内容简介: PS:开了新书,《我真是非洲酋长》,请大家移步去看看。**** 爱蓝天,爱绿树,更爱波澜浩瀚的大海。 浅海鱼,深海鱼,龙虾还有大海蟹,吃货的世界怎么能少了海鲜? 快艇,游艇, 海钓艇,还有巡航艇,其实豪华游轮才是王道。 家里养着棕熊、白熊和浣熊,渔场还有海豚、白鲸和海獭,神马海狸、黑足雪貂、格陵兰小海豹,我的渔场应有尽有! 没事闲坐钓鱼台,呼朋唤友赌珍珠。 开上游艇逛七海,沉船宝藏我来捞。 大家好,我是秦时鸥,我用笔记录我在加拿大渔场的悠闲生活。 1w0-458 >>
内容简介:穿越成为在敌国当质子的皇子,受尽屈辱,被戴绿帽,还强迫喜当爹?不好意思,老子有召唤战神系统!华夏一切人物,都是传说史诗级的战神,都可召唤!专打一切不服!杀神白起,刀下血翻涛!霸王项羽, 尸山如天高!武神赵子龙,单枪匹马直杀八千里!牛魔王,横冲直闯无敌!孙悟空,一棒轰碎星河!还有环肥燕瘦,赵1w0-34509 >>
内容简介:“师兄,你昨个同师傅下山除妖可有给我带那家铺子做的糖饼子?”“师兄……我求你。”南洛城已经分不清楚自己身上沾染的血,究竟是他的,还是旁人的,他只是觉得心口疼的不行“温夜歌!你要真的要取 我性命,能不下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读能换一个人?只当我最后一次求你,别用你自己的手杀我,换一个人就好。”他从来都知道我最怕疼,一点疼都受不了,但到最后他似乎忘了,不然也不会用他那把剑刺向我。我怕疼,但我从未怕过死,我只是不愿死在下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读你手下,不愿我爱的和亲手取走我性命的人会是一个人。心脏疼到了一定的程度,肉体好像就感觉不到了疼痛。原来他从未信过我,从未有一天……他这数载岁月之中,受尽蛊毒侵蚀折磨,但他最大的痛苦还是拜那下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读位自己曾一心护着的师兄所赐,他恨透了他,更恨透了谷风派以及修仙世家的众人。自此以后若让他死,必然是以所有门派为其陪葬,谁也拦不住他……?下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-29071 >>
内容简介:传闻说华城霸主雷霆喜好男色,公司因此遭遇到了前所未有的危机。但三天后雷霆却在这样重要的时候极尽风光的迎娶了一个名不见经传的女人。雷霆用十里红妆迎娶了这个女人,可是第二天的头版日报的照片 竟然是他与其他女人的不雅床照。苑锦在收到了许多莫名其妙的关心之后才知道,原来自己新婚的那天夜里,就被罩上了一片青青草原……1w0-72632 >>
内容简介:“夏羽,我女儿真是瞎了眼,才会嫁给你这个废物!”岳母气愤道。“老公,你就一实习医生,不要再吹牛说自己是神医了!”妻子没好气道。“夏神医,您给予了我第二次生命,这栋别墅和上市公司百分之十 的股权,是我一点小小的心意,请您务必收下!”某顶级富豪感激零涕。“来自东方的夏神医,是王室最尊贵的客人!”某国王荣幸地说道。“前世,我没有实力守护心爱之人,今生,我必不负前尘不负卿!”——夏羽。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《华夏顶级医婿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w60847-81731 >>
内容简介:精神分裂攻:[只有死亡才能摆脱我。]余白看着系统商店里的绝症buff:[哦?]—————————余白一直以为自己只是普通的兔子,直到他被系统强行绑定。“你不是兔子你是神兽!”“治好我家 主神的精神分裂,这一个亿就是你的了!”于是——第一个世界:暗堕的神明降临,信徒们的血液染红脚下的神坛,祂轻轻抚摸神子的脸,露出一个病态的笑容。“这双眼睛,不需要看我以外的生命。”余白被祂散发的恶意吓到浑身僵硬,心中还不服输的想:好家伙,威胁我?OK,[失血症]安排上了。第二个世界:人鱼猩红的眸子倒映贵族少年的脸,他蛊惑道。“放我出去。”“你会喜欢我的。”余白看他充满攻击力的银蓝色尾巴,隔着防护窗装甜卖乖。“亲不好意思,我有心脏病,不能受刺激,你要在房间里乖乖的哦么哒!”第三个世界:雄虫小心翼翼的将蛋中孵化的人类抱出,开始三百六十度无死角养崽日常。后来——爽了一发的余白得知,跟雄虫上床要生小虫子??少年微笑表示:“不是寻死,主要是这个沉睡症我挺喜欢:D”【精神分裂疯批攻皮断腿受】主神不明白,自己的对象为什么总会死讨对象欢心真的好难————预收:《O装A后我壁咚了帝国战神》文案:闻粥十六岁就分化成了omega,但他拿到的剧本竟然是——炮!灰!攻!还得伪装alpha!系统:[您的随机任务如下:1壁咚主角受谢川;2对谢川说出经典台词“坐上来,自己动”;3我全部都要。请宿主尽快选择其中一项完成。]闻粥犹豫不决:“就、就1吧。”反正两个O也没有谁占谁便宜一说,等任务结束后,他好好解释应该能获得原谅吧?一刻钟后……闻粥看着大步而来的六年级级长——他刚从审讯室出来,穿着一身黑色战斗装,宽肩窄腰,肌肉虬结,微长的黑发在脑后扎成一个小啾啾,正一边走一边用手帕擦拭指尖的鲜血。闻粥:???妈呀!这个两米的大块头真的是O吗?!谁能驾驭这么狂野的O??文案二:“听说后勤部一年级新生里有个刚成年的弱鸡alpha,那小子用他那又白又细的胳膊壁咚了谢神!”“他手断了?”“不!是谢神他、他脸红了!”[武力值天花板,大块头忠犬饥渴攻][被系统带到沟里,一直以为谢川是omega的天然撩受]ps谢川是alphapps:真·最萌身高差!大概是谢川能单手抱起闻粥,让他坐在手臂上那种(【求收藏!拜托啦这对我真的很重要!】【指路微博:洛洛沛】1w0-36465 >>
内容简介:天医出山闯都市,妙手回春,脚踢庸医烂仔,拳打超强富二代,斩获无数美女青睐。美女总裁,知性女老师,奔放护士姐姐,性感御姐……慢慢来,我都能治……我要当这世间最逍遥快活的人。醒握天下权,醉 卧美人膝!1w0-78551 >>
内容简介:一个平凡的人,讲述一个不平凡的故事。主角邪风自从他被东方魔神算计开始就注定着他不凡的一生他玩转江湖之中,颠覆所谓的传统。东方的武学西方的魔法,东瀛忍术,三术对决,玄幻?网游?魔法?你认 为是什么就是什么他美人众多却无心在柳人们都说他玩世不恭浪子一个而红颜知己们却说他心有所属乃痴情之人魔界的公主人界的冰霜美人都曾是他的女人一个痴情人吃痴情苦有钱的请砸花没钱的请多多投票1w0-106560 >>
内容简介:真正的标题为:原神之关于我的姐姐是西风骑士团代理团长而我则是愚人众第十二执行官这码子事。用千子村正的宝具作为标题自然是有深意的,能力有类似的地方,但和千子村正以及fate没有任何关系。 哦,另外,主角当然是收养的。1w0-78472 >>
Katsuragi lost his parents in an accident and is now all alone. He missed the first months of school and now he arrives to be put through a lot of weird occurences. The school he is attending is said to be the center of the universe and he must fight to become the king. His opponent however was a crybaby he used to protect. Does he have what it takes to fight against his childhood friend, deal with girl problems and prove his nickname, the unsinkable? '...if you actually decide to go for it... and do become president of the student council..' '...i'll let you have your way with me' 'This school... is at the center of the entire universe' 'I belong to you... Musashi.' Those were the words of Vice President of the Student Council, Kagura Mami that were said to Katsuragi Musashi on the first day they met. What's the secret of that school? What's the mystery behind it all? And what's the past that haunts Kagura and Katsuragi?
From Onadoru Euphoria: Shinesman is a comedy series that parodies shows like Power Rangers or Ronin Warriors. There were only ever two episodes released, with notably hilarious dubbing for a show. The manga series has 9 volumes and is drawn by Kaimu Tachibana, who often draws BL, so you can expect there to be innuendo or jokes about the male characters being too close. The main story in Shinesman is that Matsumoto has joined the Right Trading Company, and somehow was picked to become the newest member of a group of superheroes called 'Shinesman' (which would sound like 'Businessmen' in English). They fight evil aliens who are trying to take over the business world. It's light-hearted and undeniably cute. From Mangascreener: Ever seen a little show called Power Rangers? Or any of its relatives stateside or around the world? Well this is a mix between a parody, a satire and a tribute to all the greatness of Super Sentai all rolled into one... with a twist. This task force of heros have jobs, a boss and a 401k. Set during the bubble economy of the 1990s, this campy but loveable manga brings office comedy to a classic genre of super hero shows. If you have a chance, the anime is released in the United States (all 2 episodes) so go check it out, and get ready for the manga!
One of the first Super Robot manga and the one that introduced most of the traits of the Mecha genre. Constructed with the Super-Alloy Z, Mazinger was built by Professor Juzo Kabuto as a weapon against the Mechanical Beasts of the evil Dr. Hell. Koji Kabuto, the grandson of Professor Kabuto, becomes the pilot of Mazinger Z when his grandfather is killed, and battles from there on against Dr. Hell and his allies. This is the first series that introduced the concept of a pilot inside a Mecha, which all series from then on have followed. Great Mazinger (Sequel) Mazinger Angel (Alternate Story) Shin Mazinger Zero (Alternate Story) UFO Robo Grendizer (Sequel) Z Mazinger (Alternate Story)
A love triangle, a friendship triangle, an enemy triangle. Three friends placed together by fate to live out their lives.
The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort summary:
Crying blood and tears, she pledged a poisonous vow. The G.o.ds did not fail her. She was sent back to a decade ago. The legitimate daughter of Jiang family returned from h.e.l.l.
Forget it, whatever! Since they already claimed that she was a temptress that wrecked the country, she shall overturn the world into complete chaos starting with her beguiling sister, her malicious stepmother, her cruel lover and her heartless family. Let her end the lives that Yama refused to end.
She was a p.a.w.n in her past life. In this life, however, the world was her chess board. With an alluring smile and a charming figure that enchanted the entire nation, the red-clothed woman wrecked chaos among the lands. She was a vengeful spirit from h.e.l.l, determined to make those who wronged her pay in blood.
“I want those who owe me a life debt to hold their hearts out in front of me. I want those who looked down on me to only be able to admire me. I want Lord Zhong Zi to shiver when he sees me. I want to step on this splendid river and mountains!”
— — —
“You are a temptress and I am a thief.” His robe was as dark as the night and his gaze was as cold as the Northern Star. “A perfect match.”
Her red dress was akin to fire, but her heart was the coldest ice in the winter.
He was stoic in his black robe, yet he was willing to warm her frozen heart.
In this life, the elegant man seemed like a snowy bamboo grove with tall, chilly mountains, walking step by step towards her like an unstoppable force.
“Ruan Ruan, if you hate the world, then I shall conquer the lands with you.”
“What if I love the world?” She asked.
“I am the world, so you can only love me,” he answered.
The Motor Girls on Waters Blue summary: The Motor Girls on Waters Blue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Motor Girls on Waters Blue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Something Borrowed, Something Bleu summary: Something Borrowed, Something Bleu summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Something Borrowed, Something Bleu. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Spy Who Loved Me summary: The Spy Who Loved Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Spy Who Loved Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.