


























简介神裔之人 血液 签订契约?!爱慕的学长和嗜血的“主人”??我们是在这一刻相遇,还是早已相恋...新漫画!希望大家喜欢!周四更新~~




简介初次见面就不小心求婚? 搞笑而荒唐的恋爱过程现在开始!


内容简介:陆明芳本来是陆家在城里当工人的陆宏远的女儿。出生后因为奶奶偏疼小姑的私生女,被换到了农村。而小姑的女儿则代替到城里过好日子。直到表妹的富商生父回来认亲,陆奶奶才被迫说出真相,却将一切都 推给陆明芳的母亲。因此陆明芳和母亲被扫地出门。没多久,陆明芳身患重病,灵魂穿越到修仙界,一梦五百年,再次回来,重新回到身世还没揭穿的90年代。再次回来,她才发现,自己只是为了成全天命之女表妹的垫脚石。为了改变自己的命运,她决定逆天改命。等等,怎么还有一个差点干掉主角的炮灰?而且最后也成了主角最大的垫脚石。陆明芳:你离我远点,乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《炮灰女配修仙回90年代》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67066 >>


内容简介:  苏宁开了个可以连通小说电影位面的淘宝店!可以在其他位面倒卖货物,更可以为其他位面的人解决烦恼!  于是乎,苏宁牛逼了!  接受托尼·斯塔克的求助帮他找回老相好美国队长。   在仙剑 位面收集五灵珠。  帮白素贞抢回老公!  苏宁淘宝店,一个可以接受来自于任何位面的订单,帮助任何位面的人解除烦恼的淘宝店!  在这里,不仅有你需要的东西,更有店主苏宁最贴心的呵护! 您的五星评价,是我最大的追求!   by苏宁:我是要超越苏宁易购的男人!!!   本书Q群:593259989,有兴趣的可以来水水哦。  正版全订群548400907,要求全订进群截图粉丝值1w0-4059 >>


内容简介:学霸狼与校霸羊无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《学霸狼与校霸羊》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供学霸狼与校霸羊最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0-75 075 >>


内容简介:作者群:184301733古墓少年终于踏足都市,迎接他的,是一个绚丽缤纷的花花世界。一次次的扮猪吃虎,惊掉你们的下巴;一次次的以弱胜强,灭了你们的气焰;一次次的危难出手,俘获一众芳心; 一次次的巅峰鏖战,点燃一腔热血。无限柔情,无限热血,尽在——《全能高手》编辑凉心辞推荐作品。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《全能高手》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63341 >>


内容简介:25年前,得了绝症的顾沅被发现自己拥有一种超能量特殊基因,为了使得这种基因流传下来,她捐了五个卵子,之后绝症手术失败。时隔25年后的今天,她醒来,她的五个卵子已经成为了赫赫有名的五位大 佬……嗯……刚才是谁笑她老古董落后于时代一无所有穷困潦倒来着?全球知名财阀太子爷陪着顾沅共进晚餐,媒体耸动,太子爷要谈恋爱了?太子爷:那是我妈掌控全球舆论的媒体大亨在拍卖会上为顾沅一掷千金,全场耸动,无名女孩嫁入侯门??媒体大亨:那是我妈。千万粉丝举世瞩目的影帝打破八年的习惯竟然破天荒为顾沅谱曲献歌,全网哗然,微博瘫痪,影帝世纪之恋??影帝:那是我妈。十七岁智商绝伦天才美少年把自己发现的小行星以顾沅命名,世界惊倒,姐弟恋??天才少年:那是我妈。……所有嘲笑过欺负过顾沅的男配女配一干人等哭了:她到底有多少好儿子?!最后,当俊美无俦超级钻石王老五世界首富陪着顾沅逛超市的时候,群众立马高呼:她一定是他妈,他妈!他妈!!高冷禁欲系世界首富:她是我儿子的妈。1w0-4277 >>


内容简介:咸鱼小丧尸无限是芷衣创作的经典的小说作品咸鱼小丧尸无限小兵提供咸鱼小丧尸无限最新章节全文免费阅读,咸鱼小丧尸无限下载,咸鱼小丧尸无限全文字更新,咸鱼小丧尸无限无弹窗!请关注咸鱼小丧尸无 限吧,本站最新最快更新咸鱼小丧尸无限的最新章节。1w0-76582 >>


内容简介:现代高智商冷血女杀手,重生到古代七岁小团子的身上,爹爹不疼嫡母恶毒,亲娘还是个包子,只能无奈拎起刀。不过这个权势通天的侯爷为什么非要当她爹?什么,亲娘是国公府女儿?路上捡了一个病包子还 是九皇子?沈清秋默默放下了刀,这人生直接躺赢了。各位书友要是觉得《侯府团宠囡囡七岁半》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w59861-81785 >>


内容简介:意外炼成的一颗三无仙丹破天荒的诞生了灵智,玉鼎真人看着来回蹦跳的仙丹陷入了沉思,莫非他真有炼丹的潜质?一晃数年过去,眼见洞中仙丹愈发懂事,玉鼎真人福至心灵,将其点化,收为道童,令其接客 待物,左右洞中杂事。奈何,仙丹本非此间客,一心为饵,欲要垂钓诸公,发家致富。封神大劫,陈沐:“我只是一颗涉世未深的仙丹,什么都不懂,道友不会为难我吧?”情景1:“不会,你走吧。”陈沐:“嗯嗯,小道这就打道回府。”情景2:“不行,到嘴的仙丹怎能放走!拿来吧你!”陈沐:“嗯?道友!你摊上大事了!”ps:时间线,洪荒末期拯1w0-75992 >>




内容简介:宦官的忠犬宣言宦官的忠犬宣言小说阅读悬疑推理类型小说宦官的忠犬宣言由作家扶华创作晋江金牌推荐VIP20140924正文完结,总书评数:3058当前被收藏数:6168一个刚刚进宫当上皇后 就守活寡的年轻太后,执掌朝政十几年后,被羽翼丰满的小皇帝下令赐死。那时,只有她的太监总管为了她的一线生机慷慨赴死。也是在那时,太后娘娘第一次知晓了这个连男人都不能算的人至死不敢说出的卑微情意。重生一次,太后娘娘决定对他好一些,结果这么一心软两个人就好上了helliph小兵提供宦官的忠犬宣言最新章节宦官的忠犬宣言最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-71191 >>


内容简介:“女人,你敢夺走我的第一滴血?!!”一时贪吃,她擦擦嘴就跑,不料兽性总裁上门求负责。五年前,她被渣男贱女欺负陷害,差点坐牢,惨到不行。五年后,她带着一对天才双胞胎儿子高调回国,一路抱稳 金大腿,欢乐撕渣渣。外界传闻,权总对她这个半路赖上来的妻子厌恶至极。但真相却是……“老婆,求亲亲、抱抱、举高高”1w16151-27148 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:港片:我,独断阴阳!】这个港片融合的世界里。表面上看起来,好像是平平无奇的六七十年代港省。可暗地里。有警界枭雄,夺权上位。有江湖大佬,嗜血街头。有武林高手,一 争高下。有术法强者,谋财害命。有厉鬼僵尸,逆乱四方。而我,林风,只是九龙城寨中,一个平平无奇的阴阳先生。平平无奇的,独断阴阳罢了。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢港片:我,独断阴阳!,别忘记分享给朋友港片:我,独断阴阳!TXT下载1w0-97159 >>

Tsuki Ni Ichido No Omeshi Agari

Coarse guy Maki is invited out once a month by childhood friend, elegant businessman Sugimoto Shinji. Maki always feels a little uncomfortable at the fancy places Shinji takes him too, but he goes anyway. He knows that Shinji's had a crush on him for a long time, and though Maki is straight lately he's been getting annoyed whenever Shinji talks about his boyfriends...

Bara No Hitomi Wa Bakudan

1) The Turquoise Morning .A well known photographer named Jed Knox acquires a one-sided love from his time in a foreign country. Because the target of his crush, Sahab, said he would never love another since his wife died, Jed would never tell of his feelings. Oh but how Jed wished Sahab would love him even a little bit and that he could have Sahab's soul in his hands. Although ifrits (genies, etc) are magical wish givers in story, what could happen if they were real? 2) It's Time for Goodbye It is the morning after and the student finally notices that the lover's room is exceptionally sparse. 3) LOVE-ING A guy tells his friend that he's gay and in love with him, but his friend is surprised and leaves. 4) Playboy! He has had it. His lover won't make love to him and refuses to stop seeing other women. 5) The Eyes of the Rose are Bombs The prince-like Hansumi has an effect on everyone around him, except Mitsuda. 6) Aah Boyfriend Suzuki can't stop fantasizing about his friend. 7) Garden of Despair Isuka is still trying to come to terms with his feelings for his friend. 8) The Eyes of the Rose are Blind Continuation of chapter 5. 9) Garden of Desire Continuation of chapter 7. 10) Bad Boy Continuation of chapter 4. 11) Go Go Boyfriend Continuation of chapter 6. 12) Postscript

Doutei Saizensen

Reference made to 'Koutetsu no Daitenshi'. Colonel Rosenberg and Hans story starts in 'Koutetsu no Daitenshi' and then continues in 'Datenshi ni Sasageru Uta' Chapter 1: C'mon Baby, To My Army! ~ Pgs. 8-38 Colonel Rosenberg threw away Millers Ring, This time it*s unforgiveble, Miller runs off but gets caught by the enemies. Colonel Kingstones chance has come to conquer Millers heart. Chapter 2: The Waterside Lovers ~ Pgs. 40- 54 A very hot Day, colonel rosenberg is just melting away under the heat, then hans to go swimmeing in a near by creak... Chapter 3: The Rebel Chapter 4: My Beloved Exile Chapter 5: First Line of Virginity ~ Pgs. 2-33 Chapter 6: The Beast Who Whispers Love A pretty elite officer gets kidnapped by an ultra manly mercenary, and he would do anything ( including H stuff) to get back to headquarters! Chapter 7: Captin Bennett's Diary ~ Pgs. 35-39

Akatoki No Yami

From Baka-Updates: It is the Heian era (794-1185); Kamo Yorimichi is a young onmyouji, the son of a famous onmyouji leader of the imperial court. As a boy, he had been hailed for his incredible talent - but a certain incident during childhood stripped him of all his memories and the ability to 'see'. Koretaka Shinnou, once the crown prince renowned for his brilliant mind and steadfast personality, is now in exile - supposedly as punishment for murder. Upon their first meeting, Yorimichi's powers are instantly re-awakened. Intrigued by what he believes to be Koretaka's amazing abilities, Yorimichi decides to swear allegiance to the prince.

The Counterfeit Madam Hou

The Counterfeit Madam Hou summary: On the eve before her wedding night, the 3rd Miss of the Liu Family died suddenly. The all famous Chang-An swindler, Du Juan, made the prompt decision to take her place and married into Yong Ning Marquise Family. And from then on, there would no more be peaceful days. In a sentence, life is like chess, there’s no taking back a move.

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss summary: Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss is an interesting story that goes deep in the future. The main plot is happening in the 24th century, and a female genius doctor has the main role in the plot of this story. She is truly good at her job, and she has different opportunities, thanks to the technology development of that time in the future. No illness can defeat any of her patients, and she is more like a wizard considering the doctors today who suffer from lack of solutions, medicament, and equipment necessary for the successful medical treatment. However, this doctor is spared of such problems.
She can cure any type of illness, and she can even return anyone from the dead. That’s why she has many patients, but strange things happen to her in the meantime. She even finds herself in the middle of a big explosion that pushes out her into an unfamiliar world. The truly strange things are happening to her at that place, so she seems a little confused by everything.
People and patients know her well, however, they call her by different names than in the real world. But she is equally successful there when it comes to treatments and curing, and that aspect of her life is totally the same. So she is again making different miracles and helping people to come back to a normal and healthy life after deadly episodes they have encountered.
Her popularity is constantly growing because more and more people are coming to her treatments. She becomes a powerful and influential person in the new world and no one dares to oppose her in any way. That’s why she is very secure in herself and her reputations allow her to be. However, she saves a pest by undertaking one of the treatments with her patients, and now she has a problem. That man starts to confront her, and his actions are quite cruel at moments. He has the intention to take over her reputation. Envy and malice are the main motivation for his struggle with her, however, she is not an easy task as he believes at first. So he will have many more problems on his way against her, and the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading about this fight between main characters.
The situation typically leads to different twist and turns filled with interesting moments. Magic and romance are also part of the happenings despite the fact the general genre is action-fantasy. That makes Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss suitable for readers with different tastes because it is something in between several different genres. It means there is something for almost anyone.
This interesting novel has over 2450 chapters, and it receives frequent updates. So the readers should expect even a higher number of chapters. There is plenty of exciting content within the book, so you will have an opportunity to read it in the long run. The public is very satisfied with this book considering positive reviews and high rating the book has maintained, so that’s a good recommendation.

The Seventh Order

The Seventh Order summary: The Seventh Order summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Seventh Order. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Wright's Chaste Wife

The Wright's Chaste Wife summary: The Wright's Chaste Wife summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wright's Chaste Wife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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