内容简介:墨白满级之后进入狐妖小红娘的世界,成为年幼时雅雅的守护灵,他表示很无奈。“放心去洗吧,我对小屁孩才没兴趣。”看着眼前像防狼一般防着自己的雅雅,墨白很平静的说道。雅雅:“就算我现在还是孩 子,可我还是会长大的啊!”墨白:“”本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人穿越《我是涂山雅雅的守护灵》小说推荐:终于嫁给岑先生、凤回巢、我家王妃会占卜、防弹BTSREsuming、朕的爪子一定要在上面gl快穿、嫡女重生:皇后很嚣张、1980开始做大亨、我,洪荒人道,开局阻止老子立教!、重生七五成长计划、主攻文一对一、跟大佬离婚后穿书、战锤巫师、神官的晋升之路gl、逆天双宝:神医娘亲美又飒、前方高能、绞刑师、金榜题名(科举)、我为你翻山越岭、我可以包养你吗?、晚辞、独有情钟【ABO】、妈咪又又又又跑啦、大隋之大暴君杨广、厉少余生请多关照、重生七零带萌娃、刺青、自从仙尊盯上我后、娱乐超级奶爸、次元幻想群、金主上位记1w0-99777 >>
内容简介:现代超级学霸风云菱,医毒双绝。一朝穿越,感受很强烈。一针就让渣男王爷软弱无力,耳刮子唰唰响,告御状,阴谋阳谋齐下,光明正大休夫!休夫后,大小姐风华万千,亮瞎众人狗眼!温润皇子表好感,渣 男警告:“风云菱是我的女人!”谪仙美男表爱慕,渣男:“她,我睡过了!”某女:“再说让你做不成男人。”某男:“那,做不成男人你还要吗?”1w88351-92316 >>
内容简介:抽身而退简介:岑暖给影帝季沣当了三年助理兼地下恋人,为了掩人耳目,她剪了短短的头发,整日以男生的样子装扮,换来的却是他在综艺中对女星乔嫣的当众表白。…醒悟自己这几年的深情都喂了狗,她很 快辞职,从他身边消失。几年后再见面,她一袭长裙风姿绰约,身边还牵着个可爱的小姑娘。…季沣红着眼睛上前,嘴唇都在抖:“暖暖,这是我们的女儿对不对?当年你因为怀孕才离开我…”…下一秒,却见一个黑衣的年轻男子大步走来,弯腰把叫着’爸爸‘的小丫头抱起来,一大一小两张精致的面孔上,都长着相似的桃花眼1w0-76339 >>
内容简介: 修炼,比赛,做任务,同学打个架,斗个嘴……有时候,徐灵山真想日子就这么平淡地过去。但命运告诉他不可以。徐灵山仰天怒吼:我的命运我做主!命运大脚丫子往他脸上踩,问:你想做哪门子主?每 一个时代,都有属于这个时代的传奇。但是,好像每一个成为传奇的人,从一开始都没有想要成为传奇。徐灵山也没有想过。1w0-3217 >>
内容简介:【种田+轻松搞笑+穿越】方正一穿越至大景朝成为一名小县令。花费七年时间打造了属于自己的世外桃源,本想做个土皇帝逍遥一生。景和十三年,大景皇帝微服私访,偶然间来到了桃源县……皇帝初入桃源 县满心震惊!各种新奇之物,让人目不暇接!“抽水马桶为何物!嘶,竟然如此方便!”“你们竟然用纸擦……”“这镜子竟然也如天上之物?”不久之后景帝带着太子再临桃源县…且看小县令如何玩1w0-90154 >>
内容简介: 【火爆历史书】大明1619年,萨尔浒之战,杜松兵败后一伙败军逃兵逃离了辽东,逃进关内,一路向西…… 穿越而来的刘恒成为了一名前途未卜的流寇,一不小心干翻了对手,成为一营头目,练新兵 ,当山大王,设关卡,抢士绅……一不小心有了争夺天下的资本,成为女真最害怕的对手……1w0-991 >>
内容简介:系统:你想成为掌控全球的男人吗?陆离:我不想!系统:不,你想!新手任务一:请宿主精通上百种各国语言!新手任务二:音乐,厨艺,电脑,飞机等100种技能达到大师级!新手任务三:掌握一座百万 级人口城市所有人的秘密!新手任务四:让一万个80分美女爱上你!新手任务五:分手一万次!……陆离:系统,你还是让我去死吧!系统:请宿主尽快完成任务,若任务完成不了,宿主将永远活在七月七日当天,不死不灭!一个风和日丽的早晨,陆离泪流满面的跪在地上:一千年了,老子终于解脱了!都市言情类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《我被迫掌控全球》这本吧。这是一本在一株青竹笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。一株青竹无抄袭纯原创力作之我被迫掌控全球最新章节、我被迫掌控全球无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、我被迫掌控全球TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《我被迫掌控全球》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《我被迫掌控全球》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的都市言情小说排行榜推荐1w0-81816 >>
内容简介:预收文《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》《全星际最后一只大熊猫》若干年后,有人问陆榕在无限流世界是种什么样的体验。陆榕沉思,无奈回:没什么特殊的体验,就是鬼怪见到我吓得四窜逃跑,每个副本的boss 都是我小弟……哦对了,顺便找了个男朋友。跟他同期的新人吐血:无限流世界不像他说的那样!残酷!血腥!残忍!他那么牛掰肯定是因为他把到了系统当男朋友!!系统对他偏爱!对我们都是加大难度!对他是加大甜度!!系统不公!!!主受慢热轻松文非典型无限流————预收文求收藏————《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》十八线小明星白溪现在的人设是无害小白花形象,最怕的就是自己在高中时是校霸的黑历史被人爆出来。后来他上了一档家喻户晓的全民性综艺,意外爆火,然后黑历史被人扒出,全网一片沸腾,纷纷抱着吃瓜的心态继续扒更多的黑历史,却意外的扒出来——白溪高中时的跟班一号现在是某研究室不苟言笑的科研大佬。跟班二号现在是拿了大满贯影帝的超一线高冷男星。跟班三号现在是挥霍奢侈的金融圈大牛。而当年被他校霸过的小可怜现在则是帝都超级豪门世家的继承人,且成了他的跟班四号,日常跟一、二、三号争风吃醋……黑粉们目瞪口呆。白溪:……求别扒了!再1w0-75855 >>
Contains 3 oneshots: 1) Kimi wa 'Suki' no Daimeishi From Midnight Scans: I didn't think you'd still remember me once you'd gained fame. When you're supposed to pick me up, you don't even think to come. That's why, when there's someone who even slightly resembles you... Ten years ago, you left me to become a kabuki actor. But I still remember the promise from that day... You have become famous and are called 'the most beautiful high school student in Japan'. I'm living in a different world from you. That's why you won't even think to meet me once again...? 2) Hetakuso Kata Omoi (Hopeless Unrequited Love) All Yuri wants to do is talk to her crush in her art club, Yano-kun, yet she's able to do anything but. Getting an idea, she asks Yano's best friend, Kimidzuka, for some tips on how to make her ideal for Yano. Though reluctant, Kimi-kun helps out... 3) Eien ni Nemure (Eternal Sleep) Jin's just a lowly pirate with an incredibly handsome face and loves playing with women, but this annoying female brat, who he was going to sell as a slave with the rest of them, somehow feels different from everyone else.
Compilation of short stories: • Otome no Omocha • Atashi no Omocha • Koakuma Guardian Natsume Mikana is a popular idol who was always being chased by many fans because of her looks. one day, while being chased by her fans, a boy riding a motorcycle suddenly grabbed her and brought her to the studio and was told that he is her bodyguard, but what will happen if the guy is her type but they are not able to fall in love with each other? will she give up to her feelings and confess, or will she pretend not love him and find someone else? -riku • Regret
Aoi Spice, starts when young female student Ageha-chan meets popular idol singer Ren in the park where she works. But Ren, overdoing his look-how-evil-I-am mood, manages to handcuff her to him. And then his dog eats the key. Now the two of them have to live together until either they find a way to cut the handcuff's chain, or the dog...em...expulses the key. As hours pass, they become attracted to each other. Alas, everything has an end and they manage to get rid of the handcuffs...was that what they really wanted, after all? Includes sidestories: •Our Secret Momoko thinks that, in this world, there must be feelings that cannot reach the other person. She could be be wrong. •Stealing my Heart Kanako is suddenly dropped into an arranged marriage! •Aishi Aiimashou This sidestory covers the story of Shiawase, who is always thought of first by Omoiichi.
From Awakened Memories & FATE Afraid of being alienated, Asahi doesn’t say what she really thinks. Sou, who is always true to himself, has Asahi’s admiration. She is about to go to a love hotel with her boyfriend that she doesn’t even like, Youhei, and gets saved by Sou… The admiration for Sou starts turning into love. Even if she turns everyone around her into an enemy, she chooses Sou but…!? Compilation of short stories: • Love Knife (Chp 1-3) • Antique Girl (Chp 4) • Tea Time wa Mayonaka ni [Teatime Is At Midnight](Chp 5) 3 chapters of 'Love Knife', one-shot 'Antique Girl', and another one-shot 'Teatime Is At Midnight.'
Cooking with My Sisters summary: Cooking with My Sisters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cooking with My Sisters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Toys of Peace, and other papers summary: The Toys of Peace, and other papers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Toys of Peace, and other papers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Great Steel Strike and its Lessons summary: The Great Steel Strike and its Lessons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Great Steel Strike and its Lessons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Gems Gathered In Haste summary: Gems Gathered In Haste summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gems Gathered In Haste. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.