead why did he wake up in a lab with a strange girl who says she wants to examine him? Not only has his hair turned white and his eyes red, but he can't seem to be wounded by anything. So much for a lucky day huh?
Collection of oneshots that largely revolve around the Hadano brothers. 1) Sudden Love 2) Us From Now On - Younger brother Hadano Takeru from chapter one is dating fellow student Isehara. But Isehara has a secret that involves Takeru's older brother Hikaru. 3) Sudden Appearance - Kousaka sensei and Hikaru get freaky on the beach. 4) Infinite Sensation Supplement - Masamichi is the personal doctor of the Setoyama family and must obey Tadasuki the young head of the family. But when Tadasuki wants his young cousin Asuma to be 'prepared for love', Masamichi finds the task may be more than he can handle. 4a) People of the Hadano Household (2 page extra) - Youngest Hadano brother, Kaoru, attempts to introduce readers to the mysterious eldest Hadano brother, Satoru. 5) One Day, An Angel Flutters Down - Gifted at almost everything, Komadori still hasn't recovered from his failure of capturing a girl's heart due to his inability to express feelings. Ren, a gorgeous actor, helps him to learn the language of love. - Attractive Fascinante
The Fall Of The Dream Machine summary: The Fall Of The Dream Machine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fall Of The Dream Machine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Unimaginable System summary: When a kid dies and discovers that reborn with the unimaginable system incredible things happen.Meet beauties, conquer empires, destroy protagonists and have a drink.Follow the journey of the protagonist that will be unimaginable.------I do not know how to write a synopsis, so if you want you can help me write one just send me a message in the discord.1# English is not my primary...
100m Yuan Wife: Buy One Get One summary:
Seven years ago, she freely and easily abandoned ¥100 and ran away, carrying her unborn son with her. Seven years later, she returned with the lady killer’s genius son, never expecting that her darling son would sell her out to MBS International. Unexpectedly, her immediate superior was the Mr. ¥100 from seven years ago!
“……Terrible girl, seven years ago, you dared to humiliate me so much! This time, I’ll definitely let you pay the price! For ¥1,000,000,000,000, I’ll buy you for the rest of your life!”
Isn’t that too much for a buy one get one free bargain? The most two-faced couple, along with their two-faced son, staking their lives on the outcome…
Knight Fantastic Night summary:
The timid high school girl, Lin Ling, is transported to the world of King Arthur and his Round Table of Knights! To think that to exit this game world, the answer is E.G.G. An egg! Alternating between fantasy and reality, magnificent castles, a brave young king, a knight of the lake, Roman pope’s illegitimate son, the Dark Duke and his detachment of black knights, mysterious magics… All of these form a world that is completely unfamiliar to her!
The adventures of a normal high school girl attempting to beat this medieval-themed game, King Arthur, now starts! Enter the game world through a CD?! Is this a joke or a fantasy?
The collection of Knight Fantastic Night light novels include the first three books, and a mysterious CD!