内容简介:凌初夏和宋誉从七岁开始一起长大,是标准的青梅竹马。凌初夏讨厌宋誉,很讨厌。但是她不知道自己对着自慰的男性色情博主,就是这个她讨厌了十年之久的男人。凌初夏1000665039宋誉男狐狸精 和别扭女孩,大概就是腹黑男主怎么一步步诱捕女主的故事。大家可以动手投投猪猪!排雷:是双处,但情节中男主有使用臀部倒膜和飞机杯,女主有1w0-118979 >>
内容简介:每个人都是一本书,每一段经历都是一个剧情。人死后会成为一本书,书里的内容就是死者的生平,有人成了名著,有人成了禁书。整个世界就是一座图书馆,剧情和现实在互相影响着。而我,就是图书的谱写 者。(友情提示:本书轻微烧脑。)书友群:719845746作者qq:853304679本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我从恐怖世界来》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71400 >>
内容简介:林虞,一个平平无奇的大学生,在游戏中被开红狗杀掉后,竟穿越进了同背景的仙侠大陆。早知道买个厉害的号了,这下怎么混?自己只是一个柔弱的刺客啊!谁成想,这个大陆中的人物关系是以她为中心构建 的。哟!那可不虚了,她是海王啊!我菜没关系,我的鱼儿厉害就行。可是hellip…看着打起来的众人,林虞只能喊出那句经典的话“你们不要再打了啦!”“就不能把对我的争抢,化作对我的关爱吗?”【展开】【收起】1w0-105327 >>
内容简介:一朝穿越,席勒成了蝙蝠侠的老师,哥谭大学心理学教授。刚来第一天,布鲁斯·韦恩就进了心理诊室。席勒只得打开美漫聊天系统,发了第一条帖子蝙蝠侠问我人生的意义,该怎么回答?在线等挺急的。灭霸 建议直接打死。X教授别听楼上的,我借你读心术一用……席勒·安戴尔·罗德里格斯,世界级犯罪心理学大师,哥谭大学最知名的心理学教授,他的学生既有超级英雄,也有超级罪犯,但他却不属于其中任何一个,蝙蝠侠喜欢称他为“教授”,小丑把他念作“最冷静的疯子”,稻草人叫他“阿卡姆漏网之鱼”,尼克·弗瑞认为他是“脱罪家”。做蝙蝠侠的老师、小蜘蛛的教父、钢铁侠的心理医生,席勒的美漫之旅,从开局指导蝙蝠侠开始。综美漫(包含电影宇宙),DC漫威及其他漫画,不虐主,配角不降智。(别在意书名,不是无敌脑残文。)1w0-79955 >>
内容简介:陈玉滢是市法院民事法庭的主审官,今年才刚满三十二,不仅是单位重点培养的物件,还是全市最年轻的主审官,她出生干部家庭,人又长得漂亮,丈夫又是司法局的科长,前途光明,陈玉滢可谓样样顺心,可 最近她却被一件事搞的心情很不好。一个叫赵洪的香港商人在市郊投资建了一个塑胶厂,本来是件推动市里经济建设的好事,可没多久周边的农民上告说工厂非法排放有毒废水,不仅导致鱼塘里的鱼虾大量死亡,甚至还有很多村民中毒,专家鉴定,河水中毒素含量严重超标,如果证实是该塑胶厂所排放,那这个厂肯定是要被依法查封。可坏就坏在这个赵洪老奸巨猾,怎么也不承认,几次突击检查,却总是毫无收获。。1w0-80436 >>
内容简介:三从四德?呸!凭什么是娘们。三妻四妾?呸!凭什么是爷们。在唐妩娜眼里,女人都是水做的,男人都是屎做的。一场世纪婚礼,一个天大笑话。她从皇城第一千金沦落成弃妇。有人说,她疯了。从名流千金 变成女流氓。玩美男,戏军官,红颜祸乱天下。一场醉酒,一夜缠绵,一本赤裸裸的红本本,反转局势。女流氓跃升为皇城人人艳羡的艾夫人。在皇城,“艾北”代表着权利,财势,地位与至高无上的荣誉。他是军区司令的得意幺孙,是国防部部长的宝贝儿子。其母,更是世界富豪榜排行前五的黄金女强人。他是艾北,除去牛XX的身份背景,靠着冷血无情的铁腕,成为史上最年轻的上校。当水碰上屎,当流氓碰上军痞,会击撞出什么样的火花混合物?【貌似一夜情,其实夜夜情】夜色缠绵,月光洒在床上疯狂运动的两具裸体上。确切的说,躺在下身的是一具精疲力尽的尸体。“艾北,丫的就是一只披着羊皮的狼。”完事后,唐妩娜看着身上毫无完好的肌肤,气急败坏。“精力不错,中气十足。”男人半躺着,抽着事后烟,上下打量着身旁叫嚣的女人“看来,爷我昨晚是过于怜香惜玉了。”语毕,倾身而下。昏睡了三天三夜的唐妩娜,醒来的第一件事,远离艾北,珍爱身体。【貌似溺宠,实则霸爱】“北北”唐妩娜掐着嗓子,娇声道。“嗯?”男人批着公文,头都没抬。“北北”“嗯?”男人继续手中的工作,还是没抬头。“北北。。。。。。”故意拖长了尾音,让人有种不死不休的错觉。“闯祸了?”终于,艾北抬眸,面无表情。某女咬着下唇,掐着自己的大腿,憋出几滴眼泪“没有。。。。。。我只是不小心踹了夜店老板的命根子。”“嗯,我让下面的人,把夜店封了。”艾北冷声道。【貌似小三来袭】“姐姐,我不介意你跟北的婚姻,也不介意做小的,只希望,你能留住我肚子里的孩子,我是真心爱北的。”小三姐姐泫然欲泣,楚楚可怜。“北?姑娘,你谁啊?半路认亲戚这老掉牙的戏码,也得玩对对象。”唐妩娜品尝着咖啡,凉凉说道“我老公呢,见不得我吃苦,在我生完那闹人的小祖宗后,自己跑去结扎了。”“请问,你这肚子,是哪个年代穿越来的?”。。。。。。【据说是前夫】“小妩,首长夫人有什么好的,不如,当我的毒枭夫人,要风得风,要雨得雨,这样不好吗?”唐妩娜拍掉摩挲在她脸颊,轻笑道“毒枭,姑娘我怕还没吞下去,就先噎死了。不好意思,无福消受。”总而言之,言而总之。这是一个伪君子与伪淑女,扯淡无下限,激情无下限,猥琐无下限勾引与反勾引的浪荡爱情故事。赤裸裸的JQ,火辣辣的宠文。1w0-74266 >>
内容简介:《我的老公很闷骚》作者:指尖上的仓鼠,主角:姜末苏秦靳小糖小说简介小说简介:一场猝不及防的意外姜末的不辞而别让苏小小性情大变。六年后意外重逢姜末的呵护备至让苏小小仿佛梦游太虚幻境是愧疚 还是弥补?是爱还是恨?青梅竹马的感情究竟何去何从……笔趣阁首发我的老公很闷骚最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-99477 >>
Tsutomu Nihei returns with another addictive manga (see BLAME!), set in the not-so-distant future (3005 A.D.). It follows a character by the name of Kanoe Zouichi and the mysterious Kanoe Fuyu whose luminous form is integrated into the system of his bike. They are agents sent by a powerful organization to retrieve the human with the ability to resist and transmute the NS5 infection that is spreading across the world, named Yion/Ion Green. However, their mission is delayed by the reckless actions of the Public Health Department's taskforce and the kidnapping of Yion/Ion Green. Will they complete their mission? Where has Yion/Ion Green been taken? These questions will only be answered as more volumes are released. The art in BioMega is similar to BLAME!, with its complicated concrete sprawl and ludicrously wide, empty spaces. However, things seem to happen at a more reasonable pace. In this manga, there is emphasis on the swiftness of the attacks made by Zouichi, such as the gun being sheathed just before the enemies fall to the ground. Speed is crucial in this manga, unlike in BLAME!, and the plot develops just as quickly. An interesting read, especially if one has enjoyed BLAME!
Hirose is mad. Once again his boyfriend Matsui has cheated on him, with the sorry excuse of: 'Sometimes I wanna see a girl's boobs more than a guy's d*ck.' Crying at a nearby shrine Hirose curses Matsui... And the next day, outside Matsui's apartment, he finds a black cat with a scar just like Matsui! And Matsui seems to have DISAPPEARED... -Bakaupdates
Takeru’s mother is about to remarry. That is a great opportunity for Takeru to live with a real family and, most of all, to have a big brother, Shin. Things do not actually turn out the way he expected, though. One day, while waiting for his girlfriend, Takeru hears a couple of people discussing about money for sexual favours. Curious, he turns around to check out the chick, but it turns that both parties are male. However, what shocks Takeru more is when he realizes that the one prostituting himself is Shin, his new stepbrother… First volume extra : Shounen S. There's also a book of various doujinshi called Renai Junkie. The fifth story is a spinoff of Aitsu to Ore called Newly-Wed
Paris, XIXth Century. A little girl disappears under strange circumstances while playing with her doll at her home's garden. The police start searching for her, with no success; they just find her doll, stained with blood. Some time later, Fabrice, a young Parisian from a good family, decides to give his fiancee, Sophie, a doll he's found on an antique shop. Though reluctantly at first, she ends up accepting his gift. Later , that night, the young lady is woken up by some strange noises she can't find out where they come from. She convinces herself they're just her imagination, so she goes back to bed. But she's not alone in her room anymore... Everything points to her disappearing like that little girl. The police, once again, can't find a single clue on Sophie's whereabouts, so Fabrice, desperated, is determined to search for her by himself. His search will not only reveal that under Sophie's disappearance there are powerful supernatural forces lurking, but will imperil his life as well. But Fabrice will not be alone: on his search, he will have the help of such peculiar characters as Adriel, hidden under the appearance of a nice bookseller; Ruby, his enigmatic assistant; and The Master of Ceremonies, a mysterious and disconcerting being, who can only be found on the famous Parisian cemetery of Pere-Lachaise... (Published by www.MangaMagazine.net)
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus summary: The Golden Sayings of Epictetus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Golden Sayings of Epictetus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories summary: Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Formerly Shark Girl summary: Formerly Shark Girl summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Formerly Shark Girl. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Straw summary: The Straw summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Straw. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.